Chapter 15: Money Bank

Caizher entered his 'new room' and was a bit relieved. It's not as extravagant as his room prior to the apocalypse but it was at least clean

He sat on the chair and instantly turned bored. He was waiting for the 'gangsters' to knock at his doorsteps. He realized that since he would exploit them of their money to buy anything he wants, why not do it in one fell swoop?

The more money he has, the better. He'll be too lazy to head back on the 'market' every time he 'earned' little money

In boredom, Caizher turned his arm back into its original form and played with it. He made all sorts of shapes from it to increase his body control

After around ten minutes, Caizher heard some knocking sounds from his door and excitedly went to open it. For Caizher, his 'money bank' finally came to him

However, as soon as he opened the door, his excited look turned into that of disappointment as the person outside is not what he expected

Sheena was standing outside his door with an upset face. 'Bastard, why do you look so disappointed when you saw me?!' The woman said on her mind angrily

"Oh, it's you" Caizher didn't even hide his disappointment which made the woman angry

'Oh, it's you your face!' Sheena took a deep breath first to calm herself

"Since you are new here, I figured I should show you around and inform you of some basic things here as thanks for saving us" She's the kind of person that doesn't want to be indebted to other people and wants to make it up to Caizher

Sheena feels that merely guiding Caizher back to their base is not enough as a show of gratitude. Since with the man's strength, it would be easy for him to be accepted in the base

However, to her surprise, Caizher actually shook his head. "That's not necessary. I'm waiting for my money banks here"

'Money banks?' Sheena asked herself and her face literally looks puzzled


"Nothing, it's just some people that will give me money" Caizher said while smirking. Instead of giving money, Caizher will force them to surrender their wealth

"Hey, what are you talking about? Are you causing trouble in the base?!"

Caizher holds his hand in the air as if he's surrendering. "Relax, I won't cause any trouble"

'Because they are the ones that will give me trouble and I'll just retaliate' Caizher continued on his mind

Sheena has a disbelieving expression on her face before she invited herself in. "I'm one of the experts in this base and I can't let you cause any trouble" she said and sat on one of the chairs

"Suit yourself" Caizher said nonchalantly

Caizher closed the door and sat on the other chair while looking up at the ceiling in boredom

'Argh, these gangsters move too slow!' Caizher complained in his mind

Another ten minutes passed and Sheena excused herself as she needs to use the comfort room and Caizher just waved his hand to let her do what she wants. Much to Sheena's dissatisfaction

Knock knock

Caizher heard another knock on his door and his eyes lit up thinking that his money bank finally arrived

He opened the door with a smile on his face and fifteen people were standing outside his door

"Hello!" Caizher greeted happily much to the gangsters' annoyance

"Brother, he's the one that killed two of our brothers!" A man familiar to Caizher said angrily and Caizher just gave him a huge grin

"Brat, how dare you kill our brothers!" The one in the front said and grabbed Caizher on his collar

The easy-going attitude of Caizher vanished and was replaced by a deadly coldness that gave the group of gangsters' the chills

"Move your hand or I'll cut it" Caizher said darkly. His tone made it so that no one will believe that he is bluffing

The men are shocked by his sudden change in attitude but their confidence in their skills and numbers made it so that they won't back down even if they sensed danger

"You are too arrog--" the man wasn't even able to finish what he was saying before Caizher controlled his mana to cover his foot

His mana infused foot kicked the man on the abdomen causing the latter to be forced back. An arrow of blood flew out from the man's mouth and his face was filled with a pained expression

The man's body hit the man on his back but Caizher didn't stop yet. With strong momentum, Caizher charged at his enemy while he picked the daggers on his side

The daggers then cut the man's hand just like what he said before. The sound of the man's hand landing on the ground terrified the gangsters as they stared at Caizher with wide eyes

How fierce! How dominant!

There wasn't any hint of hesitation on Caizher as if he doesn't care if he'll be punished after this. It's like everyone that comes on his way will be sent to hell

The man loses his mind after his hand was severed. "K-kill! Kill him! KILL!!" The man shouted furiously that woke up the other gangsters

For them, Caizher might be powerful but he's outnumbered by them

All sorts of elemental attacks flew in Caizher's direction but the man as if he's as light as a feather only jumped in the air

Fortunately, Caizher's room is on the first floor of an apartment and outside the apartment is an open space big enough for him to move around

Instead of landing on the ground, Caizher aimed at one of the other men and his foot met the man's face. The unlucky man was used as a landing site and he stumbled on the ground

"Bastard!" One of the men shouted furiously and his hand was covered with a layer of fire that he used to punch at Caizher

Caizher didn't move though and the gangster thought that he will succeed but to his surprise, he only hit empty air. When he looked at Caizher's chest, he saw that the man has an empty space on the area where he was about to hit him

