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"As much as I want to cook something for us to eat later, I don't think I have the time to do that as we only have two hours together," Cassie paused her steps and then pointed out the convenience store. "Let's go there first to buy some snacks to eat."

Natasha nodded and then went with Cassie to the convenience store. It took them one and a half minutes to reach the place. As usual, once both of them entered, the cashier welcomed them.

She looked around the drinks section if there was something she would like to drink. She decided what brand she wanted to drink, but the problem was she couldn't choose what flavor she should get. She was in between choosing the milk or strawberry flavor.

Cassie looked for seafood flavored Nissin cup. She couldn't believe that she couldn't see it near the noodles section, but she paid more attention because perhaps she overlooked it.

She beamed and her eyes twinkled when she saw the seafood flavored Nissin cup, so she held it, but at the same time, someone else also held it. She and that someone looked at each other.

That someone pulled her hand away from the cup noodle and then smiled at Cassie. "You can take that one, Miss."

After giving it some thought, Natasha chose the milk flavored Milkis. She decided this based on what she drank in the past. She recalled that she had the strawberry flavored Milkis.

When she got hold of the drink, she looked for where Cassie might be. It didn't take her long to see where Cassie was.

"Cass! I've chosen—" she didn't manage to finish what she had to tell when she saw someone from her past and then froze on the spot.

Maddie Dawn.

She had a lot of questions running in her head, but she couldn't even ask it. She recalled the bad dream she had and then started to tremble for a bit.

Calm down. She repeated those two words in her head like a mantra.

Cassie looked behind her and then noticed that Natasha looked like she saw some sort of ghost. She didn't know if that was her imagination or not.

"Nat?" she called.

Natasha returned to earth once she heard the voice of Cassie. She didn't know how she looked like, but she did her best to look calm.

"I've chosen a drink, Cass," she showed the drink she held to Cassie.

Maddie saw Natasha who seemed familiar, but then she realized why. "Margaux?"

Once Natasha heard Maddie regarded her as Margaux, she recalled those words in her bad dream where she couldn't breathe earlier.

Calm down. She repeated those two words in her head like a mantra.

Cassie wondered why did Maddie regard Natasha as Margaux perhaps Maddie was mistaken about who Natasha was.

"You're Margaux, right?" Maddie asked Natasha.

Cassie raised her brow. "Margaux? You're mistaking her as someone else, Miss."

Maddie wasn't mistaken about it. She knew that lovely look well of Natasha. "I am? But I don't think that's the case though."

Cassie looked at Natasha. "Is that true, Nat?"

Natasha wanted to deny that it wasn't true, but she couldn't find the words she needed to tell, and her mind recalled the words from her bad dream.

Cassie noticed that something was wrong with Natasha. "Nat?"

Maddie laughed which confused Cassie. "You have a mouth to answer, but it seems like you can't, Margaux."

Cassie saw Maddie as a polite girl earlier, but she was mistaken about it, so she glared at Maddie. "You don't have to force her an answer, Miss."

"Who told I forced her, Miss?" Maddie asked. "I simply told the truth."

"Just who are you, Miss?" Cassie asked.

"I guess Margaux didn't tell you about it," Maddie based her speculation on the reactions of Cassie.

"Didn't tell?" Cassie didn't get it.

Cassie didn't know what was going on. Natasha had her lips shut while Maddie spoke words that didn't make sense. She started to have doubts about who Natasha was because she had tons of questions in mind.

Maddie sighed. "I forgot how small the world is, so I guess this is the price of forgetting that simple fact," and then she looked at Cassie. "I can tell you started to have doubts, so I suggest you should take note that someone will still hide their secrets no matter what, Miss."

Maddie couldn't stand that she was in the same place as Natasha, so she left the convenience store without purchasing what she could eat. She couldn't be even more grateful that she left the place.

How could she forget about it?

"Nat?" Cassie called.

She expected that Natasha would respond to her call, but Natasha didn't even bat an eye. It was clear to her that Natasha had something to do with Maddie.

She couldn't stand doubting her best friend, so she held the left wrist of Natasha and then went out of the convenience store to have privacy at least. She expected that her best friend would start to explain, but that didn't seem the case.

This wouldn't end if no one would dare to talk, so she decided to initiate it instead.

"Look, Nat. I don't want to plant doubts because it hurts me," she held the shoulders of Natasha. "I trust you for real, not that girl, but I need you to explain because I want to remove these doubts, all right? Just who are you, Nat?"