

Sheraff and Theraff Longfang

Sheraff Longfang is the son of Deraff and Lea Longfang. His older brother is Theraff Longfang, a silverback. Due to this reason, he always felt ostracized. Everyone admired his older brother and doted over him. His mother especially. She almost never had time for him as she was always tending to his older brother. This used to hurt Sheraff, but over time came to hate his mother for it. His father, however, was always kind to Sheraff. Sometimes Sheraff would almost feel like his father was apologizing to him for not having birthed him as a silverback too.

When he was very young, Sheraff saw his father and his pack get massacred by vampires. Enormous winged creatures, mercilessly slaughtering everyone and everything he knew. His brother grabbed his arms as he stood by the burning house, and had dragged him away from it all. With everything lost to them, all Sheraff had was his brother.

Soon the two of them became wild in the wilderness and lived like animals. Until one day, they tried to rob from two werewolves called Levet and Ranfred. The two, experienced, and powerful werewolves easily overpowered the young scamps. But instead of killing them, to Sheraff's surprise, they saw something in them, so they took them in.

They tamed the wilderness out of them and made them live normal lives again. Theraff got his boisterous spirit back, and Sheraff would do everything in his power to keep up. Theraff would kill a wild boar with his bare hands at twelve, Sheraff had to do it too.

As more and more werewolves started joining the small posse, his brother kept getting more and more powerful and reckless. Sheraff got used to playing the catch up game and would always chase after his brother's exploits.

This meant that the two brothers got a big reputation as powerful werewolves among the informal pack. One day, Sheraff sat his brother down and proposed they make a formal with an alpha. Theraff thought for a long time in that small cabin, and finally got up and refused Sheraff's offer; he would not be alpha...Sheraff should be the one to lead the pack.

Taken aback and shocked, Sheraff refused too, but Theraff insisted and finally won his brother over. Sheraff got married to a wise-old werewolf's daughter, and finally slowed down and stopped chasing after his brother.

When Theraff finally looked over his shoulder, he realized he missed his little brother not rushing after him.

Levet Wardrow and Ranfred Luff

A widely known and very powerful his time. Levet was unmatched in speed and power as a young werewolf. Everyone expected him to rise to alpha in his pack (including the old alpha who offered to relinquish his position for him), but Levet refused. He never had any interest in the pack mentality. He set off alone, an Omega, to see the world and conquer it.

He came across a couple of vampires standing in a town full of slaughtered people. Somehow, that sight really disgusted him. In a scream of anger, he jumped on the two vampires and killed them...they were easier pray than he'd thought. That day, he decided t begin his conquest to hunt down every vampire he could. He didn't hate them...he just felt threatened by them. Every single vampire he ever heard of in his travels, he went after it...and every single one he killed. His bloodlust was such, he gained the nickname "Vampire Killer" among werewolves.

Passing through town after town, he finally ended up in the small village of Arum. The villagers knew about werewolves, but instead of shunning or hunting the, they revered them. This, Levet learned was because a werewolf had saved their entire village once. A young, tough werewolf, unmatched in speed and power... The informal alpha of the small village pack. The locals laughed and warned Levet that this werewolf was far beyond his powers. Levet got curious...and hungry. He decided to stay in the village till the alpha came back.

The young alpha finally did come back. He was called Ranfred, was about as old as Levet, except slightly thinner. He looked bored out of his mind when Levet met him on the main street and challenged him to a fight. His pack laughed at Levet but one gesture from Ranfred and the young adults instantly fell silent. That level of respect that Levet saw somewhere, made him admire Ranfred.

Both of them rushed at each other at the same time and the village shook with the force of their clash. Somewhere along the fight, Ranfred stopped taking it easy and started to get serious. But it didn't matter; Levet and him were evenly matched.

As the evening set, both of them finally collapsed back on the ground and agreed to continue this fight another day. Ranfred smiled for the first time since Levet had seen him and that somehow made his entire face glow...something in his eyes as if he'd finally seen hope.

Levet was in bed when Ranfred sneaked into his room late at night. He offered him his hand and both shook it; a level of respect for each other. Ranfred told him he was utterly bored of this village and of this world. Nothing was a challenge for him anymore. He'd been staying in this village because they were feeding him well...but his mind was asleep, starved of any form of fun or hope. But Levet had given it to him; someone who was an actual challenge to him...a rival.

"Let's just leave and see the world together." offered Ranfred. "There must be so much out there." Levet just grinned and slapped Ranfred's back. Both of them left the village that night, never to return.

They went from town after town, arguing, fighting, co-operating, supporting each other. The tale of the pair of Omegas reached far and wide in the werewolf world. They spent their entire life on the move, just exploring every town of Decimandria they came across. They solved unsolvable mysteries for the Emperor's guards, they rescued damsels and bed them, they cleared up entire bandit bases on their own...before they'd realized it, their rivalry became a bond of brotherhood.

