Chapter 5: Stupid Brat

Caizher used some of his darkness to enter the boss' body and destroy it from the inside. But to his surprise, it wasn't as easy as when he did it to the fallens. Caizher felt some resistance on the boss' body, making it harder for his darkness to enter the man

The boss felt something assaulting him, it was similar to how mana assaulted everyone's body at the start of the apocalypse. However, there was a difference between the two. The boss felt this substance is cold and sinister. He had a feeling that if he let the darkness enter his body, he would die

Too bad that Caizher's Divine Darkness Body is superior to all. Even though the man does not have perfect control over his body yet but with a bit of effort, he successfully entered the boss' body and invaded it

Caizher thought that after he entered his enemy, things would become easier, but it just became harder. The mana inside the boss' body automatically assaulted the 'foreign invaders'

The mana destroyed some of Caizher's darkness but they are still not enough to completely protect the boss. After paying a chunk of darkness, Caizher's darkness wreck havoc inside his enemy and successfully killed him from the inside

You cannot see any injury outside the boss' body but if you cut open his body, you will see how badly damage his internal organs are

The boss's body fell on the ground, devoid of any hint of life. Maybe because unlike fallen's already damaged body, human bodies are well developed that's why Caizher was met with a huge resistance. Different from the fallens that will just let him do what he wants

"Hmph!" Caizher looked at the dead body before turning his focus on the other four.

At first, he planned to scare them away as he wasn't that bloodthirsty. His bloodlust already subsided when he killed the one that injured him

However, today, nothing goes according to his plans. Except for the timidest one that was still at the ground, the other three were scared to death and their survival instincts kicked in

The three also coated their weapon with mana but the amount was visibly lower than when the boss did it. As if their life depended on it, the three swung their weapons on the darkness making small cuts on it

Too bad, their mana was consumed quickly and without mana coating their weapons, they cannot do any damage to Caizher's body at all

"Son of a bitch!" Caizher cursed. Since these people are set on killing him, then he would kill them. He might not be bloodthirsty but it doesn't mean he would just stand or rather float there and let these people harm him. Caizher won't easily kill innocent people but if they harmed him, then they can only blame themselves for their deaths!

Caizher did the same thing that he does to their boss and used his darkness to enter their bodies to kill them inside. The three offered even less resistance individually than their boss and was unsurprisingly killed

The only one left was the timid man on the floor who cannot move his body. Caizher stared at the man and saw that it was actually so young

Caizher judged that the youth might only be around fifteen years old and was quite cute. However, Caizher suddenly smelled something that he is very familiar with and this smell shouldn't be in his room

When he saw where the smell came from, Caizher laughed loudly. "Damn kid! Just how cowardly are you? You even peed on the floor! Hahahaha!" Caizher said while laughing. If he has a human body, he might be rolling on the ground now due to seeing something this 'hilarious'

Although Caizher's laugh sounds like his normal voice when he was still a human, but it just made the youth to become even more scared. More liquid came out from his pants and he... he cried!

He literally looks like a kid that was lost in a public place and doesn't know what to do. His nose was dripping with snot and his cute appearance instantly turned ugly

Caizher stopped laughing when the youth cried and rolled his imaginary eyes. He instantly became annoyed at the unpleasant sound the youth made

"Hey, hey! If you don't stop crying, I'll really kill you!" Caizher threatened which was very effective. The youth stopped crying but you can see how badly he was holding back his tears which made another hilarious sight. Caizher had the impulse to laugh again because of that. But he stopped himself, he doesn't want to hear another round of an 'ugly cry'

"R-really?" The youth asked hopefully. No matter where you look at him, this youth would surely die sooner or later in this apocalyptic age. He's the kind that looks easy to bully and deceive

"Yeah but in one condition!" The youth's eyes lit up and Caizher almost saw flowers blooming around the naive man

"What is it? What is it? I'll do everything!" The youth said brimming with determination

His energetic appearance blinded Caizher and the man wondered if this youth has a dual personality. One second, the youth was like a scared cat, then the next second he was like an excited puppy

"Throw these bodies away and clean your own pee then you can go away!" Caizher might not be a clean freak but who would in their right mind wants to have a dead body in their room?

Caizher was so lazy moving to another room even though it was easy as he will just pass through the walls of his room. But since there is someone here that can do the cleaning, why would he bother putting 'useless efforts?'

"Okaayy!!" The youth immediately accepted and head out to find some cleaning materials. Forgetting the fact that after getting away from Caizher, he can just run away and there is no need for him to undergo this much trouble

Seeing the naive youth cleaning his room, Caizher nodded his imaginary head. Caizher wants to sleep but there's still someone in his room. The youth might look harmless but he can't be too careless! To fight stronger beings, he always needs to retain his life first, he won't risk it!

