Chapter 12: Human Form

"Oh? Are you here seeking revenge?" Caizher asked coldly. Even before the apocalypse, Caizher can already remember almost everything even if it was years ago not to mention that only months passed since he last saw these people

He killed one of them and it wasn't surprising if this group wants to kill him.

Seeing how coldly the strange creature treated them, Sheena immediately waved her hand

"No, no. We're actually here to help you with something" Her words just gave Caizher reason to become more suspicious. He killed one of their teammates before, isn't it fishy that they want to help him in 'something'

"Say what you want to say. I don't have much time" Caizher took advantage of having a 360° vision to survey his surroundings for enemies. Since he doesn't have eyes, Sheena and the others won't know what he is doing

Sheena's face twitched at being treated like this but still complied. "The thing is, the person you killed before is our base's strongest expert's son. He's quite narrow-minded and solves all things with force. He almost killed me before and I want to take revenge by letting you know that he ordered some people to kill you" Sheena said in one breath and even informed Caizher the position of his other pursuers for the man to avoid those areas

She's really angry at Bruce and wants to foil his plan. But she didn't know that it will backfire on her

"Oh really? Well, I don't know if you are saying the truth and I don't care. If they attack me, then I will kill them in sight!" After saying this, Caizher went on one of the areas that Sheena said there would be people wanting to kill him

Caizher don't trust Sheena, what if the woman only said those things so that he will avoid those areas and caused him to enter their trap?

"W-what?" Sheen was surprised at the strange creature's nonchalant manner. "W-wait! Just avoid them, don't kill anyone!" Too bad that no matter how much she shouted, Caizher didn't give her any attention

Sheena gritted her teeth and stomped her feet on the ground while glaring at Caizher but she soon becomes worried. Their base might be safe from now but it's not like they can spend their whole lives there

There are still the problems of foods and to resolve that, they need powerful experts to clear the fallens in the areas outside their base to turn as farms. The mana users are also responsible for scavenging food in granaries and other places that stored lots of foods

A fall of expert mana users will weaken the base's power and that is something that Sheena doesn't want to happen

"C-Captain, what do we do?" Sheena bit her lower lip and can only pray that the darkness won't do what it said although the chance is extremely low

"O-our experts are powerful too, that strange creature might be the one to die" Sheena consoled her team and herself. Just thinking at how Caizher defeated a mutated lion by himself was enough to make Sheena scared

If she and her team encountered that kind of lion, even if they can kill it, they might pay using their own lives


Caizher continued exploring the dangerous city while raising his guard. Although he doesn't believe what Sheena said but what if it was true? He needs to guard himself

Along the way, Caizher encountered a group of twenty fallens. In a city, this big, encountering high amounts of fallens isn't surprising

Caizher made five sharp tentacles and used it to attack the fallens on their eyes. However, he only managed to kill three of them

As time goes by, even fallens grew in power. They are much faster, powerful, and durable than before. The two fallens clawed at Caizher's tentacles causing it to return to its original state

Among the crowd of fallens, one of them jumped at Caizher at a speed that the man was not able to dodge. However, it just caused the fallen to enter a world of darkness

These specific fallen are one of the dangerous enemies that humans encountered. They have an unbelievable speed and sharper claws. They can easily rip apart humans

Too bad that in front of Caizher's physical immunity, it can't do much. However, its speed is really too fast, Caizher formed three sharp tentacles to attack it but the fallen managed to either dodge or destroy it

Its speed always gave Caizher a headache. Caizher was too focused on the fast fallen and wasn't able to react in time for other special types of fallens

A fallen that has a color grayer than the others shot a gray-colored light. When the light hits Caizher's darkness, it was as if it was poison. Caizher's darkness body was corrupted and turned gray forcing him to cut a part of his body to stop the corruption

Caizher then turned all of his focus on the fallens that can use mana attacks. Except for those, the others cannot do any harm to him at all

After some time, Caizher finally killed the last fallen but to his surprise, multiple elemental attacks were flying on his way

There are fire, water, wind, ice, etc. He managed to dodge some but there's still some that landed on his darkness body

The fight with the fallens and the sneaks attacks lessened his size up to less than two cubic meters big

Caizher looked at where the attacks came from and on the second floor of the building close to him, a group of seven humans was watching him with killing intent

"Attack again!" One of them shouted and used their mana to form elemental attacks

Caizher sneered, he didn't saw them as they are inside the building but now that he knows that there are enemies and where they are, he won't be easily injured again

Caizher's fury was ignited and realized that the woman from before must be right. There are people aiming for his life. Caizher, in front of those attacks only sneered coldly. His body passed through the ground and the attacks aimed at him was not able to harm him

He controlled a small part of his darkness to rose above ground so that he can still see. However, this made his vision limited as the darkness on the surface was only a small part of him

But it was enough, Caizher traveled to the building where his attackers are located. Since they want to kill him, there are no talks needed. He would kill!

