Chapter 54: Myriad Runes Worm

After Caizher memorized the chant, he immediately tried it. He borrowed the Lich's staff first for easier spell casting. The gibberish words were spoken by Caizher in an awkward manner.

The way humans do supernatural things were done by their own effort. The most important is mana and soul. First step was to control one's mana using their soul particularly the will part. Then humans will mostly change the nature of mana itself to give it attribute

Some will give the mana fire attributes and it will turn hot. After that, they will shape it into anything they want like a fire ball, and that is with the use of their soul too.

In comparison to the system of power that the lich used, it was weaker. However, all the effort was done by the humans themselves. Meaning, no matter what kind of environment they have, their powers won't be affected much.

However, spell casting like what Dera does is different. It was done by communicating with the world itself. The world doesn't want to communicate with just anyone and the caster first needs to learn the chant.

In a way, the chant is like a greeting to the world while also stating what you want. Only with proper greetings and clear intention will the world answer you.

But still, the purpose is quite general. For example, you want to summon something, you still need to be a bit specific to have your desired result.

Thus, after the chant, the caster will imagine how many creatures they will summon or what kind of creature they want. For example, Dera wants to summon ten skeleton warriors then she will imagine that.

Next to that was the 'payment' to the world. The world will help you, but you must give it something in return. And that something is mana and also the will. Of course, those things will still regenerate in time

That's why, Dera's spell is more powerful than most humans. However, it also has a lot of restrictions. An example is the environment.

In or near the volcano, it would be easier to cast fire type spells and even its power will rise. However, other type of spells would be weakened or harder to activate there. But of course, it still depended on the caster. Powerful and knowledgeable caster can lessen the environmental restrictions.

Although the world will help the caster in activating the spell, the caster can still learn how the spell itself works and activate it without the world's help. Not just that, but if you mastered it then let the world help you, then the power will become even more powerful.

As Caizher did all the process for spell casting, a summoning circle appeared below his staff. As it was his first try and he only imagined a single skeleton warrior.

To Dera's shock, Caizher actually succeeded on his first attempt. The skeleton wasn't really what Caizher imagined it as it looks very weak as if a single blow of the wind will kill it.

However, to succeed on his first try, how can Dera not be shock by this? Spell casting might sound easier, but it wasn't! It required a lot of practice and time to have a progress.

Dera looked at her master like the man is a monster. Although she knew that Caizher is powerful and talented, but different system needs different talent!

But maybe, the reason why Caizher succeeded was his practice on the summoning part of his [Monarch of Dark Creatures]

The system is different but still has the same goal. A summoning skill is still a summoning skill no matter what system you used!

Caizher undo the summoning and the weak skeleton vanished. He wants to continue training, but he badly needs a rest

"Alright, thanks for your help!" Caizher said and entered his own wooden house that is quite big compared to the others.

With the security provided by his subordinates, Caizher slept to recover from all the mental fatigue. But of course, if anything happens, it would be easy for him to wake up.


The next day, Caizher woke up as soon as the sun shined on the world again. As soon as he woke up, Caizher immediately went to the pile of corpse that were made for him.

The still alive worm was there and Caizher injected dark energies as much as he can on it. The worm would be of great used to him if it succeeded.

The very essence of the worm was being corrupted and the corruptness level rose every time that Caizher gave it some dark energies

However, it cannot move because of the curse that the skeleton mages gave to it on a daily basis. It would be a disaster if it managed to flee or destroy the simple base that the skeletons made.

The worm was still not loyal to Caizher as the corruption process wasn't done yet. But if it succeeded, then it would be a hundred percent loyal to its new master!

After getting tired again from using dark energies, Caizher went to the wooden basin filled with liquefied mana and soaked his body on it.

The mana automatically entered his body and the time Caizher needs to get back to his top condition significantly lessened.

After recovering again, Caizher then played with the other corpse and made more creatures of darkness while also practicing his [Monarch of Dark Creatures] "

After that, he soaked his body on the mana bath again and this time, practiced on his summoning spell

Caizher chanted the foreign gibberish words and hold out his hand. A summoning circle appeared in front of him and a single skeleton emerged from it.

The skeleton still has the same power as the one he summoned before and he needs more practice! Caizher waved his hand and the skeleton vanished from his sight.

He trained and trained every day. It was the only thing that occupied all of his mind and time. It was like he became a madman that only knows how to cultivate and train.


