
Cordelia was shocked; she did not want to believe that she had met her mother's murderer's son.

"How come do you have magic now?" She asked suspiciously.

Because you are weak, whenever you get your power back, mine will disappear," Noah assured her.

"If she dies, you get to have all of your power and more?" Nilsson shouted and standing up. He slapped Noah.

Before Noah could defend himself, Nilsson attacked him with another punch on his belly; Cordelia was watching them in silence, wasn't sure what to do.

"Nilsson, wait, he is the only one who can help us," Cordelia said calmly.

Nilsson let the boy go and furrowed his brows," remember that I always have an eye on you."

Noah nodded," I could have killed her without telling her this stuff! So trust me, and do as I say, both of you!"

He stood up from the ground, pushed away from the dust from his trousers.

"The lost jungle should be somewhere between our kingdom and yours, we will go there, and you little princess will have to make that shit appear;" Noah glared at Cordelia.

"What about the child. Who was after you?"

"He wasn't a child, and prays to your gods that he won't find me." Noah just replied.

When Noah walked upstairs, Cordelia glanced at Nilsson,

Cordelia commented," he is weird." Nilsson nodded.

Nilsson added" We do as he says carefully, but don't trust him so much, he may weaken you, to kill you, instead of making you stronger. "

Cordelia nodded made a fire with her both palms, as she sat beside Nilsson.

Cordelia" They say witches were brutal and made their students eat animal alive to gain more energy and power." She took a deep breath.

That's shit," Noah snapped, before getting closer to them.

"Witches didn't do anything unusual, and I'm sure they won't do it now," Noah said, Grabbing Cordelia's hair from her back.

Noah," As you are my servant, you have to cut your hair, so you'll be looking a lot less alike the Queen in the castle," he smirked.

Cordelia winced, "No! I like my hair! I never cut it since I'm born!"

"Then you are going to cut it now, little princess," Noah said, cuts her hair.

Cordelia looked at herself in the mirror, which was on the wall in front of her.

"You made me ugly."

You weren't that beautiful anyway," Noah wrinkled his nose.

"You are too white;" Noah pointed at her, made her black." Too black, "he changed her colour again." Oh no, it's blue! "

Nilsson sighed, "Noah, just pick a colour."

Noah turned her body colour again.

Noah," This one is okay," he admitted.

Cordelia looked at herself in the mirror "I can get back to normal later?"

Noah wrinkled his nose again "you liked that face?"

Cordelia glared at him." I hate you."

Noah," I know," replied without any particular feelings. "Let's go, " he added.

They got into Noah's carriage, which was in an old stable, behind the hut. Noah pulled the horse tightly and caressed his mane. The carriage disappeared with the caress of the horse's yellow mane.

He kicked the horse in the abdomen with the side of his legs, forcing him to fly. Cordelia and Nilsson grab each other's hands with stress and unconsciousness. The carriage was flying rapidly toward the house in front of them.

Cordelia buried her head into Nilsson's shoulder. As he clung to the handle beside him, in fear, trying to look like a prince. The carriage got so close to the house. Cordelia felt they were crashing to it at any moment. Meanwhile, the carriage peaked and flew through the clouds.

Nilsson was afraid he reached out to take Cordelia's hand in his own once again.

"Noah, slower," Nilsson cried out.

Cordelia chuckled, " aw Nilsson, you breaking my hand!" She is excited, looked down at the village. She could see the entire town, even the castle! She can recognize the horses and guards even she can see Siren.

"I wish we could take Siren with us," she muttered.

"She isn't a witch; she can't tolerate this adventure," Noah stated.

Nilsson was throwing up on the village, and lands which they were flying above it. Cordelia gave her a tissue.

"Nilsson isn't a wizard," she admitted.

Noah suddenly stopped the carriage; in the sky, without thinking, the carriage started to fell onto the ground. Cordelia and Nilsson kept screaming. Cordelia shut her eyes in fear, and Nilsson threw up everywhere.

Noah started driving again, and eventually, everything got back to normal.

"Why you didn't tell me?" Noah snapped.

"You didn't ask. " Cordelia gasped, barely able to breathe.

"Normally, everyone isn't a wizard or witch," Nilsson protested.

"You will die!" Noah stated, raising an eyebrow.

"He won't," Cordelia defended Nilsson.

"Yeah? Cause you command so? IT'S A DANGEROUS TRIP. ONLY FOR WITCHES AND WIZARDS," he cried out.

Cordelia sighed, partly offended, "Stop thinking you are better than us, "

"Well, I am!"

Ordinary black smoke caught Noah's eyes. It was rising from a house. Noah parked the carriage in front of the house and looked back at the children.

"Don't move, and don't follow me," he commanded, whispering.

He got closer and opened the wooden door.

"It's not locked," he whispered again, walked in. As soon as he stepped in, clouds flew towards the sun and covered it eagerly, like they were thirsty for its warmth and wanted to keep it all.

Noah held his breath, tried not to move, the smoke turned into a snake. A large and fat snake, which spun around him. Passed through him and made away toward outside. Noah frowned as it started crawling onto the carriage. Which, Nilsson, and Cordelia, were in it?

Noah took out his golden sword from the carriage using the power of his eyes. Whispered

"Bokosh!" The sword flew in the air. Let Noah's eyes lead it onto the dark snake, cut its throat. The snake got vanished.

Noah ran onto the sword.

"Bia," he shouted, jumped on the back of his horse, to catch the sword, on the air. When it obeyed him and came to him, he sat on the horse and immediately flew.

"What did you say?" Cordelia narrowed her eyes.

Noah," Some spells, princess, if we get to the lost forest, you will learn. "

Cordelia nodded wanted to ask what the snake was but didn't say a word looked down at her foot.

Noah," anything you see, don't act on it, just run from it, anything happened to me, don't try to rescue me, this is the rule, also, don't ask anything until the end" he landed the carriage again. But this time beside a tree.

"We should eat, maid, get food from the carriage." Noah shrugged

"I'm not your maid!" She protested and walked away.

She looked at the back of the carriage, grabbed some food, walked back into the boys. Noah and Nilsson are sitting. She handed them food; her sandwich disappeared.

"You can't eat it."


"Because I said so. "Cordelia sighed, got back to the carriage.

Nilsson glared at Noah.

"Witches can't eat for a few weeks, so the power grows in them, "Noah whispered in his ear, and Nilsson nodded.

Cordelia looked at the border between two kingdoms.

Cordelia," Noah? The jungle should be here?"

Noah," Exactly, now it depends on you how much you want it to appear when you make it appear I get you food," he raised an eyebrow.

Cordelia looked over at him, annoyed, but nodded as an agreement without thinking.