Chapter 31: Creatures of Darkness

Caizher felt some sort of connection to this dark goblin as if he can do anything, he wants to it. The man ordered the dark goblin to dance and the goblin obediently obeyed

However, the way it danced was so awkward that it made the humans' faces to twitch except for Kennedy

Kennedy stared at the awkwardly dancing goblin with amazement. "Wow boss, how did you do this? You are amazing!" Kennedy exclaimed

Caizher gave a mental order to the goblin and it picked up the club it uses when it was still alive and charged at Kennedy's position

"Fight it!" Caizher said to Kennedy and the man quickly used his sword to defend from the goblin's attack. Caizher knew that the information the eye gave to him won't always tell him what is what and which is which. From past experiences, he knew that some things are for him to discover and he wants to test the dark goblin that he created

The goblin smacks its club to Kennedy but the man blocked it with a sword. Kennedy is also quite powerful on his own and kicked the goblin in the stomach before slashing his sword on it

The goblin's body was cut but instead of leaking green blood, the color was actually black. Very different than the normal goblins

Kennedy panicked, if it were other goblins, it would have already died from a huge wound in the chest like that. How was it still able to move?

The man didn't want to lose face by being defeated by a small and weak goblin as that would be huge shame!

After blocking another club attack of the goblin, Kennedy beheaded his enemy and the goblin finally died

Aside from the initial shock of it not dying immediately after such a huge chest wound, the goblin is quite weak and Caizher is disappointed. It was harder to kill but is still weak

However, his mastery on the "Monarch of Dark Creatures" is still at the initial stage. He's confident that if he became more skillful on it, his creature of darkness will be powerful

But now that Caizher finally succeeded, he'll have more cards on his sleeves

"Alright, thanks for being my tester. Bye!" Caizher immediately run away as he really didn't like how Kennedy always want to hug him. The man is too shameful!

"Wait boss!!" Kennedy called out but Caizher didn't listened to him and continued running as if his life depended on it


Caizher is currently on top of a tree while looking at what it looks like a village of goblins. He judged that there are around fifty of them

A single human won't easily attack a goblin village with this many monsters as even though the goblins are weak, they are numerous!

However, to Caizher, these goblin village is the best target for him! Most goblins only use physical attacks which are ineffective to Caizher

Deciding to kill them, Caizher jumped from the three and directly entered the goblin village. The goblins erected a simple crude wooden fence but Caizher easily jumped on them

The goblins seeing an enemy approaching grumbled with each other and almost all of them came out of their small wooden huts to fight

Caizher smirked at these goblins as for him they are just mana stones and a practice dummy

The man controlled his mana on his hands and multiple small black ball formed that Caizher used to kill the goblins. Changing the nature of mana into something like fire type or Caizher's specialty, dark type will increase its power

Among the elements, dark type is one of the tops in terms of giving pain to its enemy. These unlucky goblins will not only die but also feel a lot of pain before that happens

The small black balls flew in the air and advanced on the goblins position. When the ball made a physical contact on the goblins, they exploded causing the goblins to scream

Caizher decided to dwindle their numbers first before engaging in a close combat. He excelled most in close combat but he also wants to practice his long range attacks

However, five goblins chanted their spells and five balls of fire flew in Caizher's direction

Caizher dodged some while destroying some with mana attacks. But this gave the goblins a chance to get closer to Caizher

Caizher made more mana attacks first before taking the sword on his back. The man jumped in the air and was about to kill more goblins but three arrows covered with fire travelled in the air to his position. Caizher immediately parted part of his body to not sustain any damage

Too bad that one of the arrows was still able to hit him on the shoulder. The flames in the arrow destroyed some of Caizher's darkness

The man removed the arrow embedded on his shoulder and threw it away. "These goblins are really numerous to the point that they have a lot of special goblins!"

There are only few special goblins outside the doors before but now, they become more numerous

Caizher landed on the ground and he used the sword on his hand to kill the goblin below him before jumping again in the chair and charged at the back of these goblins

The goblin mages and archers are at the back, Caizher wants to kill them first

Even though the goblins tried their best to stop Caizher, the man was still not someone they can successfully defend themselves. After reaching the long-range attackers, it became easier to kill them as these goblins are weak at close combat

Blood spilled on the ground as more and more goblins died before they dissipated into free mana particles

After around ten minutes, Caizher finally killed all the goblins. To his delight, seven of them left a corpse, one manual, and one sword

Caizher threw his old sword away and picked up the new one. The old sword will become blunt due to excessive use, it was better to always replace it

Looking at the seven goblin corpse, Caizher grinned before he walks on the closest to him

Caizher used the dark energies again from his 'stomach' to cover his palm and he slammed it on the dead goblin's body. As he already succeeded before, using this ability again becomes easier

In no time, the seven dead goblins turned into creatures of darkness and Caizher's slaves. They were given a new life and was reborn as creatures of darkness

With a mental command that their master gave to them, the goblins picks the 'monster drops' on the ground and gave it all to Caizher

Caizher immediately put the mana stones into his stomach to slowly digest and convert it into dark energies

The man picked up the cultivation manual and it was one of the 'generic' or 'general cultivation manual' that is only the basics of the basics. Caizher threw it as he doesn't have any use to it. He has his own superior cultivation manual!

