Corridor of victims

Noah was still confused about what happened in that Corridor without anyone cares about them, just a few miles away it was Free land, with all the freedom and happiness, people who lived there claimed that they are civilised and friendly.

They had everything and didn't care about the victims of the Corridor. Freelands never let others get into their country, especially the ones who were an inhabitant of the Corridor, even if they ran out of there and reach to Freeland they wouldn't let them in, only because they were inhabitants of the Corridor of Osbert.

Osbert was a beast and attacked everywhere that he wished to, and that made his victims look bad too.

People who just got born in that Corridor or are in his prison called Corridorians. Noah crawled in the darkness to Caleb to not seen by the guards around him.

Noah" Caleb! Hey, I have an idea."

Caleb turned his face to gaze at him as he was eating a muffin.

Caleb " eat and enjoy your life."

Noah sighed, pinched his chubby elbow.

Noah " listen to me, you fat guy! Do you know who I am?"

Caleb winced looked over at him with a slight frown on his face" a stupid guy who doesn't enjoy his life?"

Noah shook his head in disagreement" I'm the lost prince " he relieved whispering.

Caleb widened his eyes.

Caleb " you are the Prince!? How? I thought you were dead!" He gasped for air as He threw the muffin on the ground.

Noah looked down at it then looked back at Caleb " it's enough, we should fight! Or we are going to die! All of us! Without seeing the real world! You don't want to see lands? Ocean? Volcanos? You don't want to have the right to visit wherever you want?"

Caleb nodded as he has no imagination of what Noah was saying, he got born here and never have seen anything but food.

Noah" do you help me?"

Caleb " I thought princes have armies?"

Noah smirked jokingly " I have you" he chuckled patted on his arm.

Caleb widened his eyes " me? "

Noah noded " we will do it all together and get this kingdom back from Osbert we will be even better than Free land!"

Caleb chuckled thought Noah was joking but stopped laughing as he noticed that he was serious!"

Caleb " what do you want to do? Everywhere is guards!"

Noah noded " they are my guards; I have to get them back, then no one can stop us from beating the beasts."

Caleb nodded but looked at him doubtfully.

" if you are a prince then you are a beast, what difference do you have from Osbert? You are just in prison, that's why you are nice."

Noah shook his head tried to talk slowly " they are good people even in beasts! You can't judge people only by their skin colour or their nationality."

Caleb nodded " I'm in," he said as he was eating a biscuit. Noah chuckled " you don't get full?"

Caleb smirked kept eating.

Noah sighed " if only Brayton gets here sooner! "

At this moment he heard some strange sounds of sword fighting and wild murmuring he even listened to a few guards were running! Everyone in the Corridor was sleeping. Caleb looked around himself in fear " what is happening?"

Two guards who were standing there opened the door to see what is going on! As they opened the wooden door, few soldiers got in and killed them too. Noah stood up getting ready to strike as he noticed Brayton in his yellow armour and silver helmet, he threw the perfume onto Noah and ran out without saying a word, he had to leave before any more guards and Osbert noticed this night attack!

Noah examined the perfume! It was what he needed now; he covered himself and Caleb with the perfume.

Noah "?now its the time " he relieved as Caleb was looking at him confused as his arms were still up to let Noah spray the perfume on his chubby body.

Noah " come " he took off one of the guard's armour and wore it quickly .but process of putting the other guard's armour on Caleb took more time as he was way chubbier than the guard. But finally, he wore it and tried Noah to take the guards out.

Noah took the guards onto the yard and leis them besides five other dead men.

Noah " we are one of the guards now! We will get in, and we will follow the rules until I tell you otherwise."

Caleb held his breath looked at dead bodies " what about their voices?"

Noah shrugged " that doesn't matter, guards barely talk; they do whatever Osbert says.


As Caleb nodded, Noah ran into the castle letting others know of the attack! Osbert's soldiers ran out of the court to search for the attackers.

Osbert get out of his chamber angrily and tired " who dared to wake me up!"

Noah cleared his throat, Osbert's shout could make anyone tremble in fear, he held his breath managed to say something but another guard relieved.

" your grace I assume some rebels were here! They just killed guards and left."

Osbert huffed in disgust as he was glaring at them all " find them, I want their heads for my snakes."

