

One of the most dangerous creatures that roam Decimandria. Though most humans consider them a myth, there a few who have seen their reality. As for the myth, it portrays vampires as if they're some sort of undead beings who can't step in sunlight, are allergic to garlic, and can be killed with a wooden stake through the heart. The reality, however, is far from the truth.

Vampires are creatures of a different race than humans entirely. The story of how and why exactly vampires came to Decimandria has been lost in the annals of time. Even vampiric history cannot recall it. However, it is known to the learned vampires that Decimandria was not their home in the beginning; vampires had a realm they called home before. Now, the only thing left to them is the Shadow Void. Called "Rev'rach" (literally meaning 'bridge-arch') in the vampiric language. It is hypothesized that the Shadow Void is the connecting realm between the vampiric realm and Decimandria. Many attempts have been made by a great number of vampires over the ages to navigate this dark dimension, but all of them have ended in failure. The portal back to their home has never been found by any of them. However, due to the exploration of the Shadow Void, vampires discovered portals to other realms, like Earth's, and some migrated to those dimensions and continue to live their lives there. The Shadow Void has also become a source of strength for vampires, some being able to summon subservient creatures that exist there.

Sunlight doesn't bother them any more than it does humans. In fact, it bothers them even less since they have a enormous resistance to hotter and colder environments. Even magical fire and ice rarely do them any harm. It is rumored among the vampires that dragon blood can increase their powers far more than they inherently have, but this still remains largely unproven. Regardless, they are extremely powerful, with a wide range magical abilities at their disposal. However, vampires have a hierarchy; levels of different vampires separated by their power and abilities.

Lesser Vampires:

As the name suggests, these type of vampires are the lowest sub-group in the vampire hierarchy. Usually, they are shunned by others of their kind. They stay alone, but will form groups if it means survivalibility.

Lesser vampires need to drink human blood to go out in the sunlight, without which, the myth about sun burning them becomes true. Consuming human blood also increases their speed and power. Silver is painful for them to even look at, as it shines brightly in their eyes, irritating and angering them.

Lesser vampires are created when a human body which has been bitten by a vampire, rejects the vampire gene. The result is a creature with stunted powers and abnormal growth. A lesser vampire cannot turn another human into a vampire. Lesser vampires can also be formed if a human gains the vampiric gene through some cult ritual, offerings to dark powers, alchemical experiments with the vampire gene or, in very rare cases, by extremely excessive drinking of higher vampire blood.

They can adapt the physical appearance of a human, and will mostly find victims to seduce in that form. Lesser vampires are indiscernible from humans by appearance. Even most magical spells would not be able to find them, as they metamorph into the shape of a human rather than put up some illusion. Lesser vampires can also metamorph into vampire bats if they so desire. However, their real and most dangerous form is the one that looks like almost a cross between an overgrown bat and a lion. It is called as "Gar'ach" in the vampiric language which can be roughly translated to mean "impure form". Towering over eight feet tall with huge claws able to rip apart metal armor with ease. In this form, they are even more dangerous. Lesser vampires have characteristic yellow glowing vampiric eyes, and it is often used as a distinguishing factor when determining the sub-group to which a vampire belongs to.

In terms of strength and speed, few can match them. Lesser vampires don't have any inate magical abilities to speak of, but due to the magic flowing in their bloods, lesser vampires can master magical spells more easily and adeptly than humans. And those spells have increased power than that of a human mage. Iron and steel swords, though they can cut and wound lesser vampires, it is pointless since their wounds heal in mere moments. Even the most grievous wound created by an ordinary weapon would heal before the attacker had a chance to slash again. In cases like these though, a silver weapon or a highly enchanted weapon is what is needed. Going against a lesser vampire with anything less is suicide.

Lesser vampires usually have a lifespan of about 500-600 years (though few get the luxury of living that long), giving rise to the misconception that they are immortal.


• Metamorph into a Vampire Bat

• Metamorph into a Human

• Metamorph into Gar'ach form

• Magical Resistance up to Tier 5 Novice level spells

• Increased speed of magical spell mastery

• Increased power of magical spells

• Supernatural Speed

• Supernatural Strength

• Supernatural Hearing

• Supernatural Agility

• Supernatural Endurance

• Supernatural Reflexes

• Supernatural Stamina

• Body Temperature Regulation

• Night-vision

• Invisibility

• Creatures of the night communication

• Seduction

• Cold Resistance

• Heat Resistance

• Poison Resistance

• Disease Resistance

Higher vampires:

Higher vampires are the most common kind of vampires. These individuals are extremely dangerous. However, they rarely bother with humans, considering no more than slightly intelligent swines. Higher vampires have no need to drink human blood to go out in the sun. Human blood to them is a delicacy that they might indulge in from time to time; like alcohol. However, just like alcohol is to humans, higher vampires can get addicted to human blood if indulged into too frequently and in too much quantity.

