Chapter 17

It was early in the morning and everyone was getting ready for war. People were wearing protective around their chest and legs, others were sharpening their weapons and the rest were saying their goodbyes to each other. Looking at everyone, Maria and Enzo stood at the edge of the forest. "Before I met you, my world was perfect. Now I'm about to go to war. Funny how things work out." Chuckled Enzo. "And before I met you, I hated packs. Now I'm standing in a pack houses garden about to fight beside the people I once despised. Your right it's funny how things work out." They both smiled and laughed with each other. Sighing, Enzo mentioned, "I'm happy I met you, Maria Rivers. You may have turned my life upside down, but you have changed it and opened my eyes to a whole different world. A world where not everyone is the monsters we thought they were."                                "Happy to hear that. I never knew I had such a big impact on your life, but at least you know that not everyone are monsters. Sometimes to change the world, we have to make the first step." Nodding, Enzo agreed and they both walked to the pack house to get geared up and ready. Soon, everyone began to gather around the entrance of the pack house and slowly, Enzo walked out. Knives were around his waist and his clothes were dark that was covered in protective gear. Walking outside, he could see everyone waiting for him to speak. Everyone looked ready and thirsty for blood. Taking a deep breath, he loudly shouted, "This isn't what I thought was going to happen. A few months ago I thought I would be sat here with my family watching the day go by and laughing. Instead, we are here about to go to war and fight the enemy we all heard about. This may not have been how we thought our lives would go, but we are here together. Fighting a war, together. I can't promise you people won't die, but everything that will happen, we will go through and fight together. We will defeat Salice and her army. We will make sure our home and family are safe. We will do this together." They all cheered and raised their arms in the air. Clapping in the distance, Maria realises that everything she hoped for was happening. A spark of joy filled her entire body. She was finally going to get the justice her family and pack deserved. Making eye contact with Enzo, they both smiled at each other. He beckoned her to come and so she did. "Lead the way."They all left the pack house and began to walk to the meeting place. Looking back at the house, Maria saw Eleanor standing there, watching them leave. She smiled and nodded her head at Eleanor and she did the same. They had been walking for hours and although people were starting to get tired, they carried on walking. Enzo saw Freya and Chris talking and decided to ask them something. "How are you guys? I know you and Maria had been planning this for a long time."           

"We're OK. We just want to get rid of Salice once and for all. We just hope this plan of Maria's will work." Freya responded with a hint of sadness in her voice. Puzzled, Enzo couldn't understand why she seemed so sad even when everything was coming together. "What wrong? You don't seem happy," asked Enzo. Both Freya and Chris looked at each other, but none of them spoke. Turning to face Enzo, Chris said, "Its nothing. We just want everyone to be OK by the end of this."                       

"Same here. I never told you both this but thank you for what you have done for me and my pack. You've put your life on the line for our time and time again so thank you. You will always have a home with us."                                    "Thank you, Enzo. Really, that means a lot to us. You will also always have a home with us too and anything you need, just ask." Nodding, they all walked towards where Maria was leading them. At the front, Maria was in deep thought and didn't speak to anyone the whole way there. That was until Rafaello asked, "Why are you doing this? Your not an idiot and you know the end result so why are you doing this? You hate packs and yet here you are, helping them out and marching to war with them."       

"I'm doing this because this isn't just about me. This is about everyone else and their lives. I'm doing this because I'm not a coward like you. I don't run from a fight."                                   

"So what, you're doing this out of the goodness of your heart? I find that hard to believe, Maria. I know all about your fighting pit record, I know about you burning alive coven members and I know about you killing that innocent girl. I doubt you have any good left in your heart."                       

"I never said I was a good person. I did all of that because I had to for me to get where I am now. You wouldn't understand and I'm not explaining myself to you." Turning away from him, Maria thought maybe she didn't have to do all of that. Maybe she could have done things differently and her family and all those people would still be alive. Taking deep breaths, Maria knew she couldn't go back in time. She couldn't change what she's done. The only thing she could do now was to get revenge. Over with Riley, she was being brought out of her dark and cold room and into the light once again. She breathed in the clean air and cherished the sun that was beaming on her body and was warming her body up, after being cold for so long. Then, she saw the cage she was once trapped in and fear filled her body. She wanted to kick and punch them to try and escape their grasps and the cage she was being put in, but she couldn't. Her body was still feeling like it was on fire and she knew there was no cure. There was nothing anyone could do to get rid of the pain she was in. Looking around her, she could see Salice's army and men in armour and weapons around their body or in their hands. Suddenly, Salice kneeled in front of her and looked at in the eye. "Time for you to see your brother and Maria. Time for me to get my revenge" whispered Salice. With all the strength she had, Riley muttered, "What revenge? For the murder of your sister? Maria did that to save her friend."                           