The humans lose sight of their target and panicked. They saw how Caizher killed a group of twenty fallens and only attacked him when his guard was lowered and might have sustained an injury from the battle

They know that Caizher is powerful and them losing their target made them scared

Caizher reached the first floor of the building and floated. Half of his body entered the second floor and he made three sharp tentacles. Fortunately for him, the humans stick with each other and his darkness managed to successfully kill three of them

He did this feat with the help of a surprise element and the fact that the humans were focusing outside where he was before. Next time, it would be harder to kill them

The three were only able to utter a cry of pain before their blood rushed on their throat and they threw up their own blood. The sharp tentacles impaled them from their backs

To Caizher's luck, he didn't accidentally hit the bones. If not, he wouldn't be able to one-shot kill them like this

Even though it was a surprise to them, the humans still cannot be underestimated. They are not the top-experts of their base but their skills were still above average

Although Caizher retracted his darkness as fast as possible, two of them were still cut and destroyed by his enemies making him smaller again

The humans then entered a diamond shape formation where their backs are facing each other. This enabled them to have a vision on four sides

To normal enemies that can hide, this is a deadly formation. However, it was foolish to try this on Caizher

Caizher though that with these humans raising their guard from his sneak attacks, it would be much harder to kill all of them

But this good formation of theirs will just make themselves easier to kill. Just what is Caizher? He's a darkness that can pass through physical objects. He can attack from the ground!

While ridiculing them on his mind, Caizher attacked from their blind spot. From the center where all of their backs met, Caizher controlled his darkness to form four sharp tentacles

And with the fastest speed he can, he used the tentacles to attack the remaining four humans at the same time

The four were shocked to see that all of them were impaled. They thought they are smart to use this formation but they are dead wrong! This very formation was the caused of their own demise

Caizher surfaced from the ground and made a 'hmph' sound. How dare these people to attack him? He won't attack humans first if it wasn't necessary but anyone who will attack him must brace themselves for death!

Suddenly, one of the 'dead' humans on the ground sneakily moved his hand and formed a ball of fire that advanced in Caizher's direction

The man felt as if the eyeless monster looked at him with ridicule. Caizher parted the part where the fireball will pass and the man's attack only hit an empty air

"Do you think I'm that stupid?" Just because he's a darkness doesn't mean he didn't have a sense of touch. He can feel anything happening as long as it has physical contact with his darkness

Caizher felt that aside from this one human, his attack didn't hit the bones of the others. He is still not powerful enough to destroy human's durable bones and thought that the man might still be alive

His thinking was correct as the human was really still alive

"Stupid!" Caizher mocked and condensed another tentacle on the despairing man who tried to run away. To make sure that he really killed his target, Caizher attacked the man's eyes this time

"Thanks for the good fight!" Caizher said before floating away but he didn't leave the building. The humans already cleared the building of any fallens and it was time for him to recuperate to fight more!


Time flew again and it's already been 10 months since the start of the apocalypse. Humans are making a comeback and already started fortifying their defense with the help of the rising number of humans that can wield mana

As the doors gave them a safe place, the humans continuously grew in power. They started reclaiming bits of lands outside the door's effective area

Walls were built around their lands to protect them from any invaders with the ability users being the main battle force

In the park where a door was erected. Caizher's body was slowly shrinking and condensing. The shape was still not discernible and the darkness was trembling every second

"Come on body, be good to daddy!" Caizher shouted. He's currently trying to have a human-like body. He's tired of being just a lump of darkness. It turned almost all of his fighting skills worthless

His fighting capabilities would surely rise if he can have a humanoid shape body

Seconds, minutes, and hours passed with Caizher pushing himself to the limits. Almost half a day passed before Caizher succeeded

Using the information given to him by the eye, he now looked like a human. Even human clothes were imitated. He looks exactly how he was before turning into darkness

The only difference is that his hair and eyes were darker than usual. Even night itself might be ashamed at how dark they were

But Caizher also turned his skin whiter than before to make him more handsome

"Argh too bad, there's no mirror here!" Although Caizher can still see 360° around and inside his body but for him, it would be better if he's looking at himself in the mirror

Caizher grabbed two daggers on the ground that he picked on his exploration of the city. These daggers came from the humans that want to kill him

In these months, he killed quite a lot of humans and there's a high chance that those humans were sent by the father of the man he killed before

"Heh. Don't think that since you didn't come to me personally that I won't be able to do anything to you!"