Chapter 50: Progress

This electrocuted the beastmen and Dera used this chance to help her master. The lich chanted some foreign words and pointed her staff on the ground

A summoning circle appeared and from that circle, a two meters skeleton wearing a black armor appeared. On its hand was a great sword that was emanating an aura of death

Dera's face paled after summoning this Skeleton Knight but to save Caizher, this is required. The skeleton knight brandished its sword and killed the surrounding electrocuted beastmen

"Master, please retreat for now!" Dera said in urgency. At this time, Caizher already woke up from his craze state and sinks his body on the ground

Caizher currently does not have enough darkness to be on his human form. From all the attacks he suffered on hundreds of beastmen, only a basketball size darkness remained on him. This is the first that he was this gravely 'injured'

After a few seconds, Caizher reached his subordinates' side and they started fleeing

The skeleton mages wearing brown clothing pointed their staffs on the ground and chanted words too

The ground in front of the skeleton warriors that Dera summoned softened and it will make it hard for the enemies to catch up to them

Kyle controlled his puppets to unleash another flood and it forced back the beastmen before retreating. Kyle pulled the mana strings towards him and the lizards immediately run along with him

The hundreds of dispensable skeleton warriors summoned by Dera slowed down the beastmen along with the soft ground that the skeleton mages made

The combination of all of their effective attacks gave them the time to successfully flee and return to their destroyed base

Although Caizher is sane now, but he's still extremely furious at those beastmen. They destroyed his base and even killed some of the skeletons he gave his dark energies to have intellect

"Ready yourselves! After I recover, I'll call my creatures of darkness that are inside the Dungeon and we'll wipe out all those beasts!!"

Caizher is only a basketball size now and can't use all of his power. But if he recovered, along with all of his dark creatures, he would surely be able to massacre all those beastmen

However, Dera shook her head in protest. "Master, we cannot do that!"

Although Caizher doesn't have a face now but he still frowned at that. "And why is that?" The man asked grumpily

"Master, the reason why the beastmen attacked our base is because of us killing all the other races inside this city. Those who have intellect feels threatened by us and the beastmen gave us a warning"

"In fact, it is not only the beastmen that are hostile to us. Other races also treated us cautiously. If we wiped out an entire tribe, that would confirm their thoughts of us wanting to conquer this whole city. If that happened, we will be attacked on all sides from the various races "

Caizher was overcome by anger and bloodlust before and didn't care about the reason of beastmen's attack. Now that he heard this, seems like he can't make any hasty decisions

This gave Caizher a feeling that he was on a warring era where different races will be fought for lands. With mana, even with high population, food is not that hard to find

There are a lot of plants on the city that mutated because of mana. Some turned into monsters, but some only had a rapid growth. Even animals are everywhere, and it wasn't hard to find food as long as you are strong

The next things that you need to take care of is safety and shelter. Safety and shelter can be secured by numbers just like what the various races are doing

They formed groups and if any threat arrived, they would band together to fight. Caizher doesn't like managing things before and only planned on making dark creatures to supply him with resources

But now that Caizher started using his mind to think of possible things that will happen in the future, he came into conclusion that he really needs to foster a force of his own

With mana, anyone can be strong enough to dominate thousands of people. With power, you can achieve anything and there is also power in numbers!

In the future, as humanity and the various races expand their territory and influence, wars are bound to happen

Going solo is a bit hard of a thing to do. You can be powerful on your own but if you encountered ten thousand or even hundreds of thousands of enemies, they could still overwhelm you

As Dungeon is a necessity for humans and maybe to other races too, they will surely try to find ways to monopolize as many dungeons as they can

Even Caizher might be forced to surrender his dungeon to other people in the future if he's just by himself

Thus, Caizher came into a conclusion that he needs to grow a really powerful force. Besides, it was not that hard. He can just make more dark creatures then let those with intellect manage his force's power

As wars will eventually happen, it will also give Caizher a lot of enemies. Management are for his subordinates while he on the other hand will be the number one fighter! Also, all of his subordinates will be loyal to him and he doesn't need to be afraid of any betrayal

Forming a plan on his mind, Caizher gave out orders. "Let us change our target for now. Kill all the non-intelligent monsters inside this city and give their bodies to me"

Caizher wants to pour more time to practice his [Monarch of Darkness]

In the surface, it might look like his own combat power will be greatly negatively affected by it, but the case wasn't actually like that

Using dark energies will make Caizher be more familiar on it. He only uses dark energies on stronger enemies but with practice, he would be able to use more of it at a time

"Also, we need to have more skeleton mages!" Sometimes, even if you are weak, if you have the right ability, you can turn the tables around

Just like before, if the skeleton mages directly fought with the beastmen, they would surely be massacred. However, the earth type ones only softened the ground making it harder for the enemies to catch up to them

"Yes, master!" Dera answered respectfully

"Clean up things here as soon as possible and remake all the things that were destroyed!" Caizher said and entered a wooden room that is at the best condition to recuperate

Thus, this started the busy days for Caizher


April 9 Year 2021

Caizher is busy corrupting a goblin corpse as its flesh turned thinner and thinner until all of it were gone and only bones were left

The man heaved a sigh of relief as he finally succeeded on controlling the direction of corruption. Although skeleton goblins are weaker than the dark goblins but Caizher's goal is the experience and practice!

