Chapter 24: Clearing The Monsters

"Pfft, you three are hopeless!" Caizher said while shaking his head. "Anyways, I'll naturally help clear the monsters. I want to enter a real-life dungeon!" Just imagining the endless possibilities inside the dungeon was enough to make Caizher very thrilled. He badly wants to enter the Dungeon now!

Too bad, that they still need to clear the area with monsters. "R-really?!" Anna asked happily and wiped the tears on the corner of her eyes

"Yeah, but give me a few hours to rest first. That jerk Bruce is not easy to deal with, you know!"

Aside from the men loyal to Bruce, the others don't care much about him at all and were happy for his misfortune. This is the apocalypse where humans can possess a power that will dominate thousands of people. A person like Bruce, if given more power would surely bring suffering to the weak

But of course, there are still some that felt dissatisfied with this outcome. They just didn't dare fight Caizher, but for them, losing an expert like Bruce is a big loss

Caizher may not look injured but he sustained a lot of damage in the fight! He literally traded a small wound to Bruce with a piece of his body. If he returned to his original state now, he would surely be very small

Not only that, using those many bleeding curses used up all of his mana. Without mana, it made Caizher tired and he needs to recuperate

"O-oh, okay. P-please inform us when you are ready" Anna gently said while subtly looking at Caizher's face like a shy young woman

"Yeah, yeah" Caizher turned his back and waved his hand before walking into the area where humans made tents

Caizher entered a random tent to rest without even bothering to ask for permission. Of course, the owner of that tent won't dare stop Caizher because of fear

Caizher might have won with Bruce using underhanded tactics and next time, his plan won't work again. However, a win is a win! The man is still powerful

The young master started recuperating inside the tent with the humans waiting for him. He suddenly becomes so important that thousands of people need to wait for him

But they don't have any choice, having someone as powerful as Caizher will make it so that lesser people will die. He's a huge asset!

Caizher was inside the tent for hours that the dissatisfied ones started voicing out their grievances and people with the same thinking seconded

They started a heated argument that they didn't even notice that Caizher already finished recovering. As Caizher heard the words those people were saying to him, his face darkened

These humans labeled him as "a person that thinks too highly of himself" "feeling VIP" etc.

Caizher's figure moved at a fast speed and reached the closest man that was badmouthing him. Caizher is smiling but his face has a dark expression, even his daggers were pointing at that man's neck

"If you have something to say to me, say it personally!" Caizher said with a sweet smile but he pointed his daggers even closer to that man's neck

"H-hey don't be too arrogant!" Another one said and hearing him, Caizher threw his daggers in the air while his body sink on the ground much to the humans' fear

Caizher reappeared on the back of that particular man with his darkness shape as a sharp blade. If the man moves even a bit, his throat will be slit by Caizher and he didn't even dare to breath

"You were saying something?" Caizher asked with a sweet voice but the man didn't dare to speak at all

"M-monsters! He's not a human! That's a monster!" The first one that Caizher threatened said fearfully. "K-kill him! That's a monster!" The man tried to arouse the people's suspicions and some even readied their weapons

Caizher then turned to look at other people who also think of him negatively. "You all can group up to kill me, but trust me, you'll fail. I can flee from here effortlessly and come back to kill you all one by one" Caizher threatened but he's actually serious about his words. He will really do what he said if these humans won't stop pestering him

Caizher is quite a simple man, if they got something to say to him then say it directly to him! What's the use of talking about other people behind their backs?

If Caizher wasn't in front of so many people, he would surely kill the one that called him a monster. He wasn't angered or hurt that he was called a monster as it was technically true. However, to try using other people to kill him? That's something that Caizher will not accept

He would surely wait for a chance to kill that man!

"P-please stop fighting!" The meek voice of Anna entered everyone's ears. However, when they look at the woman, their faces started to twitch

The woman was completely blushing while looking at Caizher with adoration. It seems like Anna took a liking to the 'bad boy' Caizher and has a huge crush on him

Caizher was oblivious to it though and furrowed his brows while looking at Anna. "Why is your face so red? If you are sick, that will greatly affect this operation"

Caizher teased her before but he doesn't judge who is strong or weak base on the appearance that much. Of course, a bigger and muscular body will still make Caizher think of that one as strong. However, no matter how much Anna acted like a fragile maiden, she's still one of the big four

She can't possibly have that position if she didn't have strength right?

