Stranger king

In southern kingdoms, the king and queen were different from the northern ones, in general, the noble family wore less fine clothes, and it seemed they have more common life than the royals of the north.

Queen Hannah wore a simple blue gown, just like when she went hunting. And wore a wooden hat instead of a crown. Her way of speaking was way more regular; her tone was not at all like Laura, Arthur, or anyone who Cordelia knew, And the king seemed simple and popular.

He noticed their gaze on his wife cleared his throat and asked.

Hamo " It seemed you already know my wife."

Cordelia nodded in fear without stopping her gaze on the queen.

Hanna gave them both death glare to make them shut their mouth.

Hanna " they are just two strange children who I think they need money at least their appearance says so," she smirked.

Cordelia bit her lip shook her head.

Cordelia " I'm princess Cordelia from the Mainland grandchild of queen Laura, the famous warrior queen."

With hearing Laura's name, the king stood up in anger, stepped onto Cordelia, stared into her eyes.

King " That bitch, who used to call herself queen betrayed us! she promised to rule together if I help her in war with beasts! she tricked me! I won the war for her and she." he ground in anger, Cordelia coughed in stress Noah took a deep breath.

Noah, " Cordelia is our queen now. She wouldn't do that."

Cordelia got surprised to hear that from Noah's mouth! she smirked at him; thankfully, Noah smiled back to give her confidence. Cordelia coughed again.

Cordelia " I am not here. You can trust me" she raised an eyebrow; Hanna shook her head.

Hanna, " Don't listen to them, Hamo, they are lying! nothing good will be in Laura's throne line!" she snapped; the king gave her a stern glare, made her silent.

Hamo " what do you want, grandchild of Laura?" he said with a suspicious tone.

Noah, " we are in a war with house limber of the north."

Cordelia nodded interrupted him, " Some stupid guy made a mistake, and now we are in two wars, one with the beasts and the second one with house limber."

Hamo, " so you need an army?"

Cordelia nodded, closed her eyes to float in the middle of the air.

"army or your gifted people who know magic, we are making an army, the largest one."

Hamo, "I help you in one condition."

Cordelia flew onto him, landed beside his throne, took an apple from the table between two thrones, made everyone look at her in surprise; as she was eating the apple, distracted by the fruit, the king cleared his thought to gather her attention.

Cordelia " what?" she looked at him. Hanna frowned.

Noah, " what is your condition?" he asked.

Hamo smiled wisely" I help you in this war and win it by your side, in exchange. You will give me their lands, and since then, those lands would be named by my family name," he confirmed sternly.

Cordelia put half of the apple on Hanna's palm without noticing that the queen was wincing in disgust. She stepped firmly onto the king and gazes into his eyes.

Cordelia " I may not be as wise as Laura, or as strong as Noah, but I'm not that stupid to give a stranger King such a big thing, so I tell you what to do, you are giving me the army, or I will burn them all, and live with my little friend."

Noah shook his head " Cordelia! no!"

Cordelia turned her face onto Noah with red eyes and smirked.

Cordelia " they burnt us, why won't we do the same?" raised an eyebrow innocently.

Hamo " when we burnt you?" he protested.

Cordelia gazed into his eyes once again, this time longer and much creepier.

Cordelia " your beloved wife," she said as she flew on to her, grabbed her arm.

Cordelia, " give me what I asked you, or I burn your army and take your queen with me," she leaned her head to her right side with a sinister smile on her face. Noah shook his head again.

Noah, "Cordelia! you are listening to your beast soul again! Don't do this!" Cordelia shrieked madly, made the queen tremble in her arm.

Noah gritted his teeth, annoyed transformed to a large eagle. flew onto Cordelia. She took a step back let go of the queen's arm. The eagle grabbed Cordelia's waist with its claws and carried her in the air in front of the king and queen's widen eyes. Cordelia was screaming and begging Noah to drop her to the ground. Noah placed her on the floor beside the king.

Cordelia stood up on her foot, gasping for air as Noah smirked.

