041 | her visit (1)

Natasha heard three knocks on the door of her room. She didn't know whether it was Bryan or Diana, but it didn't matter to her who it was.

"Come in," she said.

She saw Diana who smiled at her once Diana entered her room. "Hello, Dear."

She smiled. "Hello, Mum."

"You look wonderful as ever, Dear," Diana loved how Natasha looked.

"For real?" she asked.

Diana nodded. "Of course, Dear. You know that you look lovely whatever you wear."

She giggled. "I think I can face Mother with confidence if you told so, Mum."

Diana patted the head of Natasha. "I'm glad to hear that, Dear."

"Is Pops done with the preparations downstairs, Mum?" she asked.

Diana nodded. "He's done, so we should head down together."

"Just a moment," she wanted to check how she looked for the last time, so she checked her reflection in the mirror. "And I'm all good."

Both of them descended the stairs.

"Wow!" Bryan was astounded to see Diana and Natasha. "Look at these gorgeous ladies!"

She giggled. "Thanks, Pops."

Diana pecked the lips of Bryan. "And you never fail to make me smile, Honey."

She smiled at the sweetness between Bryan and Diana. She recalled the pleasant memories of her yesterday that made her lonely.

When she went out of her home, she looked at the clear skies. She frowned a little bit because the sunlight was too bright, so she used her right palm to protect her eyes.

"See you later," she murmured.

"Dear!" Diana called her.

Her attention went to Diana who was already in the automobile with Bryan. She rushed to the automobile and then joined her parents in.

Bryan started the engine and then controlled the automobile to move forward. He pulled down the sun visor to protect his eyes from the sunlight.

She had a habit of plugging her earphones in her ears, shuffle the playlist of her liked songs in Spotify, and then close her eyes to take a nap whenever she rode an automobile. She hoped that she and her parents would arrive safely.


She saw herself who looked delighted to make a crown made of daisy flowers. To whom she would give that crown?

"Margaux!" she turned around in haste the moment she heard that voice and then hid the crown that she worked for behind her.

She smiled. "Mother!"

"You have a beautiful smile," her mother said.

She showed the crown that she made. "For you, Mother!"

She didn't know if her mother would like it, but she hoped her mother would. She shut her eyes, bracing herself for what her mother would tell.

"You made these?" she opened her eyes for a bit to look at her mother. "I love it!"

She would never forget that dazzling smile that her mother did. It was no question as to why her father fell in love with her mother.


"But why did he leave such a beautiful smile?" Natasha murmured.

"...ar?" Natasha heard that faint sound of someone who seemed to be calling her. She waited for a while to hear it since she wasn't certain. "Dear?"

She opened her eyes until her vision became clear and then saw it was Diana who woke her up. "Mum?"

"I didn't intend to wake you up from your nap, but I dislike that you seemed to dream something horrible, Dear," Diana touched the cheeks of Natasha.

She smiled, feeling the warmth of what Diana did. "I appreciate it very much, Mum," she touched the left dorsal hand of Diana.

"I'm delighted to hear that, Dear," Diana said.

"I couldn't wake Dear up since I'm driving, so thank you for waking her up, Honey," Bryan looked at Diana through the rearview mirror.

Diana smiled. "Thank you, Dear and Honey."


Bryan was granted to enter the gate, so the guards who were in a patrol opened the gate. He moved the automobile forward to enter.

She couldn't get used to seeing how enormous the mansion was although she knew about that irrefutable fact. She guessed that she felt that way because she didn't manage to live for a long time here. She grew up living in a small home after all.

Bryan parked the automobile in the parking area. Once he was done, he stepped down from the automobile, and so did Diana and Natasha.

Emily Cooper, the mother of Diana, approached them. "Oh, how I missed all of you!"

Emily hugged Diana first, Bryan second, and then Natasha. She couldn't believe how Natasha looked like a complete mirror of her late daughter.

Maurice Cooper, the father of Diana, approached them as well. "It's nice to see all of you."

Like what Emily did, Maurice hugged Diana first, Bryan second, and then Natasha. He couldn't hide his delight when he saw Natasha.

"Don't be shy, Natasha. I'll provide what you want, so don't hesitate to tell me or Darling. here," Maurice placed his left hand on the left shoulder of Emily.