An addicted higher vampire can drink an entire town dry of human blood and still not be satiated. That's why, a lot of higher vampires prefer not to drink human blood at all. Vampires prefer not to be bothered by other creatures, and an addicted vampire draws too much attention to itself in the form of knights-errant, Hunters, or Dragonhearts. Even if the vampire does kill them, it is an annoyance the vampire would rather not keep.

Silver, also, does not harm higher vampires if they look at it or touch it. Younger vampires may feel a sting if they touch silver but that sensation will fade away in a few decades. Iron and steel weapons are not able to wound or cut higher vampires at all. To be able to harm them, one must use silver weapons or enchanted weapons. Even then though, any wounds inflicted on them heals near instantaneously. Only by using extremely high-grade enchanted weapons does anyone have a chance to keep higher vampires at bay. Higher vampires are notoriously hard to kill, regardless of the weapon, due to their extreme healing capabilities.

Higher vampires have several in-born magical abilities. They can turn into a swarm of bats and travel great distances very quickly. Their speed and strength is almost unmatched by any creature in the world; a mere blur to humans if they so wish.

Another dangerous ability of theirs is to manipulate blood that has been spilled. Called as Blood Art, they can make the blood take any form; a blade, an ax, or a saw big enough to decapitate an entire village. It can flow freely according to the whims of the vampires. It should be noted that they cannot increase the quantity of blood. However they want to influence the blood, they can only do so with the quantity around them. This, higher vampires, can easily arrange. The more they kill, the more blood is spilled, the stronger their Blood Art gets and the harder they are to fight, flee, or kill.

Higher vampires are one of the most deadly creatures in any realm. They are treated with fear even by their own supernatural brethren. Werewolves, wendigos, succubi, selkies, sirens, banshees, etc. will almost always prefer not to pick a fight with them.

Higher vampires look like humans. It is said in the few original vampiric records, that vampires looked slightly different than humans when they first came to this land; but that drew attention toward them, so they quickly evolved into taking the appearance of humans. However, higher vampires can also shift their into their true vampiric form on will. They rarely need to do this, since even in their humanoid form, they can lengthen their nails into claws and teeth into fangs; a form more than capable of dealing with most threats that come their way.

If a higher vampire does change into its vampiric form, it is of one of a tall human with scaly wings. Going over six feet, this form is more slender than that of their lesser cousins, preferring elegance over brute force. The bone structure gets more enhanced and prominent on their bodies, the skin stretches thin, their arms grow longer, the fangs and claws come out. They also materialize long, scaly, wings which allow them to fly at great speeds. Their eyes also start glowing blue. This form is called "Evrecht" which means "true" in the vampiric language. Blue eyes is characteristic of higher vampires. All higher vampires have the same shade of bright blue, glowing, vampiric eyes and is one of the key features of distinguishing them.

Another of their form is into one of smoke called "Sezz". At will, they can shift into black mist, nearly indiscernible from normal smoke if they please. They can move long distances like this and even fly. Weapons will do them no harm in this state (save for those designed to hit astral beings). This mist form is often higher vampires' trump card, allowing them to enter or leave from even the smallest of crevices, escape lynch mobs, kill enemies without taking any damage at all, and observe any creature without being noticed.

Higher vampires are immortal, able to live for thousands of years and not look a day older, if they so choose. However, few vampires choose to look the same over their long lifespan, or stay in the same town for long. A few older vampires simply choose to die when they start getting bored of life after having experienced everything it had to offer fifty times over.


