lost Jungle

After eating sandwiches, Noah laid on the floor and eventually fell asleep. Nilsson walked over onto the carriage and leaned his back against it as he started to talk to Cordelia.

Nilsson"May I ask you something?"

Cordelia "What is it?" stared at the stars, trying to imagine her mother again.

Nilsson"If we would stay in the castle, would you pick me?"

Cordelia" I don't know, Nilsson "

Nilsson"Then, you wouldn't."

Cordelia"My father thought that since we were at war, I should marry someone who could pay for the war."

Nilsson"So you would choose Dan. Everyone knows how much wealth he has, but consider house Limber's power! There Is no house more powerful than us," he pouted.

Cordelia"Maybe, I don't know, Nilsson. I do whatever is needed for the kingdom."

Nilsson, "What about love?"

Cordelia "There is no love in the time of war. "He looked over at Noah, who was making a cabin using his magic power.

Cordelia"I wish I could have his powers."

Nilsson"You have. You have to kill him."

Cordelia"I won't do that! I prefer to learn magic instead of killing him."

She jumped off the carriage stood in the middle of the land, lifted her arms, tried to disappear a flower, but she failed.

Noah gazed at her from the corner of his eyes.

Noah, "Keep your left hand straight. Make a spin in the air with your right hand at the moment of saying the spell. Bring the right leg forward rhythmically. Just one step."

Cordelia tried to do the same, but she failed.

Noah took a few steps onto her." You will ruin the word with this much talent" He mocked her, laid his hand on hers, and leads it in the air.

Noah, "Clear your mind, think about a person who makes you happy, like me," He winked.

Cordelia "I hate you," replied with no feelings.

Noah chuckled loudly, " You wish to have me," he whispered in her ear.

This time Cordelia concentrated more thought of her mother, made a move softer than dance, smiled as she said, "Na, padid."

The flower got fire. Noah ran onto it. To turn off the fire, Nilsson laughed. Cordelia lifted her arms and did it again And made another flower burn. She kept doing it and burn three more flowers.

Noah, "Stop it. You'll burn everything! "

Cordelia"I did nothing wrong! Why it didn't work!" She protested.

Noah shrugged, "Maybe you don't care enough."

Cordelia"I do, I do care, I care about the war, I care about how people will die, I care about power. And I hate you! " She cried out.

As Cordelia was screaming, the ground behind her shook with trembling, Noah and Nilsson took a step back. Nilsson drew his golden sword to strike. Noah lifted his hands in the air to be ready to defend.

Cordelia turned to observe what was happening behind her.

Cordelia"Lost jungle is appearing?" She cried out.

Noah," The beasts!" shouted in fear.

Nilsson pulled Cordelia back to himself, and the 3 of them started to run, the fire began to fall from the sky. Children ran as fast as possible toward the borders of humans. A strange voice was calling Noah's name.

The voice is neither feminine nor masculine—a loud and thick voice. Ghosts appeared around them and begged for help. They were the spirits of humans who were killed by beasts. The laughter of the children filled the ears of the three.

Cordelia's foot got stuck under her skirt. She fell to the ground. The boys did not notice her and continued to run, the ghosts getting closer and closer to Cordelia. She got up from the ground; her skirt was stuck under a rock. She could not see the boys, it was dark everywhere, and there was no more fire from the sky anymore.

She called Noah and Nilsson. However, she did not hear an answer. A child came towards her, stumbling closer to her. Cordelia stepped back as the thunder burned the child. Noah appeared. He grabbed Cordelia's arm and pulled her out of the darkness and lowered her to the ground.

Noah, "Never scream again, not here. " shouted at her.

Cordelia "They are gone?" gasped, managed to breathe.

Noah, "No, I just made a protective bubble that only takes half an hour. Beasts noticed that we are here. They want to find me."

Nilsson "Why they want you?" asked nervously.

Noah, "We don't have time, Nilsson, let's get out of here first "

Nilsson got up, pulled out his sword again. Noah stepped onto him as he pulled his sword out and smirked.

Noah, "Nilsson, I know you are a 'prince,' and you want to show that how much power you have, but brother, your sword is nothing, stay away and let me do my job," he Jumped out of the bubble.

Cordelia smiled at Nilsson. "Don't get upset, being a jerk is in his blood, " she raised an eyebrow.

Cordelia, "You are amazing." She assured him.

Nilsson, "Thank you, princess, " he replied gently, sat beside Cordelia. "I'm sorry I can't protect you as much as he can," he confessed.

Cordelia, "Don't worry, you have your skills, " she strokes his hair from his face.

