Chapter 18

The pile of bodies behind them seemed endless. More and more bodies were piled onto of each other and for a moment, it seemed like the bodies wouldn't stop. That they would just keep on piling up, but eventually they did stop. Holding his father in his arms, Chris shook his head and wouldn't pile him on and neither would Enzo with Maria's body.Blood soaked through their clothes and it stuck to their bodies.Slowly walking closer to the dead bodies, Freya looked up at them with tears in her eyes. She hated everything about the pile that towered over her. All of the dead bodies were lives she helped kill whether they were on her side or not. She didn't know how she would recover from this. She didn't know how anyone would recover from this. Turning around, everyone that was still alive, nodded their heads. Waving her hand, Freya muttered some words under her breath and the whole pile was set on fire. Stepping back, she joined the others and watched as the bodies burnt and smoke filled the air. The snow around them was slowly melting away until the grass beneath it was visible. Although warmth from the fire was coming towards them,none of them felt happy and warm inside. Instead, they felt cold and devastated at what they had just done. Slowly, David walked up to Chris, Freya and Enzo. He was covered in blood from head to toe and to some, he would be unrecognisable. "We need to leave and get back to the others at home." he gently suggested. The others started to walk back as Enzo and Chris wrapped Arthur and Maria in a blanket and held them in their arms. As they were walking through the forest, no one spoke. The sounds of snow crunching beneath their feet were the only things letting them know they were still moving. Birds began to fly over them and tweet as they did, almost as if they were sniggering and laughing at them. Limping, Enzo moved forward and looked down and the blanket that was also covered in blood from where Maria was hurt. He couldn't bear to look for longer than a few seconds. Every time he looked at her, he could only be reminded of the person he couldn't save. The person who he never told how he truly felt to. The person who he cared about like no other. Walking closer, Freya asked, "Do you want me to carry her? Your leg might need a break from it."

"I'm fine. I'm fine." he repeated almost as if he was trying to convince himself. He didn't want to let-go: he wanted to be there for her now even though he couldn't when he needed to be. All of these thoughts ran through his mind and nothing would stop them. Looking over at Chris, Freya saw in his eyes something she had never seen before. Sadness. Every time she saw him,he always seemed happy and brave, but now he was vulnerable, upset and distraught over everything he had lost. Making eye contact, she weakly smiled at him and he returned the smile, letting each other know they were there for each other. Finally, they arrive home and the people who stayed behind, quickly stood up and looked at the people soaked in blood emerge through the forest. At the top of the pack house, Brain and Yasmin looked at each other with tears in their eyes. Slowly, they both walked down the stairs and towards Enzo,Chris and Freya. "Who... who is that?" "Arthur and,"taking a pause, Enzo continued and said, "Maria." Shock filled both of their faces. They couldn't believe that two of the most powerful people had died. Quickly, dread took over their faces and looked to the floor. "What is it? What haven't you told me?"Looking around quickly, he realised something wasn't right. He knew something was missing, but more like someone was missing. "Where's Riley?" They didn't say anything. Yasmin's face had tears streaming down it. Taking a deep breath, Yasmin looked up at her son and muttered, "She... she didn't make it. I'm so sorry."

" did that happen?" "Salice had given her something, I don't know what, but it made Riley die and I... I couldn't do anything."Enzo's face was blank. He didn't say anything. He just kept trying to remember the last thing he said to make sure he didn't waste it. He didn't really know how to react. Looking away from the others, he closed his eyes. He could still see Riley's face and hear her voice in his mind. First he lost someone close to him and now he lost his sister. His perfect life was slowly beginning to crumble apart.Looking back at the others, his mother hugged him and when she finally pulled apart, they all slowly walked back inside slowly without speaking to each other.