• Metamorph into a Vampire Bat

• Metamorph into a swarm of bats

• Metamorph into Everecht form

• Metamorph into Sezz form

• Complete Magical Resistance up to Tier 3 Adept level spells

• Increased speed of magical spell mastery

• Increased power of magical spells

• Capability to survive in the Shadow Void

• Turn humans into vampires through bite

• Supernatural Speed

• Supernatural Strength

• Supernatural Hearing

• Supernatural Agility

• Supernatural Endurance

• Supernatural Reflexes

• Supernatural Stamina

• Body Temperature Regulation

• Flight (in True Form)

• Night-vision

• Ultrasonic Sensing

• Sense Blood

• Sense Life

• Invisibility

• Extrinsic Blood Arts

• Summon subservient creatures of the night

• Creatures of the night communication

• Seduction

• Charm

• Cold Resistance

• Heat Resistance

• Poison Resistance

• Disease Immunity

Elder Vampires:

Here, we enter the realm of legends, even for vampires. Elder vampires are extremely rare and extremely powerful beings. Even higher vampires themselves do not dare cross them. At any given time, there can only be four Elder Vampires in existence. They sit second from the top in the vampire hierarchy. Hence, by default, if a Master Vampire doesn't exist, elder vampires take command of all their brethren.

However, this shared command has often led to conflict among elder vampires throughout vampiric history, and many times elder vampires have killed each other in a scramble for power in the early days. Recently, in the past few thousand years, however, the newer elder vampires have stopped this bickering.

Elder vampires cannot be created through bite; they are always born. Once an elder vampire dies, its gene may awake hundreds, or even thousands, of years later in some other being. Not even vampires themselves know exactly how this gene is transferred; whether one has to be a descendant of the elder vampire or, as some vampire researchers claim, the gene itself goes into the Shadow Void, surveying any and all beings, and chooses one to be an elder vampire. This long periods of absence means that rarely has the world ever seen all four of its elder vampires alive at the same time and cooperating.

Elder vampires have tremendous skill. The difference in power between a higher vampire and an elder is monumental. If the four elder vampires work in perfect harmony, there are few things they cannot conquer. Elder vampires can also change their form, like their higher cousin. They have the "Evrecht" form (albeit much more powerful than the higher vampires' one), but elder vampires also have another formation. At will, they can turn into something that does not resemble a human in any way. Their skin turns jet black, their characteristic violet eyes start glowing, they grow in bulk and height (over 12 feet), and they sprout, huge, black wings. In this form, their face completely changes into one that resembles a demon more than a human. Their hands are longer, their feet slightly bent over like a gargoyles, to support their enormous weight, long claws sticking out. This form is called as "Vrassr" (translated to 'superior') in the vampire language. An elder vmapire will rarely choose to shift into this form though.

Elder vampire also have telekinesis abilities and the ability to fly without any wings or changing their form. This of course, adds to their, ever growing arsenal, making it even more formidable.


• Metamorph into a Elder Vampire bat

• Metamorph into a swarm of Elder Vampire bats

• Metamorph into any creature of the night

• Metamorph into Evrecht form

• Metamorph into Sezz form

• Metamorph into Vrassr form

• Complete Magical Resistance up to Tier 3 Expert level spells

• Increased magical mastery

• Increased magical power

• Hypnosis

• Telekinesis

• Bloodlust Shockwave

• Survive Shadow Void

• Summon Shadow Void creatures

• Open Shadow Void portal

• Voidflame mastery

• Posses creatures of the night

• Summon creatures of the night

• Communicate with creatures of the night

• Turn humans into vampires through bite

• Supernatural Speed

• Supernatural Strength

• Supernatural Hearing

• Supernatural Agility

• Supernatural Endurance

• Supernatural Reflexes

• Supernatural Stamina

• Body Temperature Regulation

• Flight (in any form, including human)

• Night-vision

• Ultrasonic Sensing

• Sense Blood

• Sense Life

• Dark Vision

• Invisibility

• Intimidation

• Seduction

• Charm

• Extrinsic Blood Arts

• Mid-tier Weather Control

• Cold Resistance

• Heat Resistance

• Poison Resistance

• Disease Immunity

Master Vampires:

The very top of the vampirical hierarchy; Master Vampires. These are vampires are the most powerful vampires of them all. None can match them in speed, strength, power, magic. Not even elder vampires can hold a candle them to them.

Master Vampires' sole reason for existence is to lead their kind. They are the most powerful because they're supposed to rule over and guide all the others. At any given time, only one master vampire may exist. Just like the Elder Vampires, Master Vampires are born, never made through bite. The transfer of the Master Vampire gene remains a mystery to this day, even to the Master Vampires themselves. When a Master Vampire does ascend though, all vampires owe him their fealty, regardless of their beliefs, emotions, family, etc. He is the absolute ruler and his command is the final one.

Master Vampires are the ultimate vampires...the sum total of every other of their kind (or rather, the others have some part of the Masters). Master Vampires have vast reserves of mana. Their connection to the Shadow Void is the strongest. Master Vampires also have an easier time mastering all the vampiric forms. They can easily shift into the perfect "Evercht" and "Vrassr" forms without needing the decades of practice like the Higher Vampires do.

