A Change Is Coming

"Are you sure you won't be in trouble with Mr. Wan that you extended your stay outside when everyone is busy with training?"

"Muffin, I told you many times, it wouldn't be a problem," he said, patting her hand that she keeps on twisting on her lap. 

They left the house right after breakfast to send Dana home, for she still has piano practice and her school. Grand sighed that Dana is too busy and at the same time he can't get out of the WIZ easily. The truth was Mr. Wan didn't take the idea lightly of him missing practice, he just begged that Dana was sick, and since Mr. Wan and Dana's aunt are friends he reluctantly agreed. 

However, he knows that he would still get an earful from Mr. Wan once he's back at the WIZ, but Dana doesn't need to know those pieces of information. She needed rest, and it seems like the call that she got from her mother would add to the things that she would brood on her own again. Grand sighed in worry.