Chapter 26: Gaining A Fan

Caizher's playful side vanished and his body sinks on the ground much to the humans' surprise. They already saw him doing this a few times but it still made them very shock

The next thing they knew was that Caizher is already at the back of that hot-headed man. Caizher turned his right hand into sharp darkness and pointed it at the man's throat

"Just because I helped you all and had a 'playful fighting session' with Sheena doesn't mean you can say all you want to me"

Caizher can be a playful person at times but he won't back down from someone that is badmouthing him. For him, he is only talking to Sheena, and him fighting with her is a normal thing

It's like Caizher and Sheena have that strange friend/enemy relationship. If these humans are all in danger, Sheena is the one that he will help first and the two were just messing with each other by their arguing

Now that an 'annoying man' not only interfered but also said negative things about him, Caizher won't stay still. For him, always showing his might is a necessity

Just look at his situation back at the base before. At first, many thieves tried stealing from him but after he gained a reputation, no thief dared to steal from him again

It seems like his display of force before was still not enough and some of them still tried angering him thinking that he won't do anything to them

"I'm only talking to Sheena, not to you. And yes, I'm really superior to you because if not for me, you might be one of the casualties that this group will have. I'm also superior because if I want you dead, you will really die now!" Caizher said directly to the man's ears and the man almost pissed his pants in fear

"P-please calm down Mr. Caizher!" The woman from before said trying to prevent things from escalating

"Listen, this is a new era! Just a piece of advice, if you have an opinion on things, keep it to yourself if you don't have enough power. You all experienced a year in the apocalypse now, stop using the common sense of the previous era!"

After saying it, Caizher kicked the man on the back and moved away from him

The others although didn't like being dominated by Caizher this much but still agreed with him. The hot-headed man was really too stupid, he's weak yet he tried angering the strong

"Hey idiot, stop scaring other people!" Sheena shouted and Caizher gave her an answer by rolling his eyes

"This man!"


Their group continued advancing after some time of rest. However, one of them was being isolated a bit. The others are putting some distance from the hot-headed man from before which made him angrier

This is the oppression of the strong! Without Caizher saying anything, the humans stayed away from his 'enemy' as to not incur his wrath

Looking at Caizher's back that was in front of them, the humans have mixed feelings. They naturally don't like being on his mercy but at the same time, they are gratified at him and even admired him

Caizher gave them a huge help in lessening the casualties and his assertion of dominance is something they admired. If only they can be as strong as Caizher, then won't they be able to act dominantly like him too?

Along their way, their group encountered other human groups, and every time that this will happen, they would give their assistance

With this group not realizing that they are being led by Caizher, their reputation rose as they helped a lot of people on their way

"Argh, this is gross!" Caizher complained while slashing his dagger from a gigantic disgusting worm

Aside from goblins, wolves, and the flying creature, they finally encountered another type of enemy. Too bad, it was really gross

The gigantic worm was as large as three humans that were put on top of each other. It has mediocre attacking power but the problem is with its size!

Worms are already hard to deal with but it just has to be this big. And with its size, even though it was weak and slow but it can swallow a whole human body!

"My daggers are too small" Caizher complained and saw the sword on the man that offended him before. Caizher backed away from the worm first and went on that man

"Hey, you, give your sword to me!" Caizher said in a domineering tone. As the man's situation turned really bad because of Caizher, the most hated person in his life become Caizher and he doesn't want to give his sword

Too bad, Caizher is not some Mr. Goody goody and threatened him with his life. "Give it to me or I'll kill you right here?" Caizher calmly asked

When the man looked around him, he saw the others were looking at him with urging eyes. The man clenched his fist while thinking hard

The team is pressuring him but he really doesn't want to give his sword. Unfortunately for him, Caizher is not a patient man to give him time

Caizher kicked him on the stomach which made his grip on his sword to loosen and Caizher snatched it away from him

Caizher then ignored the man and charged back at the worm. The sword on his hand was covered by a layer of black light and Caizher used it to slashed on the area close to the worm's head

Caizher managed to make a deep cut but it wasn't enough to completely behead the worm. The worm aggressively moved its body so that Caizher will be thrown away

"Not so easy!" Caizher said and formed sharp spikes from the soles of his feet. The spikes penetrated the worm's skin causing it to feel more pain

The spikes acted as Caizher's 'glue' and the worm wasn't able to throw him out of its body. Caizher coated his sword with mana again and continuously slashed on the same area

The worm's body was also too thick and three grown men can hug it without touching each other