"Maria took so much from me. Now its time take everything from her as I make her watch the deaths of her friends." Hitting the cage, the bars shook and the men carrying it started to move. They were leaving and marching to war! Riley only hoped everyone she cared about would make it through this.

After more walking, they reached the clearing where they were going to meet Salice. The ground was covered in fluffy soft snow. In the distance, a building that was in roubles and destroyed seemed familiar and that's when it hit Maria like a truck. This was the place she went when she transformed into a wolf! She knew this didn't happen by mistake. She knew she was here on purpose. Turning around, she signalled for everyone to get into place and ready for the fight to come. Walking next to her, Enzo said, "Are you ready for war?"                    "This isn't going to be a war. It's going to be a massacre!" Before Enzo could answer, everyone heard something from the distance. It was Salice! Her and her army stood at the other end of the clearing. No one spoke. No one moved. Stepping forward, Maria could see that Salice was doing the same thing as if she was mimicking her moves. Then, the stopped and stared at each other, waiting for the other to make a move. "It's nice to see you again, Maria. You look different, have you done something to your hair?" joked Salice. Not letting her annoyance get to her, Maria asked, "Where's Riley? I need to make sure you have got her."           

"I haven't seen Rafaello yet and well I don't trust you just like you don't trust me."               

"You know I keep to my word. I'm not like you where I manipulate and kidnap innocent people."       

"No instead you just know how to kill the ones you love. How is Luke by the way? How are your parents? How is your pack? Guess we'll never know." laughed Salice. Anger boiled inside Maria like a volcano, but soon that feeling was washed over by guilt. She knew that part of what Salice was saying was true. In the end, everyone she cared about died either at her hands or because of the choices she made. Although now she knew she was going to get revenge for what she had done to her. Smiling, Maria responded, "And tell me, how is your sister? Margaret, wasn't it? Shame she wasn't as powerful as you were. Maybe she might have survived me. It was a lovely sight. Watching her blood pour onto the floor as the life left her eyes."                        "You murdered my sister for some girl-you cared-about who was weak and for that you will pay with your life. Now let's get to the real reason why we are here, we meet in the middle, Rafaello for Riley." Nodding her head, they both turned away and walked back to the others. "She's going to give us Riley for Rafaello. Don't make a sound or do anything stupid when you see her. I feel as though she won't be in the best condition." They all nodded and Maria grabbed Rafaello by the scruff of the neck and walked back to where Salice was. As Maria waited, she saw a cage be brought into sight and inside she could see Riley! Rage, fury, and anger erupted into everyone's body, but like Maria ordered, none of them moved in case they made a grave mistake. Dragging Riley out, Salice made sure everyone could see the state she was in. Her pale and defeated face stayed in everyone's mind. Blaming himself, Enzo thought of everything he should have done to protect his sister. "Keep walking," ordered Maria. The four of them walked closer and closer to each other and when they reached each other, they stood there looking into the eyes of each other. Glaring at one another, Maria said, "Here, you have him. Let's get this over with." Salice reached her hand out and grabbed Rafaello, but Maria wouldn't let go. Pushing Riley forward, Maria let go of Rafaello and held Riley, stopping her from falling to the ground. Her body felt weak and cold. Every bone in her body could be felt and Maria couldn't help but feel sorry for what happened to Riley. They both turned around and walked back. Maria whispered, "It's OK. We're gonna get you home. I'm so sorry." Looking at Maria, Riley didn't speak but she didn't have to. She could already tell that Riley didn't blame her for anything. When she reached the others, Enzo hugged her instantly and whispered in his sister's ears, "I'm so so sorry. Your gonna get home, to safety and I'll give you a proper welcome then. I love you, little sis." Passing her over to Yasmin and Brain, they quickly walked away into the distance. "You know I wouldn't just let you take Riley and live happily ever after, don't you. There is no happy ending." Turning around, Maria quickly saw Salice hit the floor with her foot with force. The ground broke around them broke. There was no escape and was now trapped in this battlefield that Salice had created. The fight had begun!

