Chapter 57: Fighting Bruce (1)

"Bruce!" Caizher muttered the name of this man with killing intent. Turns out that not being able to kill Bruce before was a huge mistake

If he didn't accidentally get the black orb that can let him see the dead, he would not think of checking up on his parents. If he were minutes late, his parents might have already died

"Caizher!" Bruce said this name hatefully. Before, he was a shining star in the base that everyone needs to be respectful with. However, the changed because of Caizher

He knew that the people whom he angered before will kick him at his lowest point if he did not flee. As for coming back when he recovered, his pride won't allow that

Thus, he had to start at the bottom in another base before rising to the top again. But since he was new, the already authoritative figures in the base won't let him overshadow them

Thus, from the highest point, he fell down to only an above-average position. His life was almost taken away and even his position plummeted all because of Caizher, how can he not hate this man?

"Kill!" Bruce's eyes turned red as he directly charged at Caizher. He was a fool before for trying to kill the man on his own, but now, he won't make the same foolish mistake

"[Lightning Style: Lightning Cloak!]" The lightning swimming around Bruce's body intensified as his speed and power exploded

Even Caizher was not able to react much at this kind of speed and Bruce made a hole in his chest. Just that one attack destroyed a lot of his darkness as dark fog leak out from his chest

Caizher made wings on his back and jumped back to take some distance from Bruce. His chest returned back to normal with the help of his darkness. He looks the same as before but he wasn't. Fortunately, all of his efforts in cultivation grew the size of his body

"[Metal Style: Bullet Storm!]" One of Bruce's men hold out his hands and bullet size metals flew out and advanced at Caizher's position

"Hmph!" Caizher harrumphed and the backpack on his back slip off his darkness to make it easier move. Using his sword and wings, Caizher either deflected or dodge those bullets of metal while in the air

"[Wind Style: Heavy Winds!]" Another one from Bruce's men hold out his palm and balled it. Caizher suddenly felt that the wind around him turned heavy and it was harder to move than usual

If it was just Bruce himself, Caizher wouldn't be in this kind of situation, but his subordinates are also powerful on their own

Bruce already learned from his past mistake. Although he still acts so domineeringly but he now took the effort to have a lot of loyal and powerful subordinates. His plan is to take over the base and become the leader, to do that, he needs a lot of powerful and loyal men

The current leaders are restricting him but for Bruce, it would only take some time before he had the same position and authority as before. To do that, he must raise his strength and build a powerful force under him

Fortunately, at this time, Caizher's fallen parents continued attacking Bruce's men. His father with his beastly arm threw his hand towards one of them. As their focus was on Caizher, his father successfully used his claw to injure one of the enemies in the shoulder

There are also other monsters around that attacked making it so that there are more injured men

Seeing this, Caizher's eyes lit up. He was lucky there are a lot of cannon fodders here. If not, his situation would be more grave

Caizher started chanting some foreign gibberish words as he communicated with the world. A summoning circle appeared on the ground and from it, three skeleton mages appeared

One has a red robe, the other has a green one, and the last is icy blue in color. They are like the ones that Dera summoned when fighting Caizher before

With all the non-stop training Caizher did for the past month, he has a lot of great progress in spell casting. Although he still can't summon any creatures using his [Monarch of Darkness] but he can now summon undead to fight for him

The skeletons chanted their spells and made the surroundings even messier with various abilities flying in the air

With his men busy with the monsters, Bruce doesn't have a choice but to charge at Caizher by himself. This time, he won't underestimate the man, he would make sure to kill Caizher!

"[Lightning Style: Thunder Bolt!]" Bruce made a triangle shape from his hands and pointed it at Caizher's directions. Huge amounts of lightning energies condensed on the space inside the triangle and a bolt of lightning aimed for Caizher's life

Seeing the thunderbolt that he cannot dodge, Caizher can only block. The scene of the lightning man from before entered his mind and Caizher tried to recreate that man's skill

Caizher already started activating his skill as soon as he saw Bruce using one too, Bruce's speed was too fast and he almost has no hope of catching up to it if the man attacks first. Caizher channeled mana on his sword and it glowed with a black light before the mana condensed into the image of a black serpent

However, although it was better than the other time he used this skill, but its essence was still that of a Dark thrust. It wasn't a new skill yet, it just applied the basic sword skill

As expected, when the bolt of lightning met the dark serpent, the latter was defeated in an unsightly manner. Caizher's hand even bursts into fogs of darkness and the sword started falling down the ground

Caizher turned his foot into a long tentacle and caught his sword in mid-air. He can fight without any weapon using his other forms but when it comes to an enemy like Bruce, Caizher cannot afford to do that

If his darkness touched the lightning cloak around Bruce, it would surely be destroyed. Thus, he needed a weapon in fighting an enemy like this

Caizher descended down on the ground as his eyes flashed with a dark light. "[Darkness Style: Dark Slash!]" Caizher slashed his sword three times in the air and three dark sword lights were formed