Later on that day, they were all wearing dark clothes and suits ready for a funeral of the people they lost. Outside (not to far away from the pack house), people were gathered around rows of seats. Trees were around them and slowly breezed side to side as the wind howled at them. A large wooden podium stood in front of the chairs with people talking quietly to each other. When Enzo arrived, he slowly walked upto the podium and everyone sat down and went quiet when he did.Gripping the podium tightly, he looked out at the people sat in front of him. There faces were all sad and tears streamed down their faces.Tissues were in their hands and dabbed their eyes as more tears came.Sighing, Enzo declared, "Today, we are hear to remember the ones that have fallen on the battlefield. They put their lives on the line for us and in the end, it costed them their lives." People started sniffling and more tears were being shed. Taking deep breaths, he continued, "I want to make a special shout out to two people who meant so much to me. The first person is my sister. She was alwaysfull of light and joy. No matter what happened she always managed to smile and it was contagious. I promised to protect her and keep her safe and now I feel I failed her. There would be nothing else I would want in the world than for her to be here by my side. I know that my sister would want us to keep on fighting and keeping each other safe.She would want us to make sure everything was right and that the innocent wouldn't be killed. It's time for us to make her proud."People nodded and clapped. Looking at Yasmin, he felt like he couldget through this and that they would make Riley proud. Then, taking another sigh, he began to speak, "The next person I want to talk about is Maria. Not many of us knew her and I know some of you had your doubts, but one thing was clear about her. She was brave, fierce and loyal. No matter what she always wanted to help others even if it was in her own little way. She put her life on the line so we could have a better future and that our children would too. She died saving us just like everyone else who died on that battlefield. I will forever be in her debt for that. Now, it's time for us to make them proud. To make sure that they are not forgotten and that we are there for each other." People clapped as Enzo slowly walked down and sat next to his mother. "You did good, son." she whispered and squeezed his hand in reassurance. Next up was Chris and Freya and they both walked up to the podium together with hand in hand. "I want to say thank you. Thank you for fighting with us. You didn'thave to, but you did and for that we will forever be in your debt. Iwant to talk about two people. My father who was such a great man. I didn't talk to him for a long time, but I'm glad I got to spend time with him in his last moments. He was brave and sacrificed his life for me. I will never be able to repay him, but I can make him proud.He had a reputation of being mean and this bad vampire when really he was a big softie who cared more about others than he did about himself. I would love to be like him one day, but I know that's impossible. You can't become someone that great. You can only be yourself." Chris explained and then turned to Freya. Weakly smiling, she turned to the people in front of her and said, " The other person I want to talk about is Maria. She had been my friend for years and years and I can't imagine what my life would be like without her. I still can't to this day nor do I want to, but I know she will never come back." Tearing up, Freya turned away and couldn't talk any more without her voice breaking. Kissing her forehead, Chris continued, "Sorry this is hard for us, just like it is for you. Maria was a big part of our lives and we saw her as family. I have and never will meet someone as strong and selfless as she is... was. However, we knew Maria better than anyone here and we knew what she was trying to do." People started to get intrigued by this and slightly leaned forward, making sure they wouldn't miss what he was going to say. Also leaning forward, Enzo wondered what he was going to say next and what Maria was doing. "She knew she could beat Salice with just one pack, but she didn't want that. She wanted peace. Not just for pack or covens or vampires or humans, but for all of us. She knew the different species hated each other so she wanted to change that. She wanted peace between us all. Look around you now.Look at the people you are gathered with. Vampires, the Warriors,packs and witches are all gathered together and for once, we aren't trying to rip into each others throats." A small laughter escaped people's mouth, but didn't last as they soon remembered where they were and why. They all did look around and soon, they realised that what he was saying was true and they were soon realising what Maria wanted. Carrying on talking, Chris explained, "She wanted to leave this world behind, knowing that there would be peace between the supernatural species. Now it's time for us to keep that and protect-one another from any other evil that comes our way. We shouldn't forget what happened today. We should remember it and cherish the ones we lost." Slowly walking away, they both sat down and hugged one another. More and more people walked up and gave their speeches on the ones they were close to. All were touching and heart warming,but everyone knew that no matter how nice the speech was, they weren't coming back. They were all trying to imagine their lives without those people and for once, no one knew what was going to happen from here. After everyone gave their speeches, they were all gathered around Riley and Arthur. Stepping forward, Chris and Enzo walked closer towards them and looked down at the large and thick stick with fire blazing at the end of it. All of their features were the same, but the faces were paler and didn't have the smile that they once had. A tear ran down Enzo's face as he looked at his dead sister and her pale face. He didn't want to imagine what she went through when she was captured by Salice, but he couldn't stop himself. He blamed himself for everything that happened and he knew he would never forgive himself. Suddenly, he was snapped out of his thoughts when a hand was placed on his shoulder. It was Chris. "It'sOK. We'll get through this. Are you ready?" he asked. Slowly nodding, the placed the burning fire onto the two dead bodies and watched as they turned to ash. They didn't want to watch them go.They didn't want to watch them burn, but they knew it was the right way for them to go. Turning around, they all walked back towards the pack house and away from the beautiful setting full of green trees and and nature. The air was still filled with smoke and it was smelt for miles.

