Chapter 56: Orb

Caizher's 3 skills combo was really powerful and immediately turned his opponents powerless. The powerful mana users from before were no more as they cannot even move their bodies

"So what do you think?" Caizher grinned at the seven humans whom he helped. He didn't wait for their answer as a black dagger made from mana formed on his hand

Caizher's figure flashed and slit the throat of these humans one by one. However, when Caizher was about to kill the last one, the man managed to break free from his combo

"Oh? Interesting" Caizher said while grinning. The leader's face darkened as his whole team were killed just like that

"[Earth Style: Heavy Mud!]" The man slammed his palms on the ground. The area around Caizher softened but he can feel how heavy the mud as it was sucking him deeper into it

The seven from before were about to help even with their injuries. However, to everyone's shock, Caizher's lower bottom turned into fogs of darkness and he floated away from it

The leader who was running away to save his own life saw this and terror flashed on his face. "Nice skill, too bad it was not effective to me" Caizher said with a 'pity' and threw his dagger on the running man

"[Fire Style: Fiery Step!]" The man jumped in the air and the fire on his foot helped him to reach higher heights. While the leader was in the air, he turned his body around and looked angrily at Caizher

The leader then made an 'O' shape using his right hand and placed it in front of his mouth. "[Earth Style: Stone Pistonl]"

Small pieces of rocks were spewed out by the man but its size grew in mid-air. The seed size rocks from before turned as big as a human fist

This time, Caizher made a sword from his mana and destroyed the rocks coming to him while dodging the others. But the human this time is not someone to be underestimated too

After landing on the ground, the leader clenched his hand, and the rocks that passed or were destroyed by Caizher all charged at his body

Not bothering to see the outcome, the leader continued running away. However, to his shock, his shadow turned into a small tendril. It doesn't have much power as Caizher is a bit far from him but it was enough to cause him to trip

The leader's face met the hard ground as his body rolled on the ground and only stopped when his backs hit a car. That cars was useless now and cannot be used anymore but the impact was still enough to cause an arrow of blood to fly out from the man's mouth

Caizher emerged from the scene like he didn't suffer from the rock attack and run towards his enemy. The leader panicked and his hand touched the hard ground below him

Fire energies started boiling the ground and the leader used his earth ability to easily remove small parts of the ground. The leader then threw the hot rock to Caizher's direction with all the strength he can muster

Caizher didn't stop though and continued charging at the leader. When the hot piece of rock was about to hit him, his darkness body parted and the rock flew passed him

The eyes of everyone turned wide open and the leader entered a frenzied state

"[Fire Style: Flamethrower!]" The man condensed high amounts of fire energies on his palms and it turned into two long streaks of fire

Even when the man just started condensing fire energies, Caizher already inhaled the surrounding air and infused it with his mana. "[Darkness Style: Breath of Death!]"

Two streaks of fire red light and one streak of black breath met sending shockwaves everywhere.

"AAAHHH !!!" The leader shouted and even his arms started having some burns due to the intensity of his attack

Breath of Death is a powerful skill but the user needed air to use it. In a prolonged fight like this, Caizher is at a disadvantage as his enemy only needs to continuously supply it with fire type mana

Thinking of this, Caizher opened his palms and sucked the surrounding air through it. The air will then travel to his chest which would then be infused with mana that undergoes a change in nature and the air will exit through Caizher's mouth

Before this is something that Caizher cannot do but with all the training he had, it becomes possible. One's hard work would surely be paid like this!

The Breath of Death overpowered the man's flamethrowers and the former unleashed its might in the leader's body. The breath of death directly attacked its enemies' lifeforce and the man shriveled at a rate visible to the eyes until he turned into a bag of bones and skin

Caizher stopped after killing his enemy and whistled while walking back to where the seven humans are

"Yo! Can I get my payment now?" Caizher asked while grinning. The seven didn't dare entertain any funny thoughts as they just witnessed how powerful the man is

The woman who was holding it immediately gave it to Caizher in fear that she and her team will be wiped out today. Caizher hold the black orb, he can now feel the soul power and dark energies inside it more clearly

"What's the use of this thing anyway?" Caizher asked curiously and the faces of the seven humans twitched. They thought that Caizher knows its use and that is the reason why he wants to have it. But turns out he was clueless about the orb's use

"I-It has the ability to connect to the realm of the dead. It can be used to see people you know that died in the afterlife. As for its other uses, we do not know yet" the woman answered and Caizher's face flashed with a surprise. To think an item like this actually existed. And who knows if it still has other uses

"How did you find such an item?" Caizher doesn't believe that an item like this is easy to acquire. Everyone would want to fight for such an item

It can help you see the important people in your life that died before, who wouldn't want that?