The others didn't just stand there and helped Caizher to kill the worm. They also attacked the area close to the worm's wound causing more disgusted blood to leak out from it

They are gross-out by the sight and smell but they didn't have a choice but to continue. The only one that is not doing anything was the hot-headed man who stared at Caizher with murderous intent

Caizher can see it as he has 360° vision but he just ignored it. If the man will try to harm him, he won't hesitate to go for a kill

Finally, after a lot of difficulties, they finally beheaded the gigantic worm but it can still move a bit that creeped them out

"Hays, I wish we have salt!" Caizher said randomly and the humans looked at him weirdly. Caizher coughed a bit before his expression suddenly changed

Caizher covered the sword on his hand with mana and threw it in the hot-blooded man's direction. The man was shocked as his eyes went wide open. He never thought that Caizher will suddenly kill him

The others were also shocked as they thought Caizher might act too dominantly but as long as you don't anger him, he won't do anything to you

In fact, Caizher only bullied those who angered him. To others, he just acted indifferently or like a normal person depending on his mood

The hot-blooded man closed his eyes and braced himself for death. However, he heard the sound of a sword piercing a flesh but he didn't felt any pain

'Is death actually painless?' The man thought on his mind before slowly opening his eyes

But he saw that he's still in the same place while his group was looking at him with shock or more accurately on something on his side

The man looked at his side but didn't saw anything, but when he lowered his head, he saw his sword that was snatched away by Caizher before

The sword was embedded in a small worm's body preventing it to move. The worm was small only in comparison to the gigantic worm they fought before but it was still much bigger than normal worms

It was the size of a slightly bigger rat

'H-he saved me?' The man thought unbelievingly as he watched Caizher slowly walking towards his direction and retrieved the sword to fully kill the worm

"Y-you saved me?" The man asked while still cannot believing what happened

"What, you don't want me to save you? Want me to kill you now?" Caizher asked in an annoyed tone

Caizher will kill all of the enemies that will attack him physically. However, to those that only angered him by saying things that didn't have any killing intent, he would at most bully them if they immediately stopped after he warned them

But when danger comes, if he can, he'll still try to save them. But of course, the degree of danger he will take to save that kind of man will significantly lower than when he chose to help other people

To Caizher's surprise, the man actually teared up while sniffing back his snot to his nose

"B-boss!!" The man shouted and hugged Caizher while rubbing his face on the man's arm

"H-hey! What are you doing?! You're disgusting!" Caizher didn't think that this man would suddenly act like a kid and even hug him. Aren't they enemies just moments ago?

"B-boss! Sorry for saying mean things to you before! You are the greatest man in the world! Waahhh!!"

Caizher tried removing the disgusting man on his body but the man just won't let go. Even the others' faces are twitching from this sight. No one would have thought that the man will actually act like this towards Caizher

"Boss, I am Kennedy! From now on, I'll always be at your service boss!"

Caizher reached the maximum level of disgust and returned his lower body into a fog of darkness except for his head to break free from the man's disgusting hug

The others flinched at this sight. Well, who wouldn't if you saw a human head but its whole body is made entirely of black fog? The scene was too terrifying

"Idiot, what are you doing? You look so creepy!" Sheena scolded but Caizher has a wronged expression on his face

"It is not my fault! Remove this disgusting man from me!" Caizher shouted while preventing Kennedy from hugging him again

"Boss, you are so mean! I'm just showing you how much I adored you!" Kennedy shamelessly said

Thus, Caizher gained a fanatic fan today

"Move away from me! We still have a lot of enemies to deal with!" Kennedy pouted and moved away from Caizher as he still knew that this is not the time for this

"Everyone, be careful. There might be more of the fast worms like that!" Caizher said as soon as he broke free from the disgusting man

The others nodded and raised their guards especially Kennedy

Along their way, another gigantic worm appeared much to their disgust. They rather encounter a hundred goblins than a single gigantic worm like this one

"I might use up all of my mana after this fight" Caizher said helplessly. He was conserving his mana before but it will also run out soon

The others are mostly out of mana too even after they rested every now and then. These humans have an easier time than him. They don't need to use a lot of mana as the others are there to help them

However, although Caizher also received their help but he's the one that fought the most number of enemies and his mana only lasted till now because he's taking advantage of not being physically exhausted

The humans mostly use their weapons to kill to conserve mana and it will only use up their stamina. However, with the improved physique that having mana gave to them, recovering stamina took lesser time than before

The humans focused on the big worm and slightly lowered their guards to other enemies. This enables a small yet fast worm to harvest one of their lives