When they arrived back at the pack house, they all Chris and Freya stand outside before joining the others inside. "How are you doing?"asked Freya with concern in her voice. She could see that Chris wasn't doing good. His face and clothes were still covered in his father's blood and he started to smell of the dead bodies. For a moment, he didn't answer. His eyes were darting all over the place.Looking at the trees and the mountain in the distance (where Maria's cave was), he kept being reminded of everything he had lost. This was the very place where he had lost his father and best friend that was family to him. Suddenly, he realised something. "She doesn't know.She... she doesn't know." "Who doesn't know? Chris, what are you talking about?" Grabbing her hand, he turned to face her with tears welling up in his eyes. Taking deep breaths, he closed his eyes and thought of how he would tell her. He didn't know what to do,but the reassuring touch of Freya's hand made everything better.Opening his eyes again, he looked into Freya's dark blue eyes. They looked like the sea and he knew that was what reminded him of Freya.The sea was always a calming place. The sounds of the tide brushing up against the shore made him feel at peace. The touch of the waves against his skin always calmed him and made him felt relaxed. That was what it was like to be with Freya. He was always at peace, calmand relaxed with her and even though they had their ups and down, it would never change how he felt about her. Finally, he responded, "My mother! She doesn't know what happened to my dad. I don't even know how to tell her. How do I tell her? Please, Freya I need you to tell me: you are the only person holding me together. I've lost two of the most important people in my life and I... I don't know what to do."

"I know what you mean, but we'll get through this together. Arthur and Maria would want us to stay strong and to get through this. We have to do this, for them. We need to stay strong and make sure the peace is kept." Nodding in agreement, they both held each other in their arms and stayed like that while breathing in the smokey air that was still strong and burning. The crackles of the fire was distant now, but was still slightly heard. That sound was the thing that reminded everyone that they were dead because of the war that was started. Inside the pack house, Enzo was wandering the halls until he came upon a door. Pushing the door open, he could still smell her scent. It was Riley's room! Her scent of red roses filled his nose and reminded him that he would never smell that again. Her bed was still neatly made and didn't have a crease in it.He always knew Riley wanted everything to be perfect, but seeing her room like this, just reminded him that she would never be here again.He would never hear her voice and he began to miss the moments that he didn't cherish as much. He knew he should of spent more time with her and that he should of paid more attention with what was happening in her life so he could be there for her. However, he knew that was what Maria was there for. She always did the things he was meant to do. He knew he should have done a better job of being a brother, even though Riley would have never thought that. He saw a blue jacket that Maria and the others found lay neatly on the bed. Walking closer to it, he picked it up and held it close to his chest like his life depended on it. He could remember when she got it for her birthday and she was so happy she never took it off for days. A small chuckle escaped his mouth at the thought of Riley being so happy over a jacket. Still holding the jacket, he walked over to the desk near the window.Everything was still left as he could remember it. Her book was still open on the page she was working on and all of the pens were sprawled across the desk. There was one thing that stood out to him and that was a photo frame. The frame was grey and had a pattern of wavy lines and hearts around it. Inside, the photo was of Riley and Enzo at Christmas. They both had smiles on their faces and in the photo, it was like nothing bad was going to happen to them. His arm was around her back and she smiled. He could remember when they took that. He wasn't sure what he had said that made her smile that much, but her smile was contagious. A tear fell from his eye and soon, he couldn't stop.They all just kept coming and coming and wouldn't stop. All of the memories that they made together popped up in his mind and wouldn't stop any time soon. A few minutes later, Enzo gathered himself together and closed his eyes to stop more tears from coming. Walking out of the room, he saw Freya and Chris talking at the end of the hallway. "What are you two talking about?" he asked. They both turned around to look at him. He could already tell where the conversation was going to go. "We wanted to talk to you aboutsomething."

"Let me guess, you want to go back home. You want to take the vampires back and leave."

"We do, but we will always be here to help. If you need us all you have to do is call and we'll be there. Although, that's not all we want?" "What else do you want?" questioned Enzo. They both looked at each other like they were afraid to ask the question. Taking a deep breath, Freya answered, "We want to take Maria's body. She should be buried with her parents and pack. I understand it may be hard for you to let her go, but it'll be what she wanted." For a moment, Enzo wanted to say no. He wanted to keep her here and protect her from anyone, even though he knew it was too late. He didn't want to let her go, but he knew they were right and that it would be what she wanted. Slowly, he nodded his head and asked, "Can I have a moment with her, before you take her away?" They nodded and as they all walked outside, a shout was heard from behind them. It was Eleanor! "Wait." she shouted. They all turned around and looked at her in confusion. Under her arm, she was carrying a wooden box with a pattern all around it."What's that?"

