Chapter 27: Worms

The worm flew like an arrow and landed on the man's neck which surprised everyone at how fast it was

"AAHHH!! HELP! HELP ME!!" The man shouted desperately and the one closest to him immediately saved him by slashing at the worm using his sword

The worm was cut in half and fell on the ground much to everyone's relief. However, they become terrified at the next thing that happened

Purple veins popped on the bitten man's neck and his eyes rolled at the back of his head. His body started bulging in an unnatural manner and he looked like a meatball that was about to explode

His group put some distance between him in case something bad will happen and this decision of them saved more lives. The bitten man's body burst and from it came out multiple worms that is almost exactly like the one that bitten him

Although everyone already has ample experience in the apocalypse, it still made some of them to have the urge to vomit on such a gruesome sight

The humans immediately defended themselves and started killing the worms. Fortunately, maybe because the worms are 'new born' they aren't near as fast as the adult ones

Nonetheless, with their numbers, some of them were still bitten. To their luck, the bitten ones didn't died and turned into worms

It seems like only the 'adult' worms can 'lay eggs' on human bodies

"No wonder there aren't any bodies around" Caizher muttered while sighing. As they are focus on fighting enemies that they can see, they don't have enough time to survey their surroundings much

They were puzzled why there aren't any corpse around but didn't think much of it. Turns out that worms like that are the reason

"Stay here, I'll go ahead first!" Caizher said and started walking in front but Sheena went to stop him

"Don't! It's dangerous if you're alone!" Sheena said in worry but Caizher just shook his head

"These worms won't be able to harm me. Besides, if more of you were bitten, it would just make more enemies. I don't want to be burdened!"

The others clenched their fist on Caizher's words but in the time they spent with the man, they knew that he really speak bluntly and didn't sugarcoat his words

But if Caizher can save them, the man would still do it. They just thought that Caizher is cold outside but really a warm person inside

They are completely oblivious to what Caizher is thinking, the man saved them before mostly because if they are alive, they can kill more monsters and clear the area faster. Caizher volunteered to kill the fast worms mostly because he doesn't have a physical body that the worms can exploit and also just like what he said, these humans will become burdens if they were bitten and 'breed' more worms

"Boss, be careful!" Kennedy said while trying to hug Caizher but the man did his best to dodge him

Caizher looked at Kennedy with disdain. He doesn't know why the former hot headed man is currently acting like this

"Mini titan form!" Caizher muttered and his body broke down into fogs of darkness before he turned into a 3 meters humanoid shape darkness

His whole body is color black without any features except for the sharp spikes at the bottom of his legs and his sharp arm. Caizher literally stored his daggers inside him but the others cannot see it because of his darkness

The humans thought that they won't be surprised anymore by anything that Caizher will do, but seeing this scene proves them wrong. They even wondered if the man is really a human or not

Caizher, with his bigger body slowly advanced forward. Fortunately, it seems like the worms will attack everything on sight

They tried biting him and turning his body into a breeding ground but the worms didn't succeed

"Seems like I was right, these worms might be using the nutrients on human bodies to breed" Caizher said to no one. From the novels, there are parasitic creatures that will use a body's nutrients to multiply themselves and Caizher thought that these worms are also like those

Fortunately, Caizher is a pure darkness entity and these worms cannot harm him. Caizher used his sharp arm to penetrate these worms' bodies causing more blood to dye the ground

As a man of 21st Century, Caizher is disgusted by the 'juices' of these worms and will turn part of his body into fogs of darkness after the juice lands on his body

Caizher walk in a rather simple manner as the worms doesn't have the ability to harm him in any way

The humans watching him from afar has a complicated expression on their faces. They are all 'humans' but why is the difference in power is this big?

Caizher circled around for a few times to make sure there aren't any worms anymore and only then turned himself back to a human body and returned to his group

Seeing Caizher, Kennedy immediately runs towards him but the man only gave him a kick on the stomach. Kennedy hold his stomach in pain whole pouting at Caizher's direction which disgusted the man

"I didn't encounter any more worms but to be safe, don't let your guard down. We need to find a place to rest"

As Caizher unconsciously become their leader, the group of humans nodded their head. With Caizher at the front, they advanced to find a place to rest


Caizher's group settled in a large house and the humans started eating. As food and safety becomes the most important thing after the apocalypse, every one would store large amounts of foods on their homes

They took advantage of it and ate the foods that they saw. Caizher stared at the humans hatefully, he still doesn't know if he'll have the ability to eat in the future and he's very jealous on them

In anger, Caizher decided to enter one of the rooms to continue cultivating but Sheena saw him

"Caizher, are you not going to eat?" Sheena asked but Caizher just stared at her hatefully which took her by surprise

"No!" Caizher said angrily before entering a room. As soon as he entered the room, he immediately shouted "No one should enter my room!"