"H-how?" The man questioned before Caizher used the dagger on his hand to slit his enemy's throat and his body fell on the ground devoid of any life

"M-monster!" The others were terrified and shoot out energy attacks on Caizher's direction

However, Caizher's body looks as if it was swallowed by the ground, only leaving a little part of his darkness that is holding the daggers

"R-run!" One of them shouted in fear but Caizher traveled from the ground and made a tentacle out of his darkness and wrapped it on the man's leg

"L-let go! Let go!" Caizher didn't obey him though and his darkness reached the man's abdomen. The sharp tentacle penetrated the man's stomach causing an arrow of blood to flew out of his mouth

Caizher then emerged from the ground again while holding his dagger. Unlike humans who can only attack using their hands or legs, Caizher's whole body is his weapon!

"Do you think I will let any of you escape?" Caizher said in a playful manner that infuriated the gangsters

"Asshole! don't be too cocky! Our fierce tiger gang won't let you off easily if you kill all of us!" One gangster said before half of his arm gained a metallic luster

The gangster charged at Caizher's direction using its metallic fist to punch. However, Caizher threw one of his daggers in the air and the gangster unconsciously followed it with his eyes

"Idiot!" Caizher ridiculed and used his other dagger to slit the man's throat

But the other gangster used this chance that Caizher is busy on one of them and launched long-range attacks. No matter what, Caizher is still a single person and one wind blade managed to land on his body

The gangsters were delighted to see this but to their despair, no blood leaked out from Caizher. Only darkness was diffused in the air from Caizher's arm and side

Caizher's arm was about to fall on the ground but he picked it up with his hand and reconnected it to his body and he looks as good as new again. Even the side of his body returned back to normal and his clothes don't have any cut damage on it

"H-how is this possible?" The gangsters cannot believe it. They saw how the wind blade hit Caizher but it doesn't look like he's harmed at all

However, Caizher is not as unharmed as they think. He still literally lose a part of his body

Sheena who was watching from the side was also shocked. She felt that Caizher is really too mysterious as he has otherworldly abilities

She wants to stop the fight earlier but she was overwhelmed by her curiosity. For her, Caizher is so unique and like a surprise box that she wants to open little by little

Sheena totally forgot what she is in the base. Any experts like her are responsible to stop any fight if they saw one

Caizher continued his killing spree. As the gangster thought that Caizher is 'unbeatable' and didn't sustain any injury, their fears overcome them and lowered their fighting abilities

Caizher only left five of them for 'cleaning' and he clapped his hands to attract the remaining gangsters' attention

"Alright, this is enough. Give me all of your money including those on the dead and take away these dead bodies!"

The gangsters looked dumbfounded at Caizher for a while before the man's figure reached another one of them. His bloodied daggers were pointing at that man's neck

The gangster literally stopped breathing and didn't dare to move. "Do what I said or I'll kill you all!" Caizher said coldly

The gangsters panicked and immediately obeyed "Y-yes!"

Soon, the gangster gave all of their stamps to Caizher and carried the heavy bodies of their fallen brothers

Caizher waved his hand at them to say 'goodbye' as he whistled from all the money he got

And the next thing he needs to settle is the woman behind him that crossed her arms on her chest

"Hi!" Caizher greeted shamelessly as if nothing happened

"So, money bank?" Sheena ridiculed but the man does not feel any shame at all

"Yup, they are a quick way to earn money!" Caizher said proudly which further irritated Sheena

"Do you know that I should report you for killing inside the base?"

Caizher pouted and said "But those men said before that you can kill anyone as long as no one will see you"

"Yeah, but I saw you killing them"

Caizher rolled his eyes. "Fine, what do you want?" Since he's 'rich' again now, it's no biggie for him to spend some money as a bribe to this woman

Sure enough, Sheena grinned at hearing his words. "Treat me to a meal in the most expensive restaurant in the base!"

"Anything but that!" Caizher said while shaking his head. It would be weird if he treated this woman in a restaurant but he himself cannot eat anything

It would make him look like a pitiful man that spent his entire savings to treat a woman in an expensive restaurant but does not have enough money to buy for himself

Although Sheena is beautiful and it won't be a loss for him to have a 'meal date' with her but he doesn't want to lose face

"What?! Do you despise me that much?!" Sheena felt insulted. If not for her strength, many men out there would surely have evil thoughts on her and force themselves to her

How can a man refuse a beauty like her? Is this man homosexual or something? This is a huge insult to her!

"As I said, I'll treat you on anything except for food!"

Besides, Caizher doesn't want to see people happily eating while he himself cannot eat anything. That would make him feel miserable and jealous

Although he's happy to have such a marvelous body, but he still misses the act of eating something. He doesn't even have a real mouth now much less a tongue to taste foods