
Dana is sitting still in front of a mirror while Madame Bae stands behind. Her graceful fingers are combing her hair into a messy bun. She asked for her help last night after the dinner party she threw for her business associates friends.

Madame Bae found her in shambles choosing an outfit to wear today. She told her she doesn't want to wear a dress since she might have to back ride on a motorbike, so she advised her to just settle for the classic looks of a shirt and jeans.

She walks around her room, checking the fit and how she looks with black skinny jeans and a white polo shirt on her, which she partnered with her Louboutin suede plain black pin heels in five inches.

Strutting in front of Madame Bae, Dana thought that five inches are the best height for her that makes her stand beside Grand, tall enough to reach his broad chest. It is also quite comfortable to walk in.

She sat down on her vanity again to put some powder and light blush on her cheeks to give it a bit of color.

"Dear, you're extremely blessed with such beautiful skin."

Looking at her reflection on the mirror she smiled with the compliment and asked, "Should I wear earrings?"

"No, dear. Keeping your ears au naturel gives off a pure yet sensual vibe. Do put some bracelets on your wrist if you are not going to wear a watch."

Dana decided to put on her Cartier bangles. She has two of them, one from her mother, and the other from her aunt. She got them as a birthday present for her 16th birthday.

She stood up and turned around in front of the full-length mirror. She checked her butt in her skinny jeans. The only thing that isn't Japanese on her, as Jess would joke. For she is blessed with shapely buttocks.

Satisfied with what she saw in the mirror, picked up her purse, and thanked and said goodbye to Madame Bae.

"I'm going back to my apartment later," she informed her.

Dana checked her phone and saw Grand message that he was already outside. She hesitated in split seconds then sent a reply asking if he would like to come inside for a few minutes. She got a call back as soon as she sent her message.

"Muffins I would love to."

"Okay, just enter the side gate, I'll wait for you at the foyer."

She turned to Madame Bae and said, "I'd like you to meet the guy I'm going out today."

"I would love to meet this guy. I need something new to tell your aunt anyway." clearly teasing she said.

Grand was already in the entry hall when Dana went down. She admires him in his ripped jeans, a white shirt, and a black leather jacket. He looks like James Dean in the Taylor Swift song.

Dana gave him a big smile when their eyes met. He openly surveyed her looks and he liked what he saw. He smirks, thinking a way to tease her, but before he could do so, a tall woman appears behind Dana's back.

She's amazingly beautiful.

"Hmm, Dear you've got a taste for good looking boys. I like that Bobby guy, but this one is more of my type."

Grand keeps his smile but at the back of his mind, he's thinking that Bobby has been inside this house before. He extended his hand for a handshake to the woman who introduced herself as Madame Bae.

"Pleasure to meet you, ma'am. My name is Wang Wei. I'm here to take Dana out."

"Yes, I've heard. You, two youngsters, have a good time."

"Let's go," Dana said, linking her arms to his and pulled him away.

She let go of his arm when they turned the corner, out of Madame Bae's sight.

When she dropped his arm, he grabbed her hand and linked their fingers. Dana blushed in embarrassment but said nothing.

"You're not going to say we're wearing couple outfits today?" smirking he asked.

Dana pushed him and pulled her hand away.

He let go of her hand but grabbed her shoulder and pulled her to his arms.

He bent down to drop a kiss on the top of her head and whispered, "We do look like a nice couple, don't you think?"

Dana imprisoned in Grand's arms were motionless and lost the ability to speak. She could hear the thumping of Grand's chest and it's driving her insane.

"Your phone is ringing," she said, wriggling to escape from Grand's arms.

Instead of letting her go, Grand locked her under his arms as he picked up his call.

"Be there within an hour," he answered after listening to the caller.

"Where are we going?" she asked as they walked.

"Bobby is asking to see me. I wanted to spend time with you so I'm bringing you along."

Dana was surprised that they are going to Bobby's place. She thought they would just be on a date or something. But she can't help but feel giddy inside, thinking that he wanted to spend time with her so he decided to have her company.

They crossed the street and Grand stopped in front of a blue Bugatti Chiron. He opened the passenger seat for Dana then when she settled in her seat, he shut the door and walked around the car to the driver's side.

Before he started the car, he leaned over to Dana's side and checked her seatbelt.

"I thought you're driving your bike." She casually starts a conversation because she's feeling uneasy about how Grand is acting with her.

"Do you want to ride with me sometimes?" He answered her questions with another question.

"I never rode a bike in my life."

"I thought it would be uncomfortable for you to ride a bike so I took out my car from the garage back home. But next time, let's go for a ride on my bike," he promised.

Quietness circles inside the car after that, Dana has no idea what to talk about with Grand.

"Do you want to listen to some music?" he noticed how uncomfortable Dana is with the silence.

It's been a while since he drives with a girl in his passenger seat. Having Dana with him, he realized he doesn't know a lot about her. The only thing he knew about her before was that she started liking him when they were introduced back at the WIZ a few months back.

"You can play your playlist, I don't mind."

"It would take us about an hour drive, depending on the traffic. How about we play a song that you like, then I'll play one from my playlist," he suggested, thinking that it's a good icebreaker and way to learn something new about her. You can tell a lot about someone's personality with their taste of music.

"Do you love me."

"Yes," he replied.

Dana furrowed her eye eyebrows in confusion; glanced at Grand. Seeing his serious expression, realization dawned on her, that turned her into a ripe tomato in an instant.

Overly conscious, she explained, "No,... the title of the song is, Do you love me by Stephanie Poetri."

He stops in a red light and says, "I know. And I love you 3000." he stares at her with such intensity, Dana feels like the car is an oven she forgot to turn off.