Chapter 42: Nine Cursed Dark Moon Cats

Caizher can feel a familiar energy on these cats' attacks. It was like his dark energies but also entirely different and much inferior. It feels too impure unlike what Caizher has

Caizher breath out all the dark air inside him and it clashed with the energy balls that this enemies made. However, to his shock, his enemies' attacks are actually weak. It was too weak!

The four balls almost didn't offer a resistance and were instantly destroyed. The dark breath continued and it greatly damaged the vitality of the cats it hit

Caizher almost killed quite a few of these cats in just that one attack! It seems like what the lich said is really true. As long as all nine of these cats are alive, they would be too weak

The other five cats at this time reached Caizher's position and used their sharp nails to attack. However, Caizher jumped in the air and easily dodged their attacks

The man burst into fogs of darkness before the fogs retracted and Caizher used his beast form this time. Using his mana infused claws, Caizher attack the cats

The cats also infused their nails with mana and it glowed with a dark light. Caizher scratched one cats on each of his claws while using the two tails on his back to also inflict damage on two more cats

"[Darkness Style: Paralysis Curse!]" A tattoo of black skulls appeared on the cats that were hit by Caizher and they started losing strength

Caizher then focused on the remaining cat near to him and also put a curse on it. He was shocked at how weak these cats are. He was able to easily put them in a curse or heavily injure them

Using his tails, Caizher penetrated the chest of two cats. To his surprise, the two cats that he killed turned into small specks of black lights. Those lights then flew on the other cats and their bodies glowed with a dark moonlight

The injured cats regained vitality while the ones that are under the curse was able to move again although they are still weakened

The four cats behind opened their mouths and teamed up to make a larger ball of dark moonlight. The three in front of Caizher on the other hand had a black aura surrounding their bodies and it increased their strength

The cats pounced at Caizher again while the bigger ball of dark moonlight were shot at his direction. To conserve mana, Caizher entered the ground and left his sword above ground. His sword was literally inside of him before but he can't take it below ground too

The cats were shock as they lose their target before three sharp tentacles emerged on the ground below three of the cats. The tentacles were infused with mana and it pierced these cats' body successfully killing them

Just like before, these cats turned into black specks of light that made the surviving cats stronger

The remaining four cats turned bigger as the dark moon on their foreheads were at half moon now. The cats put some distance with each other and Caizher didn't know what his enemies did but the cats multiplied!

The original four cats were multiply by three and turned into twelve cats! However, maybe because of his race, Caizher can feel that the eight cats are different

To test his hypothesis, Caizher shot a single ball of mana on one of the cats he find different. That cat that was hit turned into a black mass of fog before rushing towards Caizher

Caizher opened his mouth and shot a beam of darkness to destroy those fog

"Master, watch out! These are the nine cursed dark moon cats' killer clones! If you destroy the clones, the energy that was used to make it will attack you. If it hits, it will explode inside you!"

Hearing the lich's words, Caizher become more cautious on these cats. The lich was really right, when the cats are still numbered at 9, it is easy to kill them

However, as he killed more cats, the cats become more powerful and more troublesome to deal with

Since attacking the clones will not be good, Caizher decided to attack the main bodies. He can sense what is made of darkness and what is the real body and he will use it to his advantage

He advanced towards the cats who all opened their mouths and bullet size energy attacks flew towards him. Caizher was forced to sink majority of his body on the ground and only left a little behind to use as his eyes

Reaching a few meters distance between him and one of the real cats, Caizher used his arm to attack. His arm grew in up to a few meters and covered that distance

He was taken aback that it used up a lot of mana to penetrate the body of this particular cat. It was more durable than the other cats he killed!

Some of the cats then charged at Caizher's direction and the man retracted his arm and his whole body entered the ground. He cannot see below but he still advanced in a straight line. He can feel the clone cats and the originals are just on their side. It wasn't hard to locate his enemies

This time, he only used his arm to emerge on the ground and killed one of the cats again. With another one dead, the cats has increased on strength again and Caizher immediately retracted his darkness

The cats slammed their paws on the ground and Caizher can sense mana approaching him at a fast speed. The mana had a physical contact on his body and it destroyed some of his darkness

Caizher was very shock as this is the first time that he was injured while he's on the ground. It seems like he can't always rely on his ability to pass through physical objects. With the right opponent, even if he's below ground, they can still kill him!

