Chapter 23: Darkness Style: Bleeding Curse!

"Y-You're alive!" Sheena was given a pleasant surprise with this. Now that she looked closely at Caizher, she didn't saw any blood from the man's chest. Instead, she only saw black fogs on it

Sheena was relieved that Caizher is still alive but she's still worried about Caizher. She saw how powerful Bruce is and she didn't think that the man would be this powerful

The truth is, no one except for Caizher knows that Bruce has dual abilities. The man is hiding this fact from everyone, he only showed it to Caizher as he doesn't have a choice

"Do you have a cultivation manual?" Caizher asked. As someone with a manual himself, he can see how skillful Bruce become in using his powers. The man wasn't like this when the two fought two weeks ago

Bruce's eyes trembled a bit before he smirked at Caizher "You're quite the perceptive type"

Caizher smiled sweetly and removed Bruce's fist on his chest. "Thanks for the praise"

The two stared at each other for a while before Caizher took his daggers on his side and attacked Bruce

Bruce of course wouldn't let himself be killed and made a ball of lightning to block Caizher's attacks. He still remembered that he was paralyzed after Caizher made a cut wound on him

Caizher covered his daggers with his mana and it glowed with a dark light. He used the daggers to block the lightning ball and it used up all the mana he poured on his daggers

If Caizher was a human, he would surely feel numb already. But it doesn't mean he wasn't affected, his hand turned back to its darkness form before he immediately recondenses it to prevent his daggers from falling on the ground

'What a strong power!' Caizher can't help but praise but his very being is filled with killing intent

Bruce made a gun shape from his fingers and shoot out lightning from it. Caizher was forced to dodge by either running or parting a part of his body that made the people around shocked

After Bruce stopped shooting his lightning, Caizher immediately charged at the man and covered his daggers with mana again. Bruce used his muscular and lightning covered hand to block

He doesn't want to have close-range combat with Caizher before as he might be paralyzed again by the man but he's someone that is used to using his fist and lightning to attack. His forte is close combat and it seems impossible to defeat Caizher using long-range attacks

Besides, he managed to break free from the paralysis effects before, not to mention he had a cultivation manual now which made him stronger

Caizher managed to make a small cut on Bruce's fist and latter braced himself from the paralysis effect but he was bound to be disappointed as he didn't become paralyzed

Bruce was surprised by this but then saw two sharp black tentacles that formed on each of Caizher's side. The man moved away to dodge but the tentacles still managed to make small cuts on his body

"Heh... so that was your plan? To sneak attack on me again? Too bad that this is like the first time, you still failed!" Bruce ridiculed but Caizher's expression didn't change at all

"Boss!" Bruce's subordinates called out and were about to help him when the man stopped them. "Stay back! This is my fight!"

It was his own son that was killed by Caizher. With Bruce's arrogance and pride, it wasn't unexpected that he would want to take revenge using his own hands

"Hmph!" Caizher harrumphed and charged at Bruce again with his deadly daggers. More lightning covered Bruce's hand and if anyone touches it even just a bit, they would surely be numb immediately

This time, Caizher wasn't able to make any wound on Bruce as the lightning wouldn't let him. However, Bruce only has two hands to fight while Caizher can use the entirety of his body!

This time, four sharp tentacles were formed on Caizher's side and made small wounds on Bruce again. But just like before, he didn't activate his paralysis skill

"Hmph! You're too weak, how are you intending to kill me if you can only do this much?" Bruce said in disdain and since Caizher can only make small wounds on his body, he just let the man be. It was just a mere scratch!

"C-Caizher" Sheena balled her fist while watching. No matter who watches this scene, they can see that Caizher is really in a disadvantageous position

However, as if Caizher doesn't care about anything, he continued making small cuts on his enemy and Bruce's whole body was riddled with superficial wounds

No matter how many times Bruce clashed with Caizher, he still can't kill the latter

After some time, instead of attacking, Caizher stepped back and smirked at Bruce. This gave the man a bad feeling as if something bad will happen

"[Darkness Style: Bleeding Curse!]" Caizher shouted and from the several small wounds on Bruce's body, a tattoo of a black skull appeared. It was the same tattoo that Bruce had that paralyzed him but this time the effect is different!

His wounds started to bleed, although the bleeding process is quite slow but with these many wounds, it wouldn't take that long to bleed him to death

Caizher didn't become idle in these past weeks and he trained on another skill. The first is always the hardest, it took him a longer time to learn the paralysis curse

However, learning the paralysis curse makes it easier for Caizher to learn the other curse. But of course, it was still hard and Caizher only has a mastery that is barely able to cast it, but it was enough!

A human is still a human, they are creatures of flesh and blood which gave them more weakness

Bruce was shocked to see his whole body bleeding. He wants to take revenge for his son but his survival instincts get the best of him. Before the apocalypse, he was a nobody but after he becomes powerful, people who were looking down at him in the past can only look at him with praise!