There is, however, a form between the "Vrassr" and "Evrecht" form. It is called as "Mvevvrer" (meaning hybrid in the vampiric language). Over history, only few elder vampires and master vampires have been able to shift into it. In this form, the vampire's skin turns extremely pale white. Its claws come out, it increases in height to about eight feet. The bone structure becomes more prominent, and the the vampire materializes two front-facing horns on its head. These horns, being magical, have the capacity to cast Void spells with ease. There is an aura of black smoke surrounding the vampire, and he has the ability to pull any void creature or night creature from it in less time than it takes to blink. The main difference though, are the wings. The wings on the Mvevvrer form are made up of huge, black feathers. This has led to a misconception from the few who survived after seeing this form to believe the Master Vampire is the Fallen Angel. However, all of the current four elder vampires in Decimandria do not have the capacity to shift into the Mvevvrer form. But the current Master Vampire does. It is said that a vampire raised by humans has the capability to shift into the Mvevvrer form. Another theory is that it just requires perfect control. Regardless of the reason, the current Master Vampire has mastered this rare, and largely unexplored, form.

Master Vampires also have a special ability called "Occlude". This skill allows them to completely stop the momentum of any object, regardless if it is alive or dead. It works differently from telekinesis, in the fact that it can only freeze objects. It cannot move or throw them. However, the number of objects that can be frozen is virtually limitless, only being throttled by the skill of the Master Vampire in question.

Master Vampires' Blood Art is also slightly different. Master Vampires do not need to have blood already spilled to manipulate it into any form. They are powerful enough to "summon" blood and then influence it immediately. It is not known how much blood a Master Vampire can summon, but there was a case once when a Master Vampire flooded an entire city with blood. This is certainly one of the more powerful and dangerous of their abilities, as blood can be used to make weapons as sharp as steel, or drown people, or cover their eyesights, prevent them from fleeing, and the list is only limited up to the Master Vampire's imagination.

One of the main things that set apart Master Vampires though, is their ability to "Reteff" (literally meaning 'to perfect' in the vampire language); Master Vampires can change Lesser Vampires into Higher Vampires through forming a blood-pact or by bite. There is also faded records of Master Vampires being able to take away the vampire gene from Higher or Lesser Vampires, essentially turning them human. However, the records for this are extremely vague, and this ability of theirs has never been tested.

The defining feature of Master Vampires is their red eyes. All Master Vampires have red, glowing, vampiric eyes. Master Vampires are also known for being more social than Elders. Since, their role is to rule over their kind, Master Vampires do not hate company as much as their lower cousins. One of the other major things that set apart Master Vampires, is their ability to dominate other vampires to act against their will called 'Overlord'. This ability takes a long time to perfect and to use without strain, but once it is done, a Master Vampire can make any others of its kind do whatever it wishes, regardless of their inhibitions. The victim vampire will know what it's doing, but it will have no control to stop itself.

It goes without saying that Master Vampires can turn humans into vampires through bite. Any vampires that Master create, though physically similar to their other Higher brethren, are much stronger than them. A vampire created by the Master Vampire himself commands a lot of respect and admiration from his kind.

Another unique ability that Master Vampires have is their mastery of Hellfire. The red flame is one of the strongest and most dangerous fire that exists in any realm, and Master Vampires have complete control over it. There have been very few who have even known existence of such a power, and the couple who tried to summon the fire burnt up so bad, not even their ashes remained, let alone control it. Of course, Master Vampires can also summon Voidfire, the roaring purple fire from the Shadow Void.

Master Vampires can not only summon creatures from the Shadow Void, they can also posses them. Even Elder vampires can't do it because, comparatively, their connection to the Void is much weaker. Master Vampires can also metamorph into any Shadow Void creature they wish.

Master Vampires also get the final form of vampires; Aevserr (literally meaning 'King' or 'Absolute'). This is the ultimate vampire form. It is taller than the Vrassr form, reaching over 16 feet in height. The build is bulkier and stronger. However, the thing that completely sets it apart from any other form, is that in this form, the Master Vampire's body starts glowing with red, vampiric runes. Like shining tattoos, each rune meaning something, they'll glow as bright as his eyes. There is also a aura of black smoke with thunder in it surrounding the Master Vampire. This form is rarely ever used throughout the Master Vampire's lifetime. The last recorded incident of a Master Vampire using this was when he almost destroyed the world.

