The Strongest Ally Part II

She's debating whether she should go to her apartment first or goes directly to Nana's apartment to bring her pasalubong. Grand told her last night that he already told his grandmother about her pasalubong and that she's expecting her. 

She hasn't been home for more than a month, she isn't sure if her plants are still alive, even though Nana told her that one of her helpers water her plants and clean her apartment while she was outside of the country, she still want s to see if her apartment is okay. It's technically not her apartment and she feels obligated to take good care of the place. 

She already decided to go to her apartment first before visiting Nana so she has enough time to get all the things she needs while staying at Madame Bae's house. She was surprised that Grand asked her, -- more on begged her to stay away from the East City for now. According to him, he is having problems with his mother, and he doesn't want her to get caught in the crossfire.