Chapter 30: Essence of Darkness

It was called a sea but it was actually almost empty. The only things present inside was Caizher's soul and the mana stones he swallowed before

A stream of information was once again transmitted to Caizher's mind and he now has a general idea what is happening

'Darkness devours everything!'

That line entered Caizher's mind and true enough, the man can feel the mana stones slowly dissolving into a fog like state. His soul then throb a bit and sent a mysterious wave on the mana fog and its color started to change

A pure mana without any attribute is just like how the novels and anime depicted it. It was blue in color but Caizher's soul slowly corrupted the mana and changed its color to black

This ability was one of the lock skills before and its name is "Devour". At initial level it can only absorb and covert mana stones into essence of darkness but Caizher just decided to call it as dark energies to shorten the name. As Caizher grows, he will be able to devour more things

Caizher can use these dark energies on a lot of things. He can use it as a fuel for skills like his mana, but of course even if he's overpowered, there should be a limit to it

At first, Caizher planned on devouring tons of mana stones so that he won't run out of fuel ever again. However, he can't use an unlimited supply of fuel

Even if his Divine Darkness Body is godly, Caizher's own power is still weak. It cannot support a continuous drain on mana that will then be replenish by the energies from his 'stomach'

If he forced himself too much, his darkness will break down and Caizher might die. As of now, he judged that he can only use a bit of it. But as he grew stronger, that amount will rise

Although he can't use much but these dark energies still has a lot of uses. Caizher unlocked another one of the lock skill on his manual before and was overjoyed at how powerful it sounds. This skill can be use with the help of "Devour"

This ability is called "Monarch of Dark Creatures"

It was a skill composed of different skills. Caizher knew that he is 'the darkness itself' although he still didn't fully know what that means

This Monarch of Dark Creatures is a skill that is really suitable for him. It will enable him to do different things!

Dark Creatures have a lot of different races like Demons who are one of the most powerful because of the level of corruptness on their bodies and soul

Demons' whole bodies are corrupted by darkness. This gave them more power but also restricted them. Those who are blessed more by darkness can put a lot of pressure on the lesser darkness beings and lower their fighting abilities

As the Monarch of Dark Creatures, Caizher won't be affected by this pressure. But of course, if he's still too weak, his enemies would still be able to kill him

That is just one of the abilities inside the Monarch of Dark Creatures but there is one that Caizher is very interested. Too bad that he needed something first

Caizher exited his 'spirit sea' / 'stomach' and head deeper in the forest. As soon as he encountered any enemy, he will kill it immediately

Sure enough, after some time, Caizher encountered a group of ten goblins. These goblins really have a huge number and it was easy to meet them

Caizher used his quadrupedal form and pounced on the goblins. Using his sharp claws, he ripped the chest of these goblins to kill them

The man will sometimes sink on the ground and only reappear below the goblins to kill them. It only took him one strike to kill one goblins

However, to Caizher's misfortune, all the goblins he killed only turned into mana stones

While cursing his luck, Caizher devoured those mana stones and it entered his 'stomach' to be slowly dissolve and turn into dark energies

Using the speed provided by having four limbs that he can use in running, Caizher immediately encountered another group of goblins again

Just like before, the man easily killed them using his sharp claws and lady luck finally smiled on him

Most monsters that you killed in the dungeon will turn into mana stones or other items. However, some will still leave a complete corpse

If the corpse was left alone for 24 hours, it will dissipate into mana particles that will be part of the dungeon again. However, humans can still use these corpse on anything if they want to

Caizher smiled happily at this corpse and closed his eyes to control a bit of his dark energies. The man turned his body back into its human form to better savor this 'fantasy like' thing he will do

"[Monarch of Dark Creatures: Rise My Dark Servant!]" Dark energies covered Caizher's palm and slammed it on the goblin's corpse

The dark energies entered the goblin's body and it started to turn black as the energy started rampaging inside it. However, to Caizher's surprise, the effect he was hoping for didn't happen as only holes appeared on the goblin's body

"I failed?" Caizher asked to himself and cursed his skill

It seems like the real world is still really different! In novels, as long as you gained an ability, you will be able to use it immediately. However, to Caizher's case, he needs to train everything!

