Chapter 43: Bestowing Essence of Darkness

Caizher stared at the weakened cat. His dark energies were corrupting its body causing a new shade of black to appear on its fur. To make things fast, Caizher coated his sword with dark energies causing his darkness to be destroyed once more

In a fast speed, he plunged his sword on the cat's chest and its whole body convulsed as it was trying to resist the corruption. However, after a few seconds, its body stopped moving and it finally died

Caizher heaved a sigh of relief. His darkness now is only about 1.5 cubic meters, if the cat won't die, he won't have a choice but to flee from the ground and leave everything behind

"Master, pick the dark moon on its forehead. It has a lot of uses" the lich said as she look at Caizher with amazement. Even the human on her side was amazed at Caizher

The cat was very powerful and it attacked Caizher multiple times but on the outside, the man was still as good as new! He wasn't 'injured' and even his 'clothes' were perfectly normal

At least in the outside, Caizher is on his top condition. But in the inside, his body was destroyed and only little was left on his darkness

Caizher curiously removed the dark moon on the dead cat and he can feel the same type of energy that the cat uses before. Its was like Caizher's dark energies but also completely different and much inferior

"What's it use?" Caizher asked before he heard bird cries. He saw that the same birds from before were circling above him. It was like they are judging whether to attack him or not. But after some time, the birds still flew away as Caizher's outside appearance looks perfectly fine

"Let's enter one of the buildings first!" Caizher said and the three went to the closest one. It was a convenience store but all foods and useful items were already gone

Caizher put the dead cat's body on the ground and waited for the lich's explanation

"The dark moon can be use by anyone and they will be able to wield the dark moonlight power. After eight cats were killed, the curse will be lifted and the only surviving cat will have a high rank even amongst the dark creatures. However, these cats would then be hunted for the dark moon on their forehead. This race is really pitiful" the lich explained

True, these cats are really pitiful. Even after one of them was able to lift the curse, enemies will come to them and take their lives. Truly a pitiful race

"Hm, you sure do know a lot. How did you even appeared here?" Caizher Dera curiously. Just what is that black eye and how did the dungeons appeared on earth. Caizher expected an answer but the lich only shook his head

"I apologize master, there is a powerful force on my body preventing me from talking" Caizher can only nod his head helplessly. He really wants to know what happened in the earth but it seems like it would take a lot of time to know that

"All I can say master is that I came from another plane but was suddenly summoned here. When I regained my senses, I'm already outside here with a lot of other monsters"

Another plane..... what a concept.... Caizher wants to travel on other planes too. Too bad that he's still too weak for now

"Anyways, since this thing is useful, do you want it?" Caizher offered. He didn't know why but he had an instinctive disdain on such an impure thing

"Y-you're giving me such precious item?" Astonishment flashed on the woman's face while Kyle who was still on her side bit hit lip as if he's mesmerized by the lich's beauty

Caizher looked at the man weirdly. Didn't this Kyle saw that the previous corpse was used by the lich as its body?

"Yeah, I don't have any use on it anyway" Caizher nonchalantly said. Even if he has things like this, he wouldn't use it. Might as well use it on his subordinates. His subordinates' power is also his power!

"M-master, the dark moon would make me powerful but it's also not that compatible with a Lich and would waste the item and also my potential. It would be the best if master use it on a creature with affinity to the moon. But of course, if master wants me to use it then I will use it"

Caizher was surprised by the lich's words. Turns out that not all powerful item can be use by everyone. One needs to find an item that has high compatibility with them

"Alright, then I'll just store it for now. Just what items are compatible with you?" Caizher asked in case that he will encounter such items. Most of the items in the dungeon are ignored by him as he doesn't have any use on it. But since he's now fostering his own force, then he needs to start storing things that doesn't have any use to him but has great uses to other people

"Master, the ranking of dark creatures depended on how much darkness corrupted their bodies. My kind is almost not corrupted by darkness as we simply used a dark art to become almost immortal. Any item with pure darkness that can corrupt my body and soul is beneficial to me"

There are still really a lot of things that Caizher doesn't know. He just knows that the demon kind is one of the top race of all dark creatures. But only now did he knows how the ranking was determined

It depended on how much darkness corrupted a creature! This made Caizher to think if he's really special as the eye said that he's he darkness itself

"Then what if I use my essence of darkness to corrupt you further?" Caizher asked. He wants this lich to become more powerful. Her summoning ability would be a huge help in 'cleaning' this city. Her summoned creatures can be use as cannon fodders

