Three Is A Crowd

"Nana stops playing favorites," he said, pretending to be hurt on how Nana keeps on putting food on Dana's plate urging her to eat more. 

"You have strong hands, go get your own food," she said, not even throwing a glance to her own grandson.

Dana giggles at how the grandmother and grandson tandem are acting like they are a comedic duo. 

They are in the same restaurant where they met each other after not seeing each other for a long period of time because Grand had been avoiding her. They were on a different date at that time. Dana remembered that was the time she had the thought of giving up on Grand, well until Nana invited her for lunch with the intention of matchmaking her with her favorite grandson.

Now, they are on a triple date with Grand feeling like the third wheel. And he's been lowkey kicking her under the table asking for attention.