Chapter 6

It was still night time and Enzo was laying in bed with millions of questions piling up in his mind. He didn't know what to do or what to think. Reliving the same events of the night over and over again, he found himself getting more confused by the second. He wondered why Maria left him alive and didn't kill him like she did with the others and that's when he began to think who those people were. He knew that it was a planned attack on Maria, but why? Enzo wasn't able to bear the thought of it anymore and had to get some air before he suffocated himself with his own questions. Walking out onto the patio, Enzo could see the sun beginning to rise and the moon starting to hide away from the light. Ever since he had a saw Maria, he had a feeling of danger surround him and his family and now he finally started to see that Maria was dangerous. He wasn't scared of her, but he knew that he had to do something about her before himself, his family and his pack got hurt. He knew that he had to ask Maria what happened, but whether or not she would tell him would be a different story. Sighing into the air, he began to think of what Maria would be doing. Over at the mountain, Maria was also looking at the view and staring at the pack house that now seemed so small. Maria wondered if Enzo had told his parents and she began to think if it was time for her to move once again. Although, she had to ignore her last thought because she knew that she had to secure the Red Moon pack's safety and make sure that Salice couldn't go through with her plan to take their alpha. Maria sighed and walked away from the view to see Freya and Chris sat near the fire that was now burning brightly. "After you left, five vampires approached me. They worked for Salice."      "What! Why would Salice send five of her men to try and hurt you?" "To send a message. She wanted me to know that she had got an alliance with some of the vampires." Freya and Chris looked at each other and then back at Maria. Then, Chris began speaking, "I'll tell my family to tell other vampires that Salice will try and bribe them to join her. What are you going to do about Enzo?" Maria hadn't thought of that much, but she knew she had to say something to him that wouldn't give her identity away. "I don't know yet, but I'll think of something." Chris gave Maria a look that meant she had to think of something and soon. With that, Chris left and walked away. Freya stood up and brushed herself off. She was just about to leave before she said to Maria, "If you like him or trust him then tell him. If he feels the same way then he'll accept you for who you are and what you've done." Maria nodded and Freya smiled back before leaving Maria to look at the sunrise. Maria didn't really know what she felt for Enzo, but she knew it was something she had never felt before. She wanted to tell him about her, although she knew he would never look at her in the same way as he did now. Maria sighed and looked to the ground, thinking of what she would say to Enzo in the morning.

A few hours later, the sun finally rose and the birds began tweeting in the new day. Enzo was placing his green tank top over his chest, until he heard a knock on his door. He turned around and saw Riley entering his room. "Shows a little bit too much skin, if you ask me." Riley laughed as she looked at her brother. She was wearing her white glittery top and a light pink skirt. "Maria gave me this outfit. I like it." Enzo stood frozen as he heard Maria's name. He remembered last night and how those vampires blood dripped from her hand and claws and how she laughed as the life left their bodies. "Has Maria talked to you yet?" asked Enzo. Riley shook her head and looked at Enzo in confusion. "Why do you want to know?"    "No reason, just wondering. Let's go to school, before we get late." Riley nodded and followed after Enzo. Riley noticed how he ignored Sara when she shouted his name and she began to wonder if something had been going on. She ignored the thought and carried on walking to school. When they arrived at school, Maria was nowhere to be found and Enzo was beginning to think that Maria wasn't going to turn up to school. He thought of how he wasn't going to be able to get his answer as to what had happened. "You can stay with us while you wait for Maria to turn up, if you like." Brian said. Riley nodded. The three talked and talked until the bell rang and Maria still hadn't turned up. Both Riley and Enzo were starting to get worried. Enzo started to wonder if more people had tried to attack Maria, but he knew that she could defend herself. It was the second lesson and finally, Maria had turned up. Her hair was messed up and all tangled. Her black jacket and grey top seemed ruffed up and her black boots had mud underneath. "Nice of you to finally join us Maria. Why don't you take a seat?" Maria nodded and walked over to Riley while Sara and her friend laughed and sniggered. Enzo glared at Sara and balled his hand into a fist. His claws were also about to come out until Brain said, "Dude, you need to calm down. Your claws are coming out." Enzo took a deep breath in and released his hand from his anger. There were marks from where his claws were starting to dig in and he soon saw them disappear and heal. "Thanks for that man. I just didn't like how Sara was laughing at Maria." "You've became very protective of Maria, haven't you?" claimed Brian. Enzo looked at him and then back at his work. He could hear Brian chuckling to himself in the background. Enzo kept looking at Maria out of the corner of his eye. Her hair gracefully fell onto her shoulder and her laugh lit up the room. "Why were you late?" asked Riley. Maria confessed that she slept in. They both laughed and talked for the rest of the lesson. Soon, it was break and Maria told Riley she would meet her outside. Walking over to her locker, Maria could hear footsteps following after her. She turned around and saw Enzo looking at her. They both stood like this for what seemed like forever, but were only a few minutes. The air grew tense and neither one of them wanted to speak first. They both stared into each other's eyes and for a moment, all of their troubles and worries washed away. "Are you going to tell me what happened last night in the alley?"