Another very powerful abilities that Master Vampires have, is their innate ability to teleport. This teleportation doesn't work like the usual 'open portal, walk through' method. A Master Vampire can literally teleport himself. No portals, no gateways; Master Vampires can teleport their body at will. It looks like they just disappeared and reappeared in some other place. No outward magic is displayed, as all the magic went on inside the body of the Master. This ability is especially deadly, as Master Vampires can teleport all of over the battlefield before anybody even realizes what's going on. The ability is more limited than the traditional portal method, being that there is a certain distant to which the Master can teleport and can teleport cross-dimensionally only after years of sharpening the skill to reach just one location in the other dimension.

Master Vampires grow in power at an alarmingly quick rate. All vampires have the ability to grow stronger and stronger as time goes by. But Master Vampires grow with each day. Within a year, a Master Vampire will be noticeably stronger than his last iteration. For immortal beings, a year is but a heartbeat. Master Vampires can outclass their previous self within months. They're always stronger today than they were yesterday. Theoretically, a Master Vampire can just keep growing in power for as long as time exists.


• Metamorph into a Elder Vampire bat

• Metamorph into a swarm of Elder Vampire bats

• Metamorph into any creature of the night

• Metmorph into any Shadow Void creature

• Metamorph into Sezz form

• Metamorph into Evrecht form

• Metamorph into Mvevvrer form

• Metamorph into Vrassr form

• Metamorph into Aevserr form

• Complete Magical Resistance up to Tier 3 Master level spells

• Increased magical mastery

• Increased magical power

• Hypnosis

• Telekinesis

• Bloodlust Shockwave

• Survive Shadow Void

• Summon Shadow Void creatures

• Open Shadow Void portal

• Voidflame Mastery

• Hellfire Mastery

• Communicate with creatures of the night

• Summon creatures of the night

• Posses creatures of the night

• Turn humans into vampires through bite

• Reteff (turn Lesser Vampires into Higher Vampires)

• Kill vampiric gene within vampires

• Supernatural Speed

• Supernatural Strength

• Supernatural Hearing

• Supernatural Agility

• Supernatural Endurance

• Supernatural Reflexes

• Supernatural Stamina

• Body Temperature Regulation

• Occlude (freeze objects)

• Flight (in any form, including human)

• Night-vision

• Shadow Vision

• Ultrasonic Sensing

• Sense Blood

• Sense Life

• Dark Vision

• Invisibility

• Intimidation

• Cast fear

• Seduction

• Charm

• Greater Weather Control

• Intrinsic Blood Arts

• Overlord (force any vampire into doing the Master's wishes)

• Cold Resistance

• Heat Resistance

• Poison Resistance

• Disease Immunity

• Paralysis Immunity

• Near Invulnerability

• Teleportation


Another well-known and extremely dangerous supernatural; werewolves. Beings said to lose control on a full moon and transform from a human form into a that of a deranged wolf. However, the truth, like most cases, is slightly different.

Werewolves are extremely dangerous creatures. Their origins have never surfaced (or will ever surface in all probability) because unlike their other supernatural brethren, the vampires, werewolves are extremely disorderly. Their world runs only on two words: 'power' and 'pack'. A werewolf will always seek one or the other of these two things throughout his lifetime. Those without power will try to find a pack to belong to, those without a pack will seek to get more powerful. Only a few werewolves ever get the luxury of having both, and when they do, they become Alphas.

Werewolves are thought to be savage creatures, but this is not true. Though most prefer rustic life-styles away from the bustles of an enclosed city, there are those who do live like normal humans. It is very difficult for one to know if a person is a werewolf. The werewolf's human form in indiscernible from that of a human. Of course they are a lot more powerful than any human could every hope to be, but from their appearance alone, it would be impossible for anyone to tell anything.

Werewolves prefer freedom. By their very nature, they are attracted to the open world were they can run free. However, they are not nearly as stubborn in their beliefs and nature as Berserkers. There are werewolves who learn to tame their wildness. However, cooperation between their entire kind, like that achieved by vampires, is just an optimistic dream shared by a very limited number of werewolves. Werewolves have always had differences with each other and this has made any hope of a utopia impossible. In this case, they do resemble human nature.

Werewolves can either be born, or made from humans through bite. The bitten werewolf will always be more savage and unpredictable in his nature than a werewolf that was born. This is natural, as a human body shifted into something supernatural will of course, have trouble keeping up with the magic in it. The bite can, needless to say, kill. But if it doesn't, a human is transformed into a werewolf.

