Chapter 49: Anger

Caizher grew two tails on his back and covered it with mana. He used those two tails, and he killed the two fallens in front of him before retracting the tails fast to defend on the other fallens

"[Darkness Style: Shadow Kill!]" Caizher channeled mana on his sword and slammed it on ground. The shadows of these fallens turned into sharp black tendrils and caused several injuries on their bodies

"[Darkness Style: Paralysis Curse!]" Black skull tattoos appeared on the fallens and their bodies started losing their strength but Caizher is still not finish!

"[Darkness Style: Shadow Bind!]" This time, the shadow of the fallens turned into black tendrils that locked them on their place. No fallen was able to defend from Caizher's triple combo skills!

Caizher then quickly finished the job and beheaded all the fallens around him. Their heads rolled in the ground and gray blood splashed all over the place

When Caizher turned to look at Kyle, he saw the man sitting on the floor while panting hard. It was visible to see that the fight from before puts a huge burden on his body

Caizher walked towards the dead orcs on the ground and turned them into dark orcs and his force grew again

"Let's go!" Caizher said and turned his back. No matter what, Kyle is still his subordinate that might play a huge role in the future. He can't just leave the man here in an extremely weakened state

Kyle bitterly smiled and forced himself to stand up and tailed behind Caizher along with his puppets

Reaching the base, Caizher's face darkened a lot. The crude and simple wooden house from before were no more as they were destroyed. There were even some woods that are still on fire

There are also skeletons that sprawled on the ground with their soul fires gone. Overall, the place was in total ruins

This scene made Caizher very angry as his body visible trembled while clenching his fist

"Who?! Who did this?!" Caizher furiously asked and the skeleton mages and mages in training flinched. Dera cautiously walked towards him and started explaining the situation

"M-master, a t-tribe of beastmen arrived and attacked us because --" Before Dera can even tell the reason, Caizher immediately cut her off

"I don't care about the reason! They destroyed my base and killed my men; I won't let them continue living!" Because of agitation, an aura of a supreme being emanated from Caizher's body

The aura of a Monarch and the powerful aura of being the darkness itself exploded on his body. Kyle who was behind Caizher kneeled on the ground as he can feel an ancient evil kind of aura. His body broke into cold sweats as he can feel coldness all over his body

If Kyle is like this, more so for Dera and the other skeletons. Even they, were forced on their knees as they are creatures of darkness. Dera even almost lose her mind from her master's aura

It was an aura so ancient and powerful that it feels like the darkness itself that blessed her and helped her have this kind of power is angered

Caizher's eyes flashed with an ever darker light than before. It was starting to be harder to maintain his human form as patches of his body bursts into black fog

The bloodlust that he was able to suppress for a long time finally erupted again and his vision turned red

Blood! He wants blood! He wants a feast of bloody bodies

"Where? Where are those bastards?!" Caizher asked with a dark voice causing Dera's body to tremble all over from the suppression she is experiencing

"M-master, don't be reckless! The beastmen are powerful on their own!" Dera said in concern but Caizher just slammed his foot on the ground causing cracks to appear all over it

"Answer my question!" Caizher roared and without a choice, Dera said the direction

As soon as he heard the answers he wants, Caizher changed into his beast form and run to where the beastmen are located

When he was gone, it was only then that his subordinates heaved a sigh of relief. At normal times, although Caizher is a bit cold but he's also playful and doesn't care much about what others are doing as long as you don't bother him

But now, they can see what the results of angering him are. Just the aura he was exuding was enough to force all of these creatures on their knees. Anyone who witnessed it vowed not to make Caizher angry if they don't want to have a bad ending

Along the way, Caizher encountered more fallens but he mostly ignored all of them. But if there are monsters on his way, he will use his sharp claws or tails to kill them and then continue on his way

Thus, he made quite a bloody path to reach the base of the beastmen

When he arrived, Caizher didn't even care about anything else. He spotted the guards with furry bodies that looks like humanoid wolves, the guards also spotted him and was about to attack when he took the first kill

He continued running towards the beastmen and when he was close enough, he used his tails to penetrate their bodies and kill them

Not bothering to give the dead bodies on the ground a second look, Caizher continued and directly attacked the beastmen without any plan or employing sneak attacks

Caizher reached another beastman that looks like a lion and his sharp claws penetrated its chest. The beastman's eyes widened as blood leak out from its mouth

Caizher retracted his claws and a fresh and a still pumping heart can be seen. Seeing its own heart, the beastman lose consciousness for eternity. Caizher crushed the heart causing blood to spray everywhere and he threw it on the other beastmen who were shock to be attacked directly like this

The sight of blood and the carnage he caused excites Caizher and he wants more! He won't be satisfied by just this

The beastmen are also powerful on their own, but too bad, most of them focuses on raw physical attacks. Only few of them can use energy-based attacks