One day, as they were traversing a dense wood, two young werewolves tried to attack them for their food. It was almost laughable to them how bad they were, but their spirit...their eyes looked the same as the ones they'd see in a mirror. So, they took them in and raised them as their own. The silverback showed promise, so Levet and Ranfred decided to teach him everything they knew. The younger one was not to be left behind, and at times, even overtook his older brother.

Soon, the two started taking in many lost Omegas...and before long, they had entire pack. The two young werewolves grew up to be strong men...and before long, the two of them took charge and made a pack. When Levet finally looked in the mirror again, he'd grown older and weaker...he'd spent his time raising the two werewolves. He didn't hate that...but it did sting a little bit. He looked over at Ranfred, and his friend now had a huge beard as he smoked from a long pipe...he had gotten older too...

Sierra Voidfire

Sierra Voidfire is the Elder Vampire of the East. Her real name, or rather, the name she had before is known only to a handful of people who aren't dead. Her history is obscured and her story long. What can be stated for certain is that she used to live on Earth as a human. Kicked to the curb by her family since she was a child, she made her living doing any and all jobs that came her way. She was unnaturally strong and fast and an orphan on top of that. This meant she was always recruited for anarchical jobs. Heists, extortion, blackmail, and even assassination. She was known as the orphan with no conscience who always got the job done no matter what. However, a long string of crime meant she'd drawn the attention of both the law and some other very threatening organizations.

Before the walls could close in on her and collapse, burying her alive, a man came to her. A young, sharply intelligent, and a very, very dangerous young man. This man went by Valentine. He protected her, fed her, trained her...loved her when everyone else wanted to see her burn. Somewhere, she started to get an infatuation with this man; the one person who she felt truly loved her for who she was and never asked anything in return.

Valentine changed her in more ways than one. Not only changing her attitude, he also awakened the Elder Vampire powers she never knew she had. More than that, when Sierra was burning with anger, he gave her means of revenge. Not much is known about this 'revenge' event, except it took place in the Shadow Void with very few witnesses. This incident changed Sierra forever. Somehow it'd damaged her. Her mind had gone over the edge...and Valentine saw this. He dubbed her Lady Voidfire that day for the feat she had pulled and took her a different world; Decimandria, where she could live and rule alongside him, forgetting the past. Whether to hold her prisoner for his own gain, or to heal her, he forbade her from returning to Earth.

And so, she remains in Decimandria, serving as one of the four direct subordinates to the Master Vampire. She's played a major role in The Order's expansion and wars that followed and built up quite a name for herself. Though her sister of the South still remains much more well-known and feared as being bloodthirsty, it is said Sierra Voidfire's tales never spread, because no one was ever left alive to do so...

Valek Arkwright a.k.a. Lord Valentine

Valek Arkwright, a Master Vampire, is one of the most dangerous and powerful people in all of Decimandria. He has long, slicked back, black hair. His eyes, though brown at the time of his birth, turned black when his vampiric gene took over. He is the third child of his two human parents Deacon and Paris Arkwright, who are still unaware of their son's true nature. He was raised as a human for fifteen years, till one day he fell dangerously ill as his vampiric gene came out of dormancy and started destroying his human body to rebuild it as the one befitting the most powerful vampire in history.

In Decimandria, Valek is shrouded in mystery, with only very few people knowing his first name let alone his past and origin. In his fifteenth year, Valek came down to Decimandria, defeated the usurper who had taken control of The Order and took command as his birthright demanded. Known as Valentine to most, now at eighteen years of age, he is the Lord Commander of The Order and an unofficial member of the Royal Court. After having a major hand in electing Empress Adlea Cerys von Tezeroff as the ruler of Decimandria, over her half-brother Treynarr, Valek chose to take a back seat and observe the Empress rule instead of leading her by hand as he had originally planned. Proving himself again and again at being more than adept at dealing with tricky political situations, Valek does not shy away from violence when push comes to shove. Wracking up inhuman feats within just a few short years, entire armies now turn tail and run if it is found that Lord Valentine is on the other side of the battlefield. The most recent and brutal example of his feats was in the Kivv War, when Valek almost singlehandedly wiped out most of the opposing army and flooded the streets with rivers of blood. Despite having these demonic powers though, Valek is still a firm believer of the phrase, 'knowledge is power'. He prides himself on being the most well-informed person in a room, having ears everywhere, and eyes everywhere else.

Within his own kind, Valek is extremely revered. Valek is the new vampire progenitor and the most powerful vampire in history. He is a fervent protector of his race, and shows no mercy to any who learn of vampires or try to tell the world about them. He is loved, feared, and respected within The Order, his command being the ultimate rule. Valek brought The Order back from the brink of destruction and totally revamped it. It is now the most formidable organization in the world with Valek sitting at its throne.

Over the years, and over many preceding Master Vampires, Valek has also gained a lot of pseudonyms, including: The Most Powerful Man in the World, The Most Dangerous Man in the World, Overlord of Death, Demon Lord, Son of the Devil, The Prince of Darkness, Shadow Master, Red Death, and many more.