We need alliance!

Arthur was sitting in his work chamber, a massive map of other kingdoms are in front of him. Let out a sigh looked over at Brishen.

Arthur, "it's a strange world. Someday they come to ally by marrying my daughter, the other day, they become our enemy and start a war."

Brishen smirked as he was stroking his silver sword.

Brishen " whose fault was that? you could send Noah there and tell them he did the trick to put Nilsson in danger instead of himself!"

Arthur shook his head in disapproval, " We need him. With the professors' death, Cordelia can't find any suitable, and trustable man to teach her."

Brishen raised an eyebrow in doubt " trustable? are you sure?"

King just sighed and didn't say a word.

Noah was teaching Cordelia how to freeze men in the middle of the air using some guys.

Cordelia, " I can do it!"

Noah looked over at her with a smirk on his face," to be honest. I was sure you couldn't do it."

Cordelia furrowed her brow, as Noah lifted his both hands up,

Noah "fine 'princess' don't get angry!" he pouted mockingly. Cordelia sighed and got back to work.

Cordelia, " we need to find alliances as Laura is looking for gifted people, here."

Noah chuckled loudly, " Are you sure you wouldn't burn our 'alliance?"

Cordelia raised an eyebrow " Only if they talk too much," she smirked jokingly.

Noah let the guards on the ground and pointed at them with a quick point of his head to leave, and turned to face Cordelia proudly.

Noah smirked, " Okay, we should talk to the Lords and ladies of other lands to give us their witches and wizards to can teach, then when they accept it, we will talk to them to make them our ally."

Cordelia, " we should do it sooner than Limbers, you know we only have, house Barren, and vague, free lands wouldn't ally with anyone in any wars," she bit her lower lip nervously.

Noah, " And house Limber, will try to make them theirs we should act fast.

Cordelia nodded," Lord of house, Barren is here now, but it's hard to get his attention."

Noah raised an eyebrow proud of himself, " I talk to Brishen. He is a good boy," winked at her.

Cordelia " only if I marry him."

Noah chuckled," its a huge mistake! whoever marries you will be in trouble later."

Cordelia " shut up, and let's talk to Brishen; he was in my father's chamber this morning."

Noah, " I told you before, a royal doesn't talk like that!"

Cordelia said something unclear under her lips as she was walking out of the training hall.

Arthur was planning the military strategies with his war minister when Cordelia got in. She bowed politely at the king.

Arthur, " what do you want, Cordelia?" he looked over at her with respect.

Cordelia " I thought Brishen is here," she said with an innocent smile on her face.

Arthur shook his head" No, he just left to talk to Laura. I think he would be in her chamber," he informed his daughter kindly . as Cordelia left to find Brishen in Laura's room.

In Laura's chamber, Brishen was talking and walking in front of Laura, but she was checking on her robe and rolled her eyes in boredom, time to time,

Birshen, "Laura! are you even listening to me?'

Laura " Yeah, I know what you say, but it cant happen. I'm your mother."

Brishen " What if I'm just Father's bastard, that makes me a stranger!" he insisted.

Laura let out a sigh " Brishen stop this madness. You are my son; Your father never cheated on me!"

At this moment, Cordelia got in. Laura puffed as a relief,

Laura " Oh, thanks gods, you are here, Cordelia; what is it you want?"

Cordelia bowed at her, stepped closer, chose her words carefully,

Noah and I were thinking, due to your words that you said about finding gifts, what if we go to other kingdoms and let them know about our little academy? And make us our alliances as well? before limbers do it ?"

Laura smirked, " I feel like you are making sense, little princess.that's not bad, but we have to be their alliances in everything such as military and even products, then eventually we could offer them to teach their gifted people in exchange for fighting with us against house limber."

Brishen scoffs," do you think anyone dares to declare war against a powerful house of Limber?"

Cordelia folded her arms against her chest stubbornly" They have to do it. We are ruling all four kingdoms as Mainland did you forget that?"

Brishen straddled onto her, coated with anger.

Brishen " You know nothing, little princess. They don't care who is ruling in Mainland now as long as they see their profit in other houses so that when Limber attacks us with their large forces, we have nothing to beat them. We cant last in front of them.

Cordelia shook her head " we can try to get their attention; also we have something no one has, we have Noah! He can teach their gifted people, I'm sure the world missed witches and wizards, and we can make them only with Noah's help.

Brishen " that bastard."

Laura sighed, " Cordelia is right; we will try to get their attention" she turned to face Cordelia, stepped closer to her.

Laura," as your queen, I command you to take Noah and go onto house Vague today and report everything immediately to me." she commanded.

Cordelia nodded ."Yes, my queen, although I want to ask you something, do we have house Barren's support?" she glared at Brishen, who was flashing back at her.

Laura put her robe on the bed, laid a hand on her son's shoulder.

"Brishen will be our alliance, no worries, he is a good boy," she winked at Brishen; he shook his head.

Brishen, " you get kind to me only when you need me," he looked into his mother's eyes doubtfully.

Laura, "It's not wrong," she confessed, rubbed her nosed " still, you like to help your mother, don't you?"

Brishen " I love you, and you never accepted that"

Laura, " I'm your mother, once again, you say that, and I will cut your tongue."

Cordelia widened her eyes in shock; Brishen sighed, " I won't help you."

Cordelia " You didn't want the throne?"

Brishen looked at her, as Cordelia got his attention, continued.

"You help me and become our alliance, and I marry you when it all get over, then we will beat beasts as well, together," she assures him, smirked slightly.

Brishen looked at his mother and then at Cordelia, he let out a loud sigh.

Brishen " I don't know, I'm not sure that you are honest."

Cordelia bit her arm with her teeth, a little bit of blood showed up. She rubbed the blood on her chest; the skin absorbed blood.

Cordelia " When a witch promises by her blood, nothing would break it anyway" she stared into his eyes as he nodded as an agreement.

A few hours later, Noah and Cordelia were ready to go to the North where the house Vague is living. Cordelia stepped beside Noah gazed over at him.

Cordelia " I can't fly."

Noah, "it's not my problem."

Cordelia " Noah!"

Noah," ah, Cordelia, I cant teach you such a hard thing right now! due to your stupidity."

Cordelia blushed " What should I do now?"

Noah, " I just will transform into something that you can sit on me."

Cordelia raised an eyebrow, Noah transformed onto a giant green dragon, turned his long neck onto her. Pointed at her that she may sit, Cordelia smirked Gtabbed his neck, jumped on his back, leaned forward onto his neck, holding onto him tightly. Laura and Arthur stepped closer to greet them.

Laura, " when you come back, gifted people from the Mainland are waiting for you."

Cordelia," we will win this war, then we will attack the beasts, to get revenge of our late professors' and my beloved Nilsson."

Laura nodded in agreement as Noah started to fly away. Laura held Arthur's arm, let out a sigh.

Laura, " I hope they can do it."

Arthur rubbed his mother's arm gently. He was hoping the same in his mind. As the queen and the king were watching them, the moon rose and reached to it pick.they could see a dragon shape in the gleam of the moon.


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