Chapter 55: Help for Benefit

Caizher leave everything else on his subordinates and ordered them to feed the worm after it digested everything. There are various types of corpse that Caizher prepared for it and the worm will surely have a good and pampered life as long as it will clone monsters

The man rested for a while by soaking his body in the wooden basin filled with mana before deciding to go in the human base. It has been more than a month since Caizher had a contact with a human base

Who knows what kind of things they have invented after all this time? Caizher is curious about it. But he first filled a bag pack with various things such as cultivation manual, skill book, and mana stones. No matter what the era is, one must have money no matter what the form is

Caizher started exiting the city and because his subordinates continuously cleaned up the surrounding monster, he barely encountered an enemy

However, when he exited the City, the number of monsters increases a lot. Fortunately, most of them were weak

Fortunately, most of the monsters that Caizher encountered are weak. Just a single stroke of his blade was enough to kill them. Caizher stared at the corpse of the fallens around him and felt that it was a pity

Corpses are useful for him and the worm. The worm can also digest bodies and use its energy and nutrients to clone more monsters. A pity that Caizher cannot bring these bodies back to his base

Along the way, Caizher actually encountered a group of humans. But instead of fighting monsters, they are fighting against each other

One side have ten people with them while the other only have seven. The difference in number made is so that it was easy to see who was in a disadvantage

"[Wind Style: Gale Fist!]" One of the men's hands were covered by a thin layer of winds and threw a punch on one of its enemies

"[Fist Style: Giant's Arm!]" The fist of his enemy on the other hand grew bigger to the point that it already looks abnormal. The man's fist was about eight times bigger than a normal human's fist. It can punch your whole face without any difficulty

The difference in size will make you think that the latter will win in a direct clash. However, reality is different. When the two fist met, the bigger one was actually forced back by the smaller one

Caizher saw that after the smaller fist struck, it unleashes a stronger force with the help of the wind

The man with a bigger fist was of course shock at this. His face flushed with anger and threw another punch. But just like before, his arm was forced back. Every punch that the smaller fist made was accompanied by a strong force of winds

After some time, the man with the bigger fist step back as he stared at his fist. He saw bruises and blisters on it which was not supposed to be possible as his fist was reinforced with mana. With how big the man's fist is, even Caizher can see it from his distance

Even Caizher didn't know how it happened but when he started analyzing it, he realizes that the problem might have been with the winds. It was the only plausible explanation

Caizher continued watching as he wants to see just how other humans use their powers

"[Water Style: Water Spray!]" A woman holds out her palms and a jet of water formed on it and advanced towards her enemy

"[Earth Style: Earth Wall!]" Another woman slammed her palm on the ground and a two meters wall rose from the ground

The water spray managed to make cracks on the earthen wall but not fully destroy it. The woman thought that was the end of it, but the earthen wall actually broke down into smaller pieces and flew towards her

In panic, the woman channeled mana on her palm and slammed in the ground. "[Water Style: Raging Waves!]" A small tide of water rose and blocked the rocks. However, as it was a hastily former skill, some rocks still managed to smash on that woman's shoulder and injured her

The others have their own style and ability but the strongest were the ones that fought two people

A man holding a sword on his hand glowed with a yellow light and it turned into lightning that coiled all over him

"[Lightning Style: Lightning Snake!]" An image of a snake made from lightning formed on that man's sword

It was almost the same as Caizher's own sword skill albeit the elements are different. After mastering the basics of sword slash or thrust, one then can form different variants from them

Even Caizher knew that his mastery is lower than that man. His own skill's essence is still that of a Dark Thrust. It wasn't a completely new skill that was made through mastering the basics like this lightning man

The man used its lightning sword to both attack and defend. Very different from Caizher's skill that can only be used as a thrusting attack. This was not because Caizher is not talented but mostly because he has a lot of things to practice and train. He wasn't able to give all of his time in a single skill

"[Fire Style: Fire Birds!]"

"[Ice Style: Ice Birds!]"

