Chapter 22: Bruce!!

Caizher is sure that if his mastery with the Paralysis Curse is high enough, he can make this wolf lose all of its strength in under a second

The wolf howled again and Caizher didn't waste any more time. His darkness retracted and assumed his human form with the daggers in his hands. The dagger then went straight to the wolf's eye. The wolf can still move but it moves slowly now and Caizher easily killed it

Caizher exhaled heavily and looked at the little girl that was terrified in the ground with pity "Run now!" Caizher said. However, he knew that even if the little girl run, her chance of survival is extremely low

In this apocalyptic era, being weak is a sin!

Thus, the Year 2021 become another nightmare for humans. They thought that with the doors' help, they have a safe place in the apocalypse. But turns out that it will be a reason why many of them will die!

The little girl did as she was told and run away from the scene. Turns out that the girl's decisive action is the right thing to do!

As soon as she started running, Caizher saw a pack of five wolves running towards him. The wolves stared at him menacingly when they saw the corpse of one of their kind

"I see, he didn't howl for no reason"

Wolves are pack animals, turns out that when the wolf howled, it was actually a cry for help

"No worries guys, you will be in the same place as your kind in a few minutes!" With an excited smile, Caizher charged at the wolves

The wolves made an animalistic sound and pounced towards Caizher

Two wolves managed to bite Caizher on his side but the wolves only felt as though they bit into empty air. The area they bit turned into a black fog of darkness before it retracted back and Caizher is as good as new

After channeling mana on his daggers, Caizher slashed the two wolves on his side. He knew that he can't beat them with a single attack but that wasn't his goal!

A black skull tattoo appeared on the wolves and they started losing their body's strength. The other three wolves didn't stand idly and also went to bit Caizher, but they met the same fate

No matter how hard they bite the man, they will only feel as though they bit into an empty space and Caizher wasn't harmed in the slightest

Caizher put his cursed on them too as to make it easier for him to kill them

After putting the curse on them, Caizher felt drained. He judges that he's at the mid-level of Tier 1 while these wolves are at the high level of Tier 1

Most mana users on earth even after a year only reached mid-level of tier 1 too. The stronger ones are at high or peak Tier 1 of the Servant Rank

A year may have already passed but mankind is still clueless on matters about cultivation. They still didn't know what the proper thing to do to become more powerful

Without a cultivation manual, mankind is grasping in the dark!

The humans lived for thousands of years in a world without mana. Then the mana started flooding the earth, those that failed to adapt turned into the fallens. Those who survived are only slowly trying to learn how to wield this power

However, as there are no predecessors and even their genes might have already forgotten how to use mana, how it can be easy to progress? If they have manuals or teachers that will teach them, things would be easier. Too bad that they don't have either of the two

Fortunately for Caizher, he has a manual of his own. But it's just that he only started cultivating with it for a month before the second wave of the apocalypse arrived. His cultivation art is also extremely hard and he poured a lot of time into it just to have a little progress

As Caizher's mana is drained after fighting this much enemies, he immediately killed the wolves that don't offer much resistance now with how slow they move

Caizher heaved a sigh of relief. He's excited at this new world but he still wants to survive!

"This base is no more" Caizher said with pity. Many research materials and results will lose because of this. The humans are unprepared and the monsters flooded the base starting on its heart. It will result in a lot of casualties

"Too bad, I need to escape in this place and leave my precious sword" It was a pity that he left his sword in his room but it was far from where he is now

If he's at his top condition, he might retrieve it first but he's lacking in mana now. Not to mention that he doesn't know what kind of monsters are wreaking havoc in the base

If Caizher didn't have his weapons, it would be easier to flee by sinking his body on the ground and only leaving a small part above ground to serve as his eyes

However, even with just his daggers, it would already be hard to flee. Worst case scenario, he would just abandon his weapons to flee as fast as possible

Caizher started walking cautiously while hiding in the buildings. There are a lot of flying monsters in the air and it would be bad if they saw him. Thus, Calter can only take cover using the building and sneakily escape

When Caizher encountered any enemies, he would just make his body to sink in the ground and wait for the monsters to move to another place. He then would return and retrieve his daggers before walking away


January 14 Year 2021

Two weeks have passed since the monsters flooded out from the doors. But the humans wouldn't let all their hardships go to waste just like that. Their research materials, their home, their belongings are all there in the base. They must take it back

Caizher is currently blending himself among the crowds of humans. There are about three thousand of them here. After the monsters flooded out, the humans naturally escaped but they learned one thing

The monsters didn't go outside the area that the doors are effective in repelling the fallens before and the humans camped a bit close to the base

In the past weeks, the base's management did all their best to find more information about the door by exchanging what they know to other bases. There are also bases who freely give out what they know

The bases' management is forced to clear the monsters outside the door as soon as possible!