Werewolves also have a hierarchy. Or rather, it can be said it is an informal order of power.


The most common form of werewolves. In a lot of cases, they are not even classified as werewolves. This is a mistake, however. Lycans are werewolves, just the lowest rung of the ladder.

Lycans are slightly different than their other cousins. To begin with, they can transform into their wolf form at will. It is not easy for a young lycan to transform. It takes a lot of practice, just like a baby would need to walk. If they do finally manage to transform, there are times when they can get stuck in their wolf form for days. They mothers are quite used to this and this is not something to panic about. However, as they get older, lycans can transform into their wolf form (or human form) in an instant.

Their werewolf form resembles a wolf in almost every way. It is a great deal bigger than a normal wolf, easily reaching over six to seven feet on four legs. But otherwise, there is very little difference between a wolf and a transformed lycan. The biggest giveaway, however, is their eyes. A lycan's eyes in his werewolf form will always shine brightly with some color. Unluckily, there is no set color for a lycan's eyes to identify them; they can range from any color of the rainbow. The giveaway is the shining pupils like that of a torch. For any human, if he sees a huge wolf with shining eyes, he should make peace with his gods as he runs as fast as he can away from the glowing orbs.

The same is the case with their fur. Lycans can change fur color as they grow older, but once past puberty, there are very few cases of a werewolf changing his fur color again. A lycan can go on to live for hundreds of years; it is to be noted however, that lycans are not immortal. Their supernatural healing ability helps them live such long lives, but even that has its limits.

In their human form, lycans show no trace of being a wolf. They do, however, carry over their supernatural sense of smell, speed, senses and strength, although not as potent as they would be in their werewolf form.

In most cases, lycans cannot transform a human into a werewolf through bite. There have been rare cases where this has happened though. However, even among those few cases, nearly all victims died before turning into a werewolf.

A lycan gains more power whenever there is a moon out. During a full moon, its power is multiplied by a huge margin. A blue moon, and especially a blood moon makes them tens of times more powerful.

A lycan is weak to silver and wolf's bane. Silver can disorient its vision, although with its superhuman smell and hearing, it is still extremely deadly. A Wolf's bane flower's smell can overpower a lycan's nose and make it unable to distinguish between other smells. Powdered to a paste and then somehow injected into a lycan's bloodstream will stop its healing ability around that wound.


• Supernatural Strength

• Supernatural Speed

• Supernatural Agility

• Supernatural Smell

• Supernatural Hearing

• Supernatural Vision

• Supernatural Endurance

• Supernatural Reflexes

• Supernatural Stamina

• Night Vision

• Healing Factor

• Willful Shapeshifting

• Natural Weather Resistance

• Predator Instinct

• Lunar Empowerment

• Berserk Anger Empowerment

• Semi-immortality


The most rumored, and the most widely-known, werewolves are the lunatics. These werewolves are a quite a bit stronger than their lycan cousins. However, the biggest difference is, lunatics have little to no control over their transformation. During a full-moon or when they let their emotions take control, a lunatic will involuntarily transform into his werewolf form. In this form, he goes berserk. He does not recognize friend from foe. He won't attack other werewolves unless provoked, but will shred everything else that moves.

The word 'lunatic' itself comes from these werewolves; beings who lose control at the sight of the moon. Lunatics are enormously more dangerous than lycans. They are unpredictable and much more wild than a lycan would be, even in their human forms.

In a human form, a lunatic is on par with lycan in his werewolf form. However, when he shifts, he surpasses lycans by a mile. The werewolf form for a lunatic is also highly different. A lunatic werewolf walks on two, muscular hind legs. These are mainly used for running at superhuman speeds or jumping further than most living creatures. It uses its hands as the main weapon for attack and defense. A lunatic has huge (retractable or extendable) claws. These nails can easily rip apart solid steel. Its head only slightly resembles a conventional wolf, albeit much more savage and larger.

A lunatic werewolf's bite transforms a human into a werewolf or kills them if the body rejects the strain. Most lunatics don't remember their time in their other form. It is a total loss of control and reason for them.

A lunatic usually prefers to live alone. The lycan alphas of a pack very often end up killing a lunatic for fear of losing their leadership to a stronger werewolf. A lunatic werewolf may decide to make his own pack as well. However, this is rare, as lunatics prefer solitude. If a pack does adopt them, they always end up becoming the alpha as werewolves do not like taking orders from those weaker than them.

