Chapter 29: Dungeon

Without a choice, Caizher decided to get some help and he went to where Sheena is with his human form. "Yo!" Caizher greeted as he emerged from the ground on Sheena's back who was using sharp ice crystals to kill enemies

The woman flinched from the sudden 'greeting' and turned her back to see Caizher. "Do you need to surprise me that much?!" Sheena asked angrily before a flying creature dove down to her and she made another ice weapon to kill it

"I need you and also you, Candice to help me" Caizher said to the two women that are not far from each other. The two nodded their heads as they can see how powerful the goblin boss is

If that goblin doesn't die, the humans would have more casualties

"Sheena, freeze that goblin's feet. Candice, attack the goblin directly"

The two nodded their heads and charged at the goblin while killing the monsters on their way. Caizher on the other hand sink his body again on the ground, only leaving a small part of him above ground to serve as his eyes

The other humans saw the two women charging at the goblin boss and gave them cover by killing the monsters on their way

Sheena's hand was covered with a frosty fog. She gathered as much mana on her hand as possible and the cold fog grew

"Haaa!!" The woman shouted and attacked the goblin boss on its feet. A layer of thick ice froze the goblin's feet, locking it on its place

At normal times, the goblin boss wouldn't let Sheena freeze it but this time, it wasn't only Sheena that attacked it

Candice made five sharp metal shards and set it on fire. The metals flew towards the goblin and it was forced to defend on these flaming metals. Thus, Sheena was successful in freezing its feet

As soon as the goblin boss defended from Candice's attack, Caizher seized this chance. He turned into his quadrupedal form with sharp claws and pounced on the goblin

This time, Caizher managed to leave quite a deep claw mark. Eight black skull tattoos appeared on the goblin's body and it fell on its knee as the curse activated their effects

Taking this chance, Caizher tried injuring it again but the goblin looked at him with murderous intent. The goblin was still on its knee but it used the sword on its hand to attack

Tongues of flames covered its sword that instantly rose the surrounding temperatures. Even the ice on its feet was visibly melting

The goblin slashed its sword in the air and a few meters long fire was shot from it. With the distance, Caizher's quadrupedal form was literally sliced in half

But the fire still didn't lose its power and continued advancing to the humans and harvested more lives

Caizher turned smaller and he decided that he needs to finish the fight now. He reconnected his darkness first before multiple sharp tentacles formed all over his body and pierced the goblin boss

The wound wasn't that deep but Caizher still has his skill with him "[Darkness Style: Bleeding Curse!]" More black skull tattoo appeared on the goblin and its wound bled

"Attack it!" Caizher shouted and sink his body on the ground. The humans who heard it directed their attacks on the goblin boss and finally killed it

However, this caused more of them to die as they weren't able to defend from the other monsters

The goblin boss finally died and its body fell on the ground

Caizher was forced to continue staying below the ground. His body is at its critical state and he was pitifully small now. He decided to recover below ground first as even his mana is fully used up

He left the remaining war for the humans to solve. With the goblin boss dead, it would be easier to kill the other monsters

Caizher stayed below ground for hours making the people who know him to worry especially Sheena. He only emerged from the ground when he fully recovered

Fortunately, it only needs a few hours for his body to fully recover

When he returned above ground, the war was almost over with the humans emerging as victor but with the price of human lives sacrifices

"You jerk! Where have you been?!" Sheena asked as soon as she saw Caizher but the man only pointed his finger below

Lines formed on the woman's forehead as she thought that Caizher is messing with her. "Hmph, then you should have stayed on hell!"

Caizher rolled his eyes and didn't think that he needed to explain himself


After some more time, the war finally ended and the humans sat on the bloody ground. They don't care how dirty it was anymore as the constant fighting made them extremely tired

The place was left in ruins with monsters and human bodies laying on the ground

Caizher started walking to where the door is. Before, some part of the door gained and reddish color but now, after the war, it returned back to normal

"Boss Caizher heroooooo!!!" An annoying voice entered Caizher ears. He didn't even need to turn his back a he knows that it was Kennedy who was about to give him a hug but the man just passes through his body

Kennedy stumbled on the ground and pouted at Caizher. However, the humans hearing Kennedy's words all looked at Caizher

This time, most of the humans have adoration from their eyes while looking at Caizher. They carried their tired bodies and went to the man

If not for Caizher, many more humans will die. There was no one that is willing to fight the goblin boss. If the goblin boss was left on its own, it would surely kill a lot of people

The humans flooded on Caizher's direction and the man panicked. He used his body's ability to float in the air to dodge the humans who wants to hug him

However, with the human's improved physique, they all managed to jump high enough to reach him

Caizher gritted his teeth and returned his body back into its original state. The humans were surprise as they suddenly entered a world of darkness

Caizher moved his body away from these humans and only then recondense his human form while sighing

However, when he looked at where he was, he saw a woman standing in front of him. As he was focus on escaping before, he wasn't able to see much of his surroundings

He found out that his face is extremely close now to Anna who become flustered

"Oy, what are you doing?!"

