cursed by demons!

In the dismal frigid night, Laura was lying on the bed, pretending to be in a deep slumber, when a shadow appeared on the wall. It got closer to her, kneed beside her bed, stroked her velvet silver hair, he leaned over the queen as Laura felt a familiar breath fanning on her skin opened her eyes to see who is in her room; the shadow hid behind the curtain of the bed.

Laura " Who is there?' the queen narrowed her eyes reached out to the curtain; there is nothing behind it. She let her fit on the cold wooden ground. She threw the silk cloth on her shoulders and stepped onto the window, looked out of it carefully when she found nothing, closed the window, and went back to the bed. At this moment, a shadow appeared behind her and whispered in her ear.

Robert " Laura"

with this, Laura's eyes got watery, and her heart stopped beating for a moment. His voice always gave her goosebumps even when she was mad at him.

Robert, " I can't."

Laura furrowed her brows at this turn to face her; instead of her handsome lover, she found a man with red eyes and dark skin with no hair. She coughed hard in surprise, took a step back.

Laura, " Robert! what happened!"

Robert looked away, not to disgust her anymore.

Robert," he turned me into a soul sucker. I need to be fed! I can't bear it anymore without blood," he muttered in despair.

, A glint of anger passed away Laura's eyes, .who dared to turn her lover into this! She reminded of the hanged man and a curse that turn anyone who kills himself into a soul sucker. She tightened her fists roared under her lips.

Laura, " I told you not to do it! Now transform into one of your victims. I can't tolerate your face! not like this!"

Robert hissed, made Laura scare for a second, then walked closer onto her.

Robert, " I didn't have any yet, I didn't want to do it! I was a vampire hunter all my life, and now what I am! a shitty soul sucker who gives orders from the beasts! our enemies?"

Laura sighed, wrinkled her nose as he got too close that she could throw up any seconds cause of his horrible smell.

Laura, " you came here to turn me?" she raised an eyebrow in fear as he shook his head and embraced her with his arms.

Robert, " I never can do that to my perfect queen. Still, I need blood; otherwise, I get darker and darker until I die," he glanced at her smooth skin. He could imagine how tasteful her blood can be"

Laura nodded, narrowed her eyes. There is nothing left from Robert who she knew but his voice, his manly, wild voice who still could seduce any women he chose. She gazed into two red spots that were supposed to be his eyes. Tears ran from her eyes.

Robert kissed her before she could push him away. Cordelia got in. She couldn't sleep cause of the deal they have to do with the southern king, so she decided to check on her grandmother and faced this!

She opened her mouth to scream. Laura ran onto her, laid her palm on the princess's mouth.

Laura, " shh, you don't want anyone to hurt Robert, do you?

Cordelia widened her eyes, coughed to can breathe in that horrible dense smell.

Cordelia " What is going on, grandmother?"

Laura explained everything to her. made her mad at them both.

Cordelia, " you shouldn't do anything without my permission!" she said, stubbornly looked at Robert's hatred.

Cordelia " Now what? I'm not going to kill one of my subjects every day only for him to can live!"

Laura looked down. She hated to seem weak, but Cordelia was right, Robert was one of the beast's soldiers now, he was a vampire, and they couldn't keep his here. Cordelia kept eye contact with her grandmother long to convinced her to do as Cordelia commands,

Robert watched them two, looking at each other for a long time like they were talking in some new way; Laura looked down. Cordelia let her go and stepped close to Robert; laid her hand on his face.

Laura shouted, " No! let me do it."

Cordelia nodded and stepped back. Laura got close wrapped her arms around him.

Laura, " we will help you, Robert" with this, Cordelia looked away. Robert felt something is wrong. Still, he wrapped his arms around the warrior queen whispered in her ear.

Robert, " I love you."

With this, tears ran out of Laura's eyes. She shut her eyes, reached out for Robert's arrow, the only arrow who could kill a soul sucker, pulled it out, kissed Robert deeply, remembering all the moments they had from the beginning until now.

