040 | mister smiles

Natasha was a little bit sad that she couldn't go with Liam to school because this time around she was assigned to clean the classroom, so she needed to be earlier than usual, but that didn't last when she thought of meeting Liam once he arrived at the classroom.

She heard someone slid the door, so she turned around to see who it was. "Good morning!" she greeted as soon as she saw Liam, but she noticed that he looked like he was in a rush, ran out of breath.

Liam gathered his lost breath and then smiled. "Good morning!"

He went to proceed to his desk while Natasha followed behind. "You're not late, but you came at the right time, so what's with the rush?" she asked.

He hooked his backpack on the hook of the desk. "I thought I would be."

"You thought?" she asked.

He nodded. "Yeah. Crazy, isn't it? I thought I would be late, but it turns out the wristwatch that Mom gave malfunctioned," he showed his wristwatch that was on his right wrist.

She chuckled. "So that explains it."

"I look dumb and it's embarrassing to talk about it, so let's move on," he didn't want to recall that, so he thought of changing the topic. "Did you eat something delicious for breakfast?" he asked.

"I did eat!" she answered, recalling the feeling of eating a delicious breakfast. "I ate toast with a spread of Nutella. How about you?"

"It's not exactly delicious since Mom urged me to eat cucumber in the sandwich she made," he answered, recalling the wrath of Katie.

She was surprised to know that. "You dislike cucumber!?"

"Yeah," he confirmed. "Why?"

"It's quite surprising since I think cucumber tasted good or at least it's tolerable to others," she answered.

"It doesn't taste good and it's not tolerable to me," he had a disgusted look.

She smiled. "I've learned something about you today."

"It's not fair that you'll learn something from me!" he pouted. "You better spill something too!"

"Fine," she thought that it wouldn't be fair if he wouldn't discover something from her. "As for me, I can't stand the taste of eating a pizza with pineapples on it."

"Pineapples on pizza?" he pondered about it because he wasn't certain what to feel about it, but he came up with an answer. "Not that I dislike it, but I do think it's tolerable to eat it at least."

"I can never tolerate the taste of it," she recalled how bad it tasted. "I salute you for tolerating that."

"That's a compliment, right?" he asked.

"It is," she answered.

He smiled. "I'm glad I learned something about you."

"It should be fair," she said.

"I want to know more though," he said.

"Go ahead and ask," she didn't know where to start, so she wanted him to ask a question.

He pondered what to ask and then came up with what question to ask. "Do you believe in fate?"

She didn't expect that he would ask such a question. "It never crossed my mind you'll ask that."

He chuckled. "Well, I did."

"I believe in it," she answered.

"You do?" he asked.

She nodded. "Yeah. Do you not believe it?"

"It's not like that. I think it's true, but I can't help to think perhaps it isn't," he answered.

She chuckled. "I think that question is too complicated, isn't it?"

"Then let's dismiss that and talk about something else," he suggested.

She nodded. "I'd rather have that."

"So what should we talk about?" he asked.

She pondered and then thought of a question to ask. "Did you experience something memorable recently?"

"I have one," he answered. "Leon and I thought we've lost Mister Smiles."

"Mister Smiles?" she didn't know who that was, so she asked.

He got that she was confused. "Oh, it's the name of our dog."

"It's the first time I'm hearing about this," she got interested.

"You haven't heard of it because we adopted Mister Smiles recently," he said.

She nodded. "I see, so what happened to Mister Smiles?"

"Mister Smiles got out of our house when Leon forgot to close the door. We're thankful someone found and returned Mister Smiles to us," he answered.

"So that's what happened," she said. "I want to see Mister Smiles!"

"You do?" he asked.

She nodded. "Of course! I love dogs so much!"

He smiled. "I'll take that as you're more of a dog enthusiast."

"I am," she admitted.

"Looks like I've discovered something again from you," he said.

"And I did as well," she said.

He chuckled. "If you want to see Mister Smiles, you should come home with me."

She smiled. "I will, and will do that."

"Leon will be delighted once he sees you," he could imagine the smile of Leon if his little brother saw Natasha.

"It's nice to see Leon again, so I'll go with you for sure, Liam," she confirmed.