A Lover Or A Friend

A soft knock breaks her concentration from painting. She looked at the direction of the door thinking she's not expecting any visitor today. She dropped the brush and pulled her back that was already numb for staying in the same position for a long time.

"Please wait a moment," she shouted. Her legs are also numb; she has to massage it before she could stand up, but with such difficulty. She slowly walked in the direction of the door, while dragging her right leg that is still recovering from paralysis.

When she opened the door she was surprised to see Nancy. She isn't expecting to see her since her aunt already went back to Tokyo.

"Hello, Miss Dana. May I come in?" she said.

"Oh, sorry. Of course. Come!" she said as she ushered Nancy inside the apartment.

"Sorry, my living room is such a mess. Would you like something to drink?" she asked fussing over her visitor.

Nancy surveys the so-called mess in the middle of the room. There are cans and bottles of paints, palette, and brushes varying in sizes.

She could see that Dana was almost finished with her painting. There are already boards that are put near the balcony door being dried out.

"Is matcha latte fine?"

"Yes, thanks!" she answered her without looking. Her boss told her that Dana is talented not only in music but also with painting but this is the first time she saw her works. And she would say she's impressed. They are painted on skateboards but the art speaks out. She would love to see Dana's art on canvas.

"They aren't finished yet," she said, handing her the cup of matcha.

"You are good."

Dana felt shy with the compliment from Nancy and just smiled.

Nancy sat down on the sofa and opened her notebook. Dana followed and took a seat as well.

She explained to Dana that her aunt instructed her to stay in China until she gets accepted into her chosen university. She should focus on learning Chinese and playing the piano. She'll have a new piano teacher starting next week and her allowance will be given to her by Madame Bae in cash.

"Do you have any questions?" Nancy asked after giving her the rundown of what her aunt's instruction was.

"I don't really understand why aunt Joy will do things to such an extent, it is truly unnecessary. Also, I thought that what we talked about was everything."

Nancy has no answer for Dana. She was sent to give the what and not to explain why and how.

Dana knew about it, but she can't help still but wonder.

"How about my art? Does she say something about it?" she asked scowling.

"No." Nancy answered curtly and politely. She knew Dana's tantrum and the best way to throw her temper off is to be excessively polite with her.


Dana decided to stop painting after Nancy left her apartment because she's no longer in the mood to paint. She took some photos of the finished board and, the working in progress ones, sent the photos to Bobby, and took a nap.

She doesn't feel very productive anymore. And when she's feeling like this, she always takes a nap. She finds out it's the best way to clear her head and have more ideas later on.

Before she jumps on her bed, she checks her WeChat if Grand sends a message, and she finds none. She furrowed her eyebrows and decided to send one.


Grand after winning the match with Ghost, he took a break and left the game floor. He takes his break time to send a message to Dana. When he opens his phone a wide smile breaks out from his lips. He has a message from her wishing him a good day. He was just going to send a message but after reading hers, he decided to give her a call instead. He wants to see her face.

The smile on his face disappeared when it was already his second call but Dana still was not answering it. Wondering what happened he decided to check her Moments, but there weren't any updates

He was about to send Dana a message when Bobby called him. He was asking if he is free on the weekends because he wants him to see something and asks his opinion about it. He has a plan to take Dana out on the weekend but thinking that Bobby doesn't usually ask something from him he agreed and just thought to bring Dana along.

"Grand, break time is over! DT's team is already waiting." Kai Hern yells for him.

Grand quickly sent his message for Dana and turned off his phone, before returning to the game floor to continue practicing. This time with his team.


Dana stirs in the bed, rolls over to the right side, grabs a pillow, and buries her face on it. She might have slept for a few minutes more before she opened her eyes. And the first thought to register in her mind was, it's dark.

She kicks the pillow she is hugging and rolls back to her left and grabs her phone on the nightstand after switching it. Grand called her twice and left a message. She propped herself on the headboard and quickly read his message. It was an invitation to hang out this weekend. He was asking her to free her weekend for him. Dana shriek!

Though it's only the middle of the week, she sent a message to Madame Bae that she won't be available to play for her parties this coming weekend. After sending her advance notice, she sent back a message to Grand that she's free for the weekend, and apologized she missed his calls since she was asleep.

She was about to get out of the bed when the phone in her hand rings.

"Muffins." said the husky voice on the side of the mobile screen.

Dana felt herself blush with her heart missing a beat watching the man bearing a smile that could drown.

"You've just woken from your nap?" he asked, chuckling.

Watching Dana's face heavy with sleep in the small screen, makes his heart constrict in his chest. Grand, you are in for a very very big trouble, he thought to himself.


She didn't trust herself to talk right at that moment.