Noah " Me apologize, your grace, she is learning to control her anger, it's just she is a slow learner" he glared at Cordelia as she blushed,

Hamo," with this behavior, you want to convince me to be your ally."

Noah, " not completely, we can offer you a royal marriage," he smirked.

Hamo coughed, " I have a wife."

Noah, " I heard southern kings have Harem don't they?" he raised an eyebrow, Cordelia and Hanna frown.

Hanna, " King has a queen already!"

Hamo glared at her once again then looked back at Noah.

Hamo, " who do you suggest?"

Noah shrugged, " an attractive queen from the north!"

Cordelia shook her head " I'm not marrying him"

Noah chuckled, " I'm talking about Laura."

Hamo took a step back in fear, hearing her name. Hanna stood up from her golden throne in surprise and disgust.

Hanna," she isn't dead a long time ago?"

Noah nodded, " she is back for now, and I bet she still is way more attractive than most women."

Cordelia " No! my grandmother can't marry! won't accept this!"

Noah shrugged, " she will since it's the only way to have the south army," he smiled stubbornly. King rubbed his chin as a sign of thinking, then gazed over at them.

Hamo " bring her here, if we agree to marry, you'll have my army," he said. Noah opened his mouth to talk before the king pointed onto the guards to get them out.

Cordelia " LAURA WILL KILL US!" she snapped, Noah started to laughed

Noah," she asked for an ally, and we managed to have one so far, she will be proud of us."

Cordelia shook her head as she was sitting on the dragon's back.

Cordelia," she will hate us for this!" she protested, and Noah started to fly onto the Mainland.

After a few days, they are finally in the north, Cordelia feared to face her grandmother thought about ways to tell her about this deal. The more she thought, the less she could come out with any solutions.

As the dragon landed on the yard of the castle, she felt her heart was pounding fast. She managed to breathe naturally. Noah laid his hand on her shoulder.

Noah " good luck with her"

Cordelia, " you are coming with me! Don't let me face her anger alone! please, Noah!"

Noah rubbed the back of his head " well, actually it's days which I didn't check on horses. I'm sure they need a brush," he smirked as Cordelia glared at her,

Cordelia, " you should have just let me took his army by force!"

Noah shook his head " you can't enter another war, so try to be kind."

Cordelia furrowed her brows, " I won't tell her alone: she snapped. Noah coughs in stress ran away. Cordelia smirked, folding her arms against her chest.

Cordelia: stupid boy" at this moment, she felt a hand on her shoulder, widen her eyes turned over to face whoever touched her,

Laura, " what is it you don't want to tell me?" she smirked as Cordelia took a step back in fear.

Cordelia " Grandmother"

Laura " I prefer the word, queen," she reminded her, smirking"

Cordelia nodded, cleared her trout.

Cordelia " as future queen, I managed an alliance." she said innocently with a shaky tone.

Laura clapped her hands," so? what happened next?"

Cordelia " emm, you have to, I mean .... we went to the south by mistake, but we thought why not make an alliance with them? so we asked them."

Laura " and?" she stared in Cordelia's eyes sternly as she played with a ring on her hand.

Cordelia " he will accept it if you ..." she held her breath for a moment before adding, " Marry him."

She wrinkled her nose to look innocent. Laura raised an eyebrow in surprise opened her to say something, but she couldn't find any words for this. She smirked, looked here and there, then laughed. Cordelia widened her eyes in surprise, as the queen kept laughing for almost two minutes. Tears running down her eyes.

Laura " Cordelia?" she finally stopped laughing, and excretion in her face got serious,

Cordelia looked up at her face, innocently.

Laura, " get back to that hole, get their army, and tell him Laura is waiting to see you."

Cordelia nodded politely, " Grand...I mean, my queen, he said you should go there with us."

Laura shook her head in disapproval.

Laura " I'm not going anywhere, he wants a taste of a real queen, he shall come himself" he glared at Cordelia and dismissed her as she thought how she could serve this proud king.


What will next happen?

Laura will marry the southern king?

They will give the king something else?

Vote me for more!