Chapter 5

It was school and Riley was starting to get ready. Her room was big and had a wide bed at the back in the centre with a desk against the window. She was still wondering what those visions that Elenor saw meant for not only her pack, but also for Maria. Riley knew very well that Maria could take care of herself when it came to fighting, but she also wondered if her anger for Salice would be her downfall and death. There was a knock on her door and Enzo walked in. "Are you nearly ready for school?" He asked. Riley turned around and grabbed her bag off of the floor. Riley nodded and the two of them walked out of the room. Just as they were about to leave, Sara walked over to the two of them and smiled at Riley. She wrapped her arm around Enzo and gave him another kiss on the cheek. Riley could tell that Sara was trying to win Enzo back just by what she was wearing. She was wearing the red dress that Enzo gave her on their first date and was red heels too. Her hair was curled and her emerald green eyes sparkled with evil that only Riley could see. Enzo also wrapped his arm around her waist and the two walked off. Riley took a deep breathe in and she heard someone say, "Enzo loves her and she loves him, they are both mates. You can't help that and neither can him. Although, I know that Enzo won't let anything happen to you ever again." Riley turned around and saw that Brian was walking over to her. Brian's blonde hair moved slowly in the breeze and his taupe eyes glistened in the sunlight. He was tall and muscular that was shown of in his white t-shirt and blue trousers. Riley always felt a feeling of safety around him and another feeling that she couldn't quite explain. "I know, but it doesn't mean I like it any more than I did." Brian nodded and replied, "Come on, I think we should be getting to school before we are both late." Riley nodded and the two of them start to walk away from the pack house and into the forest. After a while, the four of them all arrive at school and walk inside. Riley walks towards her locker and gets some of her notebooks out. She looks around and sees that Maria is already at school, which was unusual because she is never here before Riley. Riley walks over to Maria and says, "What are you doing here so early? I can see that you are wearing your usual black clothes." Maria turns around to face Riley and commented, "Very funny. I actually came here early to talk to you about the book that I found yesterday." As the two of them were talking, Brain and Enzo were listening in on their conversation. Enzo wanted to figure out this mystery about Maria and he would do anything to figure it out. "I found out that the Rose Coven has a very powerful object called the blood rose."             "What is the blood rose? I've never heard of it before or the coven," questioned Riley. "That's because the coven likes to remain secret so they don't get dragged into any wars or get put in danger. On the other hand, the blood rose is something that witches use to draw power, but I do not know what it does. That is what we will be trying to get next, so when the time comes, you must be ready." Riley looks at Maria and says, "OK. I have something to ask." Maria stares at Riley and asks, "What is it?" Taking a deep breath in, Riley questions, "Why did Elenor say she saw you and Salice standing over dead bodies covered in blood?" Maria froze. She didn't want to tell Riley why, but she didn't want to lie to her either. Instead she decides to say, "Never ask me that again. I think it's time for you to go to lesson." Riley looks shocked that Maria wouldn't tell her anything, but carry on talking, despite what Maria had just said, "Why can't you tell me? I told you that..."         "I TOLD YOU TO LEAVE IT ALONE!" Maria shouted and for the first time, Riley felt scared of Maria. Her eyes were no longer a warm blue, but instead, a cold icy blue that could send shivers of fear into the bravest of people. The hall fell silent and Riley looks down to the floor and says, "OK I won't ask. I'm going to lesson. See you there." Riley walks away leaving Maria all alone in the school hall. Enzo heard everything and now figured out that Maria knew a lot more than she let on. She knew Salice and all about the supernatural world, which made Enzo surer that she was not human or normal. Still listening in on what Maria was saying, he heard her whisper, "You look nice in blue, but if I find out you have told anyone one about the conversation me and you sister just had, then we will find out if red looks good on you." Enzo was surprised that Maria knew that him and Brain was listening and that she still talked about what she was doing. Maria looks at the two of them and starts walking to her first lesson as the bell began to ring.