A lunatic also has the ability to call nearby canines to his aid. It can make them do his bidding even in human form.

Silver does not disorient a lunatics vision, nor does Wolf's bane overwhelm its sense of smell. However, both are dangerous to it when used as weapons.


• Supernatural Strength

• Supernatural Speed

• Supernatural Agility

• Supernatural Smell

• Supernatural Hearing

• Supernatural Vision

• Supernatural Endurance

• Supernatural Reflexes

• Supernatural Stamina

• Night Vision

• Greater Healing Factor

• Natural Weather Immunity

• Predator Instinct

• Lunar Empowerment

• Berserk Anger Empowerment

• Semi-immortality

• Summon canines

• Canine Control


Now we tread into the truly mythical and legendary waters. Lunatics and lycans are fairly common...but a silverback is very, very rare. These are colossally stronger than any other werewolf before them. Regarded as the natural alpha of any pack, a silverback is a werewolf with voluntary control over its transformation. But unlike a lycan, a silverback will shift into a bipedal wolf. Much larger than a lunatic's transformation.

A silverback is a thing of legends, even among werewolves. They are very, very dangerous creatures with very few weaknesses. Silver and wolf's bane has no effect on them. Their healing capabilities far outweighs any damage they might receive. Conventional weapons won't even work on them; only highly enchanted weapons would be able to leave a mark.

A silverback can be identified by its characteristic silver back. No matter the color of the fur, a silverback werewolf will always have a thick coat of silver on his back. Silverbacks are some of the most dangerous and powerful creatures, not only among werewolves, but the entire supernatural order. Silverbacks will very rarely be created through bite; almost all the cases of silverbacks have been through birth.

A silverback's howl will summon all werewolves who hear him to his location. This ability can be very deadly, as someone who is stupid enough to take on a silverback will not even have a chane to touch him as the other werewolves will rip him apart.

A silverback can dominate other werewolves into doing his bidding in his werewolf form. This also includes lunatics. No matter how deranged the lunatic may be, a silverback can bring him to order. Some hypothesize this is because silverbacks are meant to be the natural alphas of all werewolves and the lesser werewolves cannot go against their alphas.


• Supernatural Strength

• Supernatural Speed

• Supernatural Agility

• Supernatural Smell

• Supernatural Hearing

• Supernatural Vision

• Supernatural Endurance

• Supernatural Reflexes

• Supernatural Stamina

• Night Vision

• Greater Healing Factor

• Natural Weather Immunity

• Predator Instinct

• Lunar Empowerment

• Berserk Anger Empowerment

• Semi-immortality

• Summon Canines

• Canine Control

• Werewolf Howl Summon

• Werewolf domination

• Dead canines necromancy

• Forcible lunatic reversion to human form

Arch Silverbacks

The last type of werewolves; the ultimate forms. Arch silverbacks are so rare, so legendary, that even werewolves sometimes deny their existence. These creatures are no ordinary supernaturals. They are extremely, and one means extremely dangerous creatures.

Arch Silverbacks have a complete silver fur coat. Their eyes always shine blue. Arch Silverbacks are a lot more magical than their other brethren. Whereas the other werewolves have magical blood, Arch Silverbacks can innately use that magic to summon wolf spirits. Spirits that can guide, protect, and inform an Arch Silverback on all matters they have seen or can see.

The ability to count on spirits would turn them deadly as is, but Arch Silverbacks also far outclass any other werewolves. Their physical prowess is such, that it is said that they are the only werewolves who can actually kill a Master Vampire. In fact, there is one such recorded case where a Master Vampire was killed by an Arch Silverback werewolf. This catapulted their legend to unimaginable heights.

Arch Silverbacks have the unique ability to simulate a full-moon for other werewolves, making them stronger. They can also reanimate dead werewolves to do their bidding. It should be noted that reanimating any dead supernatural is next to impossible, but an Arch Silverback can revive his brethren's corpse in the middle of battle.

If silverbacks are the natural alpahs, Arch Silverbacks are the natural kings. An Arch Silverback can dominate werewolves in his human form. Their werewolf form is huge; towering easily 12 feet, it can match a Master Vampire in speed and strength.

Arch Silverbacks are very, very rare. There are no recorded cases of ones even being born in the past hundred years. Even if there were, all werewolves always come together to hungrily protect the secret from the entire world, especially vampires. Vampires always tend to kill any Arch Silverbacks that they ever hear of for fear of threat to their Master. However, the current Master Vampire is surprisingly lax on this part.