Around him were various corpse that are both intact and destroyed. One can see skeletons and other dark creatures either removing the unusable ones or putting more useable corpse

These pitiful creatures became Caizher's target practice and after a week, he finally succeeded! Albeit it was one of the lowest kinds, but a progress is a progress!

After all these times, Caizher wasn't disgusted anymore by the corpse around him. He's already used at it and even the skeletons became cute on his eyes. Caizher will sometimes play with the skulls of those skeletons

He started having good feelings about his creatures of darkness like he's their parents. In some sense, the dead ones before were given a new life and intellect by Caizher and they are all his creations

Caizher stood up and started stretching his body before starting another around of corruption. He finally succeeded once, and he needs to continue so that he will be able to familiarize himself in the process

A whole area was given only to him with piles of monster corpse. The stench was nauseating but if you were always smelling it, you would eventually get used to it

Kyle, who was not that far from Caizher also did not mind the corpse anymore. As he doesn't want to make Dera 'hurt' by being disgusted by corpses, he trained to make himself get used to it

After all, Dera's body is really a corpse before but Kyle doesn't care about that. He just wants Dera to treat him better have a good impression on him

In the past week, with the help of the other lizards and snakes back at the dungeon, almost all the non-intellectual monsters were cleaned up in the area close to their base

Thus, Kyle had a lot of free time now. Aside from cultivating, he doesn't have anything much to do. However, even cultivation can be quite boring, and one cannot over cultivate

Drawing the surrounding mana to your body is taxing to the soul and you can't carelessly raise the mana in your body. Depending on the body's quality, there is a limit on how much mana a body can absorb at a time

Without anything to do, Kyle just made mana threads on the tip of his fingers and used it to control the nearby corpse. As ants and rats have the highest population, they are also the most numerous here

However, when hunting them, one needs to be careful. If they chased you to the base, that is quite disastrous

Kyle controlled the corpse and they danced with each other, the man issued a silly giggle at it

"Why are you doing such a pointless thing?" A voice he was familiar with entered Kyle's ear. When he turned his head, he saw Dera looking at him with disdain

This caused a pout to form on Kyle's lips as even after he did his best, Dera still treated him harshly. The lich treated her skeletons better than how she treated the unfortunate Kyle

"Y-You're done teaching them?" Kyle asked and stopped the silly thing he was doing with a red face. He wants to change the subject as soon as possible. However, just like usual, Dera gave him a hurtful reply

"Are you that stupid? I am not in the classroom, what do you think?" Kyle pouted at her sharp words and can only pitifully nod his head

"Why can't you be like master? Look at how hardworking he is while you are here acting like a child" Dera's words turned into thousands of knives stabbing that stabbed Kyle on his heart

"D-do you like him?" Kyle asked fearfully as he's afraid of the answer that he will get. But Dera looked at him like he's an idiot which made his heart to ache again

"Are you really that idiotic? Master is like a sun that is so bright! You can only adore him but not touch or else it'll burn and kill you!"

Instead of getting an answer, question marks appeared all over Kyle's face as he doesn't understand what the lich meant and can only utter an "Huh?"

Dera rolled her eyes which looked very cute for Kyle. "Idiot! What I'm saying is that master is too high above for me to think like that towards him!"

For Kyle, that sounds like "I want to like master but he's too awesome and I can only idolize him" which made the man to feel bitter

"Besides, if he's not my master, I won't act so submissive in front of him. I like being the dominant one. I want someone that I can bully" Dera said with a grin

This brought a big smile to Kyle as he felt that he's someone like that. Dera always bullied him ... could it be that Dera ....

Kyle was about to ask for it, but the lich turned her back. "W-wait, what do you mean by that!" Kyle hopefully asked

"If you have time to think things like that then why don't you just practice the spells, I taught you?"

With different races, there was bound to be different use of mana like the lich's spell. One can be talented on one while being extremely untalented on the other

"But they are so hard!" Kyle complained as it was hard for him to use another system of power aside from his puppet skills