The humans blinked their eyes at the strange change on Caizher's temper

Inside the room, Caizher turned his body back to its original form and the room was plunged into a deep darkness

Caizher started cultivating to raise his strength and his mind entered the Darkness Pool. In anger, Caizher decided to absorb two wisp of darkness at the same time

The darkness entered the physical word and Caizher furiously worked to absorb them. The two wisps of rogue darkness were rampaging inside Caizher's darkness and the man pushed himself to the limits

"Son of a bitch, be obedient to daddy!!" Caizher roared on his mind while pushing the murderous intent caused by the darkness

His body was busy 'taming' the darkness while his mind was busy pushing back the killing intent. He's really such a busy man

After some time, Caizher was given a pleasant surprise as he succeeded in absorbing the darkness and it even took lesser time

"Is this your way for making up for my inability to eat?" Caizher said to his body which of course wouldn't answer him

"Hmm, I can now barely use Paralysis and Bleeding curse, what should I train next?" Caizher asked to himself while browsing on the list of skills that was on his cultivation manual

Aside from the general instructions to cultivate, the manual also stored lots of skills inside. There are a lot of powerful skills on it but Caizher doesn't have the capability to learn it yet. There are also ones that are really far more powerful than the rest but those skills are 'lock'

The manual only gave him information at his level. The higher levelled knowledge are still lock and will only be available for him if he met the requirements

Caizher focused on a certain skill and decided to start learning it after he had the time. He needs to recover his mana and body to continue clearing the area and he can't practice those skills yet

Caizher can only think of those skills with longing. He can finally have the time to cultivate properly before but the damn doors opened and monsters flooded out from it

After a few hours, it was already deep at night and the team decided to stay in the house for the whole night. With lower visibility, it would be riskier to continue fighting monsters

Some of them will stood guard for a few hours and let the others sleep and then they will be replaced by the sleeping ones. With this, they all can have ample rest while also securing their safety

Caizher has different thoughts though. He like it better if he fight at night. The darkness of the night didn't impedes his vision at all and it also made him a bit powerful

Caizher opened the window of his room and threw his daggers outside before he directly pass through it and retrieved his daggers

The man run at the middle of the night wishing to encounter more monsters along his way

In this dark night, Caizher is like a fish in the water where he is at his best

The man encountered a pack of seven wolves, these wolves are much bigger in comparison to the other wolves he encountered before

As the wolves are night predators they also have extraordinary sight at night and immediately saw Caizher running to them

The wolves opened their mouths and straight lines of winds advanced on Caizher position

Caizher has that craze smile on his face again. As he was with the humans before, he didn't enjoy the fight that much. But now that he's alone, he'll surely enjoy the night

Caizher jumped in the air and used his body's lightness to his advantage and jumped quite high. However, the wolves aren't to be underestimated too

To his surprise, the wolves moved their mouth on his direction and the winds followed

Caizher coated his daggers with mana and slashed in the air, a black blade light flew out from him and it cut the winds to buy himself some time

The winds were forced back for some time and Caizher condensed himself into a smaller version of himself and dodged the winds

The wolves' 'fuel' run out and stopped their attacks. Caizher already confirmed it before that in a fight, he can use his body to his advantage

Before, he always stick to human appearance, at most he will make his hands or his sides to a sharp weapon. But after today, when he transformed into a mini titan, he realized that he shouldn't limit himself to a human shape

His darkness can be shape into anything he wants! If he won't exploit that ability, it would really be a huge waste

Caizher landed on the ground and charged at the wolves again who also did the same. However, this time, it was the wolves' turn to be surprise

The two sides were still charging at each other when Caizher elongated his arms, the wolves were taken aback and Caizher managed to injure one of them

"[Darkness Style: Paralysis Curse!]" From the wolf's wound, a black skull tattoo appeared and it started losing strength. But unlike the other wolves that Caizher fought before, this one although become slower but still continued advancing to his position

Caizher retracted his arm while sighing. His mastery on the paralysis curse is still low and he wasn't able to fully paralyze the wolf

Caizher threw his daggers in the air, these wolves might not be as intellectual as humans but they still have a mind unlike the fallens

The wolves' eyes unconsciously moved to where the daggers are and Caizher used this chance. He sink his body on the ground only leaving a small piece of darkness like he always does to act as his eyes

Caizher traveled on the ground and reached the position below the wolf he weakened before and condensed multiple sharp nails to kill it from below