Chapter 48: Helping Kyle

Caizher's figure flashed here and there. With the rock giant's size, it was hard for it to fight nimble enemies. Caizher destroyed bits of rocks from this giant but compared to its whole body, the 'injury' he caused was just like a drop in the ocean

The more dark energies he use, the more of his darkness were destroyed but it was like Caizher does not care about it and continued his self-harming attacks

Caizher continuously condensed dark energies in front of his mouth and balls of black light flew from him. Those balls will explode every time it hits the rock giant

Only when his body was dangerously small did Caizher stopped. He stared at the rock giant which was missing small patches of rocks everywhere

Fortunately, his speed is much superior and Caizher managed to flee easily. He wasn't forced to abandon his sword to travel underground and just flee by running

He went down the mountains and returned to the cave with mana pool to recuperate. Turning his body back to its original form, Caizher started thinking at his strongest enemy so far

Although he trained and trained but there are still monsters out there that are much more powerful than him. His current power is still too weak, and he wants to become stronger as soon as possible

For now, he didn't dare venture high in the mountain again. He was fortunate that the rock giant specializes in physical attach. However, he won't be as lucky if he encountered an enemy at the rock giant's level that focuses on energy base attacks


The next day, after a round of cultivation, Caizher exited the dungeon to the world outside. As soon as he exited the dungeon, he saw simple wooden houses around and skeletons wearing robes were here and there

All the skeletons looked busy but when they saw Caizher, they still gave their respect to their master. Caizher just nodded his head at these skeletons and walked towards a wooden building larger than the others

He takes a peek inside and saw the Lich giving lectures to the skeletons that have intellect to learn. Nodding his head in satisfaction as his force is steadily growing, Caizher went to the other parts of the city

He was already a bit sicked at the dungeon and sometimes he wants to have new environment

With his forces clearing the surrounding monsters, it took a lot of time before Caizher encountered enemies. But he also saw that Kyle was already fighting those enemies

He watched the man fighting and he was satisfied that Kyle also have great combat skill

In front of Kyle were his puppets, this time, his puppets are the dark lizard boss. Turns out that Kyle can use both dead and live puppets

Dead puppets have constant strength and unless Kyle help them become stronger by using precious resources or pouring all of his mana on them, the puppets will remain at their original strength, but they are easier to control

As for alive puppets, they are much trickier to control. There was always the risk that the puppets will rebel specially if Kyle is on his weakened state

But alive puppets have stronger connection to their master that will benefit the whole group. An example is that is every puppet will cultivate but Kyle can control it so that the results of everyone's cultivation will only be given to one puppet

Fortunately for Kyle, he doesn't need to worry about betrayal as these dark lizard bosses were given to him by Caizher and they don't rebel. But of course, it also has its downside, he won't be able to properly experience how the puppet masters increase their strength. Thus, Kyle still trained on hostile puppets

His enemies this time are what looks like as orcs. They have a big fat body with pig like face. Their forte is also their physical strength although they can also use mana

As the lizard boss are alive, although Kyle doesn't need to suppress them as they won't rebel, but it also lowered the limits of the puppets he can use. He can only control three now versus the fifteen orcs enemies

Thus, he was currently in quite a pinch as bullets of sweat formed on his forehead

"[Puppet Style: Enhance!]" The bodies of the lizards glowed with a blue light as Kyle infused them with his mana. This increased their physical strength, speed, and defense. The puppets can also use these mana to attack

The lizards' tridents clashed with the metal club of these orcs causing the sound of metal clashing with each other to reverberate in the area. Sparks were also generated and both parties were unwilling to lose

"[Puppet Style: Puppet Control II!]" Kyle loosen his control on the others a bit. Either way, these puppets were still alive and knows what to do

One lizard slammed its trident on the ground causing water to flood a bit on the area. But the water weirdly only stayed at where the orcs are

The lizard uttered a cry as more mana were poured on the water in the ground. Those water then started wrapping on the orcs' legs. Kyle knew that given a bit of time, these orcs can break free from a single lizard boss' attack and didn't take his time

Controlling the puppet, he made it discharge lightning from its trident. The lightning then travelled on these orcs' body and fried them alive as the smell of burnt flesh wafted in the air

However, a single lizard boss was not enough to finish all of these enemies. Although the lightning injured them, the orcs were still alive

Kyle made a 'tsk' sound before controlling all the puppets again. He used the chance he made and controlled the other two lizards to kill

The bodies of two orcs fell on the ground as the lizards used all of their strength to penetrate their thick durable flesh. Blood dyed the ground that the water carried away

The two lizards took back their trident and used it to block the other orcs

One of the orcs slammed its palm on the ground and a row of spikes formed threatening to kill the lizards

