Chapter 13: Entering A Base

Since someone wants him dead, how can Caizher not be infuriated? He's going to kill everyone who will harm him! There's no negotiation to be made to that man, no matter what Bruce say, Caizher will still kill him

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth

Caizher started getting used to a humanoid body that he didn't have for ten whole months. He also coupled it with the characteristics that his darkness body gave him

He went to find some fallens and immediately attacked on sight. With two daggers on his hands, he used it to slash the angry fallens charging at him

The fallen used its arm to block his dagger and Caizher only managed to make a deep cut on it. However, if the fallen has a human mind, it would surely be surprised

Caizher's arm grew in length, not just that, but it also moved in an impossible way for humans. His arm moved like a snake and pierced the fallen on its side

The fallen was hit on its cheek but it still wasn't dead. Caizher retracted his arm and went to attack the fallen again, this time aiming for the eyes that was their most vulnerable body part

Gray blood dyed Caizher's dagger but he didn't care about it and defended himself from the other fallens. In this process, Caizher slowly combined his humanoid shape body with his skills

He can stretch any part of his body since it was basically made from his darkness

"Heh... this would surely give my intellectual enemies a huge surprise" No matter how unbelievable Caizher's action is, the fallens won't react much. But for the humans, it will surely startle them and caught them by surprise

After killing all the fallens around him, Caizher flicked his dagger to get rid of the nasty gray blood before putting it in the pocket on his side

Caizher wandered around the area, hoping to find someone he needs to 'use'


After a few days, Caizher finally saw the one he was looking for. It was Sheena and her team that was fighting fallens. However, it was visible that they were being overwhelmed by the number of fallens attacking them

They only have six members yet the fallens numbered more than a hundred. Even if they want to flee, they need to create an opening as they are fully surrounded by fallens

Sheena was holding a sword in her hand and she danced around the battlefield. Her sword flashed here and there, although she can't always one-shot kill the fallens, her killing rate is still above her teammates

"C-captain what do we do?" One of her teammates asked in worry. If the fallens are coming to them one by one, it won't be too much of a problem. However, they are currently surrounded and the space they can move around was shrinking

"Fight! We won't fall here!" Sheena said with determination but even she knows that even if they won, some of them will still die. That's still not considering if their battle will attract more fallens

"Heh... what a good chance!" Caizher smirked and charged at the fallens

His daggers went to kill the fallens and alleviate some pressure on Sheena's team. Although they were suspicious as to why someone will help them but help is help! The most important thing is for them to survive

Even if it's just one person, hope is hope!

The six launched frenzied attacks killing fallens here and there. One of the fallens used its sharp nails to scratch Caizher but it does not have any effect on the man

It's hand just directly pass through Caizher's body as if the man wasn't there at all. Caizher doesn't care much if the fallens will physically attack him. With their strength, unless it was infused with mana, they won't be able to harm him

But of course, Caizher still doesn't like it when these fallens attacked him and he killed the fallen that scratch him

However, even with his help, Sheena's team were still getting overwhelmed and enter a very dangerous position when their mana was fully used up

Caizher clicked his tongue and jump for more than ten meters landing on the head of the fallen closest to the woman. Caizher's daggers then descended down on the fallen's eyes

Sheena and her team were shocked at the distance covered by Caizher's jump but only thought that he specializes in body strength

As Caizher is as light as a feather, his body flashed around helping those who needed his help the most. His deadly daggers were killing the fallens around them one by one

Finally, after some time, they managed to clear all the fallens around them. Sheena and her team can't stop themselves from falling on the ground while breathing hard. Their bodies were drenched with their sweat

Caizher on the other hand looks the same as his top condition and stared at the humans on the floor disdainfully. With his body, he doesn't feel any physical fatigue at all

He only needed to rest because even if his body has unlimited stamina, his mind doesn't. It's like your body can move as long as it wants but if you are awake for weeks or months, won't your mind get tired? That's the case for Caizher

After catching her breath, Sheena looked at the suspicious man that help them. She doesn't know why but although it was her 'first time' seeing Caizher, the man gave her a familiar feeling as if they already met before

"T-thank you for the help" Sheena still has manners and immediately thanked Caizher

Caizher waved his hand as if it was just nothing. "Don't sweat it, I didn't help you all for free"

Sheena and her team's muscles tightened. Sure enough, this is the apocalypse. How can you get help without paying a price? Seeing them raising their guards, Caizher immediately spoke to clear the misunderstanding

"Don't be too worried. From the looks of it, you all are a team from one of humanity's bases right? I was only wondering if you can help me be part of your base"