After he gained his Divine Darkness Body, he needed to train hard first to control it. Then as a result of his training, he can now control his darkness to assume any form he wants

His curse before also took him time to successfully used it. Now, even this overpowered sounding ability still needs him to train it hard

Caizher kicked the now black goblin body riddled with holes. The man kicked it repeatedly to vent his anger and the poor corpse become more pitiful

After cursing the dead goblin non-stop, Caizher went deeper in the forest and this time, what he met is a pack of five wolves

The wolves howled at seeing him and opened their mouths to use their wind abilities. Five line of winds advanced on Caizher's direction and the man jumped high in the air

Caizher's arm turned into a long sharp tentacle and coated it with the dark energies from before. The dark energies were then injected on the wolf's wound

The wolf's body turned black as the energies rampaged inside its body. The wolf's immune system tried fighting back with the foreign invader but it just do more harm to the wolf

The wolf's body cannot take it anymore and some part of its body burst causing holes to form all over it. The wolf landed on the ground as dead as it can be

Caizher was amazed at the dark energies as it is really powerful! He didn't tried using it to kill the goblins as it would be a 'waste'

Aside from their numbers, goblins aren't that powerful and to make those dark energies, Caizher needed mana

It can either be his own or supply his 'stomach' with mana stones that he can only have by killing enemies inside the dungeon

"Heh... I become more powerful!"

Caizher as of now is at the peak of Tier 1 Servant but his power is above that. Servant Rank creatures mostly only needs to absorb more mana to advance. But different races required different things and even the amount of mana they have differed

There are creatures with superior body or powerful abilities that can easily kill creatures above their level. Thus, it was hard to judge combat power of anyone from Tier 1 to 3 Servant Rank Creatures

With Caizher's dark energies, it would be easier for him to kill enemies at a higher rank than him

Caizher killed all the wolves using his dark energies. He also wants to get use in using this energy and using it is the best training for that. But of course, he wouldn't use it on the goblins as it was a waste of energy

The energy usage rate is higher than recovery if he killed goblins using the dark energies

Caizher finished killing the wolves and was disappointed that none of them left a corpse for him to train. But aside from mana stones, one finally 'drop' a weapon

It was just a normal sword but it would be better than nothing. Caizher put it on his back and covered it with some of his condensed darkness so that it won't fall

Caizher can use his 'stomach' to store items but with his present ability, he still cannot do that. Mana stones are the only ones that he can put inside him for now. But in the future, he would be able to solve his problem of not being able to bring his weapons while he sinks on the ground

Caizher didn't rest and continued. Since he now has a new ability that will help him, why wouldn't he train hard on it?

Thus, the man's figure moved inside the forest while killing the monsters he encountered. If they left a corpse, Caizher would be happy, if not, the man will curse the dungeon again


January 21 Year 2021

Caizher's face is currently filled with seriousness as he stared at the dead goblin below him. His right palm was covered by his dark energies and he slammed it down on the goblin's body

The area around Caizher's palm turned black that spread all over the goblin's body. The body of the dead goblin on the ground started convulsing as dark energies are corrupting it

The immune system of the goblin resisted with everything it got but Caizher gritted his teeth and put more effort on corrupting the goblin's body

Caizher was about to succeed when a human voice entered his imaginary ears causing him to lose focus

"Boss!!!" A man shouted in glee and Caizher lose control causing the goblin's body to bursts and multiple holes appeared on it

Caizher looked at Kennedy with a murderous intent. The man and his team flinched from the dark aura surrounding Caizher but Kennedy still smiled at his 'boss'

"Boss, I finally see you again!! It has been a weak and I missed you a lot!!" Kennedy happily said while running towards Caizher

However, when the man reached Caizher's position, the latter gave him a kick on the stomach that made Kennedy's team scared

"Bastard! Can't you see that I was busy? I almost succeeded!" Caizher continued his abuse on Kennedy's body and started kicking everywhere

However, Caizher can feel that the man's body was as hard as a metal. This made Caizher angrier as Kennedy actually defended himself from his anger

Caizher continued kicking Kennedy that brought the man into tears. "Boss, I'm sorry! Please forgive me boss!" Kennedy pleaded and Caizher only stopped when he thought that he kicked the man enough

"Asshole, try to kill me now so I can kill you!!" If only Kennedy will attack him, Caizher will surely give this man a death sentence without any negotiations

"Boss, how can I do that? I will never attack you!" Kennedy said while pouting much to Caizher's dissatisfaction

"Get lost now and don't disturb me! I don't want to see you!" Caizher shooed the man and walked on another body of goblin that he killed before

"Boss, what are you doing?" Kennedy innocently asked but Caizher only gave him a deadly stare and continued on his way to the dead goblin

Kennedy shut his mouth and just watched on what Caizher is doing

Caizher coated his palm with dark energies again and slammed his palm on the goblin's body

The darkness started corrupting the corpse but the goblin's immune system tried its best to fight back. Caizher don't want another failure and did his best to stop the corpse's resistance

After some time, Caizher was successful and black fog covered the corrupted body of the goblin

Kennedy and his team were shocked by what happened and gulped while continuing to watch Caizher

Caizher poured more dark energies on the corpse and it changed the goblin's body into something new. The black fog retracted and entered the goblin's body while changing its very essence

By this time, the goblin's body was completely black and it was given a new life. This goblin is now a creature of darkness!