Chapter 41: Flying Form

The human thinks for a while but Caizher is not a patient man and started walking away. Seeing this, the human panic and tried catching up to Caizher and the lich but he's still extremely weakened

"W-wait!" The human shouted and Caizher turned his head impatiently. "What?"

"I-I want to follow you!" The man said through gritted teeth. He knew that although he has some strength but there are still creatures out there that are more powerful than him. It would be safer for him to become a subordinate of someone as powerful as Caizher

Especially at his current state, just standing up is already hard for him

Caizher nodded his head. This man is just a 'freebie'

"Alright, but I don't want any betrayal. Do you have any way to resolve this?" Caizher asked the lich. What's more important for Caizher is loyalty, strength can be slowly acquired. But absolutely loyalty is not as simple

"Master, I can give him a curse mark but it wasn't absolute. Higher powers than mine can still destroy or remove it" the Lich respectfully replied

The man's face twitch, who would want to receive a curse mark that will basically mean that your life is now on other person's hand? However, survival is the most important thing for now

Just like the lich said, higher powers can remove the curse. Maybe in the future he'll become more powerful than the lich and free himself

Besides.... looking at the now beauty lich.... the human can't help but blush a bit at thinking how he'll be under that woman

"So what is it, is it okay for you to be put in a curse mark?" Caizher asked the now fidgeting human while looking at the lich. This human is really unbelievable! How can he act like an in love teen age girl?

"I-I accept..." the human answered but he wasn't looking at Caizher at all. All of his attention was on the lich

Caizher rolled his eyes while having an urge to kick this man in the stomach. "Alright, give him a curse mark!" Caizher said but the lich shook his head

"Master, I'm extremely weakened now and needs to recover for some time before I can put a curse mark on this human" the lich replied in an apologetic tone

"Oh, alright then. Just go rest there first" Caizher said and pointed at the side of the rode. Caizher cannot believe that he will become the guardian of his subordinates now

The two are tired and their powers are at their lowest. They rested their backs on the building behind them while sitting on the hard ground

Lines appeared on Caizher's forehead as he saw the human slowly inching towards the lich with a red face

"By the way, what are your names?" Caizher suddenly asked which made the human to flinch as if he was caught on act

"Master, I'm Dera"


The two answered and Caizher can see Kyle mouthing the lich's name which made him to roll his eyes again

After a while, monsters finally discovered them and went to attack them. The lich as Caizher's slave, wants to help but the man just waved his hand. Their goal is for the two to recover their strength, it will defeat the purpose if they would also fight

The first they encountered were another horde of fallens numbering in about twenty. Even though it was 1 versus 20, Caizher wasn't afraid in the slightest

The fallens also improved their strength but not as fast as those that entered the dungeons

Some of the fallens opened their mouths and shot balls of different light as they have different attributes. Caizher used his sword and coated it with his mana

"[Darkness Style: Dark Slash!]" Caizher used his sword to slash in the air and a two meter sword light was generated from his sword

Dark slash is a lot lower levelled than his [Monarch of Dark Creatures] or [Breath of Death] but the difficulty is also low. Thus, Caizher has quite a high mastery on it now and the power behind it also improved

His sword light destroyed all the fallens' long range attacks before a fallen on all fours reached him. Caizher used his sword to block the sharp nails of his enemy before he kicked it on the abdomen

That fallen hits the other fallens behind it causing them to be out of balance. Caizher didn't stopped though as his sword flashed here and there. Every stroke of his sword will caused a fallen's head to fall on the ground

However, at this time, Caizher can hear the sound of birds' cry and the flap of their wings. He saw that there are hawks diving down on his direction

From behind Caizher, two sharp tentacles appeared and it looks like he grew black tails behind him. While using his sword to kill the fallens on the ground, he was also using his tails to slapped on the bird wanting to attack him

After seeing that their attacks are ineffective, the birds flew higher and opened their beak. Condensed balls of lightning formed in front of these birds and all of it were shot on Caizher's direction

The man pierced his sword on a fallen's chest and poured mana on his arms for added strength. Caizher then threw the fallen's body on the lightning balls coming towards him

The fallen was electrocuted and the smell of burnt flesh wafted in the surrounding. The fallen then fell on the ground as even its brain was 'fried'

Caizher sped up his pace and coated his sword with mana "[Darkness Style: Dark Slash]" another sword light flew out from his sword and the condensed mana cut the fallens' body

