Has Mainland any gifted people?

After hours of flying, a storm of fog and snow began, so that the dragon could not see before his eyes and stumbled in the air. Cordelia had narrowed her eyes to keep the snow out of her eyes. The numbness of her hands on the scales of the dragon's neck made it difficult to hold. The wind whipped the women in the face And had reddened Codelia's cheeks.

Cordelia" Noah, I can't hold on you!" she shrieked in the wind so that Noah could hear it.

Noah was struggling not to fall on the ground. Weather situation made his wings heavy and wet,snow-filled his nose he couldn't normally breathe.

As the wind grew stronger and stronger, the dragon's wings became more tired, and Noah could no longer find his way. He was lost in the turmoil of the wind and ice, spinning around himself. Cordelia had her head buried in his neck, praying to the gods to get there safely, and quickly, the dragon began to turn around, looking like a large ball hanging in the air.

Cordelia was shrieking, trying so hard to hold on to Noah as he was struggling to fly. Suddenly the wind stopped, he gasped for air, opened his wings started to fly.

Surprisingly, the sun had risen, and the air seemed much warmer than the Mainland. Also, the sunlight was much brighter. The snow turned to light rain, and a rainbow appeared in the blue sky. Noah sat on the green, wet ground, his eyes closed involuntarily from extreme fatigue, and his breathing became calm and carefree.

And Cordelia, whose hair was soaked, snatched it up to pour a little water on the damp ground, took off her clothes, spread it on a tree branch, hid among the dragon wings, and fell asleep innocently.

In the Mainland, the king sent dew guards with Brishen to gather more army as Laura and Robert were searching for the gifted people in the town.

Laura, "You think they show themselves to us?" she followed Robert, who was riding on a white horse.

Robert, " They do as soon as they find out who you are."

Laura " But we won't tell them anything ! they shouldn't notice who I am !" she protested.

Robert let out a loud sigh " I assume it's better to be honest to your people if you need their help."

Laura furrowed her brows, shook her head. "No way, you can't say anything to the common people!" she let her horse rides faster to get closer to Robert as she whispered.

Laura, " they will judge me for the death of Kat!" she confessed sadly.

Robert, " I'm sure they understand you had to come back to put an end on this long war."

Laura" But I started another one! "she took a deep breath in despair.

Robert sighed," you never listen to me, just for once, do as I say and see the result," he said firmly for the first time since they met.

Laura, " you are a guard," she warned him.

Robert, " Actually, I'm a guard, and you are not queen, so" he teased, winked at her, made her glare at him.

Laura " Fine, just one time, and you'd better be right," she threatened and rode faster.

Robert smirked as he was watching her leave. When they reached a cabin, Robert got off the horse gave it to Laura.

Robert, " wait here for me," he commanded. As Laura opened her mouth to protest, he got to the door and knocked.

A man opened the door, widen his eyes when he saw one of the king's guards.

Man," may I help you, ser?"

Robert nodded. "I heard you know everyone in this village."

Man " yes, ser, its a small town with around 200 inhabitants, and I'm old enough to know everyone."

Robbert "So obviously you know people who are gifted with magic power."

Man, " you know anyone who has it hides it these days cause of the witch's curse who got murdered in the lost jungle."

Robbert chuckles, " I'm sure disappearing of the jungle has nothing to do with that."

The man whispered in fear," I heard someone got the jungle back, and saw professors turned to soul suckers, its the curse! so everyone hides their ability to not turn to a soul sucker or even worst!"

Robert got serious again " You do as I command, find those people and send them to the Castle in 3 days! Or I will cut your head," he raised an eyebrow. The man was trembling in fear.

Robert sighed, turned back to Laura, gave his horseback sat on it.

Laura, " why you threatened him? you may scare him off!"

Robbert," don't worry, he will get them for us," he shrugged, kept riding through the village. Laura gets on her horse, confused, and Followed Robert.

Laura, " Where are we going?"

Robert, " have you ever eat in the village, your grace?"

Laura, " you just said I'm not queen," she reminded him, annoyed."

Robert chuckled loudly, made her gave him a stern glare.

Robert stopped beside a restaurant, jumped off the horse, helped Laura to get off her horse as well, and they get in. Laura has never been to one of the comment restaurants. It felt wired; it had a strange smell that made her wrinkled her nose but didn't say anything as Robert seemed to enjoy being in this place. Robert pointed at an empty place and led her to sit. Laura sat at the table, gazed over at him.

Laura " only if Brishen finds out where did you brought his mother," she giggled teasingly.

Robert " I'm sure your son would love to take you to one of these places," he winked at her.

Laura " ah yeah? But I gather Brishen likes more luxurious places" she raised an eyebrow as a waiter stepped toward them. They ordered some food and were talking peacefully, Robert is excited to have a date after a long time in his life, but he doesn't sure that Laura would take this as a date or not!

On the other side of the world, Cordelia woke up when she felt something rolling around her face. She smiled at first.

Cordelia " it tickles!" she giggled with her eyes closed, but as soon as she opened, her eyes saw a tall girl with brown hair who covered her head with something like a scarf. She was looking at Cordelia's eyes as she was stroking her face with a sword! a Sword!

Cordelia opened her mouth to say something but then closed it again, as nothing came out of it because of her dry throat.

Hanna " Who are you?" she snapped angrily, slipped the sword down on to Cordelia's trout.

Cordelia held her breath, managed to say, " I'm Cordelia from the Mainland."

The girl let the sword go of her trout looked at her with doubt.

Hanna, "I heard people are dead there."

Cordelia shook her head " No! we were at war for too long, yes, but defiantly we are not dead."

Noah opened his eyes, took a few steps back in shock when he saw the warrior girl. Let his wings go of Cordelia, to fly away. That made Cordelia naked without any shield. She screamed, tried to cover herself with her hand as Hanna was laughing at her.

Cordelia "Noah! Please don't! I'm naked!" she protested, But Noah stayed back and shook his head again.

Hanna smirked gave Cordelia her dress back.

Hanna, " whoever you are, just leave, we don't accept guests, especially your ugly pet."

Cordelia wears her dirty gown and lets her hair lay around her shoulders.

Cordelia " ah, he isn't my pet, he is a, ahh beast "

as she relieved that, Hanna pointed her sword toward Noah.

Hanna " A beast! you brought a beast here!"

Noah turned to himself, smirked.

"I'm not the kind of beats that you think."

Hanna made a loud sound; around 40 men and women appeared between the trees with arrows and other weapons that Cordelia doesn't know their names. Hanna furrowed her brows.

" once in a blue moon that a beast can enter our kingdom, she prepared to strike as everyone pointed at Noah to shoot at him.


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