046 | his visit

Marigold heard that someone descended the stairs, so her attention went to that someone from her phone.

She raised her brow. "What took you so long?"

"Just some phone call," Baker answered.

She pressed the lock of her phone to turn the screen off and then put it in the pocket of her jeans.

"Some?" she didn't believe that. "I don't think so."

If it wasn't for his group mates that called him earlier, both of them should have proceeded earlier than expected. He didn't want to think about it too much, so it was better to dismiss it.

"Let's not talk about it," Baker dismissed. "I don't want to make Grandpa wait. How about you?"

She couldn't believe Baker asked as such when the answer was evident. "I dislike that to happen that's why I'm all ready, don't you see?"

If only she could point out that Baker was the one who took so long to go down, but she didn't bother or it would exhaust her if this conversation dragged for too long.

Baker didn't have something to tell, so he remained his mouth shut. He started to walk out of their home which Marigold did as well.

It didn't take them long to arrive at the bus stop since it was near their home.

The bus wasn't present yet, so both of them waited for it to arrive. Baker stood while Marigold seated on the seat.

Marigold fished her phone from the pocket of her jeans. It almost slipped out from her mind that she should treat Natasha as a gratitude for helping her, so she started to compose a message, and then hit the send.

As soon as she sent the message, the bus paused at the bus stop. She stood up from the seat, locked her phone, and then placed it back in the pocket of her jeans.

Baker had a chance to hop first before Marigold since he was nearer at the bus entrance, but he let her hop first before him.

He didn't care where he should sit, so he followed where Marigold was, and when she was settled on the seat, he sat beside her.

He fished his phone and earphones in his bag. He placed his earphones on his ears and then pressed the shuffle option in Spotify. He placed his head on the right shoulder of Marigold.

"Your head's heavy!" Marigold complained, shaking her right shoulder to remove the head of Baker.

"Let me rest, will you?" he insisted his head to rest on the right shoulder of Marigold.

Not that Marigold could push him away. "Fine. I'll just let this pass."

He made a brief smile.

She didn't even realize herself that she smiled the moment she witnessed a rare smile from Baker. She looked like an older sister at this moment instead of a little sister who was looking out for her little brother.

She unlocked her phone to see if Natasha replied, but there was no reply. She decided that if Natasha wouldn't reply within 24 hours, she would attempt to call.

Nothing to do with her phone, she placed it back in the pocket of her jeans. She decided to look at the view through the window.

She looked at Baker to see if he got awake for a little bit when the bus passed a speed bump, but he didn't. Normally, simple things like short movements or sound woke him up, but this time was an exception, perhaps it was because he lacked sleep last night. She did see him last night doing his school works.

"You should take a proper rest from now on, stupid Brother," she mumbled.


It took them three hours to arrive at their destination.

As much as she didn't want to ruin the peaceful sleep of his, not like she had a choice. She shook him gently to wake him up.

"We're here, Brother," she said.

He groaned that she woke him up, but he understood that both of them needed to step off the bus. He was still half-awake, so he tried to blink several times to wake himself up.

She twirled when she saw the Orange Mall again. "It's been a while, Orange!"

Since she did him a favor on the bus, he volunteered to contact their grandfather that both of them arrived at the Orange Mall. He tapped the call option.

He waited five seconds until his grandfather answered. "Hello, Grandpa?"

"I take it that you and Mari are here," Calvin Fair said.

"Yes, we are," he confirmed.

"I'll be waiting at Domino's Pizza," Calvin said.

"All right. We'll be there," he ended the call.

"So where's Grandpa?" Marigold asked.

"Domino's Pizza," he answered.

"Pizza for lunch?" Marigold craved eating a pizza and drinking a Coca-Cola, so she was delighted to hear that. "Awesome!"

He recalled that Calvin wanted to watch a movie with them, so he wondered what movie Calvin had in mind. He would discover that sooner or later nonetheless.