Chapter 6: Shitty Genes

The mutant rat squeaked and directly charged at Caizher's body which was a mistake on its part. This is not an opponent that it can win

However, Caizher actually controlled his body to part as if he doesn't want to have any contact on the disgusting rat. As the darkness parted, the rat's vision locked on the crying youth that hit the room's walls

"Should I help him? But he's annoying and this rat is disgusting!" Caizher contemplated and because he was having second thoughts, the mutant rat reached the youth's position and was about to use its claw to slash

"Argh damn it! I'm not this heartless!" Caizher was about to use his darkness to rush inside the mutant rat but something unexpected happened

The youth on the ground sensed death because of the rat. His survival instincts kicked in and winds covered his body again

The innocence and naivety on his eyes vanished and was replaced by coldness. Caizher didn't blinked but the next thing he knew was that the youth moved in a fast speed and used his legs to kick the rat on its side

The power behind that kick was not to be underestimated as it sent the mutant rat flying on the other side of the room and it hits the wall

If Caizher has jaws, it would surely drop on the ground. Who would have thought that the stupid kid actually has this kind of ability? Caizher can't help but feel amazed

However, the next scenes bursts Caizher's amazement into nothingness

The youth hold his leg and cried even louder than before "WAAAHHHH!!"

If Caizher has ears, his eardrums would surely burst at how loud the youth was crying

"Shut up!" Caizher said angrily. He's seriously annoyed at this kid now. If he has this kind of strength why act like a stupid kid?

Too bad, the pain from his leg didn't stopped the youth from crying

Squeak squeak

The two heard a furious squeak and turned their attention on the mutant rant. It was actually not dead yet and some blood leaked out from the side of its disgusting mouth

"Uwaahh!! Save me!!" The youth shouted and run far away from the rat while holding his aching leg

Without a choice, Caizher decided to kill the mutant rat to stop the annoying kid from crying

Caizher used some of his darkness to enter the mutant rat's body and he felt some resistance on it. Although the resistance wasn't as strong as what he experienced from the four people before

"It seems like the resistance depended on one's intellect. Fallens don't resist much, mutant animals have some resistance, while humans have the greatest resistance. But who knows, things might not be as simple as this" Caizher thought and broke the rat's resistance

Darkness entered the rat's body which made it shudder from the cold. Caizher literally paid some of his body parts to kill again. The mana inside the rat resisted and destroyed some of Caizher's darkness which is his body

It made Caizher to worry. Thinking of it, he also loses a chunk of darkness when he killed four humans. Will he always lose a part of him while fighting? Fortunately, his Divine Darkness Body can be regenerated using mana. If not, it wouldn't be long till he dies

Luckily, Caizher is about three cubic meters big. But the killing of humans and this rat made him smaller. He's only a bit more than two cubic meters now

After dying, the rat fell on the just cleaned floor and its blood dirtied the floor

"Wow! Uncle, you are so strong!" The youth exclaimed

"Stop calling me uncle. Clean this mess and get away from me!"

It's this kid's fault why his body literally needs to enter the rat to kill it

"Uncle you are so cruel! My leg is still aching!" The youth protested

"Do it now or I'll kill you!" Caizher roared and the youth turned into a scared cat. As the rat is disgusting, the youth used the cleaning materials to throw away its body without touching it

After disposing of the body, the youth entered the room where Caizher is but what met him was a palm made up of darkness

"Ah??? What is this?!" The youth asked in a scared tone as he was pushed away from the room by that palm

"Stop bothering me or I'll really kill you!" Caizher said and the youth doesn't have a choice but to stop bothering the man if he doesn't want to die


Another month passed and Caizher became more skillful on controlling his body. And it seems like his home wasn't easy to discover as after the initial group of five, no one found the mansion again. Maybe because it was in a rather peaceful part of the world where not many people will gather

In the past month, the youth still didn't leave the mansion. He made it as his new home as he doesn't need to worry much about food for the past month as the mansion has a lot of stocks

But soon, all of it will be used up and the youth needs to continue scavenging for food again

Caizher also learned the youth's name, Sven. At first, Sven bothered him almost every day but after he gave it a lesson by injuring him a bit, the youth become fearful and stopped bothering him

He was even used as a 'shield'. The mansion has foods and Caizher was treated as a 'guardian protector'

Sven settled on the room next to Caizher and intended to use the 'unfriendly' darkness for safety

Caizher didn't think too much about it. As long as he was left alone without being disturbed, he will just let Sven do what he wants. Besides, even if he was used as a shield he doesn't really care. He likes fighting and if the youth attracted enemies for him, that will benefit him as he can judge how much progress he had