One sword light flew straight at Bruce but the other two curved and went to attack the man on his side. Seeing those three sword light, Bruce with the speed of his lighting cloak, dodged them

However, Caizher sneakily controlled the sword lights again. He moved his finger in Bruce's direction and the sword lights came back

Bruce sensed the danger and without a choice, turned his back, he wasn't the same as Caizher who have 360 ° vision. Although he can sense the danger, but he can't see what they really are

Seeing that the sense of danger came from the sword light that he dodged, Bruce shoot out lightning on his hand and destroyed them

Caizher used this chance and charged at Bruce with his sword "[Darkness Style: Dark Thrust!]" The same evil looking snake formed on Caizher's swords but this time, it looks more lively than before

It was still not an entirely new skill but he was making great progress on it

"Damn it!" Bruce cursed at sensing Caizher running to him. Caizher was about to use his sword to kill Bruce but the latter shoot out lightning all over his body

One lightning went to Caizher's sword and consumed its power. Although Bruce successfully defended himself from his enemy but it consumed unnecessary mana

Caizher pulled some distance again so that he'll be able to react better with Bruce's speed and slammed his sword on the ground.

"[Darkness Style: Shadow Kill!]" Bruce's shadow turned into sharp tendrils. However, to Caizher's shock, as soon as the shadows met the lightning cloak, it was instantly destroyed

Bruce seeing his enemy's attack was ineffective smirked at Caizher. "You can't touch me! I have an absolute defense on my body. Just prepare yourself for your death!" Bruce said in contempt and charged Caizher

As a reply, Caizher inhaled the surrounding air causing his chest to bulge. He speedily infused it with his dark energies. However, Bruce's voice entered his 'ears'

"Too slow!" The man said in disdain. Bruce's fist penetrated Caizher's chest but the latter only smirked at him. This was the outcome that Caizher wants!

The air infused with dark energies exploded on Bruce's body. Although the explosion also destroyed a lot of Caizher's darkness, but his size is much bigger than before now

Bruce's muscular body was blown away and black patches appeared all over his body

Caizher might be busy with his [Monarch of Dark Creatures] but what is his advantage on all humans? That is his body and manual!

It was hard to have progress in the Primordial Darkness Heretic Art but every progress will give a lot of difference! The manual that the humans have is only the most basic, there are higher leveled ones but it was nowhere near Caizher's manual!

At the surface, Caizher's skills are quite weak compared to Bruce's and it doesn't have much destructive power. One will think that Caizher's attacks were only unpredictable and hard to defend from but it does not pack much power

But the truth is, Caizher is just currently too weak and his mastery of his skills are also too low! It wasn't even at 1% even until all this time. At higher levels, Caizher can control all the shadows as far as the eye can see. Not just that, but the shadows themselves would also be even harder than metal

Caizher knew that most of the powerful skills in his manual are too hard to train. It will take him years just to have an average mastery of them. That is why he practiced the ones that were unpredictable and hard to defend

It would be an insult to the manual that the powerful eye gave to him if he can't even rise above a human like Bruce. Caizher is already this powerful even though he poured a lot of time in making dark creatures, then what more if he actually poured all of his time in polishing his own strength?

Staring at Bruce who was heavily injured now, Caizher smirked but still didn't let his guard down. He readied his sword and channeled mana on it to kill the man immediately

But to Caizher's annoyance, the subordinates of Bruce ignored the monsters and attacked him

"[Fire Style: Flamethrower!]"

"[Wind Style: Wind Cut!]"

"[Earth Style: Boulder Smash!]"

"[Nature Style: Flesh-Eating Flower!]"

"[Water Style: Bubble Bomb!]"

All sorts of attacks flew towards Caizher. This was like what happened back at the base. Caizher was about to kill Bruce when the man's few loyal subordinates attacked him

Without a choice, Caizher was forced to move away from Bruce that is now laying on the ground

The others didn't stop though and continued attacking him while carrying Bruce's body with them. Caizher frowned and sinks his body on the ground and left his sword above

However, the small piece of darkness he left above to use as his eyes weren't unnoticed by his enemies and they attacked it. Caizher continued advancing towards them while retracting his darkness every time that they will attack him

But it seems like these people have minds too. One fire user made a dome of fire that covered him and Bruce making it so that Caizher won't be able to get close to them

Fortunately, the humans were forced to circle around that fire user as the monsters around did not stop coming to them

One of Caizher's skeleton mages was still alive and he gave it an order. The skeleton chanted its spell and tens of small ice shards flew straight to the dome of fire

The others won't let it succeed and destroy those ice but Caizher used this chance. He emerged from the ground using his beast form and condensed mana on his claws the condensed mana turned into a beam of dark light

The dark beam penetrated the fire dome and went straight to the man's chest and made a hole on it. Blood spurted out from the man's mouth and his dead body fell on the ground