In a fast speed, Caizher moves his darkness to evade and he emerged above ground while looking at the cats with caution

This time, Caizher turned his whole body into tens of sharp tentacles to attack. This fight is using up a lot of his mana and he wants to end it as soon as possible

The lich and the human nearby had their jaws dropped on the ground. It wasn't that shocking that Caizher can have different form but to turn into just sharp tentacles? How can they not be shock!

His titan, beast, and human form at least has definite shape and looks like real creatures. But now, he's only just tentacles

Caizher wants to end this fight but some creatures interrupted him. The birds from before came back and destroyed his plan. He managed to kill all the cats except for one as the flying birds destroyed his darkness. Caizher retracted his darkness and assumed his human form while picking his sword

The remaining cat survivor turned bigger and it almost has the height of a human while its on all fours. A full dark moon can be seen on its forehead. Its tails split into nine and its eyes looked very dark

"Damn birds! You know how to hold grudge?!" Caizher cursed at seeing the birds flying higher

However, the next thing that Caizher knew was that the cat is already in front of him with its right paw inserted inside his head. Fortunately, the cat didn't use any mana on its attack and it didn't damage Caizher's body

"Master, watch out! When only one cat is alive, it will be a very powerful foe!" The lich shouted in panic and Caizher cursed the damned birds again although he was feeling a bit gratified on the birds too

Caizher is cautious and wants to preserve his strength while he's in this dangerous city that have tons of various monsters lurking around. But his fighting intent was also ignited at encountering such a powerful foe. This cat might be the strongest enemy he ever had

Caizher moved away and coated his sword with mana but he wasn't able to react at all at the cat's fast movements. He just finished coating his sword with mana but the cat penetrated his stomach this time. Fortunately, it still didn't used any mana

He used the sword on his hand to slashed at the cat in front of him but the cat dodged in a fast speed. Caizher only hit an empty space before the cat assaulted him again

This time, he wasn't as fortunate as the cat infused its claws with black energies and it destroyed some of his darkness again. Caizher became a punching bag as the cat has an astonishing speed and power

The lich was about to help but Caizher immediately stopped her. "Don't! This cat is too powerful!" Caizher shouted. It would be a pity if his new subordinates will be killed immediately by this cat

The lich stopped on her tracks with a complicated expression on her face. With the plead of darkness, Caizher become the most important person on her life and she don't want to see the man in a dangerous situation

The human on her side pouted at seeing how the lich is concerned at another man but also looked at Caizher with worry. If Caizher dies, he and the lich would also follow as they don't have the ability to resist this cat

Caizher coated his sword with mana and used a skill "[Darkness Style: Dark Slash!]" However, his dark sword light was effortlessly dodged by the cat

The cat then jumped in the air and its body multiplied. Four cats went to attack Caizher on all direction causing more of his darkness to be destroyed. If his body wasn't big as it is now more than five cubic meters, he would have already died. But he still can't just let the cat destroy more of his darkness

The four cats turned into one again and dodged another sword attack of Caizher. The cat then opened its mouth and made a loud meow causing waves of dark energies to assault Caizher's body. The cat's attack continuously bursts part of Caizher's body and those turned into black fog before being destroyed completely and dissipate

A craze looked appeared on Caizher's eyes as this was the first time that he was pushed this much. His sword glowed with black color light again but this time, he didn't use ordinary mana. He used his darkness essence that he simply called dark energies!

He slashed his sword and it made a dark sword light. This sword light's speed was faster than the one made by normal mana but it was still dodged by the cat

Caizher wasn't discouraged though and launched frenzied attacks non-stop using his dark energies. The cat was forced to hold its attack and dodge first from the continuous attacks that didn't care about energy consumption

However, even after making those much sword lights, Caizher still wasn't able to hit the cat at all. After some time, his body cannot take using this much dark energies and some of his darkness started breaking down

This was the consequences of using too much energies. It's like you put a wood outside. The sun will heat it up but then next minute it started raining. After another few minutes, the rain stopped and the hot sun raise the temperature again. Over time, that will make the wood weaker

That is what is happening at Caizher's body. The continuous drain of energy to be replenished the next second put a huge burden on him

Caizher didn't care though, all he wants was to defeat this powerful enemy

After he got tired of using dark slash, Caizher opened his mouth and intake a sharp breath. He then infused the air with dark energies but the cat used this chance to attack him

The cat uses its paw and pierced Caizher's chest but it was a mistake that the man wants it to do. Caizher's chest exploded and the dark air rushed out from his chest, hitting the cat at point blank range

The cat was blown away as its body shriveled and lose its vitality by the dark energies assaulting its body