"This is something I was given. From Maria.She told me to give this to you when this was all over. She knew she wouldn't return so she made sure I gave you this." She began to open the box and handed a bracelet to Freya. It was a beaded bracelet that had charms of a wolf figure, vampire teeth and a gemstone around it. A smile spread across her face and she knew the charms represented them and that they were a small family. Then, Eleanor pulled another thing out of the box and handed it over to Chris. It was a bottle of whiskey and had a letter attached to it saying, You better save this one for me in another life, but if you drink it then don't waste. -Maria. On the other side of the letter, there was a map of all the best bars that he should visit. He chuckled and said, "Typical Maria." Finally,Eleanor passed Enzo his gift from Maria. It was the book of her pack.Flipping through the pages, he found the page about Maria. The picture had a red cross over it and everything she had done was listed underneath with some of the facts about her filled in while others said 'unknown'. He read about them and he felt that reading this was bringing her back to life, but he knew it never would. In a few years time, people would forget what happened and everyone who fought in that battle would become a distant memory. At the back of the book, there was a bag with keys inside. He knew they were the keys to her motorbike and a smile appeared on his face. They all looked at each other and then back at Eleanor. "I didn't know Maria we'll, but what she did was honourable and I had my doubts about her at first, but now I realise who she really was. She was a good person and not the monster lots of people thought she was." They all nodded and as Enzo turned around, he could see Maria's body wrapped in the blood soaked blanket. Slowly walking over to it, he crouched down and moved it so he could see her face. Her eyes were shut and her face was covered in cuts and blood from the battle. He didn'trealise how much she went through just to kill Salice and he felt like that was all she wanted. He didn't know how to feel, but he knew that he would miss her. He moved his face closer to hers and gently kissed her forehead with a tear rolling down his cheek. Then, he whispered, "We'll meet again. I promise." Slowly he stood up and looked at Freya and Chris who were standing behind him. "Guess this is goodbye then." Chris whispered in his ear as they hugged, "I'm glad I met you. Thank you for everything you have done." Freya then also hugged him and thanked him and his pack to. Gently picking upMaria's body, Chris walked into the forest with Freya and the other vampires. Watching them walk away, Enzo felt as though it was going to be a long time before he saw them again. Turning around, he could see all of the others getting ready to leave. It felt weird for him as they had been working and training so hard for them to defeat Salice and now that it finally happened, it almost felt like it wasn't real. The Emerald coven was the next to leave, then it was Jordan and his pack and for a moment, he didn't feel sad to see him go because of what he and his wife had put Maria through, but he knew he needed to keep the peace. Then, David walked up to Enzo and said,"I can see why Maria liked you so much. You are a born leader and care about others. I never believed in love, but I'm sure that somewhere in her heart, she loved you. For that, you ever need us,all you have to do is call or come by. You know where we are now.Goodbye, Enzo." He and the Warriors then left and everything seemed quiet and empty. The grounds of the pack seemed lesser and more empty than it ever had. People looked at each other like they didn't know what to do. He could see Yasmin in the distance and she had tears in her eyes. Taking a deep breath, he knew what he had to do and walked up to the entrance of the pack house. Clapping his hands together, he got the attention of his pack and he announced, "I know we have been through a lot. I'm sorry for the people who had lost loved ones today, but we will not let them go in vain and they will not be forgotten. They will live on in us and we will keep their memory alive. In us. It's time for us to be there for one another and make sure that we are not underestimated by others." People cheered and entered the pack house as the night sky began to get darker. The cold winds came and soon Enzo was stood out looking up at the sky. It got darker and darker and everything about it reminded him that time wasn't going to stop for him or for anyone so they could heal. He knew he had to stay strong for his pack and do a good job for them.Soon, he went inside and tried to get some rest.