After some time, he finally killed all the fallens and it was now time to also finish the birds. Caizher threw his sword in the air but attached a string of his darkness on it

The sword pierced on the bird's chest and it was unsurprisingly killed. Caizher then retracted his sword by controlling the string of his darkness

The birds as if angered by the death of their kind charged at Caizher while lightning covered their bodies. Their speed rose and Caizher use his sword to block

Sparks flew around and Caizher saw a small chipped part on his sword. Fortunately, it was also slowly being repaired using mana

Caizher defended himself from the birds' assault and it become trickier to kill them with their numbers and speed. The next thing Caizher knew was that the birds flew higher again to give space for the ones attacking from the distance

Another batch of lightning balls were made that only has Caizher as their target. Caizher hold out his palm and multiples black balls flew out from it that met the lightning balls and cancelled each other

It was hard to kill the birds as they are flying in the air and Caizher had an idea. From his back, a pair of black wings appeared and it was completely made from his darkness

He can already float before as he is really like a fog so why not use a form that has wings that might be able to make him fly?

Caizher used his floating ability along with the wings on his back and soared in the air. He was not really flying. All he does is use his floating ability then paired it with the flapping of his wings to increase speed or change direction

Caizher smirked at the birds while readying his sword. Fighting is really beneficial for him as it can make him think things that will increase his strength

The birds were surprise by this and Caizher's dark blade slashed on one of them. Seeing that Caizher is not a pushover, the birds flew higher in the air and flee from the man

Caizher wants to chase them but he can't. He's not really flying and wouldn't be as fast as the birds to be able to chase them. He controlled his darkness and he slowly fell down on the ground and his wings turned into fogs of darkness before entering his body

He walked towards his two subordinates as if nothing happened. They already saw him in titan form, beast form, human form, but now he also has a flying form. This made the two extremely shock to the core at how versatile he is

"Master, are you really a demon or another creatures of darkness?" The lich asked in confusion. Caizher's abilities surpassed the lich's common sense for what a demon is

"Don't think too much about it. I am simply me, no need to complicate things" Caizher answered while waving his hand and the lich can only nod her head

"But seriously, this city needs to be cleaned. It has a lot of monsters" Caizher said while looking at the new enemies that appeared

He wasn't against fighting as he really loves it. However, there are times that he needs to rest. His mana still has its limits and it was hard to kill without the support of mana

Caizher looked at the new enemies and saw what they looked like. It was a group of elegant cats with black fur. There was a new moon like things on their forehead but its color was also black

"What are they?" Caizher asked the lich. These nine cats were emitting high amounts of mana but it feels as if they are just one. Its like there are nine of them but a the same time there is only one

"Master, they are nine cursed dark moon cats. They are just at the lower ranks of all dark creatures but they are very troublesome to deal with!" The lich replied while looking at the cats with as if they were a headache

"Oh? Please elaborate" Caizher asked curiously and he also gained a bit of interest on these cats

"These cats' individual power is weak but they have a great teamwork and were very unwilling to die. The longer the nine of them survive the higher their talent will be. However, as long as no one of them dies, they will remain weak"

"For every cat that was killed, the powers of the surviving cat will grow and the moon on their foreheads will also slowly turn into a full moon. In short term they have high talent and powerful strength but to wield all of those powers, only one of them must survive"

"That's why, they have great teamwork as if they survived for longer time, the higher their talent will be. And any of them were also unwilling to die because their deaths will lessen the group's talent but increase their current power. It was like if you die, you will become the fuel for the surviving ones" The lich explained

Now, Caizher knew why they have the word 'cursed' on their names. These cats are quite pitiful. If they want to wield all of their powers and talents, then the other eight cats must all die

No one was willing to die as their deaths will become the sacrifice for power that they won't have while they were still alive. But the longer they survive, the higher their talent will be thus, they can't also afford to let any one of them be killed. A really pitiful race indeed

But no matter how pitiful they are, if they wants to attack, Caizher will kill them all

"Master, these cats are also aggressive and will hunt everything on sight. They must offer sacrifices to the dark moon every night if they don't want to die"

Seems like there was more reason why they have a name like that. Sure enough, the cats attacked on sight

Five of them charged at Caizher while the other four opened their mouths and dark moonlight power condensed in front of them. As a result, Caizher also needs to use his skills!

The man opened his mouth and inhale a sharp breath. Without using his dark energies, this is Caizher's current strongest skill

His chest bulge as he infused it with darkness attributed mana

"[Darkness Style: Breath of Death!]"