Also, it would be too much of a bother to Caizher if the youth run away, also forgetting the fact that if the youth really wants to escape, he can do so when searching for cleaning supplies

Caizher was too lazy moving into the next room and he needs to watch the youth to prevent him from escaping

Fortunately, after some time, the youth finished his job and the room was clean again

"Good job! Go away now shoo!" Caizher really wants to sleep now as it always made him feel refresh but he can't do that when someone he doesn't know is with him. Thus, he treated the youth like a dog and shooshed him away

The youth pouted, he did a good job cleaning the room yet he was shooshed away like that. How can he not feel wronged?

"Uncle, why are you like that? I worked hard today! Can you at least give me some food?" The youth salivated at the thought of finally eating again

He might look skinny but before the apocalypse, he enjoyed eating and he always eat a lot! But he's one of the people who don't get fat no matter how much he ate. This made his female friends look at him hatefully

Caizher rolled his imaginary eyes again. This youth really has a dual personality! How can he ask for food like that to the one that killed his teammates?

"Don't call me uncle! I'm just a few years older than you. Go in the kitchen, there should still be some food there" Caizher said and taught the way to the kitchen

"Thanks!!" The youth happily said and excitedly head to the kitchen. He was even skipping along the way

At last, Caizher was left alone in his room and started sleeping. However, he was only sleeping for a few minutes when he was woken up by the sound of things hitting the ground

"Aww!! Aww!!" The same youth from before shouted in pain because of the canned goods that fell on his foot. Around the youth were all sorts of canned foods, biscuits, and other types of non-perishable goods

Things like meat and vegetables already rotted after two months of the apocalypse but things like canned food won't easily expire

"What are you still doing here?" Caizher asked annoyed. Damn it, why can't people just let him sleep? He never bothered anyone so why do others need to bother him?

"Uncle! Do you have a big bag here? The owners of this mansion are really rich! They stored a lot of food. I can't even carry all of it!"

If Caizher is still a human, lines would surely form on his forehead. He can't understand this kid who was so afraid of him before

"Brat, stop calling me uncle! I'm only twenty years old!" Actually, he should be 21 now but since he traveled back in time, why not make himself younger? Hehe

"Okay uncle!" The youth answered which made Caizher even more annoyed

"Argh just find a bag in one of the rooms here. Scram and don't bother me!"

The youth pouted his lips and his cheeks flushed red in anger. "Uncle, how can you have such a bad temper? You won't find a girlfriend if you're like this!"

'Girlfriend your ass! How can I even find a girl if I'm like this?!' Caizher cursed on his mind

"Damn brat, you were so afraid of me earlier but now you're pissing me off! Do you want to die?"

The youth blinked his eyes innocently as he stared at Caizher. "But uncle, you said you won't kill me that's why I'm not afraid now!"

If Caizher still has a palm, he would surely face palmed himself now. Just how naive can this kid be?

"Whatever, just go away from me!"

The youth made a 'hmph' sound before walking away to find some bag for his supplies

"Finally, some peace!" Caizher muttered and went back to sleep but a few minutes later, he heard a loud scream

"AAAAHHHH!! UNCLE!! UNCLE!!" Caizher was woken up again and his annoyance level rose. If only the kid attacked him, he would surely kill him to have true peace!

Caizher decided to ignore the youth and just let him be. He's too lazy to go out and see what's wrong. Besides, this is the apocalypse. Caizher would be exhausted to death if he helps all the people he encountered

Of course, if the incident was literally in front of him, he would try to help. But it wasn't and he's too lazy to move

However, the youth's scream sounds louder and louder until he entered Caizher's vision. Caizher was surprised to see winds around the youth's body and it seemed like it boosted his speed

The youth entered Caizher's room at a fast speed but he didn't look at where he was going and entered the man's darkness body. The world around the youth darkened which caught him by surprise, he wasn't able to stop himself and collided with the room's wall

"UWAAAHHH!!!" The youth cried out in pain and Caizher looked at him disdainfully

To have that kind of ability after just two months of the apocalypse, this kid is quite talented. Too bad that he's an airhead, stupid, and idiotic!

If the youth was 'at least' a normal person, he would surely be one of humanity's geniuses. Too bad, he's a waste of talent by being like that

Caizher then ignored the youth crying in pain and turned his focus on what the kid was running away from. Even Caizher felt the impulse to run away from what he saw

As a man of the 21st century, how could Caizher not be disgusted by seeing such a giant rat? He might not be like girls who will scream like a bitch by seeing such a creature but it still disgusted him

"Where the heck did this rat come from?" Caizher wants to fight a strong enemy but please don't make it this disgusting!