Robert rubbed her back gently, distracted by her smell, imagining her blue vessel, he opened his mouth. Cordelia noticed he is about to attack her. She shrieked loudly.

Cordelia " Hurry up, Laura!"

And at the moment that he was about to cut her skin, she hit the arrow on his back, Laura stepped back, fell on her knees in grief, Robert's black body fell on the ground, and Cordelia ran onto her grandmother to help her sit on the bed.

Laura hugged Cordelia tightly in her arms, cried on her shoulder like she never cried before. She can't believe its second time that she was crying for Robert,

Laura, " I want to go back. I can't live without him!" She confessed looked so innocent and harmless for the first time,

Cordelia wiped her tears, walked onto her closet, found a large red gown, handed it to Laura.

Cordelia " I can't let that happen, I need you here, we need you here, without you, I can't do this."

Laura grabbed her gown without thinking. She was actually obeying Cordelia unconsciously,

Cordelia," he is here next few days. You will marry Hamo and help me, your queen," she said teasingly and pouted, made Laura laugh.

Laura, " you are not yet! "

Cordelia giggled hugged her again.

Cordelia " I just like teasing the warrior queen, so put yourself together. We have more important things to do."

Laura nodded, laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling as maids got in to take out the corpse. Cordelia felt she needs a moment alone, so she bowed respectfully and walked out. In the hallway, Brishen was about to step out of his chamber to see the princess.

Brishen, " you were screaming at the queen's chamber."

Cordelia shook her head " Nothing important happened. Don't you worry about this? Lord Brishen," she said in a frigid manner, maid Brishen to tremble in anger.

Brishen, "you are too proud of yourself, little princess."

Cordelia raised an eyebrow, looked at him with red eyes, made hi to shut his mouth, and bowed to her. She giggled to herself, felt that she is getting her power bt the time! She just had to wait a little more.

Cordelia commanded to get the castle ready for royal guests, and they made a room prepared for the king and queen of the south. everything had settled in the dining room during breakfast, in Laura's absence, when she got in, all the court got up to bow to the queen.

She pointed at them to sit and sat beside Arthur. He felt her mother is trembling a little bit.

Arthur " do you feel cold, mother?"

Laura, " I'm fine, you mind your business. We have things to do" he bit her lips managed her voice not to shake. Cordelia took her hand under the table, gave her hand a gentle squeeze. Laura's wet eyes stared at Cordelia without any particular feelings and looked at Brishen,

Laura, " you'll marry too just after mine, so we have strong alliances," she commanded, made Cordelia freeze in her place.

Cordelia, " but grandmother! I said after the war."

Laura, " I don't care what you said, rules are rules," she gave her a stern glare.

Cordelia stood up in anger, but her father pointed at her to sit.

Cordelia, " you are just getting revenge!" she protested as Laura gave her another glare to get quiet.

Brishen smiled proudly at her mother got up to kiss her hand.

Brishen, " You always surprise me, my precious mother."

Laura smirked sternly pulled her hand away. Cordelia started to play with her food, annoyed by this decision.

They all get ready for the king's entrance. Laura wore a thousand gown, so that finally picked the purple one which goes with her violet eyes .she wanted to look spectacular and way more beautiful than his other wives in his harem.

Even she borrowed Cordelia's perfume to smell better than her natural one, tied her hair in thousands way until she decided to lay them on her shoulders.

So with a broken heart and wet eyes. Laura was waiting for a man who hated the whole of her life.

The day has come, all the courtiers were waiting in the courtyard for the king and queen. When a few wooden carriages entered the courtyard, and the ordinary and Without glory king with three women came out of one of the carriages.

Seeing this scene, Laura gave Cordelia a death glare that made her cheeks flushed. The king stepped in front of Laura and Cordelia.

King, " glad to see you again after a long time ago."

Laura raised an eyebrow proudly in return.

"I wouldn't be so glad," she replied sternly while everyone looked at her in shock.