Caizher gave another mental command to the goblins to act as his guards and enter the wooden hut

The hut only has some dried grass as bed without anything much on it but Caizher doesn't care about those things though and he returned his body back into its original state

Darkness blanketed the insides of the hut and if one entered it, they will immediately lose their sense of sight

Caizher started cultivating again according to the Primordial Darkness Heretic Art and his mind entered the darkness pool. As he always fought, this increased his mastery over his body

The man tried to absorb three darkness wisps at the same time and those wisps appeared inside Caizher's darkness

The rogue darkness resisted and filled Caizher's mind with killing intent. Fortunately, with him continuously getting hurt whenever his darkness was destroyed increased his willpower a lot

Caizher didn't even felt any pain from that anymore, it was only like someone pinched him and nothing more.

The wisps of darkness rampaged inside Caizher and the man did his best to subdue and devour them

Caizher's strength steadily increased and he broke through to the early stage of Tier 2 Servant!

The man didn't stop though and continued cultivating like a madman


February 1 Year 2021

Caizher was still inside the hut and forgot the passing of time because of his cultivation. In the time that passed, he broke through to the mid stage of Tier 2 Servant

His Divine Darkness Body increased a lot and grew into 5 cubic meters in size. Caizher condensed his darkness into its human form and went out of the hut

"Hmm, I think it'll be around this time" Caizher said and after that, multiple lights shone on the small goblin village

Originally, only the dark goblins are in this village. But after those lights vanished, the normal goblins appeared once more

Caizher gave a mental command to his dark goblins who has significant increase in numbers now. Every day, the goblin village will 'reset' and the dead goblins will be replenished

Caizher doesn't know why and how this happened but he's glad. This small village become his steady supply of mana stones and goblin corpse for training

After the normal goblins were slaughtered, Caizher ordered them to form small groups and explore the forest. The monsters in the dungeon will also drop mana stones or other items if they were killed by the dark goblins. Caizher used it to his advantage and gave the dark goblins orders that will benefit him

Caizher then went out of the village, he was cooped up inside it for quite some time just quietly cultivating. It was time now to explore the dungeon deeper

Caizher hunted a wolf on the way and turned it into a dark creature to use as a 'mount'

The man hopped on the dark wolf's back and ordered it to run

Even until now he was still in the outskirt parts of the forest and the enemies were redundant with goblins and wolves. He wants to meet new enemies now!

Along the way, Caizher saw a cave and made his wolf to enter it. The insides of the caved were dark but as the 'darkness itself' Caizher doesn't have any problem in terms of vision

As this is a new area, Caizher slowly and cautiously explored it. The cave was quite quiet which Caizher doesn't like. This made the cave more suspicious and who knows what kind of monsters lived inside it

The sound of water droplet hitting the ground entered Caizher's 'ears' and the man focused his vision on the ceiling. Just like what he saw with his 360° vision, the ceiling was uneven with many bumps here and there

However, Caizher had a bad feeling about this. Sure enough, those 'uneven rocks' unfolded themselves and their red eyes all stared at Caizher

"I want new enemies but this is too much!" Caizher complained while ordering his wolf to run towards the exit

He finally encountered a new type of monster which was a bat type, but the problem is their numbers!

Caizher judged that there might be hundreds of them or it may even reached a thousand!

Hundreds of small black balls were shot from the bats' mouth. Caizher was forced to defend himself by also shooting black balls but his enemies are too numerous!

Caizher jumped from the wolf that immediately died from all the attacks. The man picked the sword on his back and used it to block

However, he was still overwhelmed by the enemies and abandoned his sword to sink his body on the ground and travelled from it

After successfully escaping the cave, Caizher emerged from the ground and looked at the cave with an ashen expression

"Caves are dangerous!" Caizher said to himself. But this also made him to look forward on having the strength to travel inside that cave

A cave that dangerous, Caizher won't believe that there isn't something precious on it. It might have contained a powerful treasure and the bats are its guard!

"But too bad my mount was killed" Caizher said while sighing helplessly. His dark wolf is not like him that can sink on the ground and it died from attack that numerous and clustered

The poor wolf wasn't even able to defend itself