The number and power of monsters that came out from the doors differ. The weaker doors were successfully cleared by the other bases and those bases did their best to spread information

If humans want to continue surviving, they must kill all the monsters and enter the doors!

Every day, the range where monsters can move slowly increased. If this goes on, who knows if a day will come where the monsters can freely move everywhere they want. If that day comes, humanity will face more hardships in the matter of racial survival!

But the most important thing really is what is inside the doors! It was another world or space!

It gamers' terms, it was a dungeon! Although the dungeons are not that much game or novel like where one has a system and you will level up as you killed more monsters. But there's a huge benefit of entering it!

The creatures outside the dungeon will become a corpse if you kill them. However, those that are killed in the dungeons are different!

Some will remain as corpses while some will turn into other things. The most common are the mana stones while the rarer ones are cultivation manuals!

Yes! Cultivation manuals that humanity greatly needed. They won't need to grasp in the dark anymore and will now know what they should do to become powerful

There are also things that are rarer than the general cultivation manual. In gaming terms, it would be a 'skill book' but with a slight difference

The skills inside the skill book in the real world is not something you can easily learn and then use. No, it must be trained first. It just gave out instructions on how to use a specific skill, the rest is up to your effort and talent

These things are something that mankind desperately needed! That's why they need to clear the monsters outside the dungeon

Fortunately, this particular base belonged to only slightly above the weakest ones. It was still easy to kill all the monsters unlike the other bases that have no hope of retaking their land

The humans were just caught off guard as the enemies came from the heart of their base. But now that they banded together, things would be easier!

One of the base's management officer explained the strategies in which Caizher was too lazy to listen and remember. He was looking around to see if he will see Bruce

He doesn't want to be suddenly attacked like what he did to Bruce! As long as he is with these people, he needs to raise his guard all the time

If not for him wanting to 'benefit' from the dungeon, he won't mingle with these people. Too bad that he doesn't have the ability to kill all the monsters by himself

"Blah blah blah!" Caizher said in a bored tone

Finally, after the long explanation, the humans started moving. Some moved to the front while some went to the back. As Caizher didn't listen before, he just stayed at where he is

However, his actions made him stand out and someone he is very familiar with walks in his direction

With the help of his 360° vision, Caizher already saw that someone even before it arrived at his position

"Hoy, Caizher! Aren't you listening? The close-range fighters will be in the front while the long-range ones are at the back. Why aren't you moving to the front?" Sheena scolded as soon as she reached Caizher

This made the man groan and rolled his eyes and decided to ignore the woman. However, it just made Sheena want to grab his attention more

"Hey, did you hear me or are you deaf?!" Sheena said angrily and Caizher looked at her like she's some sort of a pest

"Don't look at me like that!" Sheena felt extremely insulted and her face turned red from anger. She's like a volcano that is ready to erupt at any moment's notice

"Argh, shut up. You are such a noisy woman!" Caizher grumbled and didn't change the way he looks at Sheena

"I-I said to not look at me like that!" The surrounding temperature around the woman lowered. Her power is cold yet when she's interacting with Caizher, her temper will turn hot in an instant

"Oh? What will you do then?" Caizher teased while continuing the way he looked at the woman

"I'll freeze you to death!" Sheena said through gritted teeth

Caizher was about to retort but his expression changed immediately. He saw a familiar figure charging at him at top speed

'S-so fast!' Caizher was just about to dodge when a fist covered with lightning pierced his chest

The people around immediately moved away at seeing who it was. Their heart turned cold at how Bruce 'killed' someone in front of them

Sheena's eyes were filled with despair as she looked at the man she was just talking with seconds ago

"N-no! What are you doing, Bruce?!" Sheena shouted angrily and shot frosty energy from her hands. Too bad for her that Bruce didn't even move and just destroyed Sheena's attack with a single wave of his hand

"H-how is this possible!" Sheena cannot believe what happened. She knew that Bruce is stronger than her but the difference wasn't as big as this before!

"You bitch, how dare you to lie to me?! You colluded with the one that killed my son! You must be despairing now, but don't despair yet. This man is still not dead, right?" Bruce said and Caizher raised his head with a dark smile

"Heh, you certainly become even more powerful than the last time I met you!" Caizher is smiling but his expression turned deadly