The school day was going by fast and soon enough, it was third period and that meant that Enzo and Maria both had PE. Maria kept noticing that Enzo was looking at her out of the corner of her eye and she couldn't help, but get annoyed at him. "Alright students, you need to pair up and grab a tennis bat and ball." Maria was just about to go with another one of her friends until Enzo walked up to her and said, "You're going with me, come on I don't have all day." Maria didn't get much of a choice in the matter, but instead of arguing, she decided to listen and work with him. Maria could see how much that it annoyed Sara that Enzo chose Maria over her. After a few moments of silence, Enzo piped up and said, "What were you and my sister talking about? You sounded angry after you shouted."   "Don't act like you know what we were talking about. Looking dumb doesn't suit you. Also, the reason I shouted isn't you concern." Enzo nodded and the two carried on with what they were doing. Maria could see that Sara kept looking at Enzo with a jealous look on her face and on the other hand, Brian looked angry, annoyed and irritated that he was paired up with Sara. "Jealousy doesn't look good on your girlfriend, but it is funny to see."              "She isn't my girlfriend, I don't think. It's complicated." Maria laughed at the comment he made and said, "Do you like her?"                                           "Of course I like her, but she bullied my sister. How can I forgive her?"                   "I understand that," commented Maria "If you like someone, then just go for it and like I said, never forget what they did." Enzo nodded and smiled. This was the first time Maria saw him smile and she liked it. She liked knowing that he was happy and that respected that she was trying to help. "Riley will come around eventually." Maria added and the two carried on with playing tennis. "Thank you for what you have been doing for Riley lately. I really appreciate it."            "Don't worry about it Enzo. That's what friends do." Enzo smiles at Maria and says, "You're a really lovely girl, Maria. You have a good heart." Maria felt a warm feeling across her body after Enzo said that and Maria couldn't help but smile. Maria didn't know why this was happening, but she didn't like it and soon stopped smiling. Enzo saw how she didn't like showing people that she was happy and this made Enzo feel a mixture of emotions. He felt happier around Maria than when he did around Sara. This made him very confused because he had already found his mate, so why was he happier around another girl? Enzo ignored what he was feeling and thought that it was just because he and Sara weren't on the best of terms.  It was the end of third period and Maria went over to Riley who was sitting by herself around a table. "Hey. I was wondering when you were going to turn up. We have to talk about what we are going to do about the Rose coven."                    "We will, but not here. Before you even ask why, Enzo heard our conversation earlier, but don't worry, I don't think he will tell anyone." Riley was shocked and scared that Maria's secret was going to get out. Riley whispered in a hushed voice, "How do you know he won't tell anyone. He already thought something was off about you the moment he met you. He was the one who told my dad to try and find stuff out about you and now he has more reason to think your supernatural."         "Smart boy and trust me he won't tell. I have a feeling and I am always right. Meet me at Black Raven pub at 8pm tonight. If they ask for ID, just say that Maria sent you." Riley nodded and the two of them talked and talked until they had to go to their next lesson. The school day soon ended and everyone went their separate ways.

Maria was at her cave on the mountain and was looking out at the view. She breathed in the fresh air and wished she was able to run in wolf form, but reminded herself that it was only a few weeks away. She remembered the feeling of her fur moving in the air and her senses being heightened while she ran in the forest, snow and all sorts of weather. She picked up her phone and called Freya and Chris telling them to meet her at Black Raven and that she was going to introduce them to Riley. Maria started to get ready and she couldn't help but think of the dinner yesterday. She kept wondering how Elenor was able to see what might happen and that made Elenor a threat to Maria and her plan to take down Salice. After a while and lots of thinking, Maria was ready and wore the same things as she did for the dinner. She headed off the Black Raven and wondered if Enzo was going to listen to what she had said in PE. Over at the Red Moon pack house, Riley was also getting ready to go and wore and blue dress with red lipstick. She grabbed her bag and turned around to see that Brain was standing in the door way. "How long have you been standing there and why are you here?" asked Riley. "You dad doesn't want you going out alone. Especially now that we know Salice is planning something, so me and your brother are coming with you." Riley began to get very angry and annoyed. Riley mumbled, "Then he should teach me how to fight."                  "You're his little girl. He doesn't want to put you in any danger. You won't even know we are there, don't worry." Riley smiled at Brian and they both went outside and waited for Enzo to come out. Inside the pack house, Enzo was just about to go and see Sara when he stopped in his tracks, scared to go any further. He couldn't believe what he was seeing. Sara, the person who he was mean to love and she was meant to love back, was kissing another pack member and she didn't look like she was going to hold back. Enzo couldn't stand to look at her anymore and he just stormed out of the house. Brian and Riley was shocked to see how angry he was. The two of them decided that it was best not to ask him about it until tomorrow morning. They all got into Enzo's car which was a Dodge Charger. After a while of driving, they all arrive at Black Raven and enter the building. "We'll be at the bar if you need us," said Brian. Enzo didn't even wait, but instead just headed straight for the bar to get a drink. Riley nodded at Brian and looked around. She saw Maria and two other people in the corner discussing something. Riley walked over and sat down next to Maria "Hey, Riley. This is Freya and Chris," Maria announced, pointing at the two people sat in front of them. "Hey," uttered Riley. She was nervous as she didn't know why Maria would bring two people when they were meant to be discussing a plan about killing a witch. Maria noticed this and said, "Freya is a witch and Chris is a vampire so you don't need to be nervous around them when discussing the plan." Riley felt better knowing she didn't have to hide anything from them. "What have you found out about the Rose coven, Freya?" ordered Maria. "The Rose coven is located near the Oakfield town which is 2 hours from here. They live in the woods, like normal and have high protection. Now more than ever: of Salice and vampires. The only thing that is helping them keep safe and feel safe is the memory, so they won't hand it over. You'll have to steal it. I can help you locate where the coven is, but you will have to go in."                           "The vampires have also heard that Salice is coming here for something," explained Chris, "Salice has also got some vampires on her side and is probably here to take more alpha's." Riley looked confused while everybody else looked like this was normal for them. "What do you mean take more alpha's?" questioned Riley. Everybody looked at her and Freya asked, "Do you not know?" Riley shaked her head and Freya gave out a long sigh. "Salice has been capturing alphas of all the original packs. The original packs are the first packs in a certain country. She is probably coming here to do the same." Riley looked worried and terrified as she realised something horrible. The Red Moon pack was the original pack of America! She wanted to leave and warn her parents, but she wanted to see how they were going to get the memory, so she could stop Salice before she even had the chance to kidnap her father. "We will go to Oakfield in 2 days and we will take the memory. Freya, I need you to work on your locating spells and get everything you need. Chris, I need you to keep an ear out about Salice and try to find out what she is doing." Maria explained. Freya gave Chris a kiss on the cheek and said, "I'll be right back." Maria got up and walked over to the bar where Enzo was. "Can I get a shot of whiskey?" asked Maria. The bartender was getting the drink ready and Maria could see that something was wrong with Enzo. His eyes were sad while his expression on his face said he was angry. "What's wrong?" asked Maria. "I don't want to talk about it."                   "I understand that, but sometimes talking about it helps. I won't force you to tell me, but I could try and help." Enzo looks at Maria and mutters, "Sara cheated on me. I saw her kissing another guy." Showing no pity, Maria stared at Enzo. "She cheated on you. So what. You shouldn't be drowning yourself in alcohol and feeling sad for yourself when she won't be doing the same about you. It's her loss, not yours." Enzo looks up and his eyes were once again filled with more than pity. "Your right," says Enzo. "Oh, I know I am." praised Maria. The two of them laughed and Maria got her drink and left Enzo feeling better. Maria heard that Riley was asking how a vampire and witch were together. When Freya returned, the four of them laughed and had a good time. For once in her life, Riley didn't feel lonely, but instead, like she had real friends.