"I don't know what you are talking about, Enzo." "I think you do, so you better start talking." Enzo stared at Maria and was waiting for a response. "Whatever you saw or think you saw, you need to forget. Between you and me, last night never happened." Enzo was shocked that she denied everything. "I saw your hands turn into claws and you kill two people and your going to act like ..." Before Enzo could finish his sentence, Sara walked over and interrupted him. "What are you doing talking to my boyfriend? You're just a little slut!" The hallway fell silent and Maria boiled with rage. She could feel her anger taking over her and her nails turning into claws. Suddenly, Enzo punched Sara and knocked her down onto the floor. Everyone gasped at what Enzo did and he kneeled down and whispered in Sara's ear, "You're not my girlfriend and if you insult Maria again, then I will do more than punch you." Enzo stood up and saw the fear and surprise in her eyes. He felt like a knife had just stabbed him in the heart, but at the same time, he felt relief and a feeling of freedom wash over him. Looking to his side, Maria was nowhere to be seen. Enzo walked over to Brian and ushered him outside and away from Sara. "What was all that about?" asked Brian. Enzo gave a sigh and answered, "She cheated on me. I saw her kissing someone last night and then she calls me her boyfriend. She also has the nerve to call Maria a slut. I... I just couldn't stop myself." "If you ask me, she deserved it and I'm sorry man. I know how much you liked her, despite what she had done." Enzo gave him a nod and the two talked. Enzo couldn't help, but think about what he had done and what this meant for him and Sara. Did he not like her anymore? This was something he didn't know, but he knew he had to tell Brian about last night. "I need to tell you something," Enzo said, "Last night, I saw Maria fight off five vampires that were working for Salice. She also had claws." Enzo didn't want to tell Brian about her also having magic as that would just complicate things even more. Also, by the look on Brian's face, it was already a lot for him to handle. "What has she said about it?" "I asked her, but she didn't tell me anything. She just told me to forget about it like it was that easy." "Ask Riley. She's Maria's best friend. Riley may know something about it." Enzo nodded and looked at Riley and Maria talking over at the bench. Maria caught Enzo looking and she nodded and smiled at him. Enzo smiled back and soon the bell rang and it was time for the next lesson.

It was the end of the school day and everyone was going home. When Enzo arrived back at the pack house, he heard Sara call out his name. Both of his parents walked out of the pack house and onto the patio to see what was going on. "What was that at school? Why did you punch me?" Every pack member looked shocked that Enzo hit his mate. No one knew why and his parents and sister were shocked most of all. The birds were no longer singing and the tress stopped dancing. Everything fell silent. "You want to know why. Fine, I saw you kissing another pack member and then you have the nerve to say that I'm your boyfriend. WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?" Sara stood still and in silence. The only thing she said was, "I can explain, please. Let's just talk about this in private." "No. I don't want you to come anywhere near me, I don't want you to text or call me and I don't want you to talk to me. Do you understand?" Enzo took a step closer to Sara at every word and his voice started to get louder and more demanding. Sara began to tremble with fear and she slowly nodded. A tear dropped down her face and soon they just wouldn't stop. Enzo walked away and barged through his parents and sister. Everyone was shocked at the drama and anger between the two mates. No one understood why they fell out of love, but they knew that a future alpha without a mate wasn't a good sign. Enzo sat on his bed and put his head in his hands, thinking of what he had just done. He wasn't sorry that he did that, but he thought he could have handled it better. Suddenly, there was a knock on his door and Riley stepped in and asked, "Are you okay?" Enzo nodded and Riley sat next to him on the bed. Thinking of the conversation Enzo had with Brian earlier, he decided to ask Riley about Maria. "If I ask you something, will you be completely honest with me? No matter what I ask." Riley looked at Enzo and said, "Of course." "What supernatural creature is Maria? I saw her use magic and have claws. I need you to tell me, please." Enzo pleaded. Riley's eyes widened and her jaw dropped. He knew and Riley had no idea what to do. She promised Maria she wouldn't tell anyone, but she didn't want to lie to her brother. Especially after everything he was going through. "I wish I could, but I promised Maria that I wouldn't tell anyone. I'm so sorry." "Please Riley. I promise I won't tell anyone, not even father." Riley's eyes started to fill up with tears until she finally caved in and told Enzo everything he wanted to know. She told him about who she was and Salice attacking her pack and about the original packs and Salice's plan. As much as Riley wanted to, she couldn't bring herself to tell Enzo about the plan with stealing the coven's magic source or the reason why Salice attacked her pack. She knew it would put him in danger and she also knew that it wasn't just her and Maria that was involved in the plan. After a lot of explaining, Riley finally finished and looked at her brother. His face wasn't shocked; instead it was full of sadness. Riley could tell that the story of Maria and her pack broke his heart. "She's a strong woman." Enzo blurted out. Riley nodded in agreement. "I won't tell anyone who and what Maria really is, I promise. Although I do have to tell dad about the original packs and Salice's plan." Riley sighed and nodded in agreement. Leaving Riley in his room, Enzo walked out and shut the door. Riley didn't know what was going to happen to her and Maria's friendship and she didn't know if Enzo really was going to keep his promise, but she knew she just had to let things happen. After all, everything happens for a reason.