The man's two enemies went on both of his side and birds made from different element advanced at his direction. Even though the man is stronger than one of them, but the problem is that these two are attacking him at the same time forcing him into a disadvantage

The man's body and sword were covered by lightning and with the speed it gave him, he turned his body around and created an illusion of a circling lightning snake

He managed to destroy those birds but with the cost of a lot of mana. If this goes on, he would be exhausted by the two before they kill him

Caizher's eyes lit up at seeing that. Although he has a powerful manual, but it was still different if you saw a skill using your own eyes. Especially since Caizher and this man's skill has almost the same path that they take

Everyone has their unique way of using their powers and Caizher digested it while watching them. It gave him ideas on how he can improve his power

As the fight continued, the party that has only seven members were being injured and tired out. It wouldn't be long before they were defeated

Caizher's eyes locked on a dark type user as he can feel something on her. The woman took out a black orb and Caizher had the impulse to own it

The dark type was a member of the party with lesser people and it seems like the orb was her trump card. Caizher can feel some soul power and essence of darkness from it

It was impure than Caizher's own, but the man can still feel that it was a powerful item

Sure enough, the faces of the party of ten people changed when they saw it

"Lucy, give that orb to us and we'll let you live!" The what it looks like their leader said but everyone from the woman's side shook their heads

"If we really give the orb to you then you will get what you want and kill all of us. Let us leave or we'll destroy this orb!" The woman threatened and tightened her grip on the orb

The other side leader's face turned ugly before the man smirked evilly. His smirk gave the woman a bad feeling

Caizher sensed some dark type mana and the shadows of the woman formed hands that wrapped and scratch all over her legs. Every place that those hands touched turned black and the woman's body shuddered in pain

From the ruins of the former human civilization, a man walked out and joined the group of ten people

"Make one wrong move and she will die!" The leader threatened and the woman's team stopped their resistance. No matter what, the seven of them have great bonds and won't easily betray each other

"W-we'll give you the orb, just let us leave alive!" The lightning man from before said as his face darkened. Although the chance of them leaving this place alive after they give the orb is low, but it was better to grip on that slim chance

"Hahaha! No! You all will die here!" The leader said and the black hands crawled on the woman's body reaching her stomach

At this time, Caizher decided to enter the scene. He wants to own that orb and as a thanks for the lightning man for clearing the path for Caizher, he decided to help them

Caizher's body sinks on the ground while abandoning all of his belongings and he reappeared in the middle of the two parties

"Yo!" Caizher greeted everyone with a smile. Although this is the apocalypse where everyone gained various powers that can kill, to see a man suddenly appear from the ground like that still shocked them

Both of the parties raise their guards. Underestimating an enemy in this apocalypse is a stupid thing to do

"Who are you? What do you want?" The leader asked but Caizher just ignored him

"Yo! Want me to help you? But of course, it wouldn't be free. I want that orb in return" as Caizher has a full plate on him, he wants things to be simple and fast. That's why, he went straight to the point and wants to finish this early

"Are you sure you have the ability? All seven of us must survive" The lightning man asked doubtfully. He thinks that Caizher is powerful but one of her team's life is currently on the enemies' hands

"Of course! You just need to say yes, well either way, I would still snatch that orb. I just learned something from watching you and decided to help. So, what is it? I'm a busy man"

Although the lightning man is doubtful, but he still nodded his head. In a moment of despair, if you saw a light, you will surely cling on that light

"With just you? Get out of here now and I'll let you leave alive!" Although the leader was cautious, but they still have the numerical advantage. He doesn't believe that they won't be able to defeat an additional man

"Just shut up and wait for your death" Caizher said in annoyance before walking towards the woman that was holding the orb. He shot some of his dark energies on those hands

The dark type mana acted as if they were scared and moved away from that dark energies. Essence of darkness was of a much higher level than dark type mana!

The woman was free from her bindings and looked at Caizher with gratitude. But as she was still injured, the woman fell on her knees while panting hard

"Impossible!" The man who made those hands cannot believe what happened. Even after all this time, everyone can only dispel an enemy's attack using brute force. The man never encountered someone that can make mana scared like that

"In this world, everything is possible!" Caizher said with a sweet smile before he channeled his mana to his palm and slammed it on the ground. "If you want to use dark type skills in front of me, then you are still millions of years early! This is what a real dark type skill is!"

"[Darkness Style: Shadow Kill!]" The shadows of the eleven humans turned into black tendrils and made several small wounds on them. If Caizher's enemy isn't this many, he would be able to kill them directly with this skill. Too bad that there is eleven of them

"Hmph! Big talk but you are too weak!" The pride of this man was stepped on by Caizher and he was glad that Caizher's attack only have this effect. He is angry that a skill he was proud of was dispel by Caizher in such a manner

"Who said I'm already done?" Caizher chuckled and unleased his combo

"[Darkness Style: Paralysis Curse!]" Black skull tattoos appeared on top of the humans' wounds and their body started losing strength but Caizher is not finished yet

"[Darkness Style: Shadow Bind!]" This time, the shadows of these humans wrapped all over their bodies and bind them on their places