Chapter 25: Mini Titan Form!

Caizher danced around the battlefield and with the help of this group of humans, killed all the wolves after a few minutes. The humans looked at Caizher with gratitude. Before, they thought that the man was so unreasonable, but now that they were saved by him, they started idolizing Caizher

"Thank you, boss!" The ten said with a gratified tone that came from the bottom of their hearts. They even unconsciously treated Caizher as the new boss of their base

"Don't sweat it!" Caizher simply said and abandoned the humans to kill other monsters. He made a turn on another part of the base and this time; he saw a group of around thirty goblins

The goblins are weaker but they are really numerous. Caizher also saw six goblins different than the ones he encountered before

Three of them were holding a staff in their hands and they are the goblin mages. The remaining three on the other hand was holding a crude dagger with them

"A ranger type goblin?" Caizher wondered but just like before, he charged at the group of goblins and killed the closest one to him

With a flashed of his dagger, one goblin after another died. But for Caizher, his killing speed is too slow. His human shape body can only kill one or two goblins at the same time

The gears on Caizher's minds started working furiously to think of a way to kill these goblins faster while he is still killing and dodging the attacks from the goblins

Caizher's face lit up as he thought of something. Absorbing darkness from the darkness pool increased his size, Caizher is around 3.5 cubic meters now

He can't just return to his original state and made the goblins to enter his body as the mage goblins might use mana attacks and destroy his darkness. However, Caizher got a plan

Caizher returned his body to its original form before changing his shape to a new one. This time, he is a bit of a small titan being that is 3 meters tall and 1 meter wide. His figure literally towered on the goblins that are as tall as a small kid

From his legs, Caizher condensed his darkness into sharp spikes

"Heh, taste the form thought by my brilliant mind!" Caizher boasted and kicked on the goblin closest to him. As the spikes are half a meter long, it penetrated the whole goblin's body

Caizher removed the impaled goblin on his body by using the corpse as a 'soccer ball' and kicked its body away towards the other goblins

The goblins were pushed back by the body of their kind and Caizher used this chance to kick and kick all the goblins on his way

The goblin rangers have a faster speed than normal goblins and they used their daggers to slashed on Caizher's darkness. However, the darkness will just return to its fog-like state before being condensed again

Caizher bullied the goblins and literally kicked them to death. The only attack he was dodging with is those that came from the goblin mages. The others don't affect him that much

After killing all the goblins, Caizher was about to find more enemies when a group of humans encountered him

Seeing such a tall being whose body is entirely black without even a face, the humans were scared to death and their bodies trembled in fear

Caizher rolled his imaginary eyes and condensed himself back to his human form which startled all the humans. Caizher don't want these humans to make a mistake by attacking him as he still needs them to help clear the base from the monsters

"It's is just me, no need to be scared" Caizher said in a nonchalant manner and retrieved his daggers from the ground

It seems like he needs to be careful as the humans might attack him when seeing his mini titan form

Caizher ignored the humans and run to another area of the base. The humans were left there with mixed emotions

"I-I don't know if he's strong or a monster" One of them said and the others agreed

The closer Caizher is to the door, the more creatures he encountered. This time he saw familiar faces that are quite in a pinch

Sheena and her team belonged to this larger group of humans but their enemies are also a large group. There are thirty goblins, ten wolves, and fifteen of those strange flying creatures

Sheena waved her hand and sharp ice crystals formed in front of her. Those ice crystals then cut the air and advanced on the goblins' position

The goblins are weaker but their numbers are higher. They can give a lot of troubles to the humans that are fighting the stronger wolves

One human blocked a wolf's attack but then a flying type creature dived down at his position. The man was forced to break free from the wolf to defend himself from the other enemy. However, to his surprise, the wolf's speed accelerated and slashed his chest, ripping his flesh

The other's face darkened at seeing this. The creatures around their doors might be one of the weakest but it doesn't mean it's easy to clear!

Blood and bodies literally piled on the ground as both monsters and humans were killing each other for survival

Caizher shakes his head helplessly while looking at the now dead man and charged at them. Caizher is selfish and put himself as a top priority, but if someone that needed help is literally in front of him, as long as it won't affect him negatively, he would still choose to help

Caizher coated one of his daggers with mana and threw it on one of the wolves that were about to harvest another human's life. The dagger hit the wolf on its eyes but the distance was quite far and Caizher's dagger wasn't able to penetrate its brain

But it was still enough, the sudden help enabled the human to kill one of the wolves. Seeing their savior, the humans looked at Caizher's position and their eyes lit up

It was the man that almost killed the number one expert on their base before! A powerful man arrived at the scene to help them!