In his office, Mark was making a phone call to all the nearby packs to see if Salice had attacked them and to see if they knew anything about her. Turning around, Mark saw that Enzo was standing by his desk. "I'll call you back. What do you want son?" " I take it you were asking packs about Salice." Mark nodded. "Are you going to tell me what you want from me and when were you going to tell me about Sara?" Enzo sighed and crossed his arms. "I just needed to process things for myself before I told anyone," Mark started flicking through a book (ignoring Enzo) and Enzo then carried on talking, "I know some of Salice's plan." Mark froze and looked at his son. Marks eyes went cold and his face became stern. "How do you know Salice's plan?"            "It doesn't matter how I know. Salice wants to capture all of the original pack alphas. We are one of the original packs, which means you're in danger. She wants to take the power you were born with. We all know that every alpha and future alpha has power of either, strength or speed when they are born." Mark started to laugh and looked at his son. He could tell he was being serious, but carried on laughing. "You can't take away an alpha's power. That's just a fairy tale."              "You can take away some of a witches power. I've also heard that some alphas have been going missing." The last part was a lie: Enzo didn't actually know that alphas were going missing, but he knew it would catch his father's attention. "This isn't some fairy tale. It is actually happening." "I will not listen to you anymore. You don't know what is going on with the other packs so I suggest you keep your nose out of business that isn't yours." Enzo was beginning to get angry that his father wouldn't listen to him or what he was talking about. The two argued about this for a while, until their voices turned into shouts and you could hear it from the other side of the house. Soon, Rick (Marks best friend and beta) came into the room and shouted, "What is going on here?" The shouts disappeared and Enzo said, "I am telling my dad that Salice is going to try and kidnap him, but he won't listen. I'm leaving before I can't control my anger. Hopefully, you'll be able to talk some sense in him." Enzo stormed out of the room and left Rick and Mark to talk. Mark tells Rick what his son said about Salice and her plans. "I know it sounds stupid, but this is Salice we are talking about. Knowing her, she would probably have found a way to take your power." Rick explained. "I know, but it seems unlikely. I will ask other original packs if they have heard anything like this." Rick nodded his head and left Mark to make the phone calls. On the other hand, Enzo was stood outside and knew he needed to talk to someone about everything that was going on. He only thought of one person. Maria. Enzo grabbed his phone and texted Maria to meet him on the Coast beach at 9:30pm.

