036 | her question

Natasha opened her school locker. She saw that there were love letters, but it wasn't the same as before. She noticed these changes once the photos between her and Baker were posted in the Secret Files.

She didn't hear another word from Charlotte nor Sophia, but that didn't mean the others stopped from gossiping their theories about her, Baker, and Liam. She couldn't hear what those theories were, but she had a hunch that was the case since the others were giving them a different look.

"As expected of Queen of Hearts," Liam saw the love letters Natasha received.

Natasha had a lopsided smile. "I think that 'also known as' will be gone in the future."

Liam found that hard to believe. "I beg to differ, Natasha. I think it will remain because you earned that title through your looks."

He didn't know if he imagined it or not, but he saw a hint of sadness from her. He was curious, so it was natural to ask if that was the case, but he decided not to.

Natasha held the love letters. "It's a shame that these efforts will go to waste."

She closed her locker and then locked it. She threw the love letters once she saw a trash bin.

She had a faint smile. "I hope that they will find someone who loves them back."

Liam almost forgot to inform Natasha, so he should tell it. "Natasha?"

Natasha wondered what Liam had to tell. "What is it, Liam?"

"I'm assigned to clean the gym for today, so I'll be late than usual, so you can go ahead without me," Liam answered.

"Is that so?" Natasha wouldn't mind waiting for him. "I'm all right, so I'll wait for you."

"But—" Liam didn't even have a chance to finish what he had to tell.

"Please?" Natasha pleaded.

Liam couldn't resist the stubbornness of Natasha, so he had no choice. "Fine. Have it your way."

Natasha chuckled. "I know you wouldn't resist me."

Liam pouted. "I won't let you off the hook next time. Do you hear me?"

Natasha had a lopsided smile. "I'd like to see you try."


"I forgot that Esmeralda isn't here anymore," Ezekiel Fax, one of the members of the basketball club, recalled when he was about to get a cold drink for himself after the first practice.

Liam heard what Ezekiel told, but he wasn't familiar with that name, so he would ask. "Um, who's Esmeralda, Senior Ezekiel?"

"Oh, Liam," Ezekiel didn't realize Liam was with him. "About Esmeralda, she's our former basketball manager. Oh, you better address her as Senior Esmeralda, kid."

Liam noticed that Ezekiel didn't regard Esmeralda as a senior, so it must mean both of them had the same age.

He nodded. "Got it, Senior Ezekiel."

"I didn't know that basketball manager is that important. I thought we could manage ourselves when Esmeralda was gone, but it turns out managing is a difficult one," Ezekiel recalled the events when Esmeralda was around.

"I think so too, Senior Ezekiel. It looks like Captain Emmett's having a hard time managing two positions at this moment," he agreed.

"I'll talk to Coach Damian about it when the practice's over," Ezekiel hoped that it would work out well.


Natasha felt proud that she finished answering her two assignments when she was waiting for Liam to return. She wanted to be productive while she waited.

"Natasha!" Liam hoped that she didn't have to wait for long.

She saw him waving his right hand.

"Did you do well?" Natasha asked.

Liam nodded. "Yeah. I did well."

Natasha stood up from the bench and then patted the head of Liam. "Congratulations, Liam."

"Shall we, Natasha?" Liam asked if Natasha was good to go.

"Ready as I'll ever be," Natasha answered.

While both of them were walking, Natasha was curious about something, so she decided it was better to ask Liam.

"Liam?" she called.

Liam looked at Natasha. "You have something to ask or tell?"

Natasha nodded. "I do."

"Is it ask or tell?" Liam asked.

"Ask," Natasha answered. "Have you decided what you want to be in the future?" she paused her steps, and so did Liam.

Liam had a hunch that Natasha asked that because she hadn't decided on what she wanted to be. "I have, but I'm not sure if I can."

"Isn't that great?" Natasha found Liam had more luck than her. "You have, and all you have to do is to be sure of it."

"You think so?" Liam asked and then he saw Natasha nodded. "But I don't think it's great. I can be uncertain, so in the end, perhaps I won't pursue that path."

"So don't be uncertain!" Natasha reasoned. "Unlike you, I still haven't decided about what I want to do in the future."

Liam hummed, wondering what words could cheer Natasha up. But he came up with nothing. "Sorry that I couldn't tell something that would make sense at least."

Natasha smiled. "It's fine. You don't have to be sorry about that, Liam."

Liam placed his right palm on the head of Natasha. "But I want you to know whatever path you choose for your future, I am sure you will succeed, Natasha."