• Supernatural Strength

• Supernatural Speed

• Supernatural Agility

• Supernatural Smell

• Supernatural Hearing

• Supernatural Vision

• Supernatural Endurance

• Supernatural Reflexes

• Supernatural Stamina

• Night Vision

• Greater Healing Factor

• Natural Weather Immunity

• Predator Instinct

• Lunar Empowerment

• Berserk Anger Empowerment

• Immortality

• Summon Canines

• Canine Control

• Werewolf Howl Summon

• Complete Werewolf domination

• Dead canines necromancy

• Forcible lunatic reversion to human form

• Forcible activation of lunatic's werewolf form

• Dead werewolves necromancy

• Werebeasts Domination

• Turn Lycan into Lunatic through bite

• Summon Wolf Spirits

• Full moon simulation ability


Alphas are those werewolves who are the strongest in a pack. Once the pack accepts the werewolf as their leader, the werewolf's powers grow. Of course, another werewolf can come and defeat this alpha, stripping him of his powers.

The way to identify an alpha is through his eyes. Unlike the normal werewolf eyes, an alphas eyes are reversed in color; the pupils of an alpha turn black while the white sclera of their eyes changes color. There is no set color of the eyes that alphas have, it can be whatever, but the design is the same; colored sclera with black pupils. It is a small difference but it is the distinguishing factor when one is faced with an entire pack of werewolves.


Omegas are those werewolves with no packs and no alphas. The lone wolves are called as Omegas. These are usually weaker since they don't belong to a pack, but if an omega spends enough time alone, it is said his power increases to match that of an alpha. Of course, the alpha has other werewolves who help him during battle, hence making him, ultimately, stronger, but in terms of raw strength, this is one theory.


Wendigos are supernatural ghouls. They feed on human flesh. In fact, they can only feed on human flesh. Almost all other food is harmful to them.

Wendigos are the bottom rung of the supernatural order. They are shunned by all other supernatural creatures, and humans always want their heads. Their existence is a little more widely accepted in the human world. Dragonhearts and Hunters will of course, never deny their existence.

A wendigo can look like a human. They tend to look thin, but they have a ravenous hunger for human flesh. A wendigo has a ghoul form. Their spine extends and curves a little bit, their hands and nails grow longer. A wendigo in a ghoul form will tend to walk on all fours. His jaw will open right down to the base of his neck, revealing sharp, shark-like teeth all the way down. Their tongues is also a dangerous weapon they use to lash out with. A wendigos eyes, when they shift, look as if a white web has come over the entire eye. It can glow a bit in the dark, but the webbing itself is enough to give a grown man nightmares. A normal human should always avoid a fight with a wendigo, for other supernaturals may outclass them, but to a human, a wendigo is still very, very dangerous.

Not much is known about wendigos, as they are constantly hunted or shunned. There are a few noteworthy things about their culture. Apparently, talking while eating (human flesh as) food is considered very rude. Young wendigos are taught this from a very young age. However, the young ones are thrown out into the world very quickly. They do not have the concept of family like most other supernaturals do. If a wendigo is willing to share his kill with someone, they will eat together. If the wendigo does it daily, they'll eat together daily (since refusing a meal is also considered rude). A male wendigo can be savage when he wants to find a mate. The females also don't mind whatever the male does to them, as long as they can eat while it is going on. Of course, this all portrays wendigos as animals, but it should be noted that this is all anecdotal. There has been a case of a well known, and kind lord being discovered as wendigo but that was quickly covered up.

Wendigos are weak to silver and, for some reason, certain symbols from certain gods. Although, conventional weapons can harm a wendigo; this can be meaningless though, since they heal very quickly. Unless the attacker cuts the head or neck, it is next to impossible to kill a wendigo with a conventional sword or ax. Wendigos get stronger the colder it is.

It should be noted this entry in the beastiary is not to be taken as complete. There have been reported cases of wendigos far stronger than initially thought, some even taking down a couple of werewolves single-handedly. There is a theory that Enhanced Wendigos may exist, but this still remains largely unproven and unresearched, hence their hypothetical entry has been eliminated.


• Supernatural Strength

• Supernatural Speed

• Supernatural Agility

• Supernatural Smell

• Supernatural Endurance

• Supernatural Reflexes

• Supernatural Stamina

• Lesser Healing Factor

• Voice mimicry

• Hunger Empowerment

• Cold Empowerment

• Infinite Digestibility

• Human Disease Immunity

• Cannibalistic Empowerment (Theoretical Only)