However, he really underestimated how hard it was to control a new body. Even after three whole months, from having an infant like control on his body, it only turned into a toddler like control. He still cannot unleash the fullest potential of his body

But the past month made him discover some things. Like, how he won't always lose a body part of him when fighting. The only reason why he loses a part of himself was because he directly entered his enemies' body

The body of his enemies then resisted and attacked him using mana and in return destroyed his darkness. But if he attacks like making a fist out of his body, he won't necessarily lose a body part. As long as his enemies didn't used mana attacks, he won't be injured

Simply say his darkness is like a human body. If someone severed your arms (darkness), then you will lose a limb (darkness) which is a part of you. But if they only punched you a bit then you won't lose any body part. At most, you will receive some damage but will not really lose any body parts

Caizher was cooped up inside his room for a while and decided to get out and have some fresh hair. Fresh air means fighting and killing. Unfortunately for him, there aren't any fallens around his mansion anymore

At the past, he only abandoned his home because it wasn't suitable for growing crops. He won't have a sustainable source of foods there. But now, he doesn't need to eat and he was a bit unwilling to abandon his home. His fallen parents were still in one of the rooms there. It's also a place that wasn't easy to discover and he can take his time getting used to his new body

Unfortunately, if this goes one, he needs to settle in a new place where there are enemies. But he only planned to do that after he become strong enough

He's still a former human and he don't want to kill any of them if it's not necessary. But people would either run away or attack as soon as they saw him

Caizher pass through the door at the same time that Sven came out. Seeing the 'shut-in' darkness coming out his room surprised the kid

"Ehh?? You're actually going out! I thought you died in your room!" The kid said innocently much to Caizher's annoyance

"Brat, don't jinx me!" Caizher said angrily making Sven flinched. The youth can still remember how Caizher injured him

Caizher started floating away but Sven sneakily followed him. Too bad for the youth that Caizher has a 360° vision and saw him

"Why are you following me?" Sven's body flinched again. Caizher suddenly speaking like that startled him

"Uncle, don't mind me. I'm just curious to where you are going!" Sven answered honestly

"I will kill fallens, don't follow me!" Hearing his words made Sven's eyes to lit up

"Really? Uncle teach me how to fight too! My foods will run out soon and you're so stingy to help me find more"

Caizher rolled his imaginary eyes. What does he need for food? Even if he wants to eat, how can he when he's like this? Why does he need to do bothersome things that won't benefit him at all?

Caizher was about to refused but he thought of something. The world entered an apocalyptic age where danger is lurking everywhere. Caizher's life goal is to become stronger and fight strong opponents

But how can he do that if he is dead? What if he needs some help but no one will help him because of the way he treated people? Caizher thinks that making good friends will benefit him in the future. If he really needs help in the future, the people that he helped might give him some assistance

Thus, Caizher agreed much to Sven's surprise

"Woah, really, uncle? Yehey!" Sven said energetically. Caizher sometimes really wonder where this brat got all of his energies

"Follow me" Caizher simply said as he can't take this youth's enthusiasm. Nevertheless, he saw how Sven kicked away the mutant rat from before. The only problem with the youth was that he was timid and an airhead. But even Caizher needs to admit that Sven is talented when it comes to using mana

As long as the youth wasn't scared to death and conquered his fears, he would surely become a powerful expert among humanity

Aside from the mansion, the Vel family also owned the nearby lands. But aside from the servants and guards, there aren't any other people. Even animals are rare and they just found the mansion by accident

Thus, the two needs to travel for a few kilometers. It naturally made Sven tired. Fortunately for him, Caizher still doesn't have hundred percent control on his body and didn't floated fast

"Argh why did my parents needs to have a home like this?" Caizher grumbled. If he needs to travel this far every time he needs to fight some fallens then it would be a huge bother!

Fortunately, it wasn't like the nearby area were fully devoid of any creature. It's just that they are rare and it was hard to encounter anything

After travelling for some time, the two finally managed to see a horde of fallens. However, it made Sven scared. He wasn't that afraid of fallens as he killed some before. But this group consists of ten fallens and there's just two of them

The horde was composed of young and old people. Caizher remembered that outside the Vel family's territory is a road leading to a popular mall with all sorts of attractions

That mall was actually also owned by Caizher's family. It might look like a mall but below it was a placed used to do illegal deals

There's a saying that the most dangerous areas are also the safest ones. The guards on the mall were controlled by the Vel family and people that has an underground business can carry illegal things like drugs

The police won't easily come there unless a very bad incident happened

Caizher judged that these fallens might be a big family that was on their way to have a bonding trip at the mall but all of them turned into fallens

"Seriously, just how shitty the genes of this family?" Caizher wondered