"Move away from Lady Anna!"

As usual, the two men were on her side and didn't like it that Caizher is this close to Anna

Caizher rolled his eyes as all these humans are being annoying

"H-Hero, t-thank you for helping us!" Anna said while blushing as she looked at Caizher. The three of them were in the other parts of the battlefield and didn't witnessed Caizher fighting the goblin boss and only heard it from the other humans

This made Anna to adore Caizher more due to how strong the man is

Hearing the word, Hero, Caizher laughed loudly that everyone can hear it

"Hero? No, I'm not a hero! I'm not kindhearted and only did this to my benefit. In fact, I won't hesitate to kill those who angered me!" Caizher will never think of himself as a hero

In fact, if people are going to label him, he wants to be labelled as a 'Villain'

For Caizher, the villains are cooler and he doesn't like those Mr. Goody Goody

However, what he expected the humans' reaction will be didn't come and they just chanted his name

"Are you all an idiot? I said I'm not a hero!" Caizher said angrily as he knows that he won't hesitate to kill if any of these humans tried harming him

Anna laugh lightly at him which made Caizher more irritated. "Are you messing with me, woman?!" Caizher asked in annoyance and Anna waved her hand immediately

"N-no, no, I'm not! It's just that, we saw how cruel you act before with your enemies and we don't think of you as a Saint. But it was a fact that you greatly help us and we appreciated that" Anna explained and Caizher rolled his eyes for the nth time today

"Whatever, I'll just enter the dungeon now!"

Caizher was too lazy to bother with these humans. As the monsters are finally cleared, he can now enter the dungeon of his dreams

"W-wait, d-don't you want a team to accompany you? We still didn't know what lies beyond that door. The danger level might be too high" Anna asked worriedly but Caizher just look at her like she's an idiot

"I don't need a burden!"

"As blunt as always" Anna pouted her lips but still looked at Caizher like a shy maiden. Somehow, although Caizher is like this, she still has a huge crush on him

As usual, the two men on her side balled their fist in anger

Caizher opened the door and he saw a portal like thing. To get away from the annoying humans, he directly entered it with courage


Caizher opened his eyes and was amazed at his surroundings. Previously, he was on a place that is in ruins with broken debris and corpse everywhere. Even the smell of blood was very pungent

However, this time he was actually inside a forest! The portal was still behind him much to his relief. Although he doesn't care much if he lived his whole life in a dangerous place like this, but he still wants to taste the fruits of future humans' research that might also help him become powerful

Caizher walked around in the forest for a while before encountering his first enemies. Seems like the area close to the portal didn't have any monsters on it

However, Caizher got bored when he saw his first enemies. It was still the annoying goblins. They are weak but they are quite numerous

Caizher suddenly remembered something. He abandoned his weapons before when he fought the goblin boss. He doesn't have any weapons on him now

"Argh, stupid me!" Caizher grumbled. Weapons are still precious for him! It's just that his quadrupedal form can inflict several wounds using its claw and he can activate his curse skills

The goblins didn't give him the chance to find a weapon though and charged at him

Caizher decided to vent out his frustration on these goblins. He turned into his quadrupedal monster form and used his claws to kill the first goblin

The rumors were proven by Caizher as the goblin that he killed didn't left any corpse. It dissipated into mana particles before leaving a single blue stone. It was a mana stone that is quite rare on earth

However, inside this dungeon, these stones suddenly become so cheap that killing a single goblin will give you one

Caizher killed the remaining goblins using his sharp claws. With his speed, even the goblin mages weren't able to do anything to him at all

The man looked at the mana stones on the ground while grumbling again "I should have prepared things before entering this dungeon!"

Without a choice, Caizher opened his body and put the mana stones inside. Without a backpack, he can only let these stones enter his body for storing

However, to his surprise, Caizher has the feeling that he 'ate' something. It is inside his body but it seems like it 'entered' his stomach

Caizher's mind was suddenly pulled on another space. When he 'opened' his 'eyes' to look at where he is, he saw his soul

Just like the humans, Caizher's soul was like it was in another 'dimension' or 'realm'

His body is in the physical world and the soul is in the 'consciousness' world

Caizher and the other humans with the help of mana can finally sense their souls but they didn't find a way to see it directly

A stream information suddenly entered Caizher's mind that came from the one that the eye gave to him and his thought was proven correct

This is Caizher's 'Sea of Consciousness/Spirit Sea!'