Sheena's eyes glowed when seeing this 'strange man', this made her lower her guard a bit and one of the goblin rangers used its dagger to attack

Fortunately, she managed to cover her arm with ice and she wasn't injured. In anger from the sudden sneak attack, Sheena grab the goblin ranger's head and froze it before kicking it on the stomach and its body collided with the other goblins

Caizher decided to focus on the flying ones. These flying creatures are maintaining a height of around 4.5 meters above the humans to occasionally give them trouble

Caizher runs to where the humans are and when he reached their position, his arm turned into elongated darkness. The tip of his darkness is sharp and it pierced the flying creature's head

Caizher's original body is 3.5 cubic meters but if he only stretched one part of himself, he can easily reach the flying ones

The humans' eyes widened in shock as they once again are given a shock by Caizher

The other flying ones panicked and flew higher to avoid Caizher but unfortunately for them, the man is set on killing them

Just because Caizher has a human form, doesn't mean that the characteristics of his body changed and he can still float. Unless the enemies flew too high that even their attacks won't reach anyone, they cannot escape Caizher

The man condensed multiple tentacles like shapes with sharp ends and killed the flying ones with ease

With the morale given by Caizher easily killing the flying ones and lessened the pressure on them, the humans' attacks become frenzied and they shouted like soldiers in a war

Even Sheena got carried away as she shouted on humanity's enemies while forming ice attacks. Blue lights flew from her hands hitting the enemies' body

One of the flying creatures opened its mouth and a loud sound was generated by it. It made Caizher's darkness to tremble a bit and destroyed bits of them

"Oh? They do have some fighting capabilities after all" Caizher mattered before using his sharp tentacles to kill the one that harmed him

The blood from these flying creatures rains down on the humans below. However, these humans already experienced the apocalypse for a year. They have ample fighting experience and the blood didn't bother them much now

Even if their bodies were dyed with blood, the humans ignored it and continue the battle to the death

This is a matter of survival! All that matters is to kill your enemies before they manage to kill you!

After killing all the flying ones, Caizher retracted his darkness and landed on the ground. Fortunately, he's not limited by his physical body

As long he has darkness left, he can still fight!

The humans don't have that luxury though and after killing all the creatures around them, they got tired

The humans were panting hard. Their clothes were torn and their bodies were dyed with sticky blood. Some even removed the piece of flesh that landed on their bodies

However, when the humans saw Caizher's current state, although the man is their savior, it still made them feel aggrieved

Caizher loses some of his darkness in the fight but he looks the same as before. No blood or dirt can be seen on his body at all and he wasn't even panting to show that he's out of breath. Overall, he looks the same as his top condition

This causes the humans to look at him with resentment. Here they are sticky from both blood and sweat yet this man didn't even have a single stain on his body. How can they not be angry?

A woman like Sheena was especially aggrieved and since she's a 'bit close' to Caizher, she talked to the man

"How did you do that? Why are you still so clean?!" Sheena asked but Caizher just looked at her with visible disdain

"Stop dreaming that you'll be the same as me"

"What did you say?!" Sheena asked angrily while cold fogs were coming out of her nose

"You need to be as awesome as me to do the same!" Caizher shamelessly boasted his 'awesomeness' although he's only like this because of what his original body is

"Damn you, you are so arrogant!" Caizher just sneered as a response which made the woman angrier. Caizher really never failed to anger her

"D-don't fight now" one of the other women said and Sheena made a 'hmph' sound before moving her head on the side

"Hello, you are Mr. Caizher, right? Do you want to join our group to clear the monsters?" The woman asked gently

If Caizher is with them, they have a higher chance of survival, and more of them will return alive

If it was before, Caizher will surely refuse but this time he nodded his head. "Alright"

The numbers of enemies are really high. If he's alone, he would need to put more effort into killing the enemies. But with the humans here to help him, he can conserve more of his mana

Although Caizher loves fighting and enjoyed battling on his own, but he's really curious about the dungeons. He badly wants to enter one but he still needs to help the humans

For more efficiency, Caizher decided to join this group. Not only will it take lesser effort for him but the survivability of the humans will increase. More humans mean they can kill more monsters

"Heh... didn't you want to go solo before, why did you agree now? You scared?" Sheena used this chance to get back at Caizher and ridiculed the man. But winning over Caizher is not an easy thing to do

"No, no, don't misunderstand me. I just had sudden compassion to help the weak like you that if not for me might have already died now!" Caizher bite back in a teasing manner but it incited some of the anger of the other humans

"Did you just call us weak? Just because you are strong doesn't mean you can belittle use like that! Do you think you are that superior!" One of the hot-headed one said which was bound to be his mistake