"W-what...a-ah....I-I'm fine!!" Anna started to panic and hold her face with her milky white hands. The two men were still on her side while clenching their fist

"Well, whatever. Let's just start!" Caizher said nonchalantly as if clearing the monsters around the door is a piece of cake. He unknowingly takes the lead and charged at their former base


Arriving at their former base, the humans scattered around in teams. The close-range fighters are in the front and back, in the middle are the long-range attackers. It was quite an effective line up as they can defend from enemies on all sides. It would also prevent the long-range attackers with mediocre close fighting combat skill to die easily and they can provide cover for the ones protecting them

As for Caizher, he started going on his own

"Don't go on your own!" Sheena and Anna said at the same time. The two looked at each other with heated eyes as if they were having a staring contest

"I'll be fine, just kill as fast as you can! Bye!!" Caizher didn't bother to care about the two women and went on his own

As soon as Caizher entered another street, he immediately encountered a group of ten goblins

"It's Showtime again!" Caizher shouted and quickly charged at the enemies. The goblins utter an inhuman cry and charged at Caizher too but their speed was no match for the man

As Caizher's body is light, as soon as he poured strength on his feet, it was easy to accelerate. In a flash, two goblins were killed immediately

Green blood splashed the ground and the goblins were shocked that their enemy easily killed two of them like that

The goblins angrily brandished their wooden clubs wanting to attack Caizher but no one of them succeeded and their attacks only hit an empty space

Caizher's daggers flashed here and there and the goblins fell on the ground one by one and lose their small lives. Caizher flicked his daggers and removed the green blood that dyed it

Caizher continued on his way and this time encountered a group of fifteen goblins. One of the goblins has staff in its hand and was wearing a robe. It was one of the goblin mages and the only one that can harm Caizher

As the two sides met, there was no talk needed and they charged at each other to kill

To not waste any time, Caizher charged at the small goblins and killed some of them. The goblin mage started chanting some words and a violet-colored ball flew out from its staff

Caizher used his dagger to pierce a goblin on its chest and threw the impaled goblin on that violet ball

The goblin's skins slowly turned violet because of that. "Poison?" Caizher asked to himself

As he didn't have a physical body, poisons are ineffective to him. But there are poisons that are not only effective on physical bodies. Caizher met a fallen before that can poison energies itself and those are the ones that are effective to Caizher

A poison attack made from mana will still harm Caizher and he can't afford to be hit. Caizher continued killing the goblins around him while putting his guard up on the goblin mage

As soon as the mage finished chanting and attack Caizher, the man will immediately ignore the fallens around him to either dodge or sometimes use the body of the goblins themselves to block

In just a few minutes, the normal goblins were killed and Caizher runs at the mage's position to impale its chest using his dagger. Blood leaked out from the corner of the mouth of the ugly goblin and it died just like its kind

Killing becomes normal to Caizher now and he continued exploring the base to kill more enemies

After walking for a bit, Caizher saw a group of ten humans fighting a pack of fifteen wolves. It was clear to see that the humans were at a disadvantage and was getting overwhelmed every second that passed

Caizher decided to help them but of course, not out of goodwill. These people might remember his 'noble act' and give him assistance in the future if he needed help. Also, Caizher can't possibly kill all the monsters in the base and still needs the humans' help

Caizher coated his daggers with his mana and slashed it in the air. An energy attack advance at one of the wolves. The wolf was about to kill a human when Caizher interfered

His sudden attack was unexpected to the wolf and the dark light hit it on its body. Caizher's attack didn't kill the wolf immediately but it saved the man

The man was quite experienced too, instead of looking first at his savior, he decided to use this chance and kill the wolf

The man's sword was covered with a brown light and slashed the wolf with it. One attack wasn't enough to kill the wolf but with the help of the long-range attackers in the middle, they still managed to kill that wolf and lessened the pressure on them

Caizher's figure cut the air and reached another wolf and made a cut on its body "[Darkness Style: Paralysis Curse!]" Caizher activated his skill and a black skull tattoo appeared at the top of the wolf's wound

As the wolf was losing its body strength, Caizher left it for the humans to finish to do the same to the other wolves. He did this two more times to conserve his mana while making it easier for him and the humans to kill the wolves

The goblins are weak but high in numbers. The wolves are rarer to encounter but they are much more powerful. Not only that, but almost all of them has wind abilities that can raise their speed a lot

The wolves seeing Caizher is a bigger threat put their focus on him. Three of the wolves open their mouths and condensed winds in front of them

Caizher smirks at the wolves and shot one small ball of his mana on the area close to one of the wolves' mouths. That particular wolf lose control of its mana and the ball of winds exploded on its mouth causing injuries

"HAHAHAHA!" Caizher laughed while dodging the other two winds balls. For him, why does he need to wait for his enemies to finish forming their attacks? It is better if he attacks them while they are still forming it to stop them and caused his enemies to suffer from the backlash