After a while of waiting, Enzo could see Maria emerging through the trees and onto the beach. The sand was soft and the breeze was cool. Maria was wearing blue shorts and a white crop top with nothing on her feet which just made Enzo begin to like her even more. The sapphire blue waves washed up the shore and back down again in a silent motion. The sun was beginning to go down and the sky looked like a collage of beautiful colours. Maria's hair swayed from side to side and her blue eyes stared into the view. Enzo felt hypnotised and couldn't take his eyes off of her. "Why did you text me to meet you here?" Enzo looked away from Maria and into the view. He said, "I know who you are and what you are, Maria Rivers." Maria turned to look at Enzo and her eyes were begging him not to tell anyone. There was only one person who knew who she was and was willing to tell Enzo and that was Riley. Her hand bawled into a fist and squeezed tightly until her knuckles began to go purple. "Don't be angry with her. I basically forced her to tell me. I won't tell anyone, not even my father. I promise you that, Maria." Hearing Enzo say her name, Maria instantly relaxed and released her hand from the tight grip. She breathed in and said, "What exactly did she tell you?" "She told me about Salice attacking your pack house, how you can't transform into your wolf and how you have magic which you got from Salice. Did she miss out on anything?" Maria felt a feeling of relief wash over her as she realised that Riley only told him what he wanted to know and nothing about why Salice attacked and nothing about their plan. Maria shook her head and turned to face the view once again. "She did tell me that you told her about Salice's plans and all about the original packs."                "Good. You deserve to know that you and your pack are in danger." Enzo agreed and said, "It's good to know, but how do you plan and stopping her. The fate of my pack completely rests on you so what's the plan." Maria was shocked that he was so eager to protect his pack, but she thought it was just because she hadn't felt loved in a very long time. She wasn't going to tell him the whole plan, but she was going to tell him enough to protect his family. "I have friends that are going to ask covens and other vampires if they know where Salice is hiding and more about her plans. Although, I need you to listen out for anything going on with the packs." Enzo nodded and said, "Anything to help. May I ask why you never told my pack who you are? I'm sure we would have helped you." "The more people that know about me, the worse it is going to get." Enzo sighed and the two looked out into the sea and sky. Soon it was getting dark, but there was still something that was on Enzo's mind that he had to ask Maria. "Your parents weren't mates, were they?" Maria shook her head and looked at Enzo. "Why do you want to know that?"            "When I first saw Sara, she was amazing, smart and beautiful and I loved her with all my heart. She was all I could think about." "What do you feel now?" asked Maria. Enzo sighed and said, "I don't feel anything like that. I don't love her like I used to do and I certainly don't see her the same way I did. I... I don't love her or like her anymore. Instead, I hate her." Looking into his green eyes, she could see that his was hard for him to talk about and that he didn't know what was going on. Maria knew what he was thinking and smiled. "You're not crazy. It's not strange to fall out of love with your mate. Your mate is someone who you are forced to love without even knowing, but some people aren't meant to be. This is because everyone is different and our heart sometimes belongs to someone else. I think that not loving your mate is a blessing."               "Why do you think it's a blessing?" "This means you have free will to love or like anyone you want. You aren't forced to like someone, instead you get to choose." Enzo nodded in agreement to what Maria had just said and finally felt normal about not having to like your mate. The two of them laughed and talked for hours and soon they both felt like they weren't werewolves that were about to go into war, but just like normal humans. Although, Maria couldn't help, but feel on edge and that someone was watching them. "Thank you for tonight. I had a great time." "Anytime." Maria said. Enzo started to walk away, but stopped just at the border of the forest. "Maria, I would be careful if I was you and if you ever need help or someone to talk to, I'm here for you." Maria smiled and saw Enzo walk off. She felt a feeling of warmth when she realised that Enzo would help her if she needed, but the warm feeling soon turned cold and disappeared. Once he was out of her view, Maria grabbed a knife from behind her back that was tucked in her shorts and gripped it in her hand. "Put the knife away Maria. We both know you're not going to use it." The voice sounded familiar and soon Maria realised why. It was Salice!

Salice emerged out from the darkness. Her silver hair started to shine in from the moon that was starting to rise. Her green eyes stayed dark and mischievous. The thing that stood out was the scar that went from her left eye all the way down to the right side of her mouth. She stood tall and confidently and said in a calm and collected voice, "I remember you giving me this scar when I killed your parents. I can still hear their screams when I burned them alive, including the rest of your pack." Maria clenched her fist and the rage burned in her eyes. "What do you want Salice?"                                  "I came to see how you were doing. I heard that you made friends with an alphas daughter. I can also see that you are developing a crush on the boy. His names Enzo, right?" Maria threw the knife through Salice's hand. Blood dripped out onto the beach. "The only reason I'm not killing you is because I know that I will need a lot more than a knife to kill you and I also know that is the only reason you're not killing me is because you don't have the strength, yet. We are each other's equal, so let me ask you again. What are you doing here?" Salice laughed to herself and looked at Maria. Taking a few steps towards Maria, the rage in her eyes started to get bigger and more powerful. Salice handed Maria the knife and said, "Fine, you caught me. I just wanted to tell you that we are going to play a little game." "I'm not playing one of your sick games, Salice. I suggest you get out of my site before I throw the knife at you again." Salice laughed and explained, "You don't have a choice. The rules are simple, you have to keep everyone one you care about safe and I have to take them away from you. It's like I'm stealing your precious toys. I suggest you think of how to win before they all die. For you to win, you have to kill me which I don't think you'll do." "Why don't you think I will kill you?" questioned Maria. Salice smiled and whispered in her ear, "You'll soon see. Just to make myself clear, I always win." With that, Salice walked away and soon a cloud of black smoke surrounded her. Then, she was gone. Maria knew why Salice didn't think she could go through with it, but she wasn't going to let Salice know that. Maria wiped the blood off the knife and onto her shorts. She tucked the knife into the back of her shorts and grabbed her phone from a pocket in her top. She dialled a number and Freya picked up. "I want you to let Chris know that the attack on the coven is happening tomorrow. I'll let Riley know." The call ended and Maria stared into the sky that now was full of darkness and had no bright colours. Maria began texting Riley and it said, 'Meet me on top of the mountain tomorrow at 5:30am and wear something black. Don't be late.' Maria took a deep breath in and said to herself, "Game one Salice."