However, his words surprised the lich once more. "M-master, d-don't just recklessly use your essence of darkness! It is hard and it will take a lot of time to recover it!" Dera said in an almost hysterical tone. As if she can't believe that Caizher will recklessly use the essence of darkness on her

"What do you mean hard? I can replenish it easily" Caizher only needs to swallow mana stones or use his own mana and the wave that his soul emitted will automatically make those dark energies

"M-master, I'm already wandering before.... b-but what are you? Pardon my words... b-but why do you seem clueless on a lot of things? It can't be that you are a citizen of this realm, right?" The lich cautiously asked in fear that her master will be angered

"I am a citizen of this 'realm' " Caizher just used the word realm although the earthlings use 'planet' as term to call their world

"H-how can that be! Master, has an extremely high level of corruption!" Dera said in disbelief and the Kyle that kept quiet on her side was enjoying every expression she had on her face

"I'm saying the truth and let's just leave things at that" Caizher doesn't like too much nonsense. He already said that he's a citizen of this 'realm' and that's it, no need to further complicate things

"Anyways, I'll give you essence of darkness when my body recovered. I'm so drained from the earlier fight!" Caizher doesn't feel safe at not being at his top condition and wants to recover as soon as possible

"M-master... are you really giving me essence of darkness? I-It's not rare for creatures of darkness that has a high level of corruption to gift some essence to lower beings that has contributed a lot of things.... b-but master, you must understand that those that has shallow level of corruption will fight and kill just to be bestowed with a bit of essence of darkness!"

Caizher just waved his hand to end the matters "Yeah, yeah, whatever" Caizher said nonchalantly and a complicated expression formed on the lich's face

A lich like her with shallow level of corruption will fight to be bestow even just a bit of essence of darkness, but her master would immediately bestow some on her just like that? She cannot believe what is happening

"Anyways, how about him? What kind of items are useful to him?" Caizher asked while pointing at Kyle

The lich turned her head at the direction of the man she ignored and Kyle flinched a bit while a red blush spread on his cheeks

"D-don't l-look at m-me like t-that" Kyle said in a flustered tone and the lich rolled her eyes

"Since he's a puppet user, items that will increase his soul power is the most suited along with things that will be able to improve the quality of his mana" Dera answered

"Hmm, okay"


After a few hours of resting, Caizher recovered a lot now. Although he's still not at his peak, but it was not to the point that his darkness will break down again by using his dark energies

Caizher coated his hand with dark energies and put it on the top of the head of the lich who was trembling from excitement and anticipation

He was about to start when the archive on his head started transmitting information on his mind again. This damn archive is really hateful as it will mostly give new information only on times like this. It forced Caizher to discover things before helping him

Caizher controlled the dark energies and slowly poured it inside Dera. Most of it went to her soul fire while some also seeped on her body

Dera groaned from the pain as her very being was being corrupted. As to make sure that his lich wouldn't die, Caizher only let small amounts of dark energies to enter at a time

Fortunately, the archive gave him an instruction that made things safer. If not, there might be an accident that will happen that will kill Dera

The more time passed, the more Dera was shock. Caizher's dark energies are weak but it was extremely pure! The lich never felt essence of darkness that is this pure before

But what shock her the most is the amount that Caizher is giving to her. It was too much! She only expected small amounts but even that will already be beneficial to her. She didn't expect that Caizher will give her this much

"M-master... no more... my soul fire and body can't take too much essence of darkness at a time"

Hearing her words, Caizher retracted his hands and the dark energies on his hand returned on his 'stomach'

"So?" Caizher asked and waited for a 'transformation' to happen on the lich but nothing like that happened. As if sensing Caizher's anticipation, Dera immediately cleared the misunderstanding

"Master, I won't have any physical transformation but my powers rose a lot. I can now summon more powerful creatures and raise more dead"

A hint of disappointment flashed on Caizher's eyes as he was hoping to see a physical transformation but the world didn't gave it to him

"Alright, put the curse mark on that man now" Caizher said while pointing at Kyle and Dera nodded her head

"P-please be gentle" Kyle shyly said like a bashful lady which gave Caizher the urge to smack his forehead

"It won't be painful as long as you don't betray us" Dera coldly said. The contrast on the voice she use when talking to Caizher and Kyle was miles apart. This made Kyle to pout his lips and looked at Dera with a wronged look

For him, he's been a good boy and didn't even interfere on their talks before but he's still treated like this. Why is the world so unfair?

Without caring for the man, Dera chanted some words and her staff glowed with a purple light. She pointed her staff at the man and Kyle's body glowed with a purple light before chains marks appeared on his whole body and just like what the lich said, it doesn't hurt at all