Everyone ran into the middle with weapons ready and fire in their eyes. When the two sides met, all hell broke loose. Weapons were swinging in every direction. Blood splattered into everyone's faces and their clothes that were once clean were now covered and soaked in blood.People were dropping to the floor... dead on both sides! The lovely, fluffy and soft white snow began to turn a horrid red colour as more blood got spilled. The two packs turned into wolves and began to pounce on Salice's army and tear them to pieces. The vampires from her army may have been quick, but they couldn't withstand the force of werewolves teeth ripping into them. Some werewolves were killed from the vampires twisting their neck and instantly breaking it while the vampires were being killed by the wolves ripping into their bodies.Then, the witches from her army arrived! They chanted and chanted, moving their arms towards either a warrior or werewolf, knocking them back. The wolves squealed in pain and the warriors held onto their ears trying to stop the excruciating sound the witches were blasting at them. From behind, the vampires and witches slowly creep behind them. Then, the witches blast gusts of wind towards the witches, knocking them away and onto the ground. The warriors and wolves were set free from pain and were ready to fight. The vampires were fighting one another. Chris, who was one of them, was fighting another vampire who was quick and strong, but not like Chris. The other vampire ducked as Chris swung his knife towards his face. Quickly, the vampire swung his legs into Chris's, knocking him down to the ground. Looking up, Chris could see the vampire driving a haladie towards him. Quickly moving to the side, he was able to dodge the weapon and stand up. The other vampire threw a punch, but Chris was able to catch it and knee him in the groin. Wincing in pain, the other vampire was still able to quickly hit his head against Chris's, making him go dizzy and step back. They both glared at each other while getting their balance back. Then, Chris moved his knife towards the vampire, but he jumped backward and to the side. Grabbing his haladie, the vampire quickly moved it towards Chris's face, but he grabbed his arm, making sure he couldn't move any closer towards him.Grabbing his weapon, he twisted it in his hand and stabbed it into the other vampires' head. His dead body collapsed to the floor as blood poured out. Turning around, Chris saw a spear coming straight for him at great speed. He knew there was no time to move no matter how quick he was. Suddenly, as it was about to hit him in his heart, someone jumped in front of him and instead it went straight threw his heart. It was Arthur! Collapsing to the floor, so did Chris as he held his father in his arms. He couldn't speak. Everything felt like it was in slow motion. "I'm proud of you son." Arthur muttered as blood poured out of his chest. Chris didn't know what to do. He couldn't save him. He could only watch as his father died. There were only two ways to kill a vampire and that was to stab the heart or head and Salice's army knew it. Tears fell from Chris's eyes as he watched the light and life in his father's eyes disappear. Then, there was no movement. There was no life. Arthur's body grew colder by the second and that was when Chris knew. His father was dead! Standing up, he felt a mixture of emotions of both anger, sadness and heartbreak. Looking towards the vampire who threw the spear, he ran towards him and tore off his head. His father was dead and now he would show no mercy. They all carried on fighting and spilling blood.Over in the forest, Brain and Yasmin helped Riley walk further and further away from the battle. Suddenly, Riley wouldn't walk anymore and slumped down onto the floor as she rested on a tree. "We have to keep on moving. We don't know if there was anyone following us." exclaimed Brian. Riley knew he was trying to help and wanted to save her, but she couldn't walk anymore. Her body felt like it was still on fire and she could slowly feel herself losing the only bit of life she had left in her. "You guys go. I'm not going any further. I can't. I won't."                            "What? Riley, we can get you home and Eleanor can help you. Your gonna be OK. I am not going to give up on my daughter."                           

"I'm already dying, mom. Salice made me drink something and now I can slowly feel the life slip out of my grasp.Please just go home. I don't want you seeing me like this." Looking at each other, Yasmin and Brian crouched down and held Riley's hand."We are not going to leave you. Your gonna be OK and you're going to get through this." Yasmin whispered. Riley's vision got darker and she found it harder to breathe. This was it. This was the moment she died. Squeezing both of their hands, she weakly smiled at the before everything went black and she could breathe no more. Slowly, her hand slipped out of theirs and her body slumped to the floor. Placing her hand over her mouth, Yasmin began to cry over her dead daughter.She knew that smile meant that Riley loved her, but that didn't help the fact she had to watch her die. Moving closer, Brain hugged Yasmin and they remained in silence. No one spoke and the only thing you could hear were the cries from Yasmin. Back at the battlefield, Maria looks into the battle from a distance. She watched as people from both sides were getting murdered. Slowly, she reached for the weapon and took off the bag it was in. It glistened and sparkled in the light. Muttering words under her breath, the Spirit Caller began to shine brighter and brighter. Then, Maria hit it into the ground and cracked the ground up to Salice's feet. Light shined out of the ground and them... wolf spirits ran out of the light and stood around Maria. Glaring at Maria, Salice knew that Maria had summoned spirits and that she had the weapons. Turning around, everyone saw and Enzo muttered, "It's the Black River Pack! She summoned the spirits of her pack."