He likes this new life of his, a life where he can do anything he wants. Bruce looked around him, aside from the few that are loyal to him, the others looked at him as if he was a dead man

He offended and bullied a lot of people; this outcome wasn't surprising. If you are high above, the people will worship you. However, if you hit rock bottom, then they will watch you suffer while feeling satisfied

"Bastard! How dare you do this to our boss!!" One of the men loyal to Bruce raged and fire gathered on both of his hands that he threw at Caizher

Caizher just sneered and sink more than half of his body on the ground that once again creeped out other people. After dodging the fire attack, Caizher charged at that man and slit the man's throat

All those who want him dead will die!

Another man used the sword on his hand and it was covered with winds. The sword's speed exploded and advanced at Caizher but the man parried the sword with a dagger and used his other dagger to throw at the man's face

Caizher retrieved the dagger he threw by controlling the darkness that he wrapped on its handle and pulled it back on him

Caizher killed the men loyal to Bruce before he went back to the main enemy

"Any last wish?" Caizher said with disdain while slowly walking towards Bruce but the man only looked at him hatefully

"Don't think you'll be able to kill me here!" Amidst his bleeding, Bruce's legs bulged with muscles and lightning covered his body once again

With the speed provided by his body strengthening and lightning, Bruce chose to flee while swallowing his pride

The man didn't even care about the other people around and he didn't stop to dodge them. The unlucky ones that were hit by him either turned numb or gained serious injuries

Caizher tried to chase Bruce but he was unsuccessful. Bruce excelled in speed and power after all

The humans on Bruce's way was forced to move away if they don't want to be injured badly

"Tsk!" Caizher made an annoyed sound while looking at the dead bodies of Bruce's men. Caizher then kicked the corpse on the ground angrily which made the hearts of the people around to turn cold

How brutal!

Caizher doesn't care about what others will think about him though. He was angry on the dead men on the ground, if they didn't interfere, he would be able to kill Bruce today!

But then, Caizher suddenly thought of something. With Bruce's talent, he would surely become more powerful in the future and aim for Caizher's life

That means a stronger enemy in the future! It can even be considered as rivals or hated enemies. They will surely clash in the future again with the stronger version of themselves

After thinking this, Caizher's hatred for the men on the ground vanished and was replaced by gratitude. He put his palms together as if he was praying for the souls of the people he just killed and kicked on




'We need to get as far away from him as possible'

The people thought after seeing how Caizher acted. Even Sheena's face twitched at this

Suddenly, the sea of people departed and three humans walked towards Caizher's position

Caizher raised his brows while looking at these three "What, you want to fight?" Caizher directly asked and readied his daggers

The only woman on them become flustered and immediately opened her mouth to speak "N-no, w-we just want to talk to you about something!" The woman said shyly while looking at Caizher with a red face

The two men on her side saw this and clenched their jaws

'Why is one of the big four acting like a shy little girl?' Caizher asked himself and it seems like his IQ is high but his EQ is extremely low

These three along with Bruce are the big four, possessing the strongest power and influence in the base

"What is it?" Caizher asked impatiently

"W-well... u-umm since you force Bruce t-to flee.... we are thinking if you can help us c-clear the monsters" the woman said meekly. She doesn't look like a part of the big four at all

"Why are you stuttering? Are you really part of the big four?" Caizher asked as if it was a normal thing to ask

"H-hoy! Don't talk like that to Lady Anna!"

"Lady Anna is powerful!"

The two on his side immediately defended the 'Lady Anna'

At this time, Anna's eyes started getting teary as she looked at Caizher with a wronged expression

"Y-you're mean!" Anna said while holding back her tears. The two men on her side immediately went to comfort her

"W-wait, are you about to cry? Oh, God! One of the Big Four is actually a cry baby, what are you, a five-year-old? Hahaha!!" Caizher laughed hard while holding his stomach

"S-stop being rude!"

"Don't look down on Lady Anna!"

The two defended the woman again who now started crying a bit while biting her lower lip to stop herself

"I-I'm not a k-kid and I-I'm n-not crying!" The woman insisted but it just made herself look more pitiful.

"Hahahah! Oh shit! This is so funny!! I always picture you all to be a strict and indifferent type. Who would have thought that one is actually a cry baby while the two are acting like a butler that is in love with their master! Hahahaha!!" Caizher continued laughing and he was even almost rolling on the ground due to how hard he is laughing

"C-Caizher, stop laughing you idiot!!" Sheena said angrily but Caizher just won't stop laughing

"I-I'm n-not a c-cry baby!" Anna exclaimed but her tears were literally falling from her eyes

"W-what a-are you t-talking about!" The two men said at the same time with a flustered face and slowly look at Anna like a shy maiden