One of the beastmen that are bigger than the others and looks like a bear used its arm to throw a punch on Caizher

Caizher jumped in the side and the punch landed on the hard ground. It was like the ground turned soft as spider cracks appeared around that beastman's arm

The others that are also angered by the death of their kind charged at Caizher and throw punches and kicks. Most of them were dodged by the man causing more holes to appear on the hard ground

Even if they managed to hit Caizher, they are not as physically powerful like the rock giant and weren't able to destroy Caizher's darkness

Caizher opened his mouth and multiple balls of black light flew out from his mouth injuring all the beastmean around

Using his nimble body, Caizher jumped everywhere and used his claws to attack. He just finished crushing the heart of a dog beastman when the ground beneath him started to soften and wants to swallow him alive

The beastmen around smirked as they saw his current situation and thought that they would finally be able to kill him, but they are wrong if they think like that!

Caizher returned his lower body into fogs of darkness and floated in the air. He rose a few meters above ground, while his lower body returned to its beast form and charged back at the beastmen

The beastmen also has some intellect and realizes that physical attacks are ineffective against him and turned to use mana attacks

Some beastmen opened their mouths and made animalistic cries. The sound waves hits Caizher's body, the sound wave was no normal sound wave as it was infused with mana. Caizher's body burst into black fog and some of it were even destroyed

Caizher then turned into his human form and equipped his sword. "[Darkness Style: Dark Slash!]" Caizher slashed three times in the air and three dark sword lights were generated by his sword

Those sword lights flew towards the enemy but Caizher didn't stopped and used another skill

He inhaled the surrounding air causing his chest to visibly bulge and he infused the air inside him with mana.

"[Darkness Style: Breath of Death!]" Caizher opened his mouth and the dark breath went to attack the beastmen

While still in the air, Caizher used his body to form sharp weapons to injure or kill all the beastmen

However, a fire arrow penetrated his chest. As Caizher was focused on the Breath of Death, he wasn't able to dodge this attack

The fire arrow exploded on his chest and destroyed more of his darkness again. Even the remaining dark air inside his chest went on a rampage and injured him too

Caizher issued an inhuman sound and went back on the ground. He channeled mana on his sword and slashed it on the beastmen closest to him

A wave of water suddenly appeared and Caizher was drowned on it. The attacks didn't end there as some beastmen channeled lightning on the water and fried Caizher alive

Every time that the lightning will hit him, some of Caizher's darkness will be destroyed. They were literally destroying the man's body parts

But the beastmen's attacks still didn't end there. After the lightning, some put their hands on the water enclosing Caizher, and it started to freeze at a rate visible to the eyes

Caizher looked at the beastmen angrily while inside the ice. His dark energies exploded all over his body and destroyed the ice encaging him

The ice flew everywhere and Caizher was free again. This time, Caizher's vision turned even redder as these beastmen angered him once more

"[Darkness Style: Shadow Kill!]" Caizher pierced the ground with his sword and this time, he used dark energies as a fuel

The shadows of the beast closest to him turned into extremely black tendrils. With dark energies as a fuel, the shadow tendrils managed to kill the beastmen that they targeted successfully without any other attacks from Caizher

One of the beastmen was covered with a blue light as its mana was so strong that it can literally injure all those that will be unfortunate to touch the mana around him

The beastman slammed its body on Caizher and the mana around him destroyed bits of darkness and Caizher was blown away

The other beastmen aren't idle too and one of then made a sharp blade made from fire on its hand and impaled Caizher with it. Beastmen's forte are physical attacks with their strong bodies but it doesn't mean they cannot use mana to attack!

At this time, Kyle, Dera, and some of the skeleton mages arrived at the scene. Although Caizher is powerful, but to fight against a tribe of different beastmen, how can it be easy?

A single kind of beastman can have almost a hundred or a hundred members but this tribe is composed of different kinds. There are dogs, wolves, lions, and bears

Even Caizher cannot overpower all of them. As soon as these beastmen realizes that physical attacks are ineffective, they will resort into mana attacks just like what happened. However, to see tens of beastmen bodies on the ground still shocked the lich. To kill these many in front of hundreds of beastmen, how can a weakling managed to do such a feat?

Dera immediately chanted some words and continuously summoned streams of skeleton warriors. These skeletons might be weak, but they can serve as cannon fodders

Kyle isn't idle too and mana threads formed on the tips of his fingers and entered the bodies of the lizard boss

"[Puppet Style: Puppet Control II!]" This time, Kyle wants to break his limits and he poured more mana on two lizard bosses!

The two lizard bosses glowed with a blue light and slammed their tridents on the ground. A small flood appeared that soaked the beastmen's body

The water on the ground didn't just stayed still and wrapped themselves on the body of their enemies. The lizard bosses then discharged lightning from their tridents, and it travelled towards the beastmen through the water