Meanwhile, they are talking, Noah was out fighting, he got weak and tired, can't fight alone with a bunch of beasts. The imaginary which they produce is too much that he can tolerate. He knew if they capture him, they will kill Cordelia quickly.

As he got weaker, he made Cordelia stronger as Cordelia felt power flowing in her veins. She got up and went out of the bubble, made Noah surprise as he noticed her.

Noah, "Get back in, now," he said with a firm tone.

Cordelia"No, you get back. I handle this."

Noah, "How?"

Cordelia"I don't know; I just feel it."

Noah, "You will get us killed."

Cordelia"Trust me, Noah, please, you are tired and bleeding," she insisted.

As Noah got back in the bubble, Cordelia twisted around herself .ray of Blue light emitted from her. This time, she saw her mother in front of herself. She took her daughter's hands in her warm ones. A reassuring smile appeared on her lips; Cordelia opened her mouth and began to sing.

Noah and Nilsson got up when they heard Cordelia's voice, Looked outside. Blood was pouring from the side of Noah to the ground. Noah's weakening was in Cordelia's favor. She raised her voice. The blue light became so intense that the ghosts disappeared.

Now it was the beast's turn. Cordelia raised her hands. A sea of ​​fire and ice landed on the beast's head. So they escaped. Noah shouted joyfully. Nilsson came out of the bubble and threw his sword into the air. Cordelia's mother disappeared from her sight. And the girl fell to the ground.

When Cordelia fainted, Noah's bleeding stopped.

Noah, "Get her water, " he commanded.

Nilsson"Carriage has burned, "wrinkled his nose.

Noah dug the ground a little, formed a small hole, filled it with clear water, and led it with her hand to Cordelia's mouth.

She opened her mouth, drank the water from Noah's palm, coughs.

Cordelia"She helped me."

Noah, "Who?"

Cordelia"My mother," her eyes got wet.

Noah, "Get rest now. Then we keep training this time without a scream," commanded.

Cordelia"I'm sorry."

Noah, "Wow, royals said the word for one time," chuckled.

Cordelia"I still hate you, " she reminded him.

Noah laughed, stood up, started to repair the cabin; when he has done with his job turned onto them.

Noah, "I have to clear our footsteps and smell; you take care of the little princess, "he walked away.

Cordelia"I'm not little, " she winced and closed her eyes.

The morning arrived. Noah had not returned yet. Nilsson sat above the princess's head and kept her forehead cool with a wet tissue. The princess had a fever; she was under a lot of pressure. Nilsson even hunted a rabbit put it on the fire, then put it in her mouth. A few days and nights passed, and there was no news of Noah. Gradually, Nilsson became concerned. On the morning of the fifth day, the girl's fever stopped, and she opened her eyes.

Cordelia, "Oh, Nilsson, I would die if you weren't here, " she winced and sat up.

Nilsson"It's okay, I would love to serve my queen, " he gave her water to drink. "Do you feel better?"

Cordelia, "Much better, " she gave him a gentle smile; Nilsson kissed her hand. "I'm sorry you had to go through this."

Cordelia shook her head " It's fine, I'm better now, thanks to you," she replied politely.

Nilsson gave her some rabbit's meat," eat. I hunted it for you."

Cordelia"Did you eat?"

Nilsson"No, But it's fine."

Cordelia"It's not. You need to eat as well, besides I'm okay."

Nilsson smiled, kissed her without thinking.

At this time, Noah got in. "What are you doing?" He said firmly.

Nilsson "Oh, nothing. Where have you been?" blushed.

Noah, "Getting some stuff for training! Why did you eat food?" He furrowed his brow.

Nilsson"She was getting weak. I thought." explained. Noah interrupted him.

Noah, "She has to get human energy out of herself to get magic power! I told you not to interrupt my job, " he protested.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to," Nilsson bit his own lower lip.

Noah, "But you did, you messed up."

Cordelia"Noah, he wanted to help," managed to say.

Noah, "Fine, we do it all again, but don't you two interrupt my job again."

Cordelia and Nilsson were nodding as an agreement.

Noah sat down next to Cordelia. He took a liquid from his pocket and put it in her hand.

Noah, "Drink it. This potion helps you to get rid of human energy faster."

Cordelia"Fine, " she sighed, sipped the liquid.

Drinking that green liquid, Cordelia was throwing up for hours beside a tree. Nilsson was worried about her wanted to do something to make her feel better, Although Noah was watching him sternly, not to break the rules. Finally, the extra energy that human food had given her was drained. Noah went to her and swung her towards himself.

Noah, "We are ready," He said seriously, and Cordelia fainted again.


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