"W-we saw two powerful skeletons fighting for it" the lightning boy from before said. The seven shuddered while thinking of those skeletons. Even until now, they can't help but tremble in fear by witnessing such a scene

"Skeleton?" Caizher asked in puzzlement and the lightning man nodded his head

"They looked like lich but they are very powerful! They were able to summon thousands of skeletons with various abilities. But not just that, even their own power is so out of this world! Their fight formed deep craters on the ground and even some buildings crumbled because of them! We are just lucky that when one of the skeletons was about to die, it self destructed and also killed the other skeleton. This orb coincidentally flew out from them and landed in front of us "the man explained

Although humans are a lot more powerful than before now, but to cause huge buildings to crumble? Just what kind of power was needed for that? Even Caizher cannot do such a thing

If it was someone like the giant snake or rock giant from before, they might have the ability due to their size and race. However, for humans? That feat is a very hard thing to achieve

Caizher channeled his mana on it and the orb showed an image. There were a lot of transparent humans in what looks like a spooky forest where the trees don't have any single leaf

"Are these ghosts? This is the world of the dead?" Caizher muttered to himself and the orb transmitted a stream of information straight to his mind

Caizher had a better grasp of the orb's ability now. But just like what the humans said, it only has the ability to show the world of the dead

Caizher started thinking of everything he knows about his father while channeling his mana on it. However, the image does not change as if they cannot found his target. Caizher then changed and tried thinking of his mother

But just like before, the image still doesn't change at all. "Is this a scam? Or my parents are still alive? Caizher asked himself

Caizher set free his parents before. But the more time passed, the more Caizher thinks that they are already dead. Seeing how the fallens act, how can it be that they are still humans?

But this black orb made him doubtful. What if his parents were still alive? What if even though they turned into fallens, their souls were still on their bodies?

Caizher might not be that close to them but they are still his parents. If he can, he wants to save or turn them back to normal. Besides, as former mobsters, if they returned to normal and gained back their human intellect, they would surely be able to help Caizher a lot

His father and mother both have decent fighting powers on their own before the apocalypse and they are also both smart and cautious. To survive in their business and let the Vel Family continue to prosper, how can the two be simple?

Thinking of this, Caizher stored the orb inside his darkness and changed his plans for the day. "Alright, bye now!" Caizher said and waved his hand to the seven humans around

The humans blinked at how the black orb was 'swallowed' by his body and wasn't able to react. Caizher retrieved his backpack and weapon first. Although he has a lot of these things but they are still precious resources. Caizher don't want to waste any of it

Caizher runs amidst the ruins on his way. There are a lot of abandoned useless cars, debris, and corpses on his way but he ignored it

He even tried to avoid fighting as much as possible. However, there are still some idiots that will try to attack him and he killed them if he doesn't have any choice

When he started thinking about his parents, he doesn't know why but he started having a bad feeling in his imaginary heart and his mood turned agitated


After running non-stop, Caizher finally reached the mall where the Vel Family had their business transactions before and the heavy feelings on his heart started to grow and he sped up his face

When Caizher reached the road where he left his parents, he saw a group of fifteen humans fighting various monsters

They are the combination of fallens, animals, and the creatures that escaped from the dungeon

Caizher's eyes locked on two particular fallens. One is a woman with a colorful butterfly-like eyes. Even from afar, it was very visible. When Caizher stared at those eyes, his soul throb and sent a wave. The man was shocked that although the fallen didn't directly attack him but just looking at those eyes are still enough to affect other people

If not for Caizher's Divine Darkness Soul, he might be greatly affected by those eyes. Caizher's vision locked on another fallen. This one is a male but its arms look like a beast's arms

Its nails look very sharp and about three inches long. An animalistic fur covered the entirety of its robust arm and it looks as solid as metals

Caizher recognized those two even though they looks are different than the last time he saw them. It spurted a warmth on Caizher's heart. No matter what, parents are still parents! And it's not like Caizher was abused by them before

Aside from the slight disagreements with his parents as he doesn't want to continue the family business, Caizher doesn't have any grievances towards them

Now, seeing that his parents are being attacked filled Caizher with rage and immediately charged at them

When Caizher is very close to them, he saw a muscular man covered with lightning was about to punch his mother. Caizher's speed exploded and he threw a kicked on that man

The man sensing danger dodged immediately and Caizher stopped between his parents and made two tails from his back to push them away. Fallens are still fallens and they will attack Caizher that helped them

When Caizher saw who was about to kill his mother, he was shocked as he saw a familiar face