Chapter 16: Weird Little Girl

"Fine, just treat me to anything you want!" Sheena complied while being dissatisfied. It's just a simple meal, why does this man need to oppose it this much?

Caizher nodded his head and threw some stamps on Sheena. The woman didn't expect it and the food stamps hit her on the chest

"W-what are you doing?" Sheena asked while furrowing her eyebrows

"Take the money and treat yourself to anything you want" Caizher said in a nonchalant manner before turning his back and waved his hand

"W-what?!" Sheena was shocked and stomped her feet on the ground, totally acting like a little girl throwing a tantrum

"T-this man!" Sheena stared hatefully at Caizher's back and if looks could kill, the man would be dead by now


The first thing that Caizher bought for himself is a bag to put all of his money. It's a nuisance carrying it all without a bag. He literally put the money inside his body to store it. But with a backpack, it would be easier for him to carry it and it won't shock other people

Caizher was looking at the variety of small shops around. As the place is crowded by both buyers and sellers, it was normal to bump into someone and one needs to be alert to prevent anyone from stealing your hard-earned money

However, Caizher can easily dodge these people who will intentionally bump on him and also stop them from stealing his money

Such is the case for this one. One man sneakily went to Caizher's back while rubbing his palm

Too bad, he doesn't know that Caizher has 360° vision. Caizher doesn't want to be judgmental but that man's looks is what you will think of how a thief looks like

The thief was about to open the zipper of Caizher's bag when the latter turned his body and grabbed the thief's wrist

The thief gritted his teeth and tried to remove his wrist from being grabbed by Caizher but the man poured more strength on his grip. The thief can feel how cold and sinister Caizher's hand and it made him uncomfortable

"What are you doing?! Let me go! Do you want to make a scene here? You can't kill anyone in such a crowded place!" The thief said confidently. One may be able to kill but they must make sure that they won't be found by anyone

Even the experts of the base cannot simply kill whoever they want as it will cause the masses to get angry. This might be the apocalypse but the mana users still didn't grow to the point where they can kill thousands of people by themselves

"Be good, just help me on one thing and I'll let you go" Caizher said with an innocent smile on his face

The thief glared at him and tried pulling his wrist away again but he's no match to Caizher at all. "Let me go! Why would I help you?!" The man said angrily but the next thing that happened scared him a lot

Caizher's innocent smile vanished and was replaced by a demon-like look. "Oh? You won't help me?" Caizher said with a sinister voice and to the thief's surprise, the hand that was holding him suddenly turned into a tentacle made from darkness

The tentacle wrapped around the thief's arm and reached his neck. The sharp end of the tentacle was pointing at the thief's throat

"Will you help me now?" Caizher's terrifying appearance vanished and was replaced by a smile again. However, that smile just made the thief even more scared. This is a two-faced devil! He's too unlucky to try stealing from this kind of man

The thief swallowed a mouthful of saliva before speaking "I-I'll help you" Caizher's smile deepened. "Guide me to the best weapon store here!"

Caizher got his daggers from Bruce's men that tried to kill him. From his constant use of it, the daggers are in a bad condition now and he wants to replace it as soon as possible.

He doesn't want a die because he's fighting a strong enemy then his daggers were destroyed. That would be so tragic

"A-Alright!" The thief said and to make sure that the thief won't run away from him, Caizher wrapped his arm on the thief's shoulder

"Don't do anything funny okay?" Caizher said while still having that innocent smile on his face. The thief doesn't have a choice now but to nod his head

The thief started guiding Caizher to the best weapon shop in the base and just like what the man said, he let the thief free when he reached the store

He still has a use for staying in a human society, he won't want to cause any trouble for himself as much as possible

The store that the thief showed him looks like a true shop. The others only sell their products outside in the open. The richer business has a small room for their goods

However, this weapon shop was quite bigger than the others and looked like a modern shop. The only difference was that they are selling weapons of all kinds

There are also quite a lot of people inside looking and choosing for a suitable weapon for themselves

Caizher looked at the price and saw that the cheapest weapon was priced at twenty thousand food stamps. Caizher still doesn't know how the stamps work and he can't judge whether they are expensive or not

The man looked around for more weapons and saw weapons that are priced at hundreds of thousands

Seeing the expensive weapons, Caizher doesn't know if he can afford them as he did not count his money on the way here. Thinking of this, Caizher opened his bag and started counting the stamps inside while he's in front of one of the expensive weapons

Fortunately, the gangsters are quite rich and their money is mostly in one thousand bills. Caizher was in the process of counting his money when he saw a man about to push him

But how can Caizher let that happen? He won't take any bullying and moved to the side to avoid being pushed

The man was surprised at Caizher dodging him and he felt that he lose a great amount of face which made him angry

"Hmph! Stop counting your meager money while blocking my way!"