As the spirits ran towards the others, all hell broke loose once again."How predictable that you would summon them." laughed Salice. Maria and Salice moved closer towards each other and when she was in range, Maria moved the weapon forward, but Salice dodged it and flicked her hand. Flying threw the air, the weapon fell out of Maria's hand and towards the damages building. Quickly standing up, Maria raised her hand and the snow went upwards too. The snow was like a tornado around her and Salice. Balling her hands up into a fist, the snow sped up and when she moved her hands at Salice, all the snow from the tornado, went at her. She was covered in snow, but Salice shouted and it all disappeared. They stared at each other and with fire in their eyes. Salice shot her arm in the direction of Maria. Ice came straight for her and Maria did the same, but with fire. When their powers met, sparks flew out and sizzling noises grew louder. As Maria's powers were beating Salice's, she knew she was winning. However, Salice didn't play nice. Stretching her other handout, Salice raised a tree of the ground by root and stem. Throwing the tree in Maria's direction, she noticed and broke contact with Salice's magic so she could stop the tree before it hit her. Although Maria was able to stop the tree in mid-air, Salice's powers struck her in her side and knocked her back. Maria's body ached in agony as it hit the floor. On the other side of the battlefield, Enzo and Rafaello were fighting against one another. "Nice to see you again, dog. Time to end this." Moving quickly forward, Rafaello punched Enzo in the nose knocking him back. Blood ran down his nose, but he wasn't going to give up that easily. Quickly, Enzo put his leg out and tripped him over. Walking towards him, he stomped down on his kneecap, instantly dislocating his knee. Screaming in pain, Rafaello looked up at him with a shiny object in his hand. It was a knife! Stabbing it in Enzo's leg, he also winced in pain. He could move, but not well. He crouched down and towered over Rafaello.He pressed his thumbs into his eyes as blood began to squirt out, but as Rafaello grabbed his wrists, he soon managed to throw him off and onto the ground. As Rafaello's eyes bled out from being pressed down, he stood up in pain and could only just see an outline of a large shape. It was Enzo in wolf form. Running towards him with a limp, Enzo tore off Rafaello's head and threw it across the ground. Blood dripped from his mouth and a low growl escaped in glory. As Enzo transformed back to his human form, he said, "That was for my sister." As the fight went on, more and more people were getting injured and more people were dropping dead. Freya was fighting some of her old coven and they were fighting her. Sparks of magic flew out and at each other. More and more witches gathered around Freya and soon it was harder for her to fight them off. Her magic flew towards them, but as they all gathered around her in a circle, they began to chant words over and over again. Clutching her ears, Freya tried to block out the pain, but she couldn't. Then, she remembered something that Maria taught her. It was a spell where you move your hands to your side and upwards and a gust a wind would knock everyone away so that's exactly what she did. Muttering words under her breath, she moved her hands to the side and outwards. Every witch was knocked back and hit the ground. She did it, but her head still hurt and ached in agony. Looking around her, she could see the spirits of the Black River pack knocking all the vampires over and tearing them limb from limb. She had never seen the Black River pack fight before, but it was true what people said about them fighting and how good they were. They spilled blood everywhere they went and no one could stop them. One wolf stood out to her. He was tall and very strong. His fur was black and his appearance looked menacing when fighting. Looking at him, Freya realised it was Maria's father! Now she knew where she got her strength from. Nodding her head in respect, he did the same and carried on demolishing the battlefield. In the distance, Maria was slowly standing up and wiping the blood off her face. As Salice strutted over to her with power in her eyes, she asked, "Is this all you got? I was expecting better from you. Guess I was wrong." A smirk appeared on Maria's face as she stomped on the ground. Raising her hands, lava from the Earth's core erupted out and raised higher into the sky. Clenching her fists, the lava swirled around them and when she released her fists, it all went in Salice's direction.Quickly jumping out of the way, Salice saw the ground burning and Maria's eyes began to turn red. Running towards her, Maria used the knife out of her waist and tried to stab it into her chest, but Salice quickly moved out of the way and swept her legs under Maria's.Falling to the ground, Salice used the knife against her and pressed it to her throat! Using all her strength, Maria tried to push it back, but she couldn't do it. "You lost this war the moment you murdered my sister." growled Salice. Quickly thinking, Maria placed her hand around the sharp edge of the knife and gripped it tightly.Blood began to drip from her hand which took Salice by surprise.Using this to her advantage, Maria pushed the knife upwards, cutting some of Salice's throat, but not deep enough to seriously injure her.Stepping back, Salice touched her throat and looked at the blood that was now on her hands. This gave Maria enough time to stand up and get ready for her next move. Salice ran at Maria and kneed her in the gut. Then, Maria elbowed Salice in the nose as Salice then punched Maria in the face. They both took a step back in pain and tried to catch their breath. Then, Salice hit the ground with her foot again, making gust of wind push Maria back and towards the destroyed building. Snow began to fall and settle gently on the ground. Looking around her, Maria could see people fighting and their clothes being soaked in their own and their enemies' blood. Taking a few deep breaths, she looked back at where Salice was. Her hands on her hips as she said, "Too bad you weren't strong enough just like your parents. Your weak and you're pathetic. You always were." Suddenly, two spirit wolves bashed into Salice, knocking him back. It was Maria's parents! They grabbed onto her arms and started pulling, trying to tear them about. However, Salice pushed them away with another gust of wind. Quickly, Maria looked around for anything that could help and then, she saw... the weapon! Grabbing it, she stood up with all her might and as Salice turned around to face Maria again, she plunged it into her stomach and all the way through her back.Gasping, Salice looked down at her stomach to see the blood pouring out. Slowly pulling it out again, Salice fell to the floor in defeat. As Maria watched Salice die, she could feel the blood drip off of the weapon. Closing her eyes, she toke a few steps back and looked down at her stomach. In the same place, she struck Salice, there was a patch of blood soaking into her clothes as well! Slowly walking to Maria, Enzo announced, "We won, Maria. We did it." As Maria turned around, he knew something was wrong and looking at her hands o her stomach, he could see the blood dripping off of them."NO!" he shouted. Running over to Maria, he caught her from falling and held her body in his arms. Placing his hands over her stomach, his hands began to get covered in blood and the smell was unbearable. Her tanned face was becoming paler by the second. "I...I don't understand. can't be. No, I won't let you die."Placing her bloody hand on his cheek, she whispered, "It's OK. Shh. There's nothing you can do."                                "I don't understand. How are you injured? She never hurt you."                            "It was the only way. There was nothing else I could do to stop her."                            "Someone please we need help. Don't talk save your energy. I know this hurts, but you have to stay awake." Her eyes flicked open and closed and she looked vulnerable which was something Enzo never saw before. People started to gather around them and look at Maria. Tears weld up in Freya's eyes as she gripped tightly onto Chris's arms. As Salice began to cough up blood, Maria started to do the same. "Someone help her, please someone anyone."       

