050 | a little girl

There was a little girl who had a lovely look or so what most of the people thought of. She considered it a curse because she had her life almost in constant danger.

How she missed those days where she could sniff the outside air, stroll around the neighborhood, and laugh with the other children. Just like Rapunzel, she had indoor routines in her home, and once these routines were over, she remained in her room, and then rinse and repeat.

Boredom. She hated to experience it, so she looked around her home what she could do to overcome as such. It sounded cliche, but she found books as her source of entertainment.

She visioned the world through books. She wanted to know more and get out of her home, so she could see the outside.

She knew that she should keep the words of her parents that she shouldn't go outside, but she couldn't shake off what she wanted, so she devised a plan where she could explore outside safe and sound without her parents knowing about it.

She started to commence the first phase of her plan once her parents weren't home. She gathered apparel designed for males from her father, so she could disguise herself as male. She was grateful that her father didn't discard his childhood apparel.

She looked at herself in the mirror to see the outcome of dressing up in male apparel. She was confident that this would work out since she saw that her reflection looked like a male child. Now that she knew the first phase was a success, she undressed the male apparel and then would wait for the second phase of her plan.

She knew that her parents would be back around the afternoon, so she waited for them to return home while she read a book to counter the boredom.

Alice in Wonderland. She read it multiple times than anyone could imagine. She wanted to have bizarre and fun adventures just like Alice had.

Since she countered the boredom, she didn't even realize the time. She wouldn't have to be surprised when someone entered her home if she knew about the time. She had her suspicions that it was her parents, so she turned the doorknob and then pulled it to peek at what happened.

She saw that her parents ravished each other until both of them entered their room, and with that, she would commence the second phase of her plan.

She closed the door and then locked it. She only had her window as a route to the exit. Unlike Rapunzel, she was grateful that she didn't have to use her hair or some sort of blanket to go down because their home didn't have a second floor and more or wasn't vast unlike the home of an affluent.

She opened her window and then hopped out of her window. She looked left and right if someone saw her, but no one did, so she proceeded to run.

She wanted to go on an adventure, but she didn't know where to go. She didn't have a map either, so she couldn't stray far away from her home. She decided that she would take a visit to Faith Park where it was the nearest to her home, so she wouldn't get lost.

Her lips beamed and then her eyes twinkled once she saw Faith Park again. It was a lively park as ever since she saw a lot of children who came to play in the playground with the other children and there were other adults as well.

As much as she wanted to play with the other children, she needed to return soon or her parents would catch her red-handed. She turned around, but she bumped with someone, and then her bottom landed on the ground. It was so fast that she didn't even have time to react.

"Are you blind!?" she saw an angered boy that seemed to have the same age as her and his t-shirt had a stain coming from the orange drink that he was holding.

She stood up in haste and then bowed her head down. "I'm sorry!"

"Sorry isn't enough for this!" the angered boy curled his fists and then grabbed the collar of her t-shirt. "Dad didn't waste his tons of bucks for this!"

She didn't want the situation to turn for worse, but it seemed to be too late to hope for that. If she received a punch, she wouldn't have an excuse for her parents once both of them saw a bruise on her cheek. She was certain that a punch would land on her cheek, so she closed her eyes, but for some reason, it didn't land.

She opened her eyes to see what happened and then saw that a stout boy stepped in to stop the angered boy from landing a punch on her face. It seemed that the angered boy turned into a coward once he saw the stout boy.

She was relieved that the angered turned coward boy released her and then ran off somewhere. She couldn't be grateful enough for the stout boy.

"Thank you!" she bowed her head down.

"I'm glad that I made it on time," the stout boy was relieved, but then he realized that she didn't run off as well. "You didn't run...?"

She was confused about what he asked, but she asked, so she shouldn't be rude and should answer that question in return. "No. Why would you think so?"

"Well..." he didn't know how should he explain it, but he would attempt. "I think I scare most of the people here just because I'm huge."

She giggled. "I'm not included in those most."

He smiled. "It seems so."

She found that smile of his cute, but she recalled that she should be home soon. As much as she wanted to talk with him for a bit more, she couldn't risk it, so she would ask for his name instead.

"I need to go," she informed. "But I want to know your name."

He couldn't even be more glad that someone asked for his name since no one would want to. "I'm Noah Clancy and yours?"

She smiled and then removed her cap to reveal her long hair. "Margaux. Margaux Foster," and then she waved her right hand. "See you around, Noah!"

He couldn't open his lips. He couldn't believe that it turned out he saved a girl, not a boy.

"Yeah, see you around—" he didn't even have a chance to finish what he had to tell as Margaux disappeared from his sight.

He was certain that he would meet Margaux again.