After a while, Freya and Chris left, which was then followed after Brian and Riley. Enzo and Maria were the only ones who were still drinking, but soon Maria left as well. Enzo could smell something that was all too familiar. It was vampires. He could smell them from outside and he noticed that Maria had left as well. An urge of protection consumed him and he raced outside to see if Maria was ok. He didn't know why he was feeling like this, but he didn't care. When he was outside, he saw five vampires circled around Maria. Suddenly, one grabbed Enzo from behind, making it so he couldn't move. The vampire whispered, "Now you can watch her die." He laughed and Enzo tried to move, but the vampire was stronger than him. All Enzo could do was watch. Maria stood confidently and said, "If you want to fight, then bring it on." One of the vampires lunged towards her, but she dodged. The vampires were constantly throwing punches at her over and over again, but Maria was able to dodge them all. She never threw a punch or fought back. She only dodged. Enzo wondered why she didn't fight back, but soon understood why. Enzo could see that every time the vampires threw an attack, they got tired and had less strength in them. Maria was waiting for the right time to strike and when she did, she didn't hold back. She grabbed one of the vampires by the neck and spun him around so when another vampire attacked, he was the one that got hit. She pushed him into the vampire with an immense force and they both fell to the ground instantly. Maria kicked one of the vampires in the balls and stamped on his face until he was unconscious. By now, the other two vampires were starting to run, but Maria wasn't finished with them. She waved her hand and fire circled the two vampires so there was no way to escape. One of the vampires said, "Who are you?" Maria laughed and laughed. She could see the fear in their eyes and the terror that was entering their bodies. "I am your worst nightmare, but only if you don't tell me who you are working for." The two vampires looked at each other and then back at the other three that was now laying on the ground unconscious. "We don't know what you are talking about. Please just let us go." Pleaded the two men. Maria walked closer to them and walked through the fire ... without a scratch or burnt mark. Enzo watched in amazement as to how she was doing this. He also realised that he was right all along and that she was supernatural. Although, he still couldn't quite figure out what else he was missing from who she really was. Maria looked at her hands and claws started to grow out of her nails. Her eyes turned red and she slit one of the vampires throat like it was the easiest thing to do in the world. His lifeless body fell to the floor and the blood poured out of his neck. Enzo watched in horror, but couldn't take his eyes off of what was happening next. Maria had lifted the other vampire off of the floor and was slowly diffing her claws into his neck so he had a slow and painful death. "I asked you a question and I suggest you answer. WHO DO YOU WORK FOR?" Maria shouted and her voice was deep and demanding. It sounded like an alpha's voice, which no one could refuse. "Salice. I work for Salice. Please... please let me go." The vampire was starting to choke on his own blood and now Maria had gotten her answer, she threw him into the flames and listened to his screams. She looked around and saw that Enzo was watching everything and was being held by a vampire, unable to move. She waved her hands and the fire went out and all you could see were the ashes of a vampire and dead people all around her. Maria started to walk away and towards a vampire that was starting to awaken. She bent down and whispered in his ear, "You tell Salice that Maria is coming for her and that it's game on." Maria slowly stood up and grabbed a knife that was slipped in her boots. She stood up and spun around. As she turned, she threw the knife that went into the centre of the vampires head, realising Enzo from his grips. Enzo looked behind him and looked back at Maria with horror in his eyes. He wasn't scared, but he couldn't believe what he had seen. Maria walked over to the dead vampire that was next to Enzo. She picked up her knife and wiped the blood on her trousers. She looked at Enzo and for once, she was sad that Enzo was horrified with her. She didn't know why this bothered her so much but she knew he couldn't let it get to her. She put a finger to her mouth to show Enzo not to tell anyone what had happened. Maria turned around to look at the dead bodies. The other three vampires that were still alive, had already ran away. Maria waved her hand and the bodies lifted off the ground and into the night sky. She waved her hands once again and the bodies turned into ash and flew away into the night. Enzo was left speechless and Maria (without explaining herself) walked away like it never happened. After a while, Enzo returned back home and his parents were waiting for him outside his room and so was his sister. "What happened and where were you?" asked Mark. You could see the anger and outrage on his face. Enzo wanted to tell his dad everything that he had saw, but remembered that if Maria was able to do that to five vampires, then she couldn't hold back on him. "I just took the long way home. I needed time to think. Now can you all leave me alone."                                                             "We will talk about this in the morning." Mark, Yasmine and Riley all left the room, leaving Enzo with lots of questions in his mind. He decided to ask Maria about what happened at school tomorrow.

A few hours away from where Maria and Enzo lived, was abandoned house that hasn't been used in years. Inside there, was Salice looking out of the window, drinking red wine from her glass. There was a knock on the door and a man entered. His name was Rafaello. He had brown hair and white eyes with pale skin. He was a vampire and the one that Maria fought. "We found Maria." He said in brief detail. Salice turned her face and asked, "Is she dead? Did you do it?" Rafaello shaked his head and said, "She killed us all apart from me and two others. She told me to tell you that it is game on." Salice started to laugh as she looked out of the broken window once again. You couldn't see her face as the darkness around her was hiding her. "She knows I'm in town, good. Now it's time to take the Red Moon pack's alpha. Shall we begin?"