As he relieved that, the guard bowed and walked out of the door, Noah and Caleb were standing at the middle of the hall Osbert dismissed them again angrily and got back to his chamber to sleep.

Noah sighed in relief, looked back at Caleb.

Noah " get to horses and come with me" he commanded as he walked onto the yard as he was examining the sword and other stuff which was hanged under his belt.

When Caleb got back, he helped him to sit on a horse as he jumped on another and made the horse run as fast as he can.

" where are we going? " Caleb asked, still confused and shocked by sudden changes.

Noah sighed " you didn't hear the order? We are going after Brayton, the one who gave us the perfume."

" you want to capture him and give him to Osbert?"

Noah shook his head " of course not! They think they are rebels so they will go onto the city, but we are head onto the south, where he is! Then I will tell him what I want."

Caleb stayed silent and followed Noah slowly; the horse didn't listen to him as he didn't know how to ride, Noah noticed him on who couldn't control the horse so offered him to share his horse, Caleb nodded eagerly and switched onto Noah's horse.

He wrapped his arms around Noah and held onto him firmly.

Caleb "Noah, please, slower!" he buried his face in Noah's back as Noah as chuckling loudly."I know a girl who was braver than you!"

Caleb frowned offended as he nearly shrieked in fear, that made Noah laugh harder. They ride fast until they saw a group of the army who were camping beside the river which created a border between south and North,

Brayton smirked as he saw Noah who was jumping off his horse and stepped onto him,

Brayton sat on a wood, drinking a large glass of wine as he pointed at Noah to join them.

Brayton " what the hell are you doing here, man? I thought you shouldn't have traced me."

Noah nodded " I need you to get back what belongs to me."

Brayton sighed " Cordelia wouldn't give you anything."

Noah smirked in confusion "I'm not talking about the princess, I want my kingdom back, and Laura promised to help me."

Brayton shrugged " She doesn't have a good situation right now, although you should try and get your kingdom by yourself."

Noah sighed made Brayton glass of wine explode and gazed at him mockingly " You do that or I don't let you leave! Come on! I helped your grandmother and your nice a lot! it's my turn!"

Brayton chuckled wiped his hand with Noah's armour as he was glaring at him.

Brayton " fine, but I think you should talk to mother, cause these are her husband's army, not hers! They risked them to rescue you now she must have another permission to risk them again! I don't think you need me alone."

Noah sighed shook his head " I need a proper army, and I only git a chubby guy I don't need a drunken one."

Brayton chuckled " I'm well-skilled Noah, but okay, I talk to Cordelia; maybe she could help you out in this manner."

Noah was mad at them!he helped them a lot and got attacked by Cordelia several times whenever she lost control of her aggressive manner!and now they left me alone.

Noah " do your best, don't let me think humans are worst than beasts" he raised an eyebrow mockingly as Brayton nodded.

" I'm heading onto Cordelia's court. I will let her know, don't worry we will help you, just for now, be a good guard, be one of them and use that perfume every 8 hours to keep the disgusting beast smell" he coughed jokingly but made Noah frown.

"Noah " I'm a half-beast!" he got offended and kicked Brayton's leg, he fell on the ground as he was drunk.

Caleb laughed at this " I think we should give Osbert some rebels."

Noah nodded the looked at Brayton, then at Caleb.

Noah " I will give him what he wants," he said proudly then separated from Brayton as he walks beside Caleb onto the horse. When they got back, Noah went behind the Corridor of the victims opened a door, the smell of the dead bodies made him narrow his eyes, opened the door and pulled out. A larger one.

Noah " he killed a lot of people so he wouldn't recognise a familiar face" he relieved as he pulled the dead body up onto Osberd's bed-chamber knocked on the door, Osbert opened the door and faced the dead body, for a moment of fear he stared at Noah then at the body, Caleb thought that he noticed the truth and his heart stop beating,

But Osbert chuckled loudly.

Osbert " You deserve a prize boy! well done! you found the leader!go get rest tomorrow I will give you the present "he winked at him as he walked back in his chamber.

Noah took a deep breath as Osbert closed the door, turned looked down of the stairs to stare at Caleb.

Noah " we did it " he gasped in relief walked back onto his chubby friend.


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