"Enzo, there's nothing you can do. I came into this battle knowing I would die."                   

"What? What do you mean? I... I don't understand."                                   

"When Salice cursed me, some of her magic became apart of me because I took the curse for love. This meant in some way, she was apart of me. If she died, then so would I. I knew no one else had the power to kill her and that if it should be anyone, it should be me. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but I knew you would try to stop me."                    "There must be some way to save you. I can't lose you. I need you.I..."                        "It's OK. I'll be with my parents and pack now. I'm ready. Here." Grabbing the weapon, she took off the spirit caller and placed it in his hands. Slowly she whispered, "If you ever need me, use this. You'll know what to do with it."                           

"I don't want to lose you. I really don't. I need you by my side. I. I don't know what to do without you." Placing both her hands on his face, she pulled herself forward and kissed his lips. He didn't pull back and instead did the same. Passion and joy-filled them both and it seemed like time stood still. Then, Maria's hands slowly slipped away as her head fell backward and the life in her eyes was no longer there. She was...dead! Freya and Chris hugged each other as they cried onto each other's shoulder. Staying frozen, Enzo couldn't believe she was gone. Her lifeless body stayed in his arms and tears fell from his face. The only thing you could hear was the cries from the people around. As the snow fell onto the ground, the clearing was covered in dead bodies and the smell of blood infected the air. The snow made it look peaceful. Although, the people who fought here today would never be able to get the screams and horror to leave their minds.