May 24 Year 2021

A whole month has passed with Caizher doing the same thing all over again. The man will only stop for a while to do the thing he really enjoyed the most and that is fighting. As Caizher's subordinates lay low and only killed the non-intelligent monsters, they lead peaceful lives this whole month

In fact, their actions also benefitted the intelligent races. With lesser mindless monsters, the less the danger and everyone can smoothly raise their respective powers

Caizher's eyes glowed with a dark light as he poured and poured dark energies on the giant worm. Some sort of tattoo runes appeared on the violently wiggling body of the worm

The worm is currently in a lot of pain as its very essence was being altered and corrupted up to its very core. The glowing black runes on its body also gave it unimaginable pain

Caizher gritted his teeth and controlled his dark energies to follow those runes and settle on it. Finally, after what it felt like hours, the worm finally stopped moving

The pain subsided and the black runes vanished. The worm's body got bigger and is now fifteen meters long. Even five humans hugging it won't touch each other

Caizher finally succeeded and had a mental connection with this giant worm. Somehow, maybe, because this worm is extremely beneficial to Caizher that's why he felt that it became cuter on his eyes

"Feed it!" Caizher ordered and one skeleton gave a whole corpse of dark lizard boss to the giant worm

The worm gladly accepted it and after some time, a dark lizard boss rune appeared on its body. However, the lizard rune was still very faint. Even then, seeing the runes excites Caizher a lot

"Next!" Caizher shouted and the skeletons gave it more corpse of the lizard boss. As Caizher's forces expanded, they attacked more lizardmen village and stored quite a lot of corpse. Most are already rotting but it would still have great use

As the snakes and lizardmen are the weaker creatures in the dungeon, their numbers are quite a lot. There are many lizardmen village at the foot of the mountains and Caizher exploited them for the growth of his own force

As more lizard body was feed to the worm, the lizard rune on its body become more and more visible until it was as clear as a normal tattoo

"Next bodies!" Caizher shouted and this time, instead of lizards, the worm was fed with other type of creatures. However, before the skeletons managed to feed it, the worm closed its mouth and sent some signals directly to Caizher's mind

As the worm is just 'reborn' it was still an 'infant' and it was already surprising for it to eat all those corpse

"Stop for now" Caizher ordered and let the worm digest all the things it ate

The race of this worm is called 'Myriad Runes Worm' it was named like that mostly because as it grew up and ate more corpse, it will have more runes on its body

It was one of the creatures of darkness. Myriad Runes Worm is a dark eater albeit it has a weak level of corruptness

Dark eaters can gain power through eating anything related to darkness. High leveled dark eaters can eat even raw darkness and digest it to boost their power

Corpse has a tinge of darkness with them as the power to rule over the dead is also a dark type power

Myriad Runes Worm will eat any corpse and if the quantity of a single race is enough, it can lay an egg that will hatch such a creature

It sounds overpowered but it actually wasn't. There are the corpse requirements, the more powerful a race is, the more corpse it needs to clone and breed one

Only if the rune on it became very prominent will it be able to lay its egg. Not just that, but to lay a single egg, the fuel needed is a lot! The cost and return were actually not proportional

It was like you are going to pay hundreds of thousands just to get a trash item. The worm can't also move and only fought enemies using the creatures it cloned

As it cannot fight, the worm will also be forced to use its own dark energies to clone creatures. It caused its corruptness level to remain low

But to Caizher, the cost wasn't that high. He has a constant supply of mana from the mana pool in the dungeon. The worm won't be forced to use its essence of darkness to clone and lay eggs

Caizher can also constantly supply it with dark energies so that its corruptness level will rise, and it will become even more useful

"Let it drink!" Caizher said to the skeletons and they grab the buckets full of liquefied mana and threw it straight to the worm's mouth

The worm let out a satisfied moan after being full like that. With the worm, Caizher would have more time on his training and his own power won't be left behind

His purpose in making his own force is to secure his future but he still wants to be personally powerful. Caizher is sure that a lot of humans would also realize this fact

Everyone still has enough land for themselves and conflict would only be at a small scale for the time being. However, with more time that passed, the ambitious will work to increase their power and authority

Soon, wars not only between humans will occur. All the other races that occupied earth along with the humans will enter a warring era

True, this is a world where a single person can dominate thousands of creatures. But to actually do that, just how hard was it?

You need to be extremely powerful than the others to do that. However, the other creatures also want to lord over all the races and will also use everything they can to raise their strength

Thus, it was foolish to think that you are the son of the heavens and will really rise above the masses. To do that, an unmatched talent and high level of luck is needed!