Kyle moved his hands, and the mana strings pulled the lizards away from the range of the attack. The puppet master was also at the radius and he jumped to avoid it

Kyle heaved a sigh of relief and continued controlling the lizards as water and lightning will sometimes be made by them to defend and attack

The more time passed, the more Kyle fell in a disadvantage. Although he manages to kill three more orcs, but the fight also made him exhausted. It wasn't already bad that he killed that much even though he's fighting fifteen powerful orcs using only three lizard men

One of the orcs was about to successfully smashed its metallic club on one of the lizards but Kyle gritted his teeth. A single mana thread emerged from the lizard's body and it entered the orc's arm

Kyle was able to seize a bit of control from the orc and used the time he was able to buy to save the lizard. The man's face paled a bit as what he does might look simple and easy, but it wasn't!

The mana inside the orcs will naturally not let any foreign invaders to exist and assaulted the mana string that Kyle was forced to make durable. It was only for a moment, but it used up a lot of his mana

These lizards are given to him by Caizher, and as much as possible, he doesn't dare to injure or let them die. Who knows what the man might do to him if he let something like that to happen?

Kyle pulled the mana thread on his fingers and the puppets moved backwards and stood with each other

Caizher watching nearby is already satisfied and decided to help and enter the scene. "[Darkness Style: Dark Slash!]" Caizher slashed in the air twice and two dark sword light flew on the orcs' direction

The orcs weren't to be underestimated too though and blocked it with their metallic club. Kyle turned his head a bit and saw the Caizher not so far from him. It caused him to heave a sigh of relief as he is 'saved'

Although Kyle can abandon the puppets and let them buy time for him, but he doesn't want to abandon such powerful puppets

"Yo! Need some help?" Caizher asked while grinning and Kyle bitterly nodded his head

One orc was as powerful as one lizard boss and if not for Kyle's control, these three lizards might not even be able to kill any of the orcs

Caizher charged at the enemies and jumped in the air. He channeled mana on his sword as he landed in the middle of these orcs. "[Darkness Style: Shadow Bind!]"

The shadows of these orcs turned into dark tendrils and wrapped all over their bodies and bind them on their place. Kyle who was watching this was amazed and his face brightened

"What? You are going to let me do all the work?" Caizher's teasing voice entered Kyle's ears and the man blushed a bit before moving his hands and the puppets started moving again

But on his mind, he felt extremely amazed at Caizher for being this strong. 'Maybe, if I'm strong as him, Dera will start treating me nicely' Kyle said to himself which made his face to turn even redder

The tridents of the lizards pierced the chest of the orcs and they killed three of them before the shadow bind was destroyed

Most of Caizher's skill are actually very powerful and has a high grade. However, his own power and mastery on the skills were still lacking and his enemies can still break free from them

As soon as the shadow bind was undone, Caizher speedily worked to give these orcs some wounds on their bodies, "[Darkness Style: Paralysis Curse!]" That familiar black skull tattoo appeared on the orcs as their bodies started losing strength

Paralysis Curse and Shadow Bind might look similar in nature, but they have their own forte. Paralysis Curse is a single target skill, and one needs to wound their enemies first before they can activate it

Shadow bind on the other hand can be used immediately without injuring the enemy first. It was also much effective when fighting against multiple number of enemies

Overall, the two almost has the same power to prevent enemies from moving. It's just that shadow bind is more convenient to use but also used up a lot more mana

After cursing the orcs, Caizher moved away from them and welcomed a new set of enemies. The fighting also attracted a lot of fallens and Caizher let Kyle defeat the orcs while he will take care of the fallens

The fallens have higher numbers in about thirty and all of them has special abilities. Some of them doesn't look humanoid anymore and were in all fours or some sort of thing grew on their bodies

One quadrupedal fallens shot the spikes on its back on Caizher's direction. The man run on the side to avoid it as he channeled mana on his sword. "[Darkness Style: Dark Thrust!]" Caizher was about to kill the fallen closest to him but the fallens aren't some random cabbages this time

After the doors opened, the fallens fell on the bottom ranking of the food chain. But after all these times, they also grew much more powerful

Of course, in terms of raw power, they are still weaker but some of them managed to develop troublesome to deal with abilities

A small fallen were covered by lightning and charged at Caizher's direction. Another one also clenched its hand and Caizher can feel the air resistance growing stronger and his speed lessened

Caizher was forced to stop on his tracks and defend from the fastest fallen that reached him. His sword blocked the lightning covered fallen and another small fallen also shot its body on his sword

Caizher was shocked to see the small fallen bit his sword and the sword light dimmed as the mana on it was sucked away