'To kill your boss' Caizher finished on his mind

"You know, it was getting harder and harder to find any food here in this City. I was hoping to be paid with food in exchange for my service" even Caizher can't help but praise himself for this bullshit

What food? He doesn't need to eat! Just having mana is enough for him to survive

Sheena heaved a sigh of relief. If the man asked for too much, they won't have a choice but to fight him. As they saw how powerful Caizher is, they naturally won't antagonize him

"Alright, that is easy. Our base needs a lot of powerful experts" Sheena said as, in the past months, a lot of their ability users were killed

Bruce sent people to find the killer of his son but anyone who encounters the killer 'Caizher' and attacked him would all die without a doubt

Thus, they are having a shortage of battle abled members and desperately needed to replenish their forces

As for food, although they are still experiencing a shortage on it and many people still died from hunger but the situation is slowly getting better

To humans' delight, they found out that because of mana, crops took a shorter time to grow and they even yielded more food! Thus, every base's goal is to reclaim lands and make it suitable for farming. That's why they need a lot of mana users!

"Okay, thanks"

"But I must warn you first, the number one expert on our base is very irritable and easy to anger. I advise you to get as far away from him as possible" Sheena said while thinking about how she almost died from Bruce's hands. It still made her angry whenever she thinks of it

That's why she's also always here in this dangerous city. She wants to make herself stronger so that Bruce won't be able to harm her

"Noted" Caizher replied but he smirked inside him. Their boss is his target for coming on their base. He will leave as soon as he killed that man


Reaching their base, Caizher was shocked to see a few meter tall walls that covered the entirety of their base. It serves as the first line of defense. But it was not that surprising though

With humans started wielding mana, that increased their physical strength and even enable them to control the elements, it wasn't that hard to build a wall this tall and wide

There are still some fallens attacking the walls but they are being cleaned as soon as the humans found them. The humans can't let themselves be surrounded by too many fallens after all

They entered one of the gates where Sheena presented some sort of identification badge. Entering inside, Caizher scrunched his nose at the unpleasant smell that wafted in the air

"This is the outer area of the base and is outside the scope of the door's protection. Only normal people live here but with your ability, as soon as you pass the test, you will be able to live in the inner area. The state there is much better than here"

Although Caizher's goal is to kill the man who wants him dead, he still needs to gather some intel first. After all, the man was the strongest expert in a base. No matter how confident Caizher on his abilities, he still won't look down on someone that has the title of 'number 1'

Besides, the man might be surrounded by powerful guards. It might take days for him to launch attacks, that's why he's relieved that he won't need to stay in a place as dirty as this. He's a rich young master before the apocalypse, he might not be so grossed out to the point that he will puke but if given a chance, he won't want to live in a place like this

They head deeper on the base until they reached an area where there was a small battle arena that was made. Two people were fighting on it

One of them looks noticeably desperate as if he badly needs to win

"This is where the test for residency in the inner area. You need to beat one of the testers. Normally, the processing will take days or even weeks for you to have the chance to fight. But since my position is quite high, with me recommending you, you can have the test this day"

Caizher is still their savior and this is the least Sheena can do for him

"By the way, what's your name?" Sheena turned her head on Caizher and she can't help but blushed a bit

She didn't notice it before as they were fighting the fallens and after surviving, they immediately head back to the base where Sheena lead the way. She does not have the chance to look at Caizher closely without any worry on her mind, until now

Even she needs to admit that Caizher is very handsome. He has that valiant youthful appearance and his skin will make every girl jealous

But the most noticeable feature of his was his eyes. It's like you will fall into an endless abyss of darkness if you look at them. It will draw any woman's attention

"I'm Caizher" The man simply said oblivious to the adoration from the woman's eyes

Sheena only got her senses back when Caizher spoke and cough a bit to calm her self. "I'm Sheena" she said before turning her back. She's afraid that Caizher will notice any abnormalities on her

She then walked on one of the organizers and said some things to him while pointing at Caizher. The organizer nodded his head. Sheena's power was only below of the four great experts of their base which made her status quite high

A mere organizer can only curry favor on her. If he offended such a woman, who knows how he will die

As soon as the ongoing fight was finished, it was Caizher's turn now

The desperate man loses and he will continue living in the outer area where the living condition is horrible. Human wastes were everywhere there and they have the constant fear of being attacked

If the walls were broken down and the mana users failed to defend their base, the people in the outer city will die first

Those in the inner area are protected by the door and no fallen will come close to it