Caizher looked at the man and saw how arrogant it looks. This was a typical person that is looking down on everyone as if he thinks that he's the most superior of all

"Shut up horse face!" Caizher said while rolling his eyes. He doesn't like this type of person. Look at him, he's powerful but he doesn't cause trouble for others as long as they didn't cause trouble for him. Why can't people be like the great him?

"What did you say?!" The arrogant man said and was about to grab Caizher on his collar but Caizher blocked him

The man was surprised by Caizher's quick movements but he's still confident in himself

"Asshole, don't you recognize me, or are you new here?! I'm a mana user that's only below the big four! Stop angering me or you'll have a bad ending in this base!" The man threatened as he really is confident in his abilities

The big four are the most powerful and below them are the likes of him and Sheena. There are only a few that can rival his strength causing his head to grow and become arrogant

"What do I care about you? Go away and don't bother me or you're the one that will have a bad ending here!" If the man can threaten him, why can't Caizher do the same?

He's also someone that is confident in his ability!

The interaction of the two attracted everyone's attention especially since they recognized Caizher's enemy

"Isn't that John the fierce fist?"

"I think so, I heard he can destroy rocks using his bare fist"

"He is so powerful, if you were hit by his fist you might die on the spot!"

"Who's that unlucky man? How did he anger an expert like that?"

John has a pleased expression on his face when he heard people talking about how powerful he is. He thinks that it will make Caizher fear him and apologize to him but the man didn't have any change of expression as if he didn't hear what the others were saying

As if reading John's mind, Caizher gave the man a ridiculing look. "What, you think I would be scared because of your 'powerful reputation' "

John felt that he lose another face as his arrogant thoughts were said out loud by Caizher. His rage got the best of him and threw a punch at Caizher

However, would Caizher let someone punch him? Of course, he won't!

Caizher moved sideways and he avoided John's fist. "Heh, you're quite hot-headed but you'll soon get karma because of that!" Caizher said before pulling his daggers on his side

He doesn't want the base's authority to give him a hard time that's why he didn't offend anyone. But if others attack him, he won't hold back and they better prepare themselves for retaliation

Besides, his current appearance is not his true appearance anymore as he became just a lump of darkness. He can easily change how he looks. It's just that he has some attachment to his former human appearance and wants to use it

With daggers on his hand, Caizher's eyes flashed with dark light and he charged at John at a fast speed

Caizher didn't act like how John thought normal people will act and it always gave him a surprise. John can't believe that someone will try to kill him in broad daylight

The man was infuriated and poured mana on his fist. John's fist grew in size and even the thick veins were popping on it. The two's attack was about to meet when a loud laugh interrupted them. This caused them to stop in their tracks

"HUWAHAHAHA!! I SUCCEEDED! I SUCCEEDED!!" From a door inside the shop, a short woman looking like a kid walked out

The girl only looked as if she's in high school. She wore thin clothing and her hair was tied on top of her head. Her whole body is sweating and some dirt marks can be seen on her face

On her hands was a single sword that has a black handle and she looked at it proudly

"WAHHAHA I REALLY SUCCEEDED!" The small girl is only around 5 feet in height and she almost salivated while looking at the sword in her hands

"Hehehe they think that I'm too arrogant but I succeeded! The novels didn't lie to us!"

All eyes stared at the small and weird girl and her weird antics silenced everyone in the shop. If someone dropped a pin on the ground, it would surely make a loud sound due to how silent the shop becomes

The girl sensed this and looked around her. Her vision locked on Caizher and John that is only a few meters away from each other

"Hey, you two! Are you trying to make trouble inside my shop?" The little girl shouted angrily

Question marks appeared on everyone as the little girl called this weapon shop 'my shop'

One of the attendants went on the little girl's side to pacify her. "Boss, please calm down"


Everyone blinked their eyes as they can't believe that this little girl is really this shop's boss. Just how weird has the world become?

"I am calm, do I look not calm to you?!"

The attendant wants to answer yes but didn't dare to as she doesn't want to lose her job

"Anyways, thinking about it. This must be fate! Do the two of you wants to obtain a weapon all men dreamt?" The little girl tempted. But because of her appearance, she just looked like a silly little girl

"What, you don't believe me? How dare you! I successfully crafted this sword using mutant animals' fang and claws. This is the first weapon I created that has a fantasy-like background. How dare you doubt me?! Here I was thinking that it was fate that you two were fighting in my shop as soon as I finished my legendary creation. This made me really angry!"

All eyes looked at the sword on the little girl's hand. It was actually made by the body parts of mutant animals? Not to mention, the fantasy-like sword was forged by a weak-looking girl like her