Throughoutthe night, Enzo kept tossing and turning, not being able to go to sleep. Eventually, he knew he wasn't going to get any sleep and that there was only one place he wanted to be. Getting a jacket on, he raced out of the door and ran through the forest. Transforming into his wolf, he ran quicker than ever. His feet hitting the floor was the only sound in the air. He could feel the soil and dirt beneath his paws and he felt free. He always felt like he was free in wolf form and that nothing could stop him. His fur moved as the cold breeze blasted into his face and body. Climbing up the mountain, he reach the cave and everything looked the same. The fire had died down and the heat could no longer be felt. The view of his pack was still clear and as he edged towards the edge, he could see why this spot was so beautiful. It overlooked the pack house perfectly. There was no one out and the whole place seemed empty. It seemed like it was missing something or someone which it was. The pack would never be the same after today and everyone knew it, but nobody wanted to say it out loud. The stars in the night sky glistened brightly and overlooked the cave. Everything about the place made him calm and brought back so many memories. Sitting down on a log near the unlit fire, he looked at his phone and scrolled through his contacts. Then,he stopped at one name which was Riley's. Looking at it for a while,he slowly moved his fingers down and pressed onto the name. Placing the phone to his ear, he listened and listened to the noise beeping.He knew that no one would pick up. He knew that Riley wouldn't pickup, but all he wanted to do was hear her voice one last time. Then,the noise stopped beeping and the phone said, "Hey and this is Riley and Maria so say hi." "No. Just leave your message Riley so we can get back to training." "Alright then, well leave your message and I'll get back to you later. Bye." The phone ended and he didn't move. He kept the phone on his ear, hoping there would be more and that she would keep speaking. When he dialled the number,he didn't expect to hear Maria's voice, but he was glad that he did.Hearing their voices, gave Enzo a small part of peace and happiness that even tough he couldn't see them, they were still there and looking over him. Everything about that phone call reminded him of their friendship and what the two of them were like. Riley was always trying to get Maria to loosen up and have a laugh, but she was always serious. That's what made them so good with each other cause they tested one another. Smiling, Enzo remembered the time when they were all running through the woods in their wolf forms. Wishing he was back to those times with them beside him, a tear ran down his face.Looking around, he slowly walked towards the cave and clicked a flashlight on. Placing his hand on the stone walls, he felt the cold rush through his body and he moved his hand along. The cold feeling carried on throughout his body as the wall got rougher and colder.Then, his hand hit something that was on the wall. Moving the flashlight over to the object, he saw it was a picture frame of her and Riley. They were both smiling with their arms around each other's shoulders. It was when they were at the gym and you he could see thatRiley was trained to the point where she was sweating and extremely tired. He smiled at it and placed it back on the wall and carried on looking around. Then, he saw a small table in the corner with a letter on it. Walking towards it, he picked it up in his hands and unfolded the letter. Reading it out in his head, the letter said, 'If your reading this, then it means Salice is dead. It also means I am dead too. I don't know who else is dead, but if you lost someone close to you then I'm sorry. I never wanted that to happen. Don't let people forget what happened here today. Let them remember what happens when the peace is destroyed and help future generations keep the peace between all of the species. We may have defeated one enemy,but there will be more and when they come, you will have to help one another and fight beside one another. I need you to become the person you were always meant to be. I'm where I needed to be and so are you.I'll be watching over you so when you feel alone, remember that you aren't. When you feel alone, look at the night sky and see all the stars. I always thought that the stars showed the people who died so that is what I want you to know. Now, I need you to promise me that no matter how hard things get, you will not give up. I believe in you.-Maria.' Slowly, Enzo folded the letter and placed it in his pockets. As he walked out of the cave, he looked at the night sky and remembered what she had wrote. She was right, he did feel alone, but he knew he couldn't give up. He knew he had to keep on fighting for her, for Riley and for everyone else who died on that battlefield.Looking up at the sky, a star shimmered and glistened brighter than the others and he knew she was watching over him. "I promise." he whispered.

Since that day, the peace between the species was kept and everyone was getting along. There were still people who didn't agree and thought that they should be higher up, but they were always to afraid to stand up. Chris and Freya were living together and ruling over the vampires together and not one of the vampires disagreed or fought against it. They kept the cities safe and ruled over them together.The Red Moon pack began to train women more and kept the forests safe from anyone who posed as a threat. Every night, Enzo went up to the cave and looked at the night sky. He always hoped that he would see Maria or Riley appear and that they would still be alive, but it never happened. He held the spirit caller in his hand and knew one day he would see them again, but it wasn't time and it wouldn't be for a long time. The Warriors changed their ways and now they only trained and didn't kill for sport. They spied on people who they thought would try to break the peace and made sure they didn't get the chance. Everything Maria had worked for all came together and was worth it. Now you see that not every story has a happy ending. The princesses didn't get saved by the prince, but instead saved them.Being brave isn't always being strong, but knowing when to face your fears. Getting the goal you want will never be easy and along the way you will face many challenges, but to get what you want, you mustn't give up. You get told that everything will be perfect and that life is easy. The truth is, not everything you hear is true and there is always more to the story that you were told. Everyone is fighting a battle you don't know about. It's time for us to be there for one another instead of against one another.