The Day You Were Born

  - August 28th -

"Akihito-san, stop. Please sit down." 

"What did the doctor say? They have been in the labor room for more than three hours now," he said, and start pacing again in front of the labor room. 

They were woken up from a call in the middle of the night from the special home for young pregnant women, where Yukiko was staying.

They weren't expecting the call from Yukiko's counselor for her ob-gyn told them the other day that Yukiko would give birth around the second week of December. Now they are waiting for Yukiko to give birth to her child. 

They have no idea of what sex the child would be. Yukiko refused to have an ultrasound to find the gender of her child. 

That's why her husband prepared a name